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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1923)
O r Hrrmwinn lïmtfc VOL. XVIII TO INVESTIGATE IRRIGATION METHODS HAT ASSOCIATION CAMPAIGN OVER FOOT BALL SCHEDULE LOCAL OIL COMPANY HOLD FOR LOCAL HIGH GET-TO-GETHER MEETING HIGH SCHOOL MIRROR KENNEWICK CARAVAN WILL LEAVE OCT. 9 At a meeting recently held at the Season Ticekts— At a meeting of Commitf*1 Completes the Sign-up McKinley school near Toppenish, The football schedule of the local the executive council last week it Campaign At Yakima a large number of members of the high school provide for a series of I n te r r in g Talk» are Giv®n Concern was decided to sell season tickets lor Northwest, Hay Association under, home contests this year. •ng the Future Prospect» foot ball, basket ball and baseball Last fall the squad played prac SEVEN MEN COMPRISE THE COM ames to the town and grade people. The final meeting of the organ took to work out the cost >f pro MITTEE ization committee of the Northwest ducing a ton of hay under conditions tically all of the games away from There were some 65 stockholders 7he adult tlcket wln 86,1 ior W» ALL THE ARRANGEMENTS WATT, BEEN MADE Hay Association was held in the com existing on the reservation. After home, consequently all of the big present at the stockholders meeting ,he grade tlcket for *1, and the high mittee’s office in the Clogg building . considerable discussion the following games come to the local field this Of the local oil company held last 8ch001 ticket of ,1 B 0 wln be 801,1 to season. According to Coach Gra- Friday evening In the Auditorium. 8tnden‘8 who hold a student body Secretary Work Says That Reclama to compute the tonnage signed to tab ® WaS approved: lapp the squad Is still in a raw state This number exceeded expectations. I tlcket' Thls W,U be a 8r6at 8av,n8 Day Will Be Spent in S'udying the tion Has Don*' Much Toward the date. This meeting was well attend- C0Bt Of land 1200 pcr acre’ ln" D^elopment of lhe W’st ed by a large number of enthusiastic tereBt 7 Per cent...................*14.00 with several vacancies open to keen as while there are over 260 stock over the single admission price. Fanning Me«hod» of That growers who were anxious to learn Taxes 78X63 ......................................... 6 00 competition. He believes that three holders at present they are scattered Vicinity the final resit of the long and inten- Water Water maintena»'«......... ......... 1.20 weeks more will find a hard fighting over quite a large area. The meet Watch for the announcement of Water 1.S0 group ready to give battle to the The formation of a Fact Finding sive drive for members. The Asso- W ater rlgbt the Senior entertainment. invaders. The schedule is as fol ing was an enthusiastic one. Mr. Commission to investigate the whole elation agreement called for a sign Charge for seed, *4 per acre, E. P. Dodd gave a summary of the Fred Bennion. Harry Straw and system of government methods in up of at least 75 per cent and as for three years.......................... 1.33 lows: Umatilla, Dairy and Hog history of the development of inter The Purple and Gold— Ernest Ad- Tom Fraser have returned from Ken show weeek, Oct. 6. Pendleton, reclaiming arid and seml-arld lands the figures showed a total of about Chage for plowing and har est in a territory extending from the dleman, vice-president of the student newick where they were sent to make by Irrigation was announced recently SO per cent, everybody wore a smile. rowing three years ............... 1.00 October 13. Milton, October 26. body, presided at a meeting which Stanfield, Rattlesnake hills in Washington to was held for the purpose of dis- arrangemetns for the Caravan trip Ditching out each year............ 1.00 Athena, November 9. by Secretary of the Interior Wok. The last week's campaign has a point a number of miles south of that will leave Hermiston Tuesday, 2.00 November 16. The dates of Novem Invitations were sent to seven been backed by a large number of ! Irrigation........................ This interest Is not of I 'US8'"B the adx‘8ab'1“ T of Publish October 9, for Kennewick. ber 3 and 24 are still open. It Is Hermiston. ing the Annual. The student body citixens of national reputation and local committee,, of enthusiastic mem Cutting and stacking, *2.50 recent origin, as geologists and ex At the Commercial club luncheon prominence asking them to serve as bers and this week's drive, in spite per ton....................................... 10.00 hoped that a game can be arranged perienced oil men have been advising voted unanimously to support the last Tuesday. Mr. Fraser made a re with Weston, Ione or Lexington at Baling *2.60 per ton................. 10.00 Junior clasg in the publication of numbers of the commission and con of the fact that it was a clean-up a test of this territory fir the past "The Purple and Gold" and to have port to this body who Is sponsoring duct an intensive study of the prob drive resulted In a tonnage of over Hauling, *1.25............................ 5.00 home on these dates. twenty years. a contest between classes for the pur the trip concerning the arrangements lem which is characterized as one V>,000. This was by far the larg E. E. Brown spoke concerning the pose of getting subscriptions. We made by the committee while htey of “national concern.” This is in est slgn-up of any week of the cam- 1 Actual cost per acre............ *54.03 geology of the country, read some of The items entered as charge for hope by this method of selling the were in Kennewick. He stated that furtherance of a policy instituted last paign. Reports from the field show the reports of the various geologists annuals at the beginning of the year Mr. Lamson, who Is market agent April ____ considerable 6eeding and char8e for Plowing of ed that there were a HPKCIAL CORRCSPONDBNCB who have passed upon the structure, to avoid going into debt In their for the fruit growers ot that district, Including in the list are a former I number of growers who would sign etC” JCPttl?,g and 8tack" and pointed out the fact that while publication.. will map out the route for the cara I ing hay, baling and hauling are items Mr. and Mrs. Bundy and two sons secretary of the interior, the head Prof. Handy had been employed by van and accompany it on the tour of would really become an organization “ ‘8 cIa,Iued can be contracted at this and Mrs, Kingsley Bundy, formerly people to pass upon a bunch of leases of the United States Chamber of Com The Junior class has selected the inspection. It is Mr. Lamson's aim merce, an author and engineer on The empaign will be carried on for Prlce' Tbere can be a Bli8ht <’ues’- Miss Hattie Graham, all from Port some distance away from Hermiston, editorial staff of the "Purple and to take the visiting delegates to a short time yet in the hope of boost- “ ° n 88 ‘° the enterin* 01 the water land, were guests at the home of reclamation and irrigation of inter he nevertheless Baid in his report Gold” a8 follows: Editor-in-chief, some of the best farms and then to jrlght ch!u-ge ot P«r acre. It the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. national note, two former governors ing the sign-up to 85 per cent that the mo3t promising field which Hugh Walker; assistant editor, Lois others which are not so productive, The articles of incorporation are 1° “ a,nta,ned- b°wev-er that this E. E. Graham, for several days this Of western states, the president of he had ever seen in the Northwest Jackson; business manager, Frank so that they may see the difference aCr6 8 Par‘ ° f the ° rig|- week. the American Farm Bureau Fdera- being filed and the ballots for the ’ V " was in the Hermiston area. This re Swayze; assistant business manager, between them and learn the reason porcbaso pr‘<=® ol the land, be- tlon, and a well-known college presi primary election of directors will be port was later corroboraed by two Wallace Reid. The remaining staff why. j ' V 8° 7 rnn‘ent 1160 lor water dent of western agricultural Insti malled out immediately. Mrs. P. E. Guisinger of Pueblo, well known geologists. O. C. Young officers will be selected by a com r*£bt and is not included in the Colo., arrived Wednesday morning Mr. Church, owner of the grape tutions. spoke concerning the relation of the mittee consisting of the two chiefs, It is expected that the final organ- ( cost of land at *200 per acre and Juice plant in Kennewick, will also The secretary in outlining the re ation meeting will be held in Yak- I that this *1.50 per acre is not always at the home of her son, Mr. O. E. local community to the people of their assistants, a faculty member go along to explain matters per clamation situation declares that “it ma Saturday, Sept. 29, at which a constant figure and that it must Guisinger, for an extended visit. other sections who are investing and the class president. taining to the grape industry. Kenne. Is generally reported that relatively time the by-laws will be ratified and be met each year for at least the their money for local development. wick promised the arrangement Mr. and Mrs. Legett of Pendleton, A geneal discussion followed. few of the original settlers on pro ballots cast for directors will be next twenty years and it is certain- What are the Seniors going to do committee that they would do all jects now remain on them as water covnted. i ,y proper to incIude a part of it and are guests at the home of their This meeting was the first oppor October 5? possible to make the trip helpful and users. He also cites the fact that This is beieved to be the first co- the inclusion of the entire amount daughter, Mrs, Stubblefield. They tunity of rthe stockholders of the profitable to the fanners of the Uma "one hundred thirty-four millions of operative organization in the North- I only adds 37 1-2 cents per ton to will probably remain here to live. company to get together, and all Ernest Addleman has been elected tilla project during the visit. government money have been expen west to secure so large a percentage seemed well satisfied with the new vice-president of the student body the estimated cost, it is not vital The local Commercial club has con ded” for reclamation and but “four of the commodity handled in its mar Ray Williams and Phil Lenhart contract which has been let to A. A. adArthur Rubner secretary. The figures therefore show a total templated this trip for some time. teen millions have been returned” keting field. of Ranier, are guests at the home of Durand of Walla Walla. This con cost of producing an acre of alfalfa They realize that the Umatilla pro while “six millions are due and un The Sophomore boys defeated the tract calls for a well of 2000'feet, al hay to be *54.03 where nothing is the latter’s parents this week. ject offers wonderful opportunities paid.” Freshman boys in the annual tug-of- though the geologists seem to agree A Communication allowed for supervision or manage for divlrsified farming. Any and ail Leading citizens of the United Yale Wallan and sister, Mrs. that production Is likely to develop war held Friday afternoon at the A The following letter was addressed ment. products of the soil that is planted States Invited to serve on the com to The Herald two weeks ago. Limit at less than 1500 feet. line near the highway. There were Dunn, from Hood River, were guests It wa8 claimed by this meeting here seem to yield in abundance. mission include Julius Barnes, U. S. ed spare has prevented it being print two pull8 of one minute each with that the average life of a crop of at the Levering home Wednesday. But as a member of the club so apt Chamber of Commerce, Washington, ed before. a three minute Intermission between alfalfa In this territory was three ly stated last Tuesday, there is too SALE OF REGISTERED D. C.; Oscar B. Bradfute, President Editor of the HermistonHerald. The Sophomores won by a gain of Lowell Stockard will leave Friday years and that the averae yield per nuch and not enough. He meant by JERSEYS TO BE HELD American Farm Bureau Federation, forty inches over the Freshmen. Dear Sir: We were told at the acre was not to exceed four tons. for Salem to attend the State Fair. this statement that if one or two Xenia, Ohio; Hon. James R. Gar Experimental farm that if the Dairy Both teams put up a hard fight. It was further pointed out that the Ho will be in charge of the pigs of farmer8 raised asparagras then they field, former Secretary of the Inter and Hog show w as not a success this crop return from the average two the boys’ club. The most important sale of In accordance with the constitu would be able to dispose of It for ior, Cleveland, Ohio; Bi wood Mead, year it would be discontinued. tlon the Freshmen boys went choice Jersey dairy cattle ever years during which the land is not four planted acreage of the product engineer and author of works on ir Why don't you open your columns in alfalfa is not equal to the alfalfa conducted in eastern Oregon is though the ditch one at a time. CAR DEMOLISHED IN then there would be too much for the rigation and reclamation, 2736 Ban to your subscribers for suggestions to return. However, no charge for to be held a t the tair grounds, in local market and not enough for a COLLISION croft WWy, Feikeley, California; for make the show-u-stlWess. Plan to atend the Senior enter such loss‘"tiCch«rged against the cost carload shipment, consequently none Hermiston, Saturday, Oct. 13 mer Goveronr Thomas E. Campbell, tainment October 5. Here is one to start with, if you of producing hay. A. W. Agnew, C. W. Tilden of Aizoan, Phoenix, Arizona; former can see any merit in the suggestions J. G. Lawler, of this city, had Class officers have been elected as of them would be able to dispose of It is generally considered fair to and J. W. Campbell, all well follows: Freshman — Pres., Oscar their asparagras crop and no doubt Governor David W. Davis of Idaho, below. allow at least ten per cent for man his car completely wrecked in a Commissioner of Reclamation; Dr. vlce-pres., Elizabeth would lose money on the acreage First devote one day to an auction agement. There would be some ar collision with a car driven by known breeders of the world Mikesell; John A. Widtsoe, former president of if livestock before awards are made. Straw; Sec. and treas., Joe Mc- they had planted. famous Jerseys, are consigning Rev. Oscar Payne, of Fossil, gument as to whether this ten per It is the aim of the club to help state ulnversity and state agricultu Anyone having stock of any kind to 50 choice cattle including cows Naught; class advisor, Miss Mc the farmer ascertain the kind of ral college of Utah, SSalt Lake City, sell to list it with the secretary with cent should be figured in the invest last Monday morning. Kenzie. ment or upon the cost price per The accident occured on Main heifers and pure bred bulls to Utah. Sophomore class— Pres., Anita crops best adapted to local conditions full description of same, and a small ton. In ny event, such allowance street where the highway comes this sale. Paulsen; vice pres., Michael Me. and to find a way by which he Is The Commission, according to the fee to be collected for advertising. would raise the fair price of alfalfa Col. J. W. Hughes, of Forest Kern; sec. and treaa., Howard Reid; able to market them after they are plans, will be furnished with suit Second, instead of the merchants to at least *15.00 net to the grower into this throughfare. harvested. Kennewick offered a sol Grove, conductor of many high class advisor, Mr.Gullfoll. able offices in the department of the closing up and making a dead town Lawler was going east on Main and again thl8 does not take into ution to the problem. Conditions Junior Class— Pres., Dan Winesett interior buiding and all necessary of it, let them advertise to sell for consideration the fact that four tons street while Payne was making class live stock sales in western vlce-pres., Vernon Waterman; sec are similar here as there. They had data, Information and courteous as cash at cost during the show, and Oregon and Washington, is to be per acre cover the entire yield, mak. the turn from the highway to and treas., Karr Lomax; class ad faced the same problems in their sistance given the members by the see that the heads of every family ing no allowance for weather, dam the street. The sun was in Law on the block and Col. G. L. Ben community that confronts the farm visor, Mr. Gralapp. Bureau of Reclamation in their in In the county hear about it. Let age or off grade hay, and these are nett, of Hermiston, in the ring. Senior class — Pres., Lawrence ers here today— and they have con vestigation your office, assisted by the county items of very considerable signific ler’s eyes which prevented him Extensive advertising covering Winslow; vice-pres.. Evert Parker; quered them. They have grown rap from seeing the car until it was The letter of invitation sent for agent, handle the advertising, and ance. eastern Oregon and parts of Sec. and treas., Madge Quick; class idly until it is one of the most pros to late. see that it is done right. ward by the Secretary of the Inter The purpose of publishing these perous communities in the state. Idaho and Washington is expect advisor, Miss Brierly. An Old Subscriber ior is as follows Payne’s car, which was a new figures is that every hay grower may There Is a reason for this and the ed to attract a very large number “The purpose of thiB letter Is to compare his own experience with one, had the running-board and Get your fortune told October 5. Hermiston Commercial club Invites invite you to serve with six other of buyers to this disposal of fine Active interest is being shown In these figures as there will be many door torn off. » the farmer to make this trip so that men having national confidence, on the woman’s division of the Dairy cases In which growers will find None of the occupants of dairy cattle. he may see these things with his The music books have arrived and a fact finding commission, to make and Hog show, and those in charge themselves operating both above this The section tributary to Her- , the high school has a twenty minute own eyes and find out the methods either car were injuried. an intensive study of the policy, ap are led to believe that there will be j cost and below this cost. If these miston has been breeding Jerseys 8e88lon <tnging every morning used to bring about this prosperity A fter talking the m atter over plication and operation of govern such a showing in this department figures are correct, what Is a fair ind growth. for a number of years and the with Miss Compton as director, each man decided to stand his ment methods of reclaiming arid as would do credit to any county price’for alfalfa hay? It is a wonderful opportunity and blood lines of St. Mawes, Ros- -------- own damage. lands by irrigation, which has be fair. Inquiries were coming in be arie, Olga Lad, Silver Chime of Tb« h,8b "cho° 1 enrollment reach- every farmer should make the trip. come a matter of national concern. fore the booklets were off the press It may mean your future prosperity. Mrs. Martha Maumma and son "It is generally reported that rela and good competition in all of the C. W. Kellogg returned the first Sunny Bank and Golden Glow’s ed 134 Monday morning. The plan of marketing that has tively few of the original settlers prize classes is anticipated Women ¡Paul, returned Wednecday rig h t of the week from a business trip to Chief predominate in the Jersey Grad« News governed the Kennewick farmers has ii? projects now remain on them as of the project are urged to scrutin- from Portland. Portland. herd of most dairyman, Ruth Davls entered the first grade proved profitable. The men who are water users. One hundred thirty- ize the prize list carefully and make at the head of these organizations Monday. four mlliiong of government money as many entries as possible. All ex have made a thorough study of the have been expended. Fourteen mil hibits will be handled under a check- Marian Howard enrolled as a stu subject. On this day you will be lions have been returned and six ing.system whirh will insure against dent in the seventh grade Monday privileged to talk with them on this milliosn are due and unpaid as of loss while in the custody of the important problem. I morning. December 31, 1922 to which must, committee. The Dairy and Hog Taking all Into consideration you very soon, be added computations show directors are arranging attrac The fifth grade has started work cannot afford to miss going. If you for the present calendar year. tive quaters on the show gounds for for their Palmer buttons. have not a way notify Harry 8traw “Time extensions for payment of this department which will add to and he will see that you get trans both construction and maintenance the comfort and convenience of all George Currie received his eighth portation. If you huvo cows to milk charges have been asked which. If patrons. Inquiries will be gladly grade diploma last week. Now all ibe car you are in will be put at the granted, would multiply deferred an answered by the superintendent, last year’s eighth grade students are head of the procession so that It nual payments, it is feared, beyond Mrs. Root, or by the chairmen of the enrolled In high school. may cross the ferry first and bring the ultimate ability of the settler to various departments, Mrs. Briggs of you home in time to milk. The club pay, entailing probable los* of his the cooking, Mrs. Hunt of the cann Tillamook Picnic wants you to go and are planning home and to the government the loss ing. Mrs. Haneline of the millinery Sunday, Sept. 9, the Tlllamok peo to this end. of the investment. and sewing and Mrs. Paulsen of the ple of Hermiston met on the banks of “The purpose of this inquiry, in knitting and fancy work. The caravan hopes to start at the Umatilla at the Harry Quick around 8 o’clock so that Kenewick which I very much hope you may place for an old time picnic reunion. may be reached at 10 o’clock, It participate, is to have the processes Last Friday George Bancroft pur Games were played before dinner taking about two and one-half hour8 of administration of this trust re chased the 92 colonies of beet known by yonug and old. Dinner, yes It I to make the run. viewed by men of affrais applying as the Parson’s bees. was one of the old time feeds and was | Prof. Long, of O. A. C., will ac their *eet thought to this important' greatly enjoyed by all. Countless company the local delegation to governmental agency. direejion the commission may be apples, melons and three freezers of Kennewick. “Reclamation has done much tow prompted to take in its inquires. ic cream disappeared during the day. _____________ ____ ard the development of the west, J Aitbouh only recently charged hut it now clearly requires to be with the responsibility of Reclame, Thoeo present were Mr .and Mrs. I Frank Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Power Lin® Wifi So«n Reach adapted to existing conditions, so tion, I am not a stranger to the irrl- ton Tliden, Miss Madge Quick,, Harry that its future success may be achlev-1 gation of arid lands, but prefer, bow Construction of the Pacific Power I Quick wife and children, Mr. and ed and the possibility of home owner, ever, not to suggest procedure and Mr«. Peere Bowkish, Maurice Beys, A Light Company's line that has ship be assured to settlers. ; would not expect to advance opin- and wife and family, Mr. Brant and been surveyed through Hermiston “Your commission w ill, of course, j ions to this commission unless re- three sons and Miss Brant, Miss has begun. Work on the line has b6 FUPP,|eii with suitable offices, quested, asking only that the ques- neceesary data and the courteous tlons may be treated with open pub j Nancy McNaugbt, Miss Edna Bo- started at Kennewick and the com kish and Mr. and Mrs. McFall It Is pany contemplates making one-half assistance of the Bureau of Reclama licity and that I may transmit your tion. planned to make this reunion of T il-! a mile a day or more. The steel report to Congress. cables have been unloaded at Uma “As the work progresses you will iamookers an annual event. •’Awaiting your prompt reply and be supplied with Itemized state, hoping for your cooperation, I re After dinner several of the party tilla and work at this point will meta* and complaints coming in. of main,” went swimming. We especially en. start at once. which I must take cognizance, and Joyed the antlca of Miss Nancy Me-1 It lR believed that the line will Hubert Work», Naught, g perfect mermaid. reach Hermiston some time about the which may serve to Indicate the Secy of the Interior One Who Was Present 1 first or middle of November. -X ---- — «» COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES