Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1923)
« THE HEBMISTOR HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. ■ ■ g ” WANT ALFALFA LAND ’’ M o n e y 1 F Ç ^ H e lp s THE GHOST OF WASTE OFFICERS F . B . Sw ay«« Preaidant R. A lexander V ice-P resident S. C. L ochrie Cashier W. L. H am m , Asa't. Cashier Out from th e n igh t of th e grayish p en etratin g m ists o f heedleeaness of th e morrow, in all tta su b tle elam lsh un can niness, th e Ghost of W aste eta lk s grim ly before us. He is sta lk in g before you. Are you flir tin g w ith the damp m isty shadow s o f w a stefu l ness w ithout g iv in g thou ght to its effects on your futu re— or are you r ela g a tin g “H is G rim ness" to the p ast by ta k in g advan tage o f the op p ortu n ities of today? D on't let the gh ost dance on th e grave of one of your dolars th at have been th ou gh t lessly m urdered. Learn to spend le s than your incom e— elim in ate the w aste— keep the result and let the G hosts dw ell in the graveyard of the past. Let us tell you w hat happiness sa v in g bring to others. First National Bank We want to exchange these farms for Hermiston Irrigated. 20 a c r e , near Vancouver, 4 room house, good barn, 2 chicken houses, b ig brooder house, 5 acres in bearing prune orchard, 2 acres in F ilberts, 1 acre In cherries, bal ance in grain. P rice $8,000; $1750 Federal loan. 100 acres 4 1-2 m iles from Canby, O re.,fine clover and w h eat land, 5 room house, big barn hen house wood house, wind m il, 3 acres in fru it, R. F. D.. cream route, and phone. $100 per acre. 65 acres extra good land, part beaver dam land, 300 feet to paved high w ay to P ortland, 2 m iles from Canby; fin e house. P rice $200.00 per acre. For further particulars regarding these trades and many others -S E E - DODD INVESTMENT COMPANY HERMISTON, OREGON Advertisement For Bids ru e School Board of D istrict No. 8 w ill receive bids Ju ly 3 at 2 P. M. for the bus routes know n as the north route, also the sou th route, for h au lin g grade pupils to and from th e A BARGAIN IN BEES— 30 colon ies W estland school. The righ t reserv w ith extractor and equipm ent ed to reject any and all bids. For further particu lars w rite or c a ll on $400.00. Inquire at th is office. Carl Shaw , Clerk, 4 2 -tfc M. R. A., H erm iston, Ore. FOR SALE— Four acres o f a lfa lfa land in th e c ity of H erm iston; Notice of Final Settlement of Estate w est of govern m en t pipe yards. of F. A. Phelps, Deceased For quick sale, $1600; term s can N otice is hereby given th a t the be arranged. A ddress T. A. Gra un dersigned as ad m in istratrix of the ham , 6310 E ast “ F ” st., Tacom a, e sta te of F. A. P help s deceased, has W ash. 45-4tp file d In th e County Court of U m a of H erm iston Capital, Surplua and Undivided Profit* Over $50,000 NOTICE! T h e H e r a l d p u b lish e s m o re g e n u in e p a id w a n t a d s t h a n a n y o th e r p a p e r p u b lis h e d in a c ity o f th e s a m e size in E a s t e rn O reg o n . T H E R E ’S A R E A S O N tilla County. Oregon, her fin a l ac FOR SALE— W ork horses. J. H. count, and th at the said court has Reid. 3 8 -tfc fixed M onday, Septem ber 3d, 1923, FOR SALE— Em pire B a ltic cream as th e tim e for th e hearin g upon, and separator, 135 pounds capacity, th e settlem en t of said acount. L eila A. P help s, $18. H. A. P ankow . 46-3p 44 -5 tc A d m in istratrix A pril L eghorn p u lets for sale, 75c and $1 each. C. B . W illiam s, H e r . Call For Bids For School Routes m is ton. Ore. 46 -3 tc B ids w ll be received by School D is FOR SALE tr ic t No. 14 for school routes known FOR SALE— Red S tar oil stove. W ill as N orth H ill route and sou th east consider a trade. F rank Stone. route in to F urnish project. Bids 46 -4 tc to be in by 4 P. M. A ugust 11. For FOR SALE— An Improved 20 acre ranch 3 1-2 m iles from H erm iston WILL TRA DE Sm ith-P rem ier typ e p articu lars see R . A. Brow nson. for p articu lars see C. H. Skinner. School D istrict No. 14, w riter for ch ick en s or lam bs. 1-tfc. 47 -2 tc R. A. B row nson, Clerk P hone 42-J-2 4 6 -tfc FOR SA LE— 1 1-2 doz. W h ite L eg TAKEN UP NOTICE horn hens, also 1 1-2 doz. thorobred FOR SALE— W eaned pigs. Polands. N otice is hereby given th a t 1 have R hode Island hen s all good layers, W rite or see R. C. C anfield. 47 -4 tc tak en up and have kept for about also 1 thorobred Jersey bu ll com in g 2 years old. B. T. Locke, Colum LOST— P air o f nose g la sse s in case. five days at Jess G off ranch, 4 m iles bia d istrict. 25-tfc. F. M. G uiw its. 47 -2 tc sou th w est of H oldm an, th e folow in g described anim als: One gray g eld in g about 12 years 3 H ton P ublic Truck for sale cheap. FOR SALE— Crabapples, plum 8 and N ow on good gravel Job. A lso has pears. P hone 94-W . F. L A llen , of age, w eig h t about 1250. fla t rack for h a u lin g w h eat or One bay filly , tw o or three years Box 63. 47-2tp baled hay. Inquire th is office. of age, w e ig h t about 700. 13-tfc. G ray branded K w ith bar under. FOR SALE— P eaches, E arly E lberta. ONE THOROUGHBRED JERSEY C. D, M cN urlln ranch, 1 m ile w est B ay branded w ith sm al irregular B u ll for sale, com in g 2 years old, o f U m atilla. 47-4tc trian gle. also one com in g 2 years old, black Said anim als w ill be sold un less Jersey h eifer, w ill be fresh in FOR SALE— Ivory bedroom set, oak redeem ed, at pubic auction to the th e sum m er. R. T. Locke, Colum d in in g tab le and four chairs, u n i h ig h est bidder for cash in hand on bia d istrict. 20-tfc. versal h eater, sm all cook stove, the 11th day of A ugust. 1923, at 3-burner oil sto v e and oven, tw o th e above described ranch a t 1 0 :3 0 FOR SALE cheap, team w eig h t about rockeri, rug, w h ite baby crib , 1 o’clock. 2500. Call F. S. Beddow . P hone D ated at H erm iston on th is 26th h a y k n ife , 12-gal. crock, 1 g la ss 42F13. 21-tfc. churn, oth er artic le s to num erous day o f Ju ly, 1923. Signed, Jesse Goff. to m ention. H ogan M iller, G ai FOR SALE— Good 4 room house, ther ranch. 4 7 -tfc Wood Duck Hunting Prohibited. w a te r and lig h ts, 3 lots and gar Wood ducks may not be hunted In den. Term s. W ould consider a Minnesota or in any other state at car as p a it paym ent. P. O. Box any season, according to the biologi 196, H erm iston, Oregon. A lso a cal survey, United States Department MISCELLANEOUS H ayw ard -W ak efield baby buggy. of Agriculture, which adm inisters the 4 3 -5 tc mlgrntory-bird treaty net. This Is a federal law under which the hunting, •■ ■ ■ ■ ------- ■ 9 - -------- . . . - - killing, or possessing of wood ducks is FOR SALE— S ix head o f cow s. B. J. N ation . 4 3-tfc FOR R E N T — Sm all a lfa lfa farm , prohibited nt all times throughout tlie United States and by treaty through hou se, orchard, berries, etc. J. H. out Canada also. This game law, hav FOR SALE— F am ily cow cheap, also R eid. 24 -tfc. ing been upheld by the United States team o f horses su ita b le for all Supreme court, makes inoperative the BEE SU PPLIES at the Second H and farm purposes. W ould trade th e amendment to th e game laws of Min Store. S l- t f c nesota passed Ht the last session of horses for you n g stu ff. AI bo cow ¡the state legislature, providing an and h eifer to fresh en soon at a W A N T E D — Men or wom en to take- open season on wood ducks. Tlius, reasonable price and term s. E. orders for g en u in e gu aranteed hos hunters will not be allowed to ex P . Dodd. 3 5 -tfc iery for m en, w om en and child ren. ercise the privilege accorded them by E lim in a te darnin g. Salary $75 a th e state law, and persons found FOR SALE— Bone grinder. C ity w eek fu ll tim e, $1.50 an hour hunting, killing, or possessing wood M arket. 3 5 -tfc ducks at any time will be suhject to spare tim e. B ea u tifu l sp rin g lin e. prosecution In the Federal courts. In tern aton al S to ck in g M ills, N or FOR SALE— One team and harness, ristow n , P a. 4 1 -1 0 tc Celebrated Belgian Fowls. one w agon and h ay rack, one ex tra h ay rack. ber Co. Tum -A -Lum L um 3 9 -tfc FOR SA LE— One and a h a lf ton Max w e ll truck, A - l condition. In qu ire at N efl'g G arage. 3 9 -tfc P o la n d s for P rofits. S tillin g s. 3 7 tf FOR SALE— A b argain in a g en tle team , h arn ess and w agon , for $150. Inquire at th is office. 4 2 tf FOR SALE— 60 W h ite Leghorn hens, O. A. C. str a in , 75c each. Ed. H augeberg. 4 2 -tfc FOR 8A LE— Seven room house, all m odern, w ith 4 lots, on G ladys av. In quire o f Mrs. A nna Strohm . 4 4 tf W illa m e tte V a lley Farm s, w h eat farm s and stock ranches, to trade for H erm iston irrigated. Dodd in v e stm e n t Co. 4 6 -tfe A P P L E S TO SH ALE— Red Astrakan* Y ellow T ransparent and Red Ju n es a t $1 per 100 pound sack. B. J. N ation . 4<-2tp FOR SALE— A ll (h e sam e as new on e Sim m nnd bedstead, $15; one sla tle s s sp rin gs. $ 10; one cotton fe lt m attrees, $10. C all or see me a t th e lig h t p lan t. H rs. L. M S m ith 4 ltfe GASOLINE— Our price 25 cent* per . gal. Kellogg A Schimke. 47t/c a The village of Brackel, in Belgium, enjoys the fam e o f having originated one of the most celebrated races of dom estic fowls. The Belgians do not hesitate to assert that the BTackel hpns are nnequaled for the excellence and number of their eggs, while the roosters have developed, thanks to generations of cultivation and Influ ence of “crowing tournaments,” a power and rhythm of voice equal ly unrivaled. The breeder» have a theory that the musical contests in which the Brackel roosters are trained serve to develop the peculiar quali ties o f the race. However this may be, It is certain that cultivation has differentiated these fow ls from ail ethers. NOT MEASURED BY WEALTH “Successful” Men Today Are W tlghec in Other Scales Than Which Only Register Gold. The possession of wealth no longer constitutes the only barometer of sue cess; the service Ideal is gradually gaining ground. This was the keynote of a m essage to the convention o f In ternational Rotary In St. Louis from Paul P. Harris, founder of Rotary and president em eritus o f Rotary Interna tlonnl. "The tim e when rich men are the big men Is passing,” said the message. “G reatness In future will depend not upon what one has been able to get, but rather on what one has been able to give. “Opportunity to urge upon the busi ness world the Importance of adopt ing service as the basts of all profes sions and trades, is distinctly Rotary’s. Rotary's peculiar formation, one rep- r e s e i/a tiv e o f each profession and each line of trade, makes It pre-emi nently tlie best organization with which to effect the purpose, it is a large order. “The advent o f Rotary marked an era when the long-suppressed yearn ings of business men for opportunity to share in spiritual leadership began to And realization. It has been a period of wonderful progress, because business man hare made Idealism practical. “No worthy object can be gained without effort and the more seriously we view our undertaking, the more certain our accomplishment.” PARROT ALMOST TOO CLEVER Possibility That Indiana Bird May Lose a Little, if Not All, of Its Popularity. Mr. and Mrs. W att Irvin, o f Koko mo, have a parrot which is Interesting. Reuben easily (its into the Irvin family circle In the evening, Injecting remarks occasionally and at times seeming to ponder. He has made life a burden to som e of the neighborhood boys whose m others call them from play to ob noxious tasks. So cleverly does he im itate the voices o f the mothers that the little chaps are deceived. The Irvins noticed Reuben hanging by his feet from the top o f the cage and going through other exercises soon after they bought him. "Look, Reuben’s doing stu n ts!” Mrs. Irvin exclaimed. "S tunts!” yelled the bird. Ever after that when he began the performance he always prefaced it with the word. Tlie Irvins had been out one Sun day afternoon and had come back to the house with visitors, to show the parrot. When they got ready to leave to escort the visitors out of town Reu ben, noticing the preparation, ex claimed, “What, going away again?'— Indianapolis News. I WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC Q U E E N ESTHER CHAI Ne. Ml. O. B. m eet. A eond Tueaday «ven in e of a t 8.-00 Bharp in Maaonil hall. V taiua_ w«lcom«. Minni« E. Stew art. W. SK. Kathryn L. Gam er. Sec. — THAT THE— r. sm , l o . o > * meet» each Monday evening in Odd Fettawv bail. V isitin e m em ber, ourdtalty invited. W. R. Lonehora. See. J . A. R eeve., N . O. V ineyard lodge no . Bake-Rite B akery RECLAMATION LODGE N a, 1 « . X . o f P . m eets each Thursday even in e in Mack'e Hall, a t TJO p TM. V iaR ina brothers cordially invited. W. H . McMillan R. A . Brownson. K. R. and 8. C. C. IS OPEN PROFESSIONAL CARDS FOR BUSINESS DR. FRAC1S P. ADAMS Physician and Surgeon AT RIGHT PRICES U n ivgRSiTYof O regon P e te r M en g e /. fiyee treated, tested and Glasses Fitted Office over F irst N atiaaal B a a l OFFICE PH O N E, 98 RESIDENCE PH O N E. 688 Offlee Hour«: 9 to 12 a. m .; 2 to 6 A) p. m. BAKERY GOODS OF QUALITY Day or n igh t c a lls answ ered prom ptly inn DR. W. W. ILLSLEY Proprietor Office over F irst N ational Bank Osteopathy Medicine Surgery Calls answered at all hours Office phone 661 Résidence phooe TU MAKE Dr. R. G. GALE, Surgeon O. A. C. L ocation in Telephone B uild in g The UNIVERSITY of OREGON contain»: Telephone 931, D ay or N igh t The College of Literature, Science and the Arts with 22 departments. Your Next Goal Office Hours: 10 to 1 1 :3 0 A. M., 3 to 5 P. M. The professional schools of Archi tecture and Allied Arts—Business Administration—Education—Grad uate Study—Journalism—Law— Medicine—Music—Physical Edu cation—Sociology—Extension. Y ou have fin ish ed h igh school and. lik e all w ideaw ake graduates, are look in g to col lege. The S ta te of Oregon offers you th e best of tr a in in g and a c o lle g ia te degree in th e lead in g p u rsu its and professions, as fo l low s: D R . F . V . P R IM E Dentistry Dental X-Ray and D iagnosis Bank Bldg. Hermiston, Oregon For o eotoloiu« or an]) information afrit* Th* Rffittrar, UniOtriit]) of Ortfon. Euftn*. Orajon. Office Phone, 98 Residence Phone 761 W. J. W ARNER E n gin eerin g, A gricu ltu re. Com. m erce, F orestry, H om e E con om ice, M ining, P harm acy, Voca tion al E ducation and Music The 48th Year Opens September 25.1923 Stu dent life at th e College Is rich in op p ortu n ities for leadership and personal cu l ture. H A U L IN G Attorn ey-at-Law Hermiston : : : Oregon M c K enzie & t . iettat . lew Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat I am now prepared to do haul ing- Trips made to the country. I ao'icit a share of your patron age- FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 28, 1923 For Inform ation w rite to THE REGISTRAR Oregon Agricultural College Corvallis > Has removed from hi« former location in the Bond Bldg, to Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Inland Em pire Bank Bldg. Pendleton :: Oregon DR. THEO. BELETSKI, Veterinarian George Challis Treats all Dom estic A nim als. In ter sta te Stock Inspector WHEN IN PEN D LETO N MAKE YOUR HEAL QUARTERS — AT— Sleeveless Frocks; Freckles. Sleeveless gowns, now so stylish and popular during the heat waves, repre sent the well-known swing o f the pen dulum In women's styles, according to a masculine dress expert, says the New York Sun and Globe. At the other end of tlie arc of changea are the sum mer furs. The main Inconalstency the fair sex Is guilty of la that they retain their fox and w olf skins during the warm spells. While the furs naturally add to the heat they afford little protection from Old Sol" nnd there will be more sun burned arms this year than ever he- before In the history o f the country. Hut sunburned anna do not concern their fair owners. In fact they're proud of them. It’s the freckles that nppcnr with most sunburns that worry tlie modern sleeveless frock wearer. Few women point with pride to their freckles. x x a r a ise d tr e a d is When Watch-Springs Break. The spontaneous breaking of watch- springs is believed to occur chiefly In the summer months. From the re pair records of two firms for several years It Is found thnt the breakages are most numerous during the season of frequent thunderstorms. Further experim ents Indicate that It is mois ture instead of heat that plays the chief part. It Is suggested that the springs inay be weakened by rusting spots, and In VS sam ples, staled up in equal division In a Jar containing moist air, and one containing dry air. 17 springs broke, all In the Jar of m oist air. The liability to break was greatly reduced by the application of oil. c l a i m e d to be non-skid. B u t th e Vacuum Cup tread, w ith its four rows o f stalw art vacuum cups, is g u a r a n te e d not to s k id o n w e t , s lip p e r y pavem ents. There’s th e difference— ju s t as pronounced as is th e super-service you get from Vacuum Cup Tires. Y ou pay a reasonable price for th e q u a l it y —the a a f e tv costs you nothing. W ESTER N A U T O CO. R esidence second house w est of th e Cottonwood and Watr Sts, C atholic church. P hone, 82-R. COMPLETE GARAGE SERVICE Tires— Tubes— Accessories BERT MULLENS ALWAYS OPEN PHONE 530 Tom Swearingen, Mgr. The Particular Barber C A T A R R H A L D E A F N E SS A L M O S T a n y tire with c la often caused by an Inflamed condition of the mucous lining of the EXiatachlan Tube. When thia tube la inflamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing. Unless the inflammation can ba reduced, your hearing may ba de stroyed forever. HAL.L’8 CATARRH MEDICINE will do what w e claim for it—rid your system o f Catarrh or D eafness caused by Catarrh. HAUL’S CATARRH MEDICINE haa been successful in the treatment of Catarrh for war Forty Tears. Sold by all druggists. F , J. Chaney A Co., T oledo, O. Shop at Siscel’s Confectionery ■ S ■We Give S. & H. Trading Stamps ■ SEE HITT Our new brick shoe store Is now open ■■ with a new line of goods. See us for -FOR- SHOE REPAIRING OAK TAN SHOE STORE Sam Rodgers, Prop. GUNS ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ e ■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ B B I -AND— 3 How Could She Know? Senator La Follette was holding s Knerr Repair Shop hearing at Washington the last term H e r m is to n , O r e g o n to learn If possible why the farmers STA NDA RD SERVICE STATION— had to pay so much for gasoline. H e location opposite H erald. seemed to be In fine fettle and uttered a lot o f facetious little asides as the I am prepared to do an y lig h t testim ony came out. After one he con h a u lin g th a t you m ay have. W ill sidered psrticularly good he turned to UMATILLA RAPID TRANSIT CO. m ake cou n try trip s at 20c a m ile. the stenographer and said : “Of rourae, yon will not put those little Jokes of Operating Stage» Between Pendleton A sh are o f your b u sin es l g so lic it mine in the record?" and Umatilla ed. George L. C h allis, P hone “But. senator," inquired the pothook 83-W . 3 9 -tfc hound, "how am I to know which the Pell A Smith, Umatilla, Oregon Jokes are?" SEE O L B E N N E T T for A u ction Schedu le E ffe ctiv e Jun e 1, 1923 eerin g. P h on e 4 2 F 2 . 26 -tfc. Relieved of Army Service. L eave — A. M. P. M. P. M REAL EST A TE EXC H A NG ES AN D The work of demoting and discharg 8 -0 0 12*01 4 00 ing 1,959 American army officers has E c h o .............. IN SUR ANC E. J. M. BIGGS, R E 9 :1 6 1 :15 6:15 been completed by the War depart ALTOR. 2 5 -tfc Job’s Comforter. 6:3 5 1 :3 5 S ta n field .... ... 9 :3 5 ment. The elim ination Included 28 “I know, my deer,” said the old 1 :3 5 5:3 5 colonels, 39 lieutenant colonels, 110 H erm iston.. .. _ 9 :5 5 TH E BEST that'« grow n In garden aunt, “that it Is hard for yon to be so 6:15 majors, 345 captains and 201 first lieu Ar. U m atilla _ .. 1 0 :1 5 2 :1 5 homely and not to be invited by the and bedd ing p la n ts at th e P elm u l- tenants from promotion list branches der greenhouse. Porch boxes, boys to go on these Joy rides and road o f the army, and 101 officers from the L eave — A. M. P. M. P. M house parties, but s t least you have h a n g in g baskets and ent flow ers. U m atilla 5 :00 ... 8 :0 0 12 :1 5 medical corps, 94 from the dental the satisfaction of knowing yon are 3 2 -tfe corps and 23 from the veterinary corps, H erm iston .... .. 8 :2 0 12:36 5 :2 0 entertaining a clear conscience." . 8 :4 5 1 :0 0 6 :45 “Yes, no doubt.” sighed her homely ffl frhin the medical administration S tan field ..... TYPEW RITER R ibbons and carbon niece, “hot a good-looking sheik could corps and 41 from the chaplain«* Echo .... 9 :0 0 1 :1 5 6 :00 paper for sa le at th e Herald. entertain me a lot more satisfactorily." corps. Ar. P endleton .... 1 0 :1 6 2 :3 0 7 :15 —Cincinnati Enquirer. Sunday Schedule W ant Ads B rin g R esu lts The pop ulation o f th e c ity o f Spo L eave U m atilla, 9 :0 0 A. M. k an e proper h a s increased 12,435 W ell, W t Couldn't Do Any Better. L eave P en d leton , 5 :0 0 P. M. LOST— H eavy y ellow fou n tain pen. The Sunday school lesson was the d u rin g th e three year period from Reward. Sappers' Inc. 4 6 -tfc seventy-third Psalm, and the teacher th e close of 1920 u n til th e m iddle FARES read the p a ssa g e: “I saw the prosper o f 192 3 , according to figu res com U m atilla to P en d leton , $1.75; ADDING m achine rolls at the Herald ity of the wicked. For there are no piled for the c ity and announced re round trip, $3.25. o ffice. bands In their death.” Turning to one c e n tly by Mayor C harles A. F lem H erm iston to P en dleton , $1.50; tittle fellow she asked him what he in g . T he figu res are for th e c ity round trip, $2.80. T Y PEW R ITER ribbons and carbon thought this m eant paper a t th e H erald office. “Why. teacher," be replied, “I guess proper and do not Include H illyard S tan field to P en dleton , $1.25, it means that wicked men mustn't or th e Spokane v a lley population, round trip, $2.35. Read th e W and Ada. have military funerals.”—Boston Tran- both of w hich wti undoubtedly show E cho to P en dleton , $1.00; round Increases, according to auth orities. •cript. _ ___• trip , $l.»0. Read T he H erald W ant Ads. STACKER POLES n ow on hand at Inland Em pire Lum ber Co. 4 4 -tfc LODGE DIRECTORY •Ji.iL $w «l AMMUNITION C O N F E C T IO N E R Y S T A T IO N E R Y A FULL LINE Krause’s Chocolates REM EM BER Bur-Bee Bars OGDEN The Best in Candies F ix e s W a tc h e s, C locks, e tc ., a n d d o e s it Netos stand Cigars and 7 obacco GOOD ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ee Wm. H. Ogden CALL 254 Jaw-kr and Walckauk.r CJt. TUl la.»” ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■2 ■ ■ ■ « ■ J. L. VAUGHAN Electric Fixtures and Appliances Phene 188 » 5 ■ — ! For Hauling ■ t e a e. c e u e t a t. PenM iesen, O r« ._ i ■ T. H. Gaither Dray and Transfer '■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a1 1 ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■BB