Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1923)
TH E H ERM ISTON H ER A LD , HERM ISTO N, O REGO N. 50 In the Name of the State of Ore LODGE DIRECTORY HELMETS GUARD IN RIVER WHEN CRABS gon, You are hereby required to STANDS ueen sther chapter n ®. mm . o . b . appear and answer the complaint fil Q me»t* E second Members ef Popular Lobster Family, Tuesday erenin« e f each aataUl ed in the above entitled suit within “•oldlar of th* Bronx,1* in Faded at 8:00 sharp in Maaonic hail Visiting at Makar« Whan Vary Young, Wtar Blue, Has Kept Thirty- welcome. Minnie E. Stewart. W. M. six weeks from the first publication Spiked Cap. Kathryn L. Gamer. Sec Year Vigil. of this summons, and you will take notice that if you fail to answer or You can see from his legs and daws, V IN E Y A R D LODGE NO. t 0 S .L O ._ O . r . Booth of the new bridge that spans v meet« each Monday even in« la Odd Fslknra plead herein within that time, the the Bronx river at Gun Hill rood, the and from hla armor-plated suit, that hall. Visiting members cordially invited. the crab is related to the lobster. But plaintiff, for want thereof, will ap Soldier of the Bronx still maintains W. R. Longhorn. Sec. J. A. Reeves. N. G. ply to the above entitled court for the solitary vigil in the river. If the what has happened to his tail? It is there all right, but he wears it tucked RECLAMATION LODGE No. 1«T. K. the relief prayed for in plainiff’s Inscription of 1893 on his pedestal is up underneath him. Turn him on his of P , meet« each Thursday even in« in authentic he has been on duty 30 complaint filed in said cause, to-wit: Mack's Hail, at 7:30 P. M. VMM»« back and you will see it. MR. FARMER— brothers cordially invited. for a decree and judgment against years. The blue has almost faded In his young days the crab is ilka W. H McMillan R. A. Browaaaa. Now is the time to have your hay from his military cloak, leaving bare K. R. and S. G. C. defendant Allen Umatilla Fruit Com the graying wood. a tadpole, except that ho has on his Insured against a moral hazzard. It pany for *136.06 with interest The figure Is a ltfe-alze replica of head what looks like a little round lia sheen cut down to one word, G E N U IN E thereon at the rate of 7 per cent a Civil war soldier. It stands on a lielmet provided with a long sharp PROFESSIONAL CARDS namely, "Fire," which can be caused spike. At this time of his life he per annum from March 1, 1919 an stone pedestal In the shallow waters from a number of things such as *351.11 with interest thereon a f lh e of the Bronx river. The stream Is swims about actively. lightning, spontaneous combustion, Presently ho sheds the skin he is DR. FRACIS P. A D A M S DURHAM rate of 7 per, cent per annum from narrow at the spot and one can ap wearing, and emerges a totally differ and the careless smoker. TOBACCO March 1, 1919 and *75.00 attorney's proach close to the statue from either ent creature. The spiked cap has Physician and Surgeon The cost is so small that you can. fees on plaintiff’s first cause of suit; bank. Eyes treated, tested and Glasses Fitted gone; the eyes that formerly were not afford to be withoutit. Speculation as to the reason for the Office over First National Bant for *136.07 with interest thereon at flush with his bead are now mounted You can alwayg call a doctor after OFFICE PHONE, 92 the rate of 7 per cent per annum statue's existence and position in the on stalks. The tail has grown long RESIDENCE PHONE. 60S river has given rise to several you are sick, but it is too late to from March 1, 1919 and *351.11 with legends. Probably there Is a bit of er, and It Is armed with a row of Office Hours: 9 to’12 a. m.f 2 m. call an insurance agent after your Day or night calls aifewelW tfTOhptty interest thereon at the rate of 7 per truth in each. According to one ac swimming paddles. hay has burned. At the next change of skin the body cent per annum from March 1, 1919 count a wood carver who lived In a and *75.00 attorney's fees upon cottage with rear garden extending to is shorter and broader and the tall is DR. W. W. ILLSLEY smaller. Successive ''moults’’ bring I am now prepared to do haul plaintiff's second cause of action and the water’s edge set the statue In the him gradually nearer and nearer to Office over First National Bank ing the costs and disbursements in this river as a distinctive touch to mark his Anal shape, and eventually he Osteopathy Medicine Surgery Trips made to the country. suit, and for the costs and expenses his place. tucks his tall under him, adopts a Calls answered at all hours H erm isto n , O regon Whatever his origin the Soldier of sideways gait, and becomes the crab I solicit a share of your patron Office phone 661 Residen of the foreclosure and sale of the m the Bronx stands in the river through age property hereinafter described, and time and the works of the perk way as we know him. for a decree foreclosing plaintiff’3 commission have changed the section Dr. R. G. GALE, Surgeon mortgage upon the Northeast Quarter roundabout. The weather has rough DRINK WATER AT CEREMONY Location In Telephone Building of the Northwest Quarter of the ened his contours a bit, but neverthe FOR SALE—Good purebred bred Southeast Quarter of Secion 33, Tp. less he remains at his solitary post— Members of Royal Family and Offi Telephone 931, Day or Night sows. *25.00 each. H. J. Still 5 N. R. 29 E. W. M. and its mort New York Times. cials Partlclpato In Program Office Hours: 10 to 11:30 A. M ., 2 ings. 52-tfc gage upon the Souheast Quarter of at Bangkok. to 5 P. M. the Northwest Qurater of the South May Blossom. T he H erald publishes ITALIAN PRUNES— Canning or for Twice a year a water-drinking cere WHEN IN The May blossom is the subject of east Quarter of Section 33, Tp. 5 N. mony takes place In the principal tem- j drying, ripe on trees. 2c lb. de more genuine paid want R. 29 E. W. M., and ordering said some curious superstitions. Both the pie near the royal palace in Bangkok, D R . F . V . P R IM E P E N D L E T O N livered, less if you pick them. black and white thorn are said to be ads than any other premises sold, and that the said Slam. On this occasion all the mem- , MAKE YOUR C. L. Upham, 3 mi. east. descended from the thorn of India, Dentistry mortgages upon said premises be de paper published in a city which, being sprung from lightning, is Sers of the royal family, as well as j HKALQOA RTBRS Dental X-Ray and Diagnosis Reo car for sale -price *150. N. creed to be a first lien on the lands not only immune from danger in a the military and civil officials, gather ( — AT— of the same size in East In the temple, and each in turn pre Bank Bid«. Office Pbopa, 9s W. Bloom. 50-4to described therein, and that the rights thunderstorm, but possesses many sents himself before the king, making Hermiston, Oregon of each of said defendants in and to magical gifts, a recent writer tells us. Residan«« Phooi Til ern Oregon. W E S T E R N A U T O CO. a profound obeisance, falling on his I a«. Those wishing Delicious apples said premises be foreclosed and the The leaves from it are believed by knees, and then drinking of the water Cottonwood and Watr Sts. THERE’S A REASON . should get them at once. Bring said premises sold and the proceeds mnny people to be a cure for all contained In the golden Jar, In which ! COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE W. J. W A RN ER your own containers. *2.00 per from he sales applied as provided cases of inflammation, while a bough are soaked spear-heads and other in Tires— Tubes— Accessories of blossoms hung at the door Is safe box. R. A. Stewart. 52-2tc by law and for such other and fur struments of war, and sprinkling It Attorney-at-Law ALWAYS OPEN PHONE 530 ther relief as the Court may deem guard against witches, but the blos on his forehead. som should not be taken into the Tom Swearingen, Mgr. FOR SALE—14 milch cows, 10 just and proper. This is the great oath day, and for- I house lest it bring disease with it. Hermiston : ; : Oregon calves and cream separator, 2 mi. This summons is published pur Many old countrymen will not cut merly the officials on taking the oath southwest of Umatilla on Dobler suant to an order of the Hon. Gil down a hawthorn bush. They do not were paid the next six months' salary ! C A T A R R H A L D E A F N E S S place. J. W. Christopherson. 2tp bert W. Phelps, judge of the above know why, though actually they are In a lump sum, says the Detroit News. is often caused by an Inflamed conditlor M c K enzie & lieuallen The officials who live far from Bang of the mucous lining of the Eustachlar entitled court duly made and enter perpetuating an old belief that the kok, and cannot personally present Tube. When this tube Is Inflamed you Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat For Sale—90 acres on Diagonal ed on the 10th day of September, bush is sacred, because from it the themselves before the royal presence, nave a rumbling sound or Imperfect Has removed from his former location in the hearing. Unie.’, the inflammation can crown of thorns was made. FOR SALE road. Joins city limits. Will cut 1923, directing that publication gather In the office of the chief func be reduced, your hearing m ay be de Bond Rid«, to tionary of the locality, where the holy I stroyed forever Rooms 1, 2 11 nd 3 Inland Empire Bank Bid«. to suit and give terms to suit or herein be made once a week for a HALL’S CATARRH M EDICINE will The Advance Guard. water has been sent from Bangkok, do what w e claim for it—rid your system FOR SALE— Household goods, rab will trade for city property. E. D. period of six consecutive weks in Pendleton :: Oregon A Scottish minister in a country and go through a similar process of of Catarrh or D eafness caused by th Hermiston Herald, and the first H ALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE bits and chickens. A. T. Brunner, Mossie. 14tc parish, whose post was very unremun- drinking and sprinkling. It Is said Catarrh. has been successful in the treatment of publication hereof is made pursuant eratlve, was promoted to the more that of late years some of the foreign Catarrh on the old Shelleday place. 2-1 tp DR. THEO. BELETSKI, for over F orty Years. Sold by all druggists. FORD DELIVERY car for sale or I to said order this 13th daY of spPt_ desirable one of chaplain to a prison employees have been taking part In F. Veterinarian J. Cheney & Co.. Toledo, O. FOR SALE— DeLaval separator, in In a large town. This caused annoy- the function, to testify their loyalty Treats all Domestic Animate. Inter trade. Will consider honey, city ember, 1923. good condition, No. 15. E. T. ance to his congregation, as they had to the Siamese monarch. state Stock Inspector W. J. Warner, lots. See Earl Kingsley. 2-tfc Buck, Rt. 3-A. 2-ltp Attorney for Plaintiff. considerable difficulty In finding a successor. However, the minister re P. O. Address: Hermiston, Ore. l-7tc fused to give up his appointment, and SEE Object of “Round Robin." LARGE ROUND DINING TABLE for “Round robin” Is a name often given in consequence there was a good deal MISCELLANEOUS sale, very cheap. Call 22-M 2tfc IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE of ill-feeling between himself and his lo a petition signed by a number of ; parishioners. They showed their re persons In circular form. By putting STATE OF OREGON FOR FOR SALE—An improved 20 acre sentment in mnny ways, but the min the signatures In a circle undue prom ranch 3 1-2 miles from Hermiston FOR RENT TO RELIABLE PARTY UMATILLA COUNTY ister waited patiently until the time inence to any particular person Is for particulars see C. H. Skinner. -—Wheat ranch stocked and equip In the Matter of the Estate of Ben arrived for him to preach his fare avoided. This method Is often em 1-tfc. jamin Thompson Locke, Decased. <<zc cp ped, summer fallow ready for seed well sermon. Then he chose as his ployed when the leaders of a secret Notice to creditors. 3% ton Public Truck for sale cheap. Residence second house west of the ing; seed furnished. J. II. DeMoss, text: “I go to prepare a place for undertaking for redress of grievances — FOR— are afraid to sign their names at the , Now on good gravel job. Also has _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Catholic church. Phone, 82-R. half nil. west Columbia school. It Notice is hereby given to all per vou.” top of the list on a protest or remon- i flat rack for hauling wheat or sons whom it may concern that Wil strance sent to one in authority. It a baled hay. Inquire this office. Such a Quaatlon. 13-tfc. AT STUD — Toggerburg Hornless liam R. Locke has been appointed Mrs. Mulcahy—An' why did yez keep round robin Is properly signed it Is I Buck, Encaria Laberader No. administrator of the estate of Benja Mickey in after school? BERT MULLENS Impossible to detect which signatures FOR SALE—Six head of cows. B. 12860; sire Montgomery D. No. min Thompson Locke, deceased. All Teacher—I asked him who George were placed on the paper first. The J. Nation. 43-tfc The Particular Barber 1805; Dam El Chivers Marna No. persons having claims against the Washington was and he only stood principle Is similar to that which caused the legendary King Arthur to 1497. Service *10, or two for said estate are required to present and looked at me. FOR SALE— One and a half ton Max Mrs. Mulchay—It’s dumfounded the seat his knights at a round table. Ac *15. Geo. H. Perry, Box 83, Echo, them with proper vouchers and duly — AND— Shop at Siscel’s Confectionery well truck, A -l condition. In poor b'y was at yer Ignorance.—Bos cording to tradition Arthur's council Ore. Inquire at Echo Flour verified as required by law to the table was semi-circular In form and ton Transcript. quire at Neil’g Garage. 39-tfc Mills. 1-tfc said administrator at the law office each knight present was the same dis of Peterson. Bishop and Clark, Smith- tance from the distinguished king. '■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a Polands for Profits. Stillings. 37tf Dr. H. C. Curry, Eyesght Specialist, Sticking Close to Hit Job. The round table was to avoid Jealousy Crawford Building, Pendleton, Ore Retired Auctioneer—And what can of Seattle, who makes regular gon, within six months of the date among the different members of n ■We Give S. & H. Trading Stamps* FOR SALE— A bargain in a gentle vistts to Hermiston, will be here of the first publication of this not you give my daughter? company—the round robin Is to pro Prospective Son-In-Law—A thousand tect the leaders of a possibly danger team, harness and wagon, for soon. Watch paper for date. 51-tc ice which is Thursday, the 30th day dollars a year allowance, an auto, a ous enterprise. *150. Inquire at this office. 42tf of August, 1923. country mansion— FOR RENT— Furnished room. Mrs. Retired Auctioneer (absent-minded WILLIAM R. LOCKE, ITALIAN PRUNES of fine quality C. H. Skinner. 61-tfc TYPEWRITER Ribbons and carbon Administrator. ly - s o ld . and a good crop, ready about Sept. paper for sale at the Herald. Peterson, Bishop and Clark, 1. Come and get your fall supply FOR RENT— Small alfalfa farm, Read the Wand Ada. Read the Wand Ads. 61-5c and please bring your own con house, orchard, berries, etc. J. H. Attorneys for Administrator. tainers. Orchard is 2 1-2 miles Reid. 24 tfc. TAKEN UP NOTICE north of Hermiston, Oregon. E. I. Davis. 4 8-tfc BEE SUPPLIES at the Second Hand Notice is hereby given that I have a Store. SI-tfc taken up and kept for about five a a FOR SALE— 4« head of good work days at my ranch, sventeen miles horses. Also some good milch WANTED— Men or women to take southeast of Hermiston the following B Our new brick shoe store is now open B orders for genuine guaranteed hos described animals: On gray geld cows. F. W. Lenz, Hermiston. 48-5p B with a new line of goods. See us for « iery for men, women and children. ing about 15 years old, brand W, ■ ■ WOOL CREPES $2.00 M SHOE REPAIRING ■ FOR SALE— Winter banana apple3, Eliminate darning. Salary *75 a one brown mare about 12 or 14 yrs., * OAK TAN SHOE STORE » *1.25 per hundred. B. J. Nation. week full time, *1.50 an hour brand WL, one bay mare, about 10 WOOL RATINE 3.00 ‘Boys— Girls— ‘Parents 51-tfc spare time. Beautiful spring line. years old, no brand. '* Sam Rodger», Prop. * STORM SERGE........................... 1.00 Internatonal Stocking Mills, Nor Said animals will be sold, unless I B B flB lllflB a B B B I flB B s 'l ristown, Pa. 41-10tc redeemed, at public auction to the FOR SALE— Pears at the Robb orch FRENCH SERGE 2.50 ard, *1.00 per box. Chester highest bidder for csah in hand on FANCY SUITINGS 2.50 to 4 50 Wright. 51-tfc STACKER POLES now on hand at the 29th day of September, 1923, at — the $3 P en , alm ost like the Inland Empire Lumber Co. 44-tfc the above dcecribd ranch, at 10 $7 Duofold m ade especially for o’cock a. m. Want Ads Bring Results the younger folks. The SEE G L BENNETT for Auction- Dated at Hermiston on this 12th erring. Phone 42F2. 26-tfc. FOR SALE OR TRADE— 30 stands day of September, 1923. C O N F E C T IO N E R Y — a b ran d -n ew , h ig h -g r a d ., of bees for good Ford car. O. E. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES AND Signed: Jesse Goff flashing black p .n with a beau S T A T IO N E R Y •TH E BEST O F CO O D SERVICE” Guisinger. 52-2tp INSURANCE. J. M. BIGGS, RE tiful fluted grip at a price that ALTOR. 26-tfc UMATILLA RAPID TRANSIT CO. w on’t break your Dad if you happen to lose I t A pen so good FOR SALE OR RENT— A five room you hand it dow n to tha next in house with sleeping Jiorch and fur Operating Stages Between Pendleton your fam ily-line w hen you ’re Get a photograph coupon at Ore nace. Also a combination writ read y to b u y th e fa m o u s and Umatilla 60-tfc lacquer-red Duofold with the ing desk and book case. Mrs. gon Hdw. & Impi. Co. 2)-year p o in t Augusta Creasy. 1-tfc P ell A Smith, Umatilla, Oregon Ask about Photograph Coupons at *TXe “ Tadfcrr D. Q ." tan, or rhorclorgt ring or p o id ilcltp , Schedule Effective June 1, 1923 50-tfc o l »3 — » « f i n a l firn O rtr FOR SALE— Cow that at prsent is Oregon Hdw. & Impi. Co. p r n d r e td f o r I S t o e r t j , Coon in and t t t it lo d o j. giving 4 gallons of milk. Fresh Leave — A. M. P. M. P . M. Subscribe For The Herald again in December. Price *75. Pendleton........ . 8:09 12:01 4:00 W M . H. OGDEN, ADDING machine rolln at the Herald Echo................. R. O. Horning. 9:15 1:15 5:15 office. JEWELER AND WATCHMAKER Stanfield ....... .. 9:36 1:35 6:35 “Gifts that Last” Pure Bred Jersey bull, St. Mawes Hermiston . .. .. 9:55 1:35 6:35 TYPEWRITER ribbons and carbon stock, for sale or trade, horses, Ar. Umatilla .... 10:15 2:15 6:15 paper at the Herald office. hogs or poultry. Gaylord M. aaeaaaaaaaaaaB B aaam Leave — A. M. P. M. P. M. V 7O U a re in t e r e s t e d Madison. R. F. D. No. 1. l-9tp a J. L. VAUG H AN ® Photograph Coupons are free at Umatilla ....... .. 8:00 12:15 5:00 50-tfc Hermiston __ .. 8:20 12:35 5:20 m ain ly in securing ex * E lectric Fixture» ¡J FOR SALE—Concord grapes, de Oregon Hdw. A Impl. Co. News stand Stanfield ....... .. 8:45 1:00 5:45 livered or pick them yourself. » and Appliance» B cellent service at m oderate Cigars and Tobacco IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE Echo.............. ... 9:00 1:15 6:00 Special price on culls from pack * Fhaaa 139 B Ar. Pendleton 10:15 2:30 7:15 * 203 ■. C o u r t S t. F o n d la to n , O r a . a STATE OF OREGON FOR UMA ing. F. P. Phipps. l-3tc cost. A ja x Cords are doing GOOD CIGARETTES |C H A Y IN SU R A N C E “B ull " H A U L IN G F. B. Swayze, Agent George Challis NOTICE! WANT ADS HITT °* GUNS AMMUNITION A FULL LINE N EW F A L L G O O D S N O W IN Get T his N ew Schoolm ate Today! $5 Hermiston Produce & Supply Co. “Parker D.Q.” Krause’s Chocolates A 3A K Bur-Bee Bars The Best in Candies TILLA COUNTY FOR SALE— Delicious apples. Siark The Hermiston Company, a corpo Bros variety, the original. See ration. Plaintiff. vs. F. M. Guiwits for your wants. The Allen Umatilla Fruit Com 1-tfc pany, a corporation; Fort Wayne Fruit Company, a corporation: Ar FOR SALE at McNurlin ranch, one thur F. Warriner and Mary E. War mile west — of Umatilla, one roan riner. his wife. Defendants. mare safe for women or children Summons. to ride or drive, also three spring To the Allen Umatilla Fruit Com two seat hack, harness, saddle, pany. a corpora Ion; Fort Wayne bridle, etc.; have no use for them Fruit Company, a corporation; Ar thur F. Warrlaer and Mary E War- as farm Is sold. rtner, his wife. Defendants. Pead The Herald W ait Ads. Sunday Schedule Leave Umatilla, *:00 A. M. Leave Pendleton, 5:00 P. M. this and more for thousands o f car owners. " a a a a a B B i i a a a a B i i i a a s ¡ .■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a a a a ^ D O IT N O W : CALL 254 : S For Hauling s s ” T. H. Gaither ’»Ve Need the Money ■ ■ a FARES Umatilla to Pendleton, round trip. *3.25. Hermiston to Pendleton, round trip, *2.80. Stanfield • to Pendleton, round trip, *2.35. Echo to Pendleton, *1.00; trip, *180. *1.75; A JA X C O R D , R O A D K IN G , P A R A G O N *1.60: *1.25; round K E L L O G G & SC H IM K E Send u» the price o f a y e a r’’ ¡ubscription if you are in arrears J’ ¡Hermiston Auto Co., Hermiston, Ore. MMCF. YOUR WANTS KNOWN TRY THE HERALD 'WANT ADS” D ray and Tran sfer S g 1 aaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaaai ■