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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1923)
THE HEBMISTOH Sl|f ^vruiœîtm IIERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. NO TIME FOR EX^LANAtlOU Srralò Published every Thursday at Her. mlsten. Umatilla County, Oregon by Raymond Crowder, Editor and Man ager. Entered aa second class matter, December 1908 at the poatofflc« at Hermiston, Oregon. Stranger Had Played the P art af the "Innocent Bystander,* and Mika Left Hurriedly. An accident a few years ago mak.M Mike's use of a Cane essential. Ills buslnesa compels him to hang around police headquarters dally, where he c . ^ a r c ite s gets gift cigars frequently. Subscription Rates On a recent rainy day Mike was For One Year ----- ----------------.>2.00 awaiting a street car. Directly In front For Six Months _______ __ >1.00 of him wan a big, husky fellow. Mike’s feet suddenly slipped. His energetic Payable In Advance. attempt to prevent himself from fall /o r ing caused his cane to hit the stranger Classified or Local Advertising 10 cents per Hue for first insertion. a resounding wallop on the side of the Minimum charge 25 cents. Subse head. Mike is a fast apologlzer. The quent Insertions 5 cents per line. stranger accepted the explanation. is the inspiring roar of Old Ocean and the charm of Its Soon both were chatting amicably. AMOHCMTOMOOal many beaches where those glorious V A C A T IO N THE SUCCESS OF IRRIGATION Mike bethought him of the pocket haunts are. It will be a great surprise and delight to If there be any doubting Thomases full of cigars he bad Just got from a see the vast improvements that have been made to concerning the feasibility of irriga- police friend. insure the pleasure of visitors to “Drag on one of these," said Mike, TRIUMPH FOR AMERICAN GIRL , tlon, let them read the report of the proffering a couple. government wherein they state th a t The stranger accepted the “cigars of How Margaret Robinson Secured Am during the fiscal year of 1923 $5,-1 j^ace He puffed one, continuing the nesty for Bandit Band on Condi 104,000 was paid back to the gov chat. tion T hat it Joined Army. ernment by settlers on the projects. Suddenly there was a crackling This am ount was paid in spite of sound, followed by a loud "bang!” la there no Homer in modern Greece His face and clothing covered with to sing the exploit of the American low prices that the settlers received for their m arketable products, and, fragments of cigar and ashes, the college girl who lias freed Crete of its bandits? usks the New York World. indeed, m ust be very gratifying to husky victim started after Mike. where every conceivable form of restful health-giving It was no time for explanations. When Miss Margaret itohinson of the government. No doubt this will Forgetting ills game leg, cane and recreation may be enjoyed. A sk our agent for our “Outings In the Pacific Northwest** and “Oregon be instrum ental in them reclaiming years of inactivity, Mike went right Grand Itaplils arrived In Crete as the representative of Near East relief her Outdoors.** T h ey tell the whole story in word more land and developing that which away from there. What is more, he efforts to aid (lie refugees encountered and picture. Then purchase a Round-Trip Summer is already under cultivation. got away. I the predatory opposition of the Greek Excursion T icket via Irrigation is still in its infancy. Now he is on a still hunt for the outlaw liarhounlg and Ills hand, who The possibilities and rewards are cigar-giving policeman.—Kansas City for fifteen years had terrorized the Is- | lund. Sending an envoy to the robber still unknown. The government Star. ’ chief, she began negotiations which re has to learn a good many lessons which gives that wonderful trip through the Columbia concerning It and every year they SPEED THE ‘PARTING GUESTS’ sulted In the grant of amnesty to Bar- River Gorge. Our agent will be glad to arrange your bounis und Ids followers by the gov itinerary and make your reservation. are better able to cope with the ernment on condition of their serving Remarkable Preeenes of Mind of puzzling situation,, th at arise. F. C. WOUGHTER. AGENT in the Greek army on the Turkish Juvenile Hostess That W ent F ar Men who are schooled in this line Hermiston, Oregon frontier, and the hurassed population to Save the Situation. of endeavor and endowed with has since had the satisfaction of see- W M . M cMURRAY knowledge gained by actual exper j ing the bandits sail away to Join the "Let's have a party.” General Passenger / gent ience are now carrying on the work Portland. Oregon This inclination of every normal "King's Own" regiment at Dedea- and to them. In no small measure, little girl, especially If she be a little gatch. Has a more romantic story come out is credit due for the phenomenal girl with snapping, twinkling black success that it has thus far attained. eyes, black hair drawn tightly back, of Crete since the time of the Mino The government has demonstrated small, vivacious, likable and living In taur? At least the feat of tile Anierl- worker furnishes an Inrer- th a t it is their intention to develop Lafayette, was mianlfested by Martha, can called Mattle, by Inviting a lirge now- modern example of the kind of these arid lands so th at it# citizens her of boys and girls to her house for achievement which provided themes i may build homes for themselves and a pnrty—while her mother was gone. for the old Greek poets. Given, that it families by granting them liberal The guests were not the aristocracy had occurred in remote antiquity, It I might by this time have been embel concessions. Time after time as the of tlie town, It must be admitted. . needs of the settlers have been ap Mattle saw her mother approaching lished and elaborated into a great pop parent, they have met the settlers Just as the children were preparing to ular myth possessing enough historical I take possession of the house. She truth to give it substance und adding more than half way. a new female portrait to the familiar The success of Irrigation is no knew that her mother would semi the gallery of Arladnes, Autlgones and longer a gamble but an honcst-to- j "guests" home, sans party, with the Electras. result tliat Mattle would be sans stand goodness actuality. ing with the hoys and girls In the purt of town from which her guests came. FIGHTING THE BOLL WEEVIL A tourist passing through Hermis An Inspiration came to her. ton the other day asked us why it “You’d better run,” she told them Department of Agriculture Has Elab was th a t the people of this city “Here Conies my mother und I’ve got orate Plane for Further Effective stand for the kind of crossing that the measles."—Indianapolis News. W ar Against the Pest. we have where the highway inter Concerning Inks. The work of tlie Department of sects the rallioad tracks. He staled Inks nrp aald to play an Important that It was the most dangerous part In the detection of forgery, espe Agriculture nt Tallulah, La., In (level- , ■ ■ o n a a H u a i u a M i i B i i i i i B i x B i H B s a i M H i H M a crossing he had seen between New cially when question arises as to the oping methods and apparatus for dust- ; York city and Portland. We will particular time a document wus lng cotton to kill the boll weevil, is be- | Ing continued this summer and heavier agree with you brother, II certainly penned or signed. I planes are being used. In the spring It Is claimed that blue-hlnck Inks Is dangerous. But we'll bite. Why three De Haviland 4B planes were de- may he recognized ns fresh np to Hie ■ tnlled by the War department for use do they? ! sixth day. and that, in after years, In these tests, and competent engineers If the fellow who goes culling on their ngo may lie determined when and pilots were nlso provided. tlie blue provisional pigment has Previously, eonslderable work on a girl In our neighborhood does not faded and left only the black. 1 tills problem had been done with light do something to stop the back-fire The lila c coloring. It Reems, ns time , machines, and the use of the larger -to the- of ilia Ford th a t wakes us up about e llipses Is scarcely acted upon by re- ones has made It necessary to modify 1 p. m., when he takes his depart- agents, but for a year or two It will the distributing mechanism. Several ure. we are going to see the proper! at once diffuse If treated with 50 types of dust hoppers have been made authorities and Insist that he take per cent solution of neetlc acid, for meeting the new conditions, hut it out hunting licenses. Drivers lic whereas when it Is five or six years will probably require gome time to de ense la not sufficient to pilot a bus old diffusion, If it occurs nt all, Is ex velop a design which will he satisfac tremely slow and limited In extent. tory. Mr. Coad, who has charge of the like the one he lias. It Is averred that a still more use boll weevil laboratory for the Depart ful reagent Is u saturated solution of ment of Agriculture, expects to have a We received a letter from Swift & oxalic ncld that causes Ihc pigment of fairly satisfactory permanent hopper Co. statiug that they wished to he relatively fresh writing to give an Im Installed In one of the planes for use put on our subscription list for six mediate smudge, but has very little. If ¡„ nchl„i work durlng tlle months. Better make it a year for any. effect upon writing six or eight ,„er v e are going to fight the "oleo” years old. Several plantations near the landing field have been mapped and all ar gang aud their pel measure, which Is Light and Sound Aliks. rangements have been made for dust a direct blow to the dairying Indus Many a night during that summer I try, until Ibe referendum comes up spent In my mother's vineyard sleep- , ing the cotton with the planes. The results of the new tests will be await for a vote next election. Ing on sheep-skins under Hie open sky , ed with Interest hy all those connected and looking nt the stars at which I with tlie cotton Industry. Press reports recently carried a looked 15 years before, when I liel|ied story of how an American sea cap the herdsmen to guard the village ; Smoke Screen From Seaplane. tain and his crew was held by Rus oxen during Hie starlit summer nights. , The use of dense smoke clouds by I reiuemliered the puzzles which I sian authorities for no apparent rea tried to solve nt that time concerning naval vessels for the purpose of sons whatsoever. T l i e Bolshevkl (he nature of sound and light, succeed screening battleships from the enemy, believe In the freedom of (he seas hut ing In the case of sound anil falling in lias been practiced for a long time. they want all of the freedom. the euse of light. 1 rejoiced at the Fast destroyers are usually employed feeling that I had finally succeeded Iq to lay the cloud of heavy smoke, Doc. Cook lias recently been In finding from Faraday and Mnxwi|| which Is produced hy regulating fuel , and draft In the main hollers. Recent dicted by ihc grand jury for an al through Helmholtz that sound and ! tests, however, have proved the light resembled each other, one being leged oil swindle. "Doc” seems to | efficacy of seaplanes In this respect. have as much trouble finding oil as a vibration of matter. Rml the other a In fact, the seaplane has at least two vibration of electricity.—From “From he did the north pole. Immigrant to Inventor," by Mielieel advantages over the destroyer: It can ! lay a screen much more rapidly ; It Piipln, In Serlbner'a, can regulate the height of the screen A man in New York predicts the j above water, and may make It com end of the world In 1924. So w hat's Pencils Wasted by Americans. the use of worrying about next year’s Open-handed Americans are the pletely envelop an object h.v dying most lavish users of pencils In tlie over and around tlie latter. When a taxes. world, the Unit,ri States alone using J* I"’ 1" ’ "',e ’' T " the smoke results from the Introduc twice ns many ns all Europe, said Lo people It 1» vacation For tion Into the exhaust pipe of cheml- thar W. Fuller, tlie "Pencil King." eeaeon. For other» It 1» the time "Tlie European uses a pencil until cals that Incaease the volume as well when you v rte i he neighbor’» Rar there Is barely anything for him to as the density of the exhaust gases. den and await (It »* return. hold In his fingers," said Mr, Faber, —Popular Science Magazine. "while the American throws It away Seventh Child Named “ Enough." Ghees the days of the old swimm when II Is hnrdl.v more than half used. The office wns crowded with the ing hole ace passing. We notice America uses about a million and a wedding party. All were silent while i that kids now day’s v. ho go swimming half gross n year, nine or ten pencils the bridegroom filled In the blanks. per caplin. Europe uses only half that carry bathing suits. For the purpose of this story we'll call amount.” him Smith, says the New York Times. The secretary looked over the mar The world would be a better place Might Look Bad. to live In If Eve would have Inform "See, George, dear," said tha young riage lleenae. It gave the groom’s ed the serpent, "Yes. we'll have no bride, “I baked my first cake today, name as "John Enough Smith." She said: and I want yon to eat some of It,” apples today.” "The clerk at the license bureau has "I am willing," said hubhy. ns he made a mistake; see what a ridiculous Watch your step and obey the city looked suspiciously at the calm, "but middle name he has given you— trnfflr ordinances and you will live Pve Just had m.v life Insured.” 'Enough.'" “Why, that's all the better. Isn't Itl1" happy ever after. Without looking up the groom replied laughed the bride, merrily. dryly: ~ ~ 1 ■ — “1 d.m't know shout (list,” he re- “No tnlstnke on the part of the Many a man has lo t opt with a nIted "They might think you baked woman simply because he was not a »he <xike on purpose and refuse to pay clerk. My mother gave me that mid dle name—I was the seventh child." good liar. the policy."—Boston Transcript. 24 15 North Beach Clatsop Beach Tillamook Beaches or Newport i Give the Hens a Chance Nature made a hen to lay egg*. She will lay in winter and summer, if you’ll only give her a chance. s A new, well-lighted, warm, sanitary chicken house is a real investment. It means two things that make big poultry profits— early hatches and more eggs. Call at this office and inspect plans of poultry houses which have been designed with the “more eggs” idea. U nion P acific S ystem 1 BUTTERMILK We now have a supply o f Butterm ilk and can supply all who come. Inland Empire Lumber Company Phons 331 I The Herald carries one of the best Want Ad columns of any weekly paper in the state. A3AH r | ’H E IR a ttra c tiv e a p pearance adds refine ment to every car equipped with them and they con stantly deliver complete satisfaction. A JA X C O R D , R O A D K IN G , P A R A G O N KELLOGG & SCHIMKE Hermiston Auto Co., Hermiston, Ore. I have Equipped my Shop with a 900 Lb. Electric Driven Hammer and Electric driven Drill Press, mak ing it the best equipped shop in the west end of th is county. HARMAN’S Blacksmith Shop --If you want to sell --If you w ant to trade A town will never grow any larger than Its rl'lxens wilt allow It. Good Idea for Transparent Rubber. Several Imaginative writers have discovered delightful uses for a per A great cemetery Is to Iw laid out fectly transparent rubber which, they at Sarrelbonrg. German», for the re sajr. scientists sr« perfecting. Such interment of 20.000 Irene!, soldier« a material could tie used as an un who died In Germany as prisoners of breakable window or windshield, • war. The municipality of Sarrehonrg. cheap lens which would be distended which Is near the frontier, requested hy a liquid within, or a transparent the honor of providing tlie last rest- bathing cap or rubber overshoe. Ing place “for those unhappy heroes whose Uvea were sacrificed in cap tlvlty." si Burial Pises for Heroes. TRT THE HERALD WANT AD8 Radiators. By means of a new device, shown In Popular Mechanics Magazine, the bothersome legs of radiators, from around which dirt la removed with difficulty, are done away with and the radiator supported from the pipe con nections at the floor. Inconspicuous wall braces prevent the radiator from tipping, and adjustable center rests are provided for long radiator». The attachments are adaptable to any sue or make of radiator. Subscribe For The Hr laid T he H erald is $2 per year, or $1 for six months, payable in advance. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i ■ ■ (■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I Exclusive Representatives of National Builders Bureau - -If you want to buy You find the opportun ity in The Herald ad vertisements. ■ ■ ■ ■ H. M. STRAW, MGR. Subscribe N ow and keep informed of the events and happen ings in your commun ity. 9 “ The Yard of Best Quality ” Hermiston Creamery Co. Hermiston Herald ■ ■ IF YOU WANT THE BEST THERE IS IN AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES, IF YOU WANT MECHANICS— MEN EXPERIENCED WHO KNOW THEIR BUSINESS—TO WORK ON YOUR CAR— TRY NEIL A BAR KER'S GARAGE. AND YOU WON'T BE DISAPPOINTED.