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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1923)
(The Harmistun Iforalh VOL. XVII ATTEMPTED HOLD-UP MADE NEAR REITH P • t0 Library' No. 47 HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, AUGUST 2. 1923 WORK ON McKAY DAM BEING CARRIED ON BY FORCE OF 80 F ifteen Buildings Under Construct ion or Completed; Crews Build Roads. Harvest Crops HAY ASSOCIATION MAKES PROGRESS PREMIUM MONEY SET ASIDE FOR DAIRY AND HOG SHOW County Court Appropriation is $600 School Fair to be Held in Con nection W ith Show ARLINGTON HAS SERIOUS FIRE PROSPECTS FOR EARLY HAY PRICES NOT GOOD Heavy Hay Crops of Coast Counties Big Factor in Market LITTLE GIRL DIES SUDDENLY While It is still too early to pre BROTHER OF HERMISTON MAN The county court has apportioned TWO BUSINESS BLOCKS BURN dict with any great degree of ac FRANCES PAULSEN STRICKEN AT Progress on the preliminary work HOPE TO HAVE TONNAGE SIGNED the County Fair fund as follows of making a camp and other Inci curacy the prices of hay for the com BY SEPTEMBER 1 HAS EXCITING EXPERIENCE EARLY MONDAY MORNING LAWN SOCIAL About 8600 each to the East End dentals on McKay creek where the ing winter, there are some outstand Fair, the Northwest Grain & Hay big government dam is to be con- ing conditions that cannot be lgnor- Knocks Down Two Men W ith Car atrucled ls «*«*»« made at a satisfar- 55,000 Tons Signed Up as Result of Show and the Hermiston Dairy and Pat Mooney. Ex-Resident of Hermis- ed „ The Body Taken to Portland Where Hog Show, 8150 for the Weston tory rate, according to reports from The coast counties have one o f ! When They Try to Rob Him at Three Weeks Work on Part of ton Loses Butcher Shop in Fire Funeral Services Were Held on the camp. Potato Show and 8500 for school their heavy hay crops, and while it j The P oint of a Gun Organization Committee Tuesday fair purposes. Of the fifteen buildings on which has suffered some damage It is still The school fair is to be held at construction has started, two, the Fire of unknown origin, startin g' much above tbe »*•>*«<. The same Clarence Shaw, brother of Bert I blg warehouse and a smaller store- The meeting of the general organ Hermiston in connection with the in the Arlington hotel, destroyed two I thlng is true of th* ,oo<h |H regions j _____ Frances, eleven year old daughter Shaw, of this city, who is employed r° ° m. have been completed, and the ization committee for the state of Dairy and Hog Show. The fair business blocks of Arlington early | inlandjmpire, which are often of A A heavy consumers of alfalfa hay I A' A' Pau,8on' was stricken sud- promises to be the best in Its history others are being built rapidly. on a ranch on Butter Creek, had an Monday morning. The fire destroy- ‘ Washington for the Northwest Hay This means there will be little dPnly “ “ lawn 8orlal held at her A part of the preliminary work i s , association met in their offices at as the boys’ and girls’ clubs in the ed one block on one side of the street exciting and narrow escape from active demand for hay until early ^ " 7 tbe Columbia district last highway robbers last Thursday night the building of a new road from ■ Yakima Saturday nlght to COIlglder county are working hard and are and then jumped over to the other winter. This does not necessarily j iday nlgh' Tbe B“-! was taken making a much better showing than Spark« siding up the draw on a di- progress mde. and were very much near Reith. side. The loss is estimated between mean theat there is a surplus of hay i ab° Ut 10 30 a,ld dled at twe,ve- ever before. The Columbia district reel route to the dam site. By j elated at the tonnage far glgned 875,000 and 880.000. He was returning from Pendleton as the fall pastures and the severity eai t tronble waa ,b® cause, and stopped at Reith about ten building this road, a short cut from up, whlch ,g approxima,eIy 55,000 alone hits 19 memberg In its pig Among business houses burned were o’clock at .night for a lunch before the railroad to the camp will be | tong> ag a re8ult o( three weeka work club, and 11 members in its calf bakery, postoffice, Arlington hotel. of the winter are factors as yet u n -' ®be was Playing with the other realized. The bed has been graded They are much pleased at the pub. club. City market, city hall, Coe pastime known. But It does mean that there ! cb,*dren “t the time she was taken proceeding home. The directors of the show are mak. lunch counter and several residences. is enough hay to cause an active ill. A doctor was called who worked most of the way and gravel will be ■ llc endorgement given this plan by While he was seated in the res placed on the grade soon. | (be YakJma clearing hoU8e a8ociation ing a special effort this year to get A great deal o fthe loss was not cov surplus threat, which la important over (he girl but she never regained taurant a woman engaged him in consciousness. out a real good showing of young ered by Insurance. from a price point of view. Another crew of men Is engaged and other bankenj Qf thg val,ey . converstion, asking him his destina The financial condition of the The body was shipped to Portland ... *" fel“ ng tre68 *n the bOtt°m a‘ld ! are hopeful of having the 75 per dairy stock, and will not be satisfied The fact that a strong southwest tion. He informed her that he was for! P"’" ng the 8tUtUPS Where elCa” t,BS cent tonnage signed by September 1. with any thing less than 100 heif wind veered in direction after the! farmers and that of rural business Sunday night and funeral services traveling alone and was bound U U illlU n il . .. 1 1 1 ilf o l/o will later be done. Alfalfa is being fire started is all that saved the communities is such that a heavy were held in that city Tuesday after, The second cutting of hay will ers. Portland. She left him and went i cut and wheat on land condemned The proof of the improvement In town from complete destruction. selling pressure Is to be expected, noon. interfere with the campaign during over to a table some distance away is being harvested. and unless this can be prevented the our dairy herds through the use of Pat Mooney, who at one time was where two men were seated, con- j The contract between the govern the next week in a few sections, but top-notch sires, lies in our young low price of two years ago will be work will be concentrated in others proprietor of a meat market in this versing with them in a low tone of . ment and the Pacific Power & Light stock, and we want the dairymen to almost Inevitable. It is certain that voice. Shaw noticed that the m en, Co. for the transmission line over where hay is out of the way. Farm get behind the show with some of city, and owner of the City Meat STATE MARKET AGENT ♦ Market in Arlington, was among business men can do much to prevent •> left the restaurant and started down I which wil be conveyed the electricity conditions in Kittitas county make their good hellers. We know they those whose establishments were this, but it would seem 'hat some ar * DEPARTMENT * the highway in a car. A few min- j needed for the use of the camp and possible an intensified campaign in have them. ♦ burned out. According to reports rangements must be made in co * utes after their departure he finish and for power purposes is expected that section which will be put on this week. It ig expected that this Mr. Mooney's loss was partly cover operation with growers and business > 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ed his meal and started home. He j to be under construction within a interests to provide early money ed by Insurance. campaign will be practically closed C. E. Spence, Market Agent, 723 had gone about two miles this side , short t(rae from other sources than the sale of during this period. Court House, Portland of Reith when he noticed a light in hay. A force of 80 men is at work now GOVERNMENT PROJECTS MAKE The following week the general Grading and labeling of potatoes the road ahead of him. Upon driv- Rnd th|g force Jg expected t„ be 8uf. There is no questio nof an over under state law seems probable for GOOD SHOWING IN 1923 ing closer he could see that a f|c)ent (o guU thg needg for som# campaign will get under way in all production of hay, as one year with Oregon in the near future The last the territory and wil be rushed with car had been parked along the high. n tt,e Ume R wgg gta{ed the hay of the Northwest . According to F. E. Weymouth, another al possible speed. No opposition so . legislature passed an act authorizing way with the lights left burning. The water pipe lines and system Is all fed up. California through the governQr tf) appolnt g (.oniml gg chief engineer of the reclamation far has been encountered except by The car seemed to be deserted. through which the water for the her organized marketing moves her t0 lnvestlgate conipuIs grad. When he had reached a point oppo ramp will be made available is also a very few hay dealers and some two DIAMOND DRILL EXPERT WILL service of Washington, D. C., who hay to the Phillipines, Hawaii and H o-u. 7 , was in Hermiston Tuesday, collect or three bankers who are assoctated ARRIVE IN FEW DAYS site the car a man stepped in the " East Oregon- ions from government projects dur the Atlantic coast under exactly the was appointed and after an inveBti- with local hay operators. road ahead of Shaw’s car arid deman- 7an. ing the fiscal year 1923 ls the larg same freight rates as are offered the| ¡ gation, on July 23 reported that its The weakness of the present mar. ded that'he stop. Instead of heeding est for the past five years. In 1923 growers of the Northwest. These Judgment was that such inspection ket Is a strong reason for the organ Twenty-five Men W ill Be Employed the command Shaw gave the car more Dorothy Dalton in New Sea Picture ization to be put across at this time. the projects paid back to the gov markets and the meal marketg of the and grading would be of much bene gas. He struck the man and knock W hile The Work of Survey Dorothy Dalton recently accom ernment the sum of 35,104,000. In middle west are open to the hay of fit to growers and the committee ed him off to one side of the road. plished the hardest task a motion Is in Progress 1922 the settlers reinbursed the gov the Northwest, but apparently do recommended that the governor, by At this juncture a second man ap Methodist Church Notes picture director ever set for her. She ernment with 84,286,000. In 1921 not appeal to hay dealers. Of course proclamation, should order such grad Why should a healthy young man peared. He also stepped in front of had to be unconscious for half an the coming winter may be severe or woman go to church? It is a Last Friday carpenters broke the payments were 34,127,000. In 1919 enough to take all the hay. Only ■ing and marketing on and after the car and pointed a wicked looking hour. 33,844.000. September 15, 1923. fair question and frequently asked. ground for the erection of buildings gun in Shaw’s direction. With or ’’It wouldn’t have been so bad to The sum paid this year will mean the future can tell. The recommendations are that all without guns they all looked alike to play dead to the world.” laughed An old gentleman recently gave this to be used in connection with the All that ls now being told In the answer to his grandson. “Now see, Umatilla Rapids survey. The actual that the government will have more national press concerning wheat ap potatoes sold shall conform to the Shaw and he hit the second man as Miss Dadton afterward, "if I had been my lad, our soulg are like a musical work of the survey will begin in a money for development and construc plies to the hay situtlon of the North, standard of the United States grades; he had done the first. As he rolled allowed an easy chair or couch and tion purposes. that all potatoes in lots of 50 poupds into the ditch there were two reports u f instrument,” said the grandfather. few days. James Munn, consulting engineer west, and the same methods of re or more shall be labeled on the con “The strings become slack and out Jrom the gun which a few minutes was playing the ______ . .... George Hammond, of New York, lief would have equal effect. role of the heroine tainer! in letters one and a half before had been waved threatening- in ’On the High Seas,’ and the lady j of tune very quickly, they must be diamond drill foreman, will arrive of the reclamation service, acompan- Recent legislation makes it possi ied Mr. Weyworth. Inches high the name and address ly in the face of the occupant of the is supposed to suffocate in the smoke i tuned up from time to time. All in the next few days at which time ble for all farmers to protect them of the grower; the grade and var strings— goodness, faith, courage, drilling tests will be made to exam •sar. selves Hgainst situations such as , from -a fire on shipboard. She r e - , iety; that certified seed shall bear N ext Coddling Moth Spray To Be Shaw believes that the reports maing bllssfull uncongcloug whlle I generosity, reverence lo v e -a ll grow ine into the rock conditions. these, if they will only avail them the official seal or tag of the Oregon Completed August 15 Whether work shall be done on from the gun was caused by it being, thR fIameg arg cracku close t0 „ „ ess vibrant in us without our know- selves of It. Agricultural college; that all pota According to the best information accldentally discharged when the | hR efcm#d wood and are , -ng it even But, when we hear the the site of the rapids is a matter yet toes sold that do not conform to the available at present, and the advice man was hit and rolled into the ditch around, the ,g sinklng gospel proclaimed at church we see to be decided, and the tests that are U. 8. standard grades shall be lab If the shots were Intended for the car Rnd ghe ,g gwept up by a couple of how we have lost tune.” And — - so being made and the data gathered of Professor A. L. Covett. Entomolo eled "culls” ; that al containers shall gist at the Oregon Agricultural col they went wild for there is no trace rougb stokers nd swung into a life one must go regularly to church to in the survey that has been under be uniform and that those shipped araC I& L OOBBM.-OMDBHOa have one’s soul tuned aright. There way for several months will be a big lege, the next coddling moth spray of a bullet having hit his automobile. I boat in lots of 10 tons or more shall be should be completed by August 15. is nearly always something in every factor in deciding this. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shear, of Echo, When asked why he did not re- "Imagine keeping one’s eyes closed Engineer E. R. Crocker will be in Growers should plan on getting spent Sunday at the Lamblrth home. Inspected by the state Inspection port the affair to the authorities agd remaining perfectly quiet thru hymn that will touch the soul, and department acordtng to rules and ready for spraying so that the cover Shaw replied, "Aw, what is the use all that hullabaloo. Not to speak of in every sermon there is some mes charge of the work. regulations to be made by the state spray can be applied before that Twenty-five men will be employed sage stirring me, and If I but heed, It’s all over now. If there is any re the shouting director and the squeal Professor Hawk, of Buffalo, made market agent. date. Up to date the coddling moth greting to be done I guess it is up ing extras! I think it was the hard some word to humble and empower while the actual work of survey Is a short stay at the Linder home this Standardization of potatoes In Ore control throughout the fruit district my heart. in progress. to the other fellow to do it.” est thing I ever did in pictures." has been very good, and the crop week while on hlB way home from gon will be a great aid to the indus Sunday school as usual ht 10. On the High Seas," the picture try. The lack of such regulation promises to be of better quality than the coast. Subject of sermon, “The Light of the Tire Stolen From Car Large Percentage of Local School ¡,|n which Miss Dalton accomplished is one of the causes of poor markets World,” or "The Test of Deciple- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kurth, son-in- in previous years. M. C. Barager Children Under W eight ! her Herculean task, to the Mrs. Charles Kellar and daughter and dissatisfaction among growers. . . . . . is coming w— „ Spec| aj music, a cordial law and daughter of Mrs. T. M. of Stanfield. F. W. Guiwits and Otto Playhouse theatre next Wednesday ■ During the spring months of the Rankin, spent Thursday night with Heini, of Hermiston, kept orchard Frances left for Portland Sunday Grading and labeling of products is and Thursday. It is a love-melo- j welcome. rapidly spreading over all states. past school year the Home Demon- Last Sunday Rev. Wann and Rev. the parents of Mrs. Kurth. Some temperatures and have been making and returned Wednesday. The loss to berry growers In the etration agent has been trying to drama of the sea. written by Edward Neufeld, of Arlington, exchanged time during the night a thief stole a cage observations, they have been Sheldon, the famous playwright. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Patterson, of Willamette valley wil aggregate mil- get the school children lnteresied pulpits. tire from the tire carrier of the car reporting to the County Agent’s in good food and health habits b y 'Jack Holt Is co-starred in the picture which had been parked in front of office and notices have been sent out Yakima, arrived Thursday to spend ions of dollars this season, so state means of talks and weighing and with Miss Dalton, and Mitchell Lewi„ a few days with his aunt, Mrs. W. the growers, because of no markets, the house. One of the ladies in the based on this information. Free Methodist Church Notice measuring contests, in a few of the head« the supporting cast. The pic- O. Whitsett. the high price of sugar and lack of a Our district elder, Rev. F. E. Pond, house had noticed a man loitering schools of the county. The follow, ture ls a Paramount. . general sales agency to control the of Walla Walla, will be with us com near the car and informed the men Boy H it By Car ing is a comparison of the results | —— Dick Hitt, the little son of Henry Miss Helen Bennett left Monday output. William Bentley, a grower mencing Friday, August 3, to hold folks when they arrived home. An found in the different schools: West. End Demonstratioiv o ry qUftrterly meeting and will preach at investigation was made and the tire Hitt, was hit by a car last Monday for the wheat country to spend seve of Hubbard, says Marlon county Minnehaha school— Number ex- j Farms A^am MakC « 87 the mission Friday and Saturday found to be missing. afternoon on Main street, opposite ral weeks with her Bister, Mrs. Nir- alone will lose 31,000,000 and that tons of choice fruit wil never be the jewelry store. The car was schel. e d l5 ’ underweight 7; five' According to the June report of i eventngg and gunday morning after ______ ) packed. There Is family demand In rounds or’ more underweight,’3; per Oregon Demonstration Poultry Farms Sunday school. He Is Just back from A. R. Buckner, who owns a farm driven by “Dad” West. The boy Mr. and Mrs. Waller and daughter Portland and the smaller cities for iously under weight. 20. 1 made by H. E. Cosby, extension poul- ,be general conference so will prob- in the vicinity of the experimental was on hig hike at the time of the cen ser , try specialist. Lulu M. Rhodes of Her- abiy have something interesting to station, brought in the first home ' collision. The lad escaped with Jean returned Thursday evening ' all the fruit production of Oregon if Nolin — xam n ’ ’ | miston and 8. R. Cooper of Stanfield, say Come out and hear him. from Seattle and Portland where I a distributing system could carry the grown watermelons last Monday. | few bruises and minor injuries. weight, 15: five pounds or more un- * the y .... , they have been enjoying a vacation, i fruit to the homes at a price the der, 8; per cent seriously under „ _ J_____ of the state. t Mrc j flock _ producers Mrs, ______ homes would pay. weight, 25. I Rhodes with 319 Leghorns secured One of the duties of the state mar Mr. and Mrs. Wann were guests Reith — Examined, 38: under | ¡ 5181 C1O1 eggs s during l i t f l n z r t the ho n in n ili n n 1 ket agent, aR required by law, is month, or r a an i at the Haddox home Saturday. weight, 22; five pounds or more un-1 ayerage of lg 2 eggi, Pei hen. S. that he shall act as arbitrator in der weight, 11; per cent seriously R Coopcr witb 150 Leghorns seeur- cases of dispute and differences be Mr. R. L. Addleman and Mr. W. tween parties, when requested. underweight, 29. ! ed 2307 eggs or an average of 16.04 ; O. Whitsett made an auto trip to While this is not a pleasant task, Holdman— Examined, 22; under ! egg8 hen. The average product, Echo Tuesday. yet many times differences between weight, 15; five pounds or more (on of tbe twenty highest flocks In shippers and buyers can be satisfac- under weight, 7; per cent seriously the state in June 1923 was 59.7 per Little Leo Haddox was seriously , tw |)y adJll8ted hy getUnR ,he par cent. D. W. Porter of Linn county under weight, 32. burned Thursday evening while ties together and the cost of litiga Fruitvale— Examined, 73; under Wiliams of the same county with I llghyng a lamp. His clothes caught tion saved. The market agent will weight, 43; five pounds or more un- 480 Leghorns secured an average of fire resulting In serious burng on be glad to officiate along this line der weight, 22; per cent seriously a Httlc more than 22 eggs per bird, i -neck, shoulder and arm. ( at any time when requested. under weight, 30. Mr. Cosby points out that moist — — | L. . Hunt, manager of the state Meacham— Examined. 13; under mash has the greater value as an , Mrs. H. 8tockard was a guest at hay grOwers asoclatlon, states that weight 6; five pounds or more un- an emergency feed during production the Whitsett home Sunday. ; p(,r rent 0, the hay sold through der weight 4- per cent seriously declines than when fed dally through --------- I the association last season was sold under weight. 30. °«t »h® tbla 9ea^ " ot ‘he Mr. and Mrs. Phipps and daugh- direct to the retailers and feeders, Um atilla-Exam ined. 113; under T*»r »her. Is a natural ter Laura left for an extended motor thus eliminating the broker and weight. 55; five pound, or more un- production to slump, If( a, trip Tuesday. They wil take In > speculator middle profits. This Is der weight. 2 3 - p e r cent seriously "’»«h baa « «"*X *»« Portland and Spokaue where Martha { ,g one of the strong features of co- ” * ¿4 or to maintain a higher and more a er we g , • steady lay during the summer and Wlnslow will Join them and all go operative selling agencies, Hermiston- Examined. 254; und- monfhg M<wt p0M,trylnen >re. j to Lake Chelan. _________ _____ er weight. 141: five pounds or more t<> # m<jJgt magh >t noo„ WORK STARTED ON RAPIDS INVESTIGATION COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES _____ Just what the hens will clean up In under weight, 27. about fifteen minutes. The regular Reports were sent home to the par- dfy magb ,g taken and moistened to ents of the children found very much # crambly con«lstency, with either under weight, offering help in bring- >OBr m)Ik buttermilk or water, ing the children up to normal weight, ^gtem followed during the sum- Many of the mothers responded and mer mon(bg connection with a rea- ’ were sent copies of "W hat Shall I en ab le amount of culling proves to Do To Gain Weight." It is impor- be very successful. Moist mashes tant that your child be fed the right are „Emulating and for this raaroaj kind of food. If you would like to «hould be used as an emergency feed have the leaflet, you may have a copy durlng production decline«, of charge by writing for it to ■ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 61th M. Hoffman, Home Demon- Wkhnona Rands, of Boardman. :ratlon Agaat. a Hermiston vttftor Tueaday. - >- .p - A ORCHARD ON THE UMATILLA PROJECT Mr. and Mrs. McLaiigh, Mrs. Tur ner and children and Mr. and Mrs. j Nlrebell, from the wheat country, were guests at the Bennett home Sunday. " Mr. and Mrs. Owen Patterson, Mrs. Euln Patterson and Miss Mil- dred Nicholson, left Sunday for their home In Oakland, California. They have been guests at the Whitsett home. Lad Suffers Serious Burns l^o Haddox. six year old son o f Mr. and Mrs. Tom Haddox, of this city, was painfully burned Iasi Fri day when beeswax which was being rendered spilled over and stntck the : boy on the face and chest. The burns were dreesed with cotton band- j a<es. Soon after the burns were , dresMd the boy attempted to light a |lm p and in some manner the cotton bandages caught fire, burning the lad a second time. Mr. and Mrs. Hansen called at the Charlie Barnes, of Boardman, was Bennett home Tuesday morning. m this city Tueedey.