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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1923)
TO E fflip ^rrmtflítut ferali» Published every Thursday at Her- ■listen, Umatilla County, Oregon by Kaymond Crowder, Editor and Man- a<er. Entered as second class matter, December 1906 at the postoffice at Hermiston. Oregon. To know how good a cigarette really can be mac you must try a- IE E D M IS T O N H E R A L D , • H E R M IS T O N , MAKING AND FAKING OF GEM'S HUMANITY OF JACK LONDON Counterfeiter Finde Diamond Most Wonderful of Precious Stone* and Hardest to Im itate. “Two Bit»“ Sought by Derelict Shorn Yellow Under Bright Street Lights. OHEGOJT. (■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I ■ ■ 5 On October 16 there ■ ■ ■ will be an ■ ■ THACKERAY AND THE MOVIES Aember of School Class Says His Novel “Gives a Picture” of Time of Queen Elizabeth. I once walked with Jack London When buying stocks, Jewelers have A clftss in a certain school In tb s always to be on their guard. Im ita through the tenderloin section ol Los tions made from glass may be ignored, Angeles, where the fragm ents of men •Ity was reading the biography of >Vil- for even the finest reproduction would were huddled. As we stood on tin iain Makepeace Thackeray. The Lp- not puss the most elementury test— I corner an aged vagrant walked up to sou was an intensive one, and the ob l us as softly as w.nd blowing over a ject was to reud a paragraph,' then Subscription Rates that of the file—for hardness. give every point it contained. For One Year -----------------lt.OO Perhaps the cleverest counterfeits grave. One boy hud recited In full sup “I ’lease, mister," lie said to Jack, of gents have been constructed in For Sis Months ........ .... .......... gl.Ot posedly, when Clifford became much "kin 1 have the price of a tlopj” laboratories where the exact chem Payable In Advance. London stood, ids white slnrt open concerned as indicated by his wry ical constituents of the real stone are at the throat, LtiSxbiack Windsor tie face and »□ eagerness to be heard. taken and fused together under great Classified or Local Advertising “He left out a very im portant point,” heat. The urtlele produced, when cut, knotted low on his breast, a faint 10 cen ts per lin e for firs t insertion. weary smile playing over his hand he said. ‘ IT'S TOASTED", polished, and set, possesses in an ex M inim um ch arg e 25 cents. Subse The class members registered dis traordinary degree the harduess, dur some face. “Sure," be said, "here’s q uen t in sertio n s 5 cents per line. approval on their countenances and ability, and luster of N ature's own two bits.” The vagrant's scrawny hand negative nods here and there. Clif- •tones. T b ? sapphire and the ruby h a v e 1 clutched at the coin, which shone ycl- ‘’<” ‘1 bristled slightly at the idea of dis- UNCLE SAM THE BIG BROTHER been very successfully counterfeited, unv^er tbe lj .ut. T hut Isn t a ‘ T h ere a re natio n s w ho w ill arg u e lle dkl •» ou‘ an Important _ __ _ but the drawback to this method of Quarter, mister, it's five bucks.’’ "No. It Isn’t,” answered Jack, con point,” he urged, insistently, w ith Uncle Sam over boundary TSlNAN-FU, CITY OF CHARM reproduction is its expense and the 1 fused; “take it and beat It, or I’ll j “What was r h a t r asked the teacher, _______ long process Involved. The stones rig h ts and hold a dlfferenceof o p in call a cop." "T hat Thackeray was in the moving produced in tlds way are invariably , Walled Chinese Municipality of 300r ion concerning v a rio u , o th er m at Tlie derelict tottered quickly down picture business,” replied the boy. The I sold as “synthetic gems.” 000 People, Meet Attractive te rs but th ere is o n e th in g th a t they snickered in spots, and It was Another method, and one to which the street in abject fear of I lie great- i to Tourleta. all seem to agree upon and look to the term “faking” might be applied, est man Ids own underworld bail pro necessary for the teacher to intercede, dueed, and wiio^o name lie was never " here did you read that, Clifford?” him to do and th a t is th e feeding At the land end of the Shantung has been used to obtain tlie emerald and tak e care of th e h u n g ry and railway lies Tsinan-fu, a most inter and aquamarine. For this purpose to know. The bubo's disappearance , s*le sstitj. brought a temporary stillness. All With flourish and decision he homeless w hen floods, earth q u ak es esting walled city of 800,000 luhabi- ordinary rock crystal Is used. about us were decrepit figures, tlie Promptly opened his book and read: This stone is cut in the same man tunts. It swarms with picturesque and o th er catastro p h es is visited u p shriveled ghosts that each of us might ‘"Thaekery’s novel, ‘Henry Esmond,’ and malodorous coolie life and boasts ner as an emerald or aquamarine have been. Jack broke the silence gives a picture of the time of Queen on th e land. would be cut. It is then split, color W hen h te cry for help comes from of many oriental allurem ents that ing m atter is inserted, and the stone with the title of one of Gorky's books. Anne.” across th e iw atejs U ncle Sam re charm the traveler, who never ceases is then carefully rejoined with invis- “C reatures tiiat once were men,” he —— to be enthusiastic. Although not vis- spond,, w ith foodstuffs, clo th in g and ited by many tourists today, it may cement, with tire result that the s a id ; and then, ns if in a pathetic WAS JUST LIKE THE REST — - iother articles to allev iate th e su ffe r eventually become a popular place for once-transparent crystal becomes a afterthought. he murmured, “Poor in g th a t follows in th e wake of seekers after the curious. rich-colored gem of enhanced value. devils, they’ll never have to go to Teacher in Small Town Finds Every One Related to Every Few Chinese cities are more fasd- , dealing with diamonds tlie coun- hell.”—Jim Tully in International these disasters. T ru ly U ncle Sam Book Review. One Else. natlng. A magnificent wall surrounds terfelter is up agulnst the most won- m ay be called th e big b ro th er of the the city, which is eloquent of the derful of N ature’s gems. The vurl- world. I went to a small town to teach greutness qf the past. There are sev- ° ’is efforts of scientists have met with WHAT POSY FETALS TELL school, and found that every one eral Imposing gateways through which absolute failure, or success in such an Infiniteslniul degree as to make the "Every Daisy in the Dell Knows tils seemed to be related to every one else. all traffic must pass. The flowing SPEAKING OF ALIBIS That cut me off from uli chance for waters of welling springs assist won production ludicrous. Secret, Knows It friendly gossip, for one could never tell W hen we read of th e d ifferen t re a derfully in the sanitation of the city, Well.” when she would be gossiping in front eons given by Mr. F irpo for not both In cleansing the streets and the W INDING GRAINS OF TREES Probably most people have, nt some of some adoring aunt or cousin. cleaning up on Dempsey d u rin g th eir bodies of the inhabitants. Almost all I was explaining this, laughingly, to recent go. we are rem inded of a the freight is moved in wheelbarrows. Sections of Red Maple and Sourwood period of their lives, plucked a daisy a girl in the town who had been nice Some of the loads are thus conveyed and, thinking of one of tlie opposite certain p o ltticin a w ho a t one tim a Show Twisting Growth In D if to me. distances of 13 or 20 miles a day. sex, picked tlie petals of the flower ferent Directions. She rem arked: "Yes, that is so, but w as governor of N orth C arolina. Wheelbarrows also handle passenger one by one, saying nt tlie same time, I am one exception—we have no rela D uring h is y ounger days and be traffic. “My lady” frequently returns “He loves m e; he loves me not.” There are two common trees in the fore th e civil w ar he visited a certain from her shopping tour with the bun If tlie last petal picked coincides tives here outside our immediate fam eastern United States which admir com m unity of th e s ta te cam paign dles on one side and herself on the with "lie loves me," ail is well. If with ily—you may gossip to me about any one.’’ ably illustrate In their winding grain “lie loves me not,” all is wrong. ing for a sta le office. In th e course other. Iho opposite tendencies in direction. “Well, the people I want most to Half a dozen people may ride In There are several modifications of o f his speech and a t th e h eig h t of These are the red maple and the sour- this superstition of daisy picking, but gossip about are some newly weds— front of a puffing and perspiring his orato ry he urged th e people of coolie. The wheel is In the center of wood, or sorrel tree. Both trees are It seems to owe its origin to tlie Scan don't know tlieir name, but she calls th e sta te to secede from th e Union by tlie burrow, which aids in balancing distinctly inclined to form a twisting dinavians, observes London Tit-Bits. him ‘darling Donnie dear,’ and they these w ords: “ Let th e n o rth come the load. If It is unusually heavy, growth, and in practically all cases of The very name "of the flower chosen are too silty to be around sane people." “dli,” repili d my friend, “I had for down h ere and try Io w hip us. Yes, another man or boy helps to pnll by pronounced tw isting the maple turns for tills Incantation Is significant of I say let them come. We can lick means of a rope or strap thrown to the left und the sourwood to tlie tlie origin of the superstition—day’s gotten about my brother Don and his across his shoulders. In a very few , right. Not more than one or two eye, Anglo-Saxon, daiges cage—that is wife—they’ve bn n mnrrisd about a them w ith b ean-shoters.” trees in a hundred of either species month, but we don’t think they are In due course of tim e th e state did Instances a mule Is the assistant, but will be found departing from tills rule. tlie s u n ; und looking at the daisy the sillier than anybody else.”—Exchange. reason of its being so named is ap it requires a man to lead the mule. w ithd raw from th e union and fought No very satisfactory attem pt has parent. The mun behind bas the hardest work In the ran k s of ih e confederacy. Pantomime 22 Centuries Old. to do. The knotted muscles of the been made by scientists to explain Freyja, tlie goddess of love In the A fter th e w ar w as over th e saint Tlie word “pantomime” is about man's buck and Hie tense expression why so many plnuts of twining habits old Scandinavian mythologies, and p o litician wan m aking a speech in of his eyes hear witness to the Intense have adopted definite and constant «-pose cult spread over northern tier twenty-two centuries old, says the hvl. home ln the gun_ an)| Cleveland Plain Dealer, It originally th e sam e neighborhood. pliyslcal strain under which he labors. directions of curvature. It Inis been Illnnv ghe ,,iug ________ becaI11H _________ associated in Hie meant an actor and not the act. Lit- ___ wheelbarrow ___________ _ is __ _ _____ the ______ chenpest suggested Hint In some species of _ A long about th e m iddle of th e a 1- The drees some individual In Iho au d i method of transportation In China.— vines the tip of the growing plant is m]nds of lier worsldpers with the erally, the word means the “mime" or Nevin D. W inter In Current History. attracted by and drawn toward the <i„|gy_the flower sun. Therefore it Imitator of everything, and Im itate ence arose and accosted th e speaker . , ------- ï,in i resulting In a left, or “anti-clock- wag m nt ting to consult the daisy everything the old Greek and Roman in thia m an n er: "You a re Just as wlRe,” curvature; while in other spe upon m atters of love. uctors could end did. Tlieir plays were good a ta lk e r as you are a prophet ROADS BUILT OF PLATINUM cies the tip Is repelled by the sun, The altars of Freyja have long usually in dumb show and ipovements causing It to bend to tlie right in a crumbled to dust, but young men and mid gesticula ions t .m ed the actor’s I suppose you have forgotten some years ago th a t you made a statem eln Precious Metal, From Ruins of Elec- “clockwise” fashion. maidens still consult her symbolic chief art. trio Light Bulb Factory, Used Later, the cantei :ie—which now flower to read tlie hearts of tlieir loved from th is platfo rm th e su b stan ce of in Highwaye. act—was con ones, believing, in the words of the has come io mum t The Time Element. w hich w as th a t we could lick the When Jam es A. Garfield was presi popular song, that “Every daisy In the tinued into tlie Middle Ages in the n o rth w ith bean-shooters. Now 1 Gelnhausen, a sleepy town In a a man brought deli knows Hie secret, knows it well.” form of tlie play of Pantaloon, Col h eard you say th is and 1 th in k you quiet German valley, lias become a , dent of Iiirnni , college, , , , . . i umbine and Harlequin—Clown was a ., , . „ ... ,i „ : up bis son to be entered as n student, , , , a re a prize lia r.” T he speaker look verituble treasure chest. Some time ,, later addition—who are supposed by I lie wanted tlie boy to take a course Preparedness. ago a large electric light bulb factory aliorter Hum tlie regular one. ed a t him for a m om ent then ana some scholars to represent the ancient When the iceman came out of the w ered: “ No, I rem em ber m aking there was burned down. The ruins of "My son can never take all those house he found a small boy sitting on dollies of tlie original pantomime. A little later stili, pa. Io oinie hnd turned th is assertion, and I still claim 1 am the building were used to build roads. studies,” said the father. “He wants one of his blocks. In the course of time the price of to get through more quickly. Can’t rig h t. T he devil of It w as th a t they “ ’Ere," he roared, “what nre yer into a ballet, still without words end platinum, a constituent used ln the a-sltting on Hint for? Git off of It.” still centering round L riequln und the refused to fig h t w ith bean-shooters.” manufacture of the bulbs, rose beyond you arrange It for him?” “Oh, yes," said Mr. Garfield. “lie The boy raised a tear-stained face. rest. the drenme of avarice. It . then oc- , can take a short course; It nil depends " W hs you ever a boy?" he Inquired One could alm ost im agine w hal curred to someone to dig In the roads | yo)1 w,|n t ,nnl.e ()f h|m Throws Steer In Fifty-One Seconds. faintly. ,nnke fln onk , , e th e b a ttle of G etty sb u rg Hounded for specks of the precious metal Whcn G(>(, wantg Mandan, S. D.—George Defender, “Of course I was,” said the iceman, like as he lay In bed Sunday m orn which might have been melted by the fakes 100 years, lint He takes only fuming, ‘‘lin t—” famous Indian cowpuncher of For' fire and left in the ruins. two months to make a squash.”—The ing an d listened to th e bang, bang “And did yon never play truant?” Yates, won the "hulldogging” contest Presently the roadway was full of Cliristlun Register. of tlie annual roundup here, bringing put In the youngster. of shotguns. It was the opening of diggers, some of whom enmed ns “Of course I did,” said the Iceman. Ills plunging steer to the ground in 51 the duck season and from th e noise much ns 80,000 marks a day by sell seconds. “Now- (lien, you—’’ Any Battleground Satisfactory. every gun In th is end of Ihe county ing platinum specks they unearthed. ‘‘An’ when you got home did your "Tommy,’’ said a young woman vis w as in action. The owners of the bulb factory itor at his home, “why not come to father take a stick an'—” tore down the new building tney hnd our Sabbath school? Several of your "Sit where you are, my little m an,"1 erected, and, by searching in the ruins said tlie iceman. “I understand.” E v e ry th in g th at glitter,, Isn’t gold. little friends have Joined us lately.” of the old, found enough platinum to Tommy hesitated a moment. Then B u t If it g litte rs stro n g enough you pay for tearing down and rebuilding suddenly: “Does a redheaded kid by Curing a Bad Habit. can run a m ighty Bwell bluff. their fuctory and to pay a handsome the name of Jimmy Brown go to your Very frequently dogs will get into | profit ln addition. PENDLETCZI school ?" the habit of sucking eggs, and once j A New Jersey woman h as applied “Yes, Indeed,” replied the new this Is started it Is usually hard to I Indian Music All Vocal. teacher. for a divorce on Ihe g rounds th at break. Willi some dogs a sound The music of the American Indians "Well, then,” replied Tommy, with whipping or giving them a hot egg will she does not w nnt h er husband. T h ere is a lot more of her sex In th e Is solely and simply vocsl. It seems nn air of interest. "I’ll be there next effect tlie cure. But with others, a SPECIALIST to be generally ugreed by musical au- j Sunday, you bet. I’ve been laying for more severe lesson is necessary. Tlie aamu fix and no doubt th ey will thorltles that the Indians' songs have th at kid for three weeks, and never most effectual remedy is to draw ! w atch w ith breathless in terest th e In them nothing borrowed from Instru knew where to find him.”—Judge. 'n Internal Medicinc 'o~ t t - from an egg some of tlie contents j outcom e of h er caso. past twelve yeit.s ments, nothing of artificial Instigation. through a hole drilled nt one of the j An Indian melody never serves two ends. Then insert In this aperture a I Herring Flour Body-Builder. sels of words. There is no Instance, DOES NOT OPERATE Several years ago, Norwegian, Dan quantity of red pepper, placing the - HOW REED ACQUIRED TITLE It appears, where Hie people have ish and Icelandic Interests erected egg In such n place Hint tlie dog is j sung the different stanxas of a ballad factories In Iceland for the prepara sure to find it. After one or two ex Will be at W hy Famous Speaktr of Houso Was to the same air. A large proportion tion of herring flour. This product is periences llie dog will soon give the . of Indian songs are entirely without eggs a wide berth.—Sportsm an’s Di Given Nsmo “Czar”— Conduct highly prized in Norway os a strength D0RI0N HOTEL words nt all, syllables being employed gest. Called "Russian.** to carry the tones. Perhaps ihe most ening food, containing 70 per cent of TUESDAY, OCT. 2 fat and protein. Much of this flour Julius Chnmbers, at one tim e man striking peculiarity of Indian music is exported to Japan where it is used To Adjust Screws in Wpod or Plaster. Offic*' Horrs: 10 A M to 4 P. M aging editor of Iho New York World, Is the lack of definite pitch. Tlie In • s a fertilizer In connection with flow If you dip n screw Into oil before ONE PAY ONLY telia In hl« hook, "News lim iting on dian begins his song where the n at er growing. A" herring can tie enught applying the screw driver to send It ' T hree Ci Btlnen: i," how Thomas It. ural quality of his voice and his mood In unlimited quantities off Iceland in Into wood, you will find that the Reed, one-time speaker of the house of at the time render it easiest for III in summer time It will he further em screw will go In without the usual No ChaTe for Consultation representatives, inquired tlie title of to sing It. The pitch of the song de ployed for strength-food and oil. By difficulty. When preparing to put a pends upon the Individual.—Washing “O tar." "hardening” the oil can be made both screw into plaster, Bist make a hole When the house of the Fifty-first ton Star. tasteless and odorless, and well adapt In the plaster larger titan tlie screw. I»r. M cllenthin is a re g u la r g rrd - congress organized In Do -ember, 188!». Fill the hole with a paste made of u a te in m edicine and su rg ery and isi ed for m argarine production. Professional Bridesmaid. with tlie narrow majority of HH lie- plaster of paris mixed with alum licensed by th e sta te of Oregon "See that girl?" asked Brown. puhlUans to 1C1 Democrats, Reed, of wnter. Put ill tlie screw, then allow Arma Too Long. Be visits professionally th e m o re| "Yes, 1 see her. What about her?" Maine, was elected speaker. He in- It Io got hard, and tlie screw will be The commonest physical defect In im p o rtan t tow ns and cities and off alsted upon a new code of house rule«. returned Jones. the human race la that Ihe arms are very firmly lodged in tlie plaster. er* to all who call cn th is trip free The Democrat« assisted In passing "That girl has been a bridesmaid disproportionately h ng. '1 Ids effect co nsultation, except th e expense ofj them, probably under the premonition at more Hum 200 weddings," said The Nineteenth Hole. occurs more often ln men than In th a t Heed would em barrass their op Brown. A m erchant and a parson played tre a tm e n t w hen desired. women, and more frequently among ponents. And that was exactly what “Gosh, she must keep her father the colored tliun among the white golf together, and the parson, loarriy At ■ : ’ ng to h is m ethod of he did. One day the speaker Insisted poor. The one time m.v daughter was tre a i . h e does not operate for , always beaten, was growing gloomy. race». on counting a quorum by Including all a bridesmaid, what with flowers, trin "Never mind, father," comforted ch rr p p -n d icitis, gall stonee, u l members present ln the chamber, kets and flumnieiy, It coat me SIX» tlie merchant, “one of these diiys cers i ■' i .omaclr, tonsils or adenoids. I Cornish Language Dead. w hether or not they answered to their plunks.” Ho hits to h is credit w onderful The Inst person who could speak f you'll he preaching my funeral ser nam es at roll call. Several members •’It has never coat this girl’s father Cornlah died toward the end of the in, n and then you can take your re resu lts In diseases of th e stom ach, denounced the arbitrary conduct as un a cent." Inalsted Brown. venge.” liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, democratic, even Russian, in character. "Spring the solution. I don’t begin Eighteenth century, and today the "And at that it wilt be your hole!” language survives only In place names The next morning In the New York to get It." h e a rt, kidney bladder, bed w ettin g , I came Ihe retort morose.—Wayside and in terms used by fishermen and World apiieared the words, "Osar c a ta rrh , weak lungs, rheum atism , 1 "It Is simple enough. She Is nn as Tales. Reed," an Inch high across the front sistant In the office of the marriage Kiners. sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal a il page. license clerk.” Camels Induced to Smoke. m ents. The word« became Indelibly en Minerals of Maine. In Morocco, when the natives are If you have been ailin g for an y | II is Interesting to recall that at one Hr. ring wild camels, they make ienRt graved upon American political his h of tlm e and do no, , ny Aneisnt Ruts Still Adhered To. ( place In Maine, C atherine lliil of taein docile by liuhiclnc them to * - tory. - not ............ - as im proper » There are Interesting survivals in Franklin. Hancock county, there has ’ b e tte r, do fail to call parliament, and the len sd ty with been found every known mineral and *m«ke to h a c o —« cigar, loosely roiled, ra th CeuldnT Diaeeurags Him. . e r th a n disease are <, which ancient customs see guarded In some that, until discovered there, were and placed In the end of a tliree-cop> Rohby wanted a donkey and be had nered piece of wood threugli which a Terj ° r,en ,,1e C,U!* o t jmlT ,o,l< the commons Is evident from th s fact unheard of. Very few people In Mnlne seen on« la a nearby field. that a passenger may not step <«n the today know th at th ere is tin in the hole has been drilled, says the Irish » lan d in g trouble. “What would happen if I stole that R em em ber above date, th a t eon-: floor of the house, and at times lias state and that at one time a tin mine Tobacco T rade Journal. “As so,m as donkey T" he asked his father. to carry out curious forma of gymnas was In operation here Such la the the remet beg us to draw he becomes su lta tio n on th is tr ip w ill be free i “You would get six months In tic exercise ln order to get at a mem fact. This mine waa located in the docile and quickly grasps the a » of and th a t his tre a tm e n t la different prison." M arried women m ust be a rro m ber he wants without actually step town of Winslow. T hat was a good Inhaling the smoke and em itting it Bobby thought a while and then through bis nostrils. One defect of ping on forbidden ground. pan led by leir husbands. ninny years ago. hut the shaft of he •aid : “You wouldn't forget to feed It Ihe training la that Mr. Unmet Is apt A ddress: I l l Bradbury Bldg.. mine Is still to be seen. - Portland ever after to Insist on smoking at while I was aw «/, would you. faiLarl” 1 Press Herald. lo s A Calif. work." I LUCK1 STRIKE Coming to | i II « ■ ■ ; : ! i i ADVANCE ON THE FREIGHT RATE OF COAL of 40 cents per ton This rate is prescribed by the Interstate Commerce Commis- sion and will have to be absorb- ed by the consumer, so Try and get your supply before ¿his date ■ Inland Empire Lumber Company P h o n e 331 “ Tbe Yard of Best Quality H. M. S T R A W . MGR. , Exclusive Representatives of National Euilders Euiv.-u I ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ a B B ffia a H B ffiffiB B Ik iliB fllB ffiU B N a B t Pennsylm “TON TESTED" F o r a L I M IT E D p eriod w e are giving new an d regular custom ers w ith each V acuum C u p T ire b o u g h t a t o u r store, one “ T o n T e ste d ” T u b e o f corresponding size. B u y N O W I -T -.. k Adjustment basis—per warranty tag attached to each casing: Vacuum Cup Fabric Tires . . . 6,000 Miles Vacuum Cup Cord Tires . . . . 9,000 Miles Dr. M ellenthin Knerr’s Repair Shop Hermiston, Ore. MAKE O . A . C. MILLINERY JUST ARRIVED A FINE ASSORTMENT Your Next Goal OF Y cu have finished high school and, like all w ideaw ake g rad u ates, a re looking to col lege. T he S tate of Oregon offers you th e beet of tra in in g and a co llegiate degree In th e leading p u rsu its and professions, as fol lows: Ladies’, M isses and Children’s Hats E n gineering. A griculture, Com. m erce, F oreetry. Home E con omice, M ining. P harm acy, Voca tlo n a l E ducation and Music S tu d en t life at th e College is rich ln o p p o rtu n ities for leadership and personal cul tu re. T " T i TERM OPENS SFPTTMBER 28, 1923 F o r inform ation w rite to THE REGISTRAR Oregon Agricultural College Corvallis BEST PARIS AND NEW YORK STYLES IF YOU WANT HATS THAT COST HALF AS MUCH AS THEY LOOK THEY ARE WAITING FOR YOU Edith 0. CO PPING ER’S WEST SIDE Want Ads B ring R esults Legal Blanks for Sale at This Office