Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 20, 1923)
THE IIEBMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OKEGOH. R. C. TODD CHOSEN MAYOR LOCAL AND PERSONAL ■ BREVITIES ■ We are Giving FREE with each Ten Dollar ($10.00) Order of Merchandise at our store a large r1 O e c u r a c w <rf Iu U r a M G lwuM d U r n and T h e n A b out tbo C l t j and Ttotchborbood T in, Sheet m etal w ork and P lum b ing. C all 763. I. E. P u tm an . 11-tfe. T he ladles of th e B ap tist Aid C lackam as county society held th e ir a n n u a l business miles. m eeting Sept. 13 In the church. The follow ing officers w ere elected: Mrs. P aulsen, P resid en t; Mrs. S kinner, V ice-P resident; Mrs. Illsley, Secre ta ry ; Mrs. Skovbo, T reasu rer. 1 0 P o u n d P a il O f Miss H elen M adden, of Caldwell, 1 Idaho, h as been v isitin g a the E. P. Dodd home in th is city. She Is en. i ro u te to th e U niversity of W ashing. ! ton from w hich college she grad u - ! ates th is year. Mrs. N. L. Goodwin, d a u g h te r and son-in-law , Roy F. E ato n , left re cently fo r C alifornia. Mrs. Goodwin will m ake h er fu tu re hom e in th a t state. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. R equa, of Oregon City, and Mrs. F a n n ie B ren- non, of W illam ette, fa th e r, m other and sister of Mrs. Slg Davis, are v isitin g a t th e Davis home th is week. They expect to ta k e in th e P endle ton R ound-U p before re tu rn in g home. Orders for Sugar and Flour will not be figured in this offer. Ja c k Biggs w ag a P end leton visitor last M onday aftern o o n . - K I N G S L E Y ’S H E R M IS T O N 'S H O U S E O F Q U A L IT Y A N D S g R V IC g " T hom as C am pbell left la st S a tu r day for Chicago w h ere he w ill spend some tim e v isitin g relativ es in th a t city. E c h o F lo u r M ills Rev. T. M. G allah er, w ho a t one tim e was p asto r of th e M ethodist church in th is city, has been assign ed as pastor of th e Sunnyside M. E. ch u rch fo r th e com ing year. Echo, O regon H igh G rade P atent B lu e S t e m F lo u r Mr. and Mrs. F ra n k Ball, of P o rt land, a re v isitin g a t th e home of Mrs. B all's p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Townsend. T hey w ill a tten d th e R ound-U p w hile here. D EA LE R S IN G R A IN A N D FEED NOW W h eth e r , t ’g n hoard or a carload, Tum -A-Lum w ill bo pleased to serve you. 3.11 Aluminum tub THIS TUB IS SEPTEMBER 21 LIST Cut Yourself A Piece Of Cakt Billy Murry No. 19114 Maggie! ( “ Yes! Ma’am!) Aileen Stanley-Billy Murray The Argentines, the Portuguese and the Greeks The Duncan Sisters No. 19113 Stick In The Mud The Duncan Sisters j I Love Me—Fox Trot International Novelty O rchestra' No. 19121 No No Nora — Fox Trot Benson Orchestra of Chicago Somebody’s Wrong—Fox Trot The Benson Orchestra of Chicago No. 19122 Love Tales—Fox Trot The Creat White Way Orchestra The Sweetheart of Sigma Chi Whitey Kaufman’s Original Pennsylvania Serenaders No. 19115 Indiana Moon The Troubadours RUST, OF FINE WILL CORRODE, NOT WARP, ABSOLUTELY LIGHT. YET EASILY FILLED. DUR EASILY DRAINED. The most sensational washer ever perfected. Water action amazes women everywhere. A new principle. To the w oman who w ashes h e r ov n c lo th ’s— th is offer Is to you. Come in an d see th is new type of w asher. It is new. I t is different. It »:■ ;hes clotheB b etter, faster, m ore carefully. T he w onderful w ater a c t ion produi ed b ty h e G y ratato r doee I t ’s a “ tem pest In a tu b .’’ N ever asto n ish in g principle. W ords c a n , not describe th is action. cannot show it. P ictu res You m ust see It. W omen everyw here a re amazed. Come in and see a free dem on stratio n . W atch the am azing action of th e w ater. H ear the gurgling, splashing, w atery sound. N othing like it w as ever seen before. T hous ands w itn essin g it every day th rough out th e country. Come In early. ALUMINUM WILL NOT ROT, COR TODE, LEAK OR SW ELL Bake-Rite See A Free Demonstration B a k e ry H erb ert H an elln e has retu rn ed from P o rtla n d w here he had gone to have his tonsils removed. IS OPEN Mr. and Mrs. John DeMoss were P endleton visitors last Monday. FOR BUSINESS Rev. H. A. W ann, who has been pastor of th e M. E. ch u rch In this city for th e past year, has been tra n s ferred to Dayton. BAKERY GOODS OF QUALITY The N eighborhood club w ill m eet w ith Mrs. M. M. M yers W ednesday, Septem ber 26. ALUMINUM. ROT. ABLE. before has th ere been used such an I WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO TILE PUBLIC CAST SANITARY. it. MITCHELL DRUG CO Phone 101 Hermiston, Ore. MADE SWELL OR CRACK — THAT THE— The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack No b etto r tim e th an this fall to m ake those long planned Im provements. B oth b u ild in g m aterial and lab o r a re as low as they rae likely to get for a long tim e. A nd Tum-A-Lum Ser vice was never b etter, both In q u ality and q u a n tity , th a n rig h t now. Come In and let us tell you how o ur A rch itectu r al D epartm ent can save you money on y lu r b u ild in g needs. pave B i - Records F ra n k W augam an has re tu rn e d from P o rtlan d w here he atten d ed the M ethodist conference held in th a t city. He w ent as a d eleate from H erm iston. M A N U FA C T U R E R S OF- REPAIR REMODEL REBUILD to “A Tempest in a Tub” E v e ry F r id a y New Victor CRIMSON RAMBLER SYRUP I At a meeting of the city coun cil last Wednesday night R. C. Todd was chosen mayor to fill tho vacancy caused by the res ignation of Dr. Illsley who left recently for Kansas City to take a course in medicine. Oregon Hardware & Implement Co. C o™ in anc i H 1 as Y • our .. reneuJ it ncx dubscriptrn (il_ you ar< E x p ire d ? ^Lin. AT RIGHT PRICES P e te r M en g e Proprietor L egal Blanks For S a le at T h e H erald < tffic ¿-s— .-. THE PACT THAT COAL'S THp , BEST DEFENSE-APPEALS TO FOLKS OF COMMON SENSE » I — ■ 1 1 50 Head Jersey Cattle P A R K E R ’S STORE — offered fo r—■ W hen you w an t to w arm th in g s up a bit, o rd er a ton or m ore of o ur ru p e rlo r coal. You w on’t appointed w ith the be business you get a t th is coal yard. dis BUCKET SALE PUBLIC SALE deal You’ll m ake note of th e fact th a t o ur prices arc correct. F a ir G ro u n d s Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. N ot th e old oaken bucket, b u t th e all iron bucket. A w indow fu ll of buckets and a bucket fu ll of bargains. Come an d see them . You wil not be disappointed. You get 3.00 w orth of m erchandise and a bucket w orth 60 cents fo r 31.00. H e r m is to n , O r e g o n Hermiaton, O regon Zi S a tu r d a y , O c to b e r 1 3 , ’2 3 THE STORE WITH THE BLUE FRONT ~ A Big Reduction in the Price of Goodyear Auto Tires Sale Begins at 10 A. M. SAPPERS’ INC. HARDWARE FURNITURE CITY MEAT MARKET JOHN ELsIS. PROP. Col. J. W . H ughes, Forest G rove, Ore., A uction eer Col. G. L. B ennett, o f H erm iston, Ore., in th e R ing V. f / J U Bargains in Meats Every Day at the CONSIG NEES: C. W . Tilden Owner of larg est herd of Jerseys In U m atilla Coutny A. W . A gnew E a rte m O regon’s beet know n breeder ol Pure Bred Jerseys City Meat Market J. W . C am pbell W e Deliver Ov n er of Choice herd of P u re Bred and H igh G rade Jerseys Write A. W. AGNEW, SECRETARY, for Circnlsr giv'n* description of animals and term» of » l e * s ICE F O R S A L E ■rr — IMPLEMENTS RADIO OUTFIT* ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING ■ = Telephone 413 LUNCH SERVED ON GROUNDS GOODYEAR Get the New Price “The West Side Eat Shop” J. Lee Parker, Proprietor