Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1923)
LOCAL AND PERSONAL ■ BREVITIES ■ For the Hot W eather— Railroad Earnings Are Not Guaranteed Oeeureoeea o f la tereo t Gleaned Hara and There A bout the City and NoiaJtborhuod Tin. Sheet metal work and Plu ing, Call 783. I. E. Patman. 11 GASOLINE— Our price 25 cents per gal. Kellogg & Schimke. 47tfc Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Kirk, of Rose- burn, were visitors last week at the T. N. Rankin home. Mrs. Kirk is a daughter of Mrs. Rankin. PALM BEACH TROUSERS $5.00 Pat Slscel took the local to Ar lington Monday morning to bring back hig car. He had left his car in the above named city on account of a break down while returning from Wasco a few day.» ago. When Pat heard the news concerning the fire at Arlington he thought his car might have been among those that were destroyed In the fire at that place, but when he arrived he found his car had not been damaged. George Day, superintendent of the local schools, has returned from Mon tana where he has farming interests. Mr. Day has been engaged as head of the local schools again thiB year. Guaranteed 10c a button, $1.00 a rip I Mr. Van Velsteln, who at one time was owner of the S. Sellers ranch, ig visiting at the H. Lenhart home. K I N G S L E Y ’S H t H M IB T O N '8 H O U S E O f Q U A L IT Y A N D B g R V lC I" | A birthday surprise party was given Mrs. I. E. Putman last week. Twelve were present. Bridge was the entertainment for the evening, after which refreshments were serv ed. J. O. Lawler returned Sunday from Echo Flour Mills Echo, Oregon Walla Walla where he had gone to J be with his wife who recently under went a minor operation. Mr. Law- ■ ler reportg his wife doing nicely. J. L. Waller and family have re turned from a "two weeks' vacation spent In Seattle and coast points. The bungalow being built at the I corner of Ridgway and Fourth street by Lyle Tilden will soon be ready for j occupancy. The carpqgters and plumbers are finishing up (heir work rapidly. M AN UFA CTU RERS OF- H igh Grade P atent B lu e S t e m F lo u r Lucile Hooker, who has been liv ing with her uncle at Medford, ve- ! turned Monday to her home in the Columbia district. T h e S u p e rio r P ro d u c t o f Scientific M illing A common impression exists that railroad earnings are In some way guaranteed by the Gove,omen,. This Is n « a fact The railroads were paid for the Fedral Control period a fixed for x 7 7 * ' ? “ “n ° P“ On f° r fon,lnu““« o' 'his policy 31 1 2 0 "sine Me¿ 7 ,'ter- Th” “rran«emfcnt « » 'red August Your BREAD BAKING in , BYREX WARE Z has £ n 7 ,7 7 ' n0,h'n* eVe“ " Ung ‘ t!UaraUtee t o UeaÍnr a,hfe | COn?,l‘U,IOn “ rai'r°ad alwa>8 been ^ title d W ith PY R E X you actually see the bread while it is baking. You know w hat is going <jn inside the dish and you get a crispy crust on the bottom and sides as well as the top. the F U,n UP° n propelty devoted to the public u e, the percentge which constituted such fair return being a question for determination by the courts. use The transportation act says: ra t« ‘, 7 en CrCl8e ** P° Wers pre9crtbe J““» ™d reasonable rates, the Commision shall. . . .adjust such rates ao that car rier . . will, under honest, efficient and economical manage m eat . . .earn an aggregate annum net railway operating income equal, as nearly as may be, to a fair return upon the aggregate value of the common carrier property, giving "due considera tion. . . .to the transportation needA of the country and the n ecessity------ of enlarging such facllitiea in order to provide the people of the United States with adequate transportation.” PY R E X is m ade for every baking use—for bread, pies, cakes, puddings, custards, eggs, pot pies, beans, macaroni, casserole, au gratia dishes, etc. It is sanitary—never wears out and ¡3 guaranteed not to break in actual oven use. __ For the two years ending March 1. 1922, such fair return was fixed at 6perccnt. Since then It has been reduced by the com. mission to 5.75 per cent. In no year however have the railroads secured the fair return contempated by the Act, as the following wil show: Year Percentage actually earned 1920 0.33 1921 3.3 1922 4.14 It is entirely clear, therefore, that the law in no sense guar antees the earnings of the railroads. If it did. the Government would owe the railroads more than a billion dollars for deficits in 1920, 1921 and 1922. OREGON HARDWARE & IMPLEMENT CO. Since January 1, 1923, the earnings of the railroads a8 a whole have been better than for the same period in any of the preceding years, but the rate of returns is still lower than the Interstate Commerce Commission has prescribed as reasonable. The Transportation Act has not been the cause of increases in railroad rates. One of the authors of the Act has said: Rates have advanced simply because the cost of maintenance and operation has more than doubled since pre-war days while railroad rates, taken as a whole, are now about 54 per cent higher than they were before the government took over the railroads at the beginning of the year 1918.” The price of transportation can only be reduced as the cost of transportation is reduced and the railroad’s cost of living has increased in like proportion to that of the individual. Every effort, however, is being made to reduce It. Constructive suggestions arc always welcome. Omaha, Nebraska, Augut 1, 1923. SPECIAL Saturday, A ugu st 4 L adies’ B ratsieres-50 per cen t o ff .. This is seasonable merchandise and you can save some money by sup plying your present and future needs in this apparel. SATURDAY SPECIAL—ONE DAY ONLY C. R. GRAY, President. M akes B e tte r B re a d T ry a S ack DEALERS IN G R A IN A N D FEED — ■' . 1 . Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Phipps and daughter I^tura left Tuesday by auto for Spokane and Chelan lake. They will meet Miss Martha Winslow on the trip and she will accompany them back to Hermitson where she will spend a short time visiting her parents. They expect to be gone about ten days. H. M. Straw and family left Mon day to Join Dr. Prime and family at the beach. The two families will make the trip to Crater Cake. They wll be away for a period of about two weeks. THIS IS THE TIME OF YEAR WHEN FLIES AND MOSQUITOES GET INTO THE HOUSE. We have a good asortment of Screen Doors and Mntertal for Window Screens and Screen Porches. GET THE HOUSE IN SHAPE FOR COMFORT: —DON'T HAVE TO KEEP YOUR HOUSE SHUT THIS HOT WEATHER Materially Youra, TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. “EASY” Electric Washers Come in and let us demonstrate E A S Y M O N TH LY PA Y M E N T S IF DESIRED SAPPERS’ INC. HARDWARE FURNITURE IMPLEMENTS RADIO OUTFITS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Hermiston Produce & Supply Co. !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■I ■ ■ Legal Blanks at The Herald Office T H E H ER M ISTO N H E R A L D Fifieen Camp Fire girls held their ceremonial meeting last Saturday evening at the Root orchard on the !■■■■■■■ west side. New members were tak, en in and beads awarded to those Edward P. Mantell, traveling who had gained them. salesman for the Kohler Lighting System, spent one day last week at Bee men on the project arc suffer- the Bloom ranch. He with his wife, I Ing considerable loss by spray applied who has been visiting her parents to the fruit trees. for several weeks, are on a trip to Klamath Falls and Crater Lake Sam Boardman, who has charge where he will oversee the installa of equipment for the state highways, tion of two of their plants. paid this office a call last Tuesday. Sam has the ability and will fill the Dave Mittlesdorf came back Sun office to which he has been appointed day from his vacation trip to Wis to the best Interest of all concerned. consin. B. J. Shaw left Saturday for Pen. Miss Bertha McKeen Is home from dleton where he has procured a poat- Monmouth where she attended sum tlon with the construction gang on mer school. the McKay creek dam. Mr. nnd Mrs. F. C. McKenzie, who Mrs. Oils Tonis, of Sand. Oregon, have been in Portland, returned visited nt the home of her brother, Tuesday. Bert Shaw last week. Mrs. Leila Phelps returned Tues Miss Laura Wescoe, of Philadel day after a week's vacation at Sea phia, is visiting at the home of Mrs. side, IC. E. Schilling. Rev. Davis nnd family returned R. B. Spencer was a business visi Wednesday from a vacation trip to tor in Echo Friday. southern Oregon, Willamette valley and coast points. Mrs. Grace Bouffeur, of Chicago, has been the guest of the Rowe fam. Baptist Church—Sunday school ily on North Ridge. She and Mrs. and preaching services next Sunday Rowe left last week for Chicago via morning at the usual hours. Come. Spokane where they will visit their brother and family, Mr. Charles A. C. Voelker has written an In Fanches. teresting article for the latest Com monwealth Review of th U. of O. Mr. and Mr. Waller Blessing and In which he pictures Hermiston as family left Thursday for a two weeks an Ideal co-operative community. vacation. Mrs. Thomas Campbell and Mlsa Beulah Reid came back from Seattle on Wednesday wTisTe rh»y have been 'laitlng Mrs. Campbell's daughter, Mrs. M. D. Screggs. “ THE BEST OF GOOD SERVICE” COM M ERCIAL PR INTIN G OF A L L K INDS C. W. Kellogg Journeyed to Port land Saturday night nnd drove back a car for the Hermiston Auto Co. Mias Gray, who was an employee of the First National Bank of this city, departed for Alaska where she wll spend her vacation. She will visit Portland and Seattle on her way. A com plete set m ay be bad for a modest cost—start yours today— buy a bread pan at : Neighborhood Club Holds Lawn Fete The Neighborhood club of the Col unihla district held a lawn social last Friday night at the A.A. Paulson home. An entertaining musical pro- gram consisting of vocal and instru mental numbers was rendered. Re- freshments of ice cream and lemon ade were served. Quite a number motored out from Hermiston. WARNING!! Everybody in Hermiston and vic inity is hereby notified that Parker’s Store has been fferlng bargains and will continue to do so. Beginning Monday, August 6, and continuing all week, there will be a big special sale with factory demonstrations. See window display. Bring in Four Films Come one, come all. prices. They are right. Get our THE STORE WITH THE BLUE FRONT ---- “The We»! Side Eat Shop” = = J. Lao Parker, Proprietor Tolepkono 413 iiiHHHHBMMaMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBI O ur finishing d e p a rt ment, through up-to-date nicth i ’j and equipm ent and txj>ert handling, can help y<>i get the kind o f pictures you want. T o use a sla^v rtpres- sion: “ W e’re there - . the finish.” Colombia School Employs Teachers For Coming Year MITCHELL DRUG CO. The teachers who will comprise the staff of the Columbia school for the Phone 101 Hermiston, Oregon coming year have been engaged. The principal Is Truman Klein, of Jersey Shore. Penn.Mra. J. H. De- Moes, who has taught in the school for the past two terms, will continue • renew tf near. to hold her position as instructor of the Intermediate grades. Miss E ta . *iown. lyn Mortimer, of this city, will have the primary grade*. Ha» Y our Come aTK íi ’ jS Ä*»°“ an. rtp ired ? CITY MEAT MARKET JOHN ELalS, PROP. CHOICE MEATS F resh an I Cured Fresh Fish B U T T E R , E G G S, C H E E S E ICE FOR SALE ■■■■■•■■«■■■■■■■ bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb :