Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1923)
tlon Twenty-six (26) in Township Five (5) North of Range Twenty- eight (28), East of Willamette Meri MEN COME FIRST dian, in Umatilla County, State of SENI0B PLAY Oregon. In every Institution the men be The cast for the Senior play “Clar Yon are further notified that said hind the enterprise are the most lm. ence" has beer, selected and practice A group of high school students Anna M. Harthrong has paid taxes is in progress under the direction of portant consideration. Product sell took advantage of the delightful on said premises for prior or sub ing plan or capital are of little avail Miss Denby. “Clarence” is a com sequent yea-s with the rate of in edy in four acts written by the pop weather on last Sunday and enjoyed unless the men comprising the or terest on said amounts as follows: ular author. Booth Tarkington. The a picnic near Cold Springs. ganization are efficient. Year's Tax. 1917, Date Paid Aug plot centers around a soldier who The annual Junior prom is to be The character, ability and exper ust 3, 1921, Amount $12.33, Rate of has an amusing life story. The Sen given this year on April 28. The ience of the men back of this bank Interest 12 per cent; Year's Tax iors will probably have this play guests are to be membersof the are reflected in lt8 growth and pres 1918, Date Paid August 3, 1921, staged during the latter part of May Junior and Senior classes and the ent strength. Amount $12.66, Rate of Interest 12 as a part of the Commencement exer alumni. An orchestra has been se per cent; Year's Tax 1919,, Date OFFICEBS cises. The cast is as follows: Clar Enjoy the advantages of intimate Paid August 3, 1921, Amount $15.- ence, Hugh Fraser; Violet Pinney, cured to furnish the music for the contact with our officers ond direc F. B. Swayze evening and a pleasant time 18 anti 7 6, Rate of Interest 12 per cent; Phyllis Dyer; Cora, Zona Bensel, the cipated. tors. Preaidant Year’s Tax 1920, Date Paid August young daughter in the household of R. Alexander 3, 1921, Amount $18.55, Rate of In Mrs. Martyn, the stenographer, Elda t'lce-President terest 12 per cent; Year’s Tax 1921, Buhmann; Bobby, the son, Arthur The material for the 1923 Annual 3. C. Lechrle We have Just bought a tremen Date Paid March 29, 1922, Amount has gone to the press and will prob, Rubner; Mrs. Wheeler, Cora and Cashier dous stock of Army Munson last $64.66, Rate of Interest 12 per cent. ably be ready for distribution In the of Hermiston Bobby’s stepmother, Margaret Neary; W. L. Hamm, shoes to be sold to the public dir Said Wilson S. Parks, as the own. Mr. Wheeler, Cora and Bobby’s earlypart of May. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Aaa't. Cashier ect. These shoes are 100 per cent er of the legal title of the above de father, Leo Smith; Della, the house Profits Over <50,000 scribed property as the Bame appears Miss Denby spent the week-end In 1 solid leather with heavy double maid, Mary Currie; Hubert Stem, Ir soles sewed and nailed. The up of record, and eafch of the other per win Shotwell; Dinwiddie, the butler, Corvallis where her brother Is at tan chrome sons aboved named are hereby further Ernest Carson. tending school. She returned Mon pers are of heavy leather with bellows tongue, there notified that Anna M. Harthrong will day evening. FOR SALE—One four-horse fresno, apply to the Circuit Court of the by making them waterproof. These The Junior candy sale which was power spray rig, small plow, walk County and State aforesaid for a de shoes are selling very fast and we held on the evening of the presen The track meet is to be held Sat ing cultivators, cream separator, cree foreclosing the lien against the advise you to order at once to In lumber wagon with bed, saddle property above described and men tation of the high school operetta urday on the local field with stu sure your order blng filled. T he H erald publishes was a success from every standpoint. dents from the west end of the and other farm tools too numerous tioned In said certificate. And you are Th sizes are 6 to 11, all widths; more genuine paid want to mention. All inquiries to be hereby summoned to appear within The members of the class deserve county competing. price $2.76. Pay postman on re much praise for the manner in which made before Wednesday morning. ads than any other sixty days after the first publication ceipt of goods or send money order Teacher— “What Is an oyster?” W. G. Fritts, 3% miles east of of the summons exclusive of the day they conducted the affair, and for paper published in a city Labon— “An oyster 18 a fish built Money refunded tf shoes are not Hermiston. 32-ltp of said first publication, and defend the delicious candy placed on sale. satisfactory. like a nut.” I of the same size in East this action or pay the amount due The student body Is pleased to an ern Oregon. as above shown together with costs nounce that the operetta "Crimson MISCELLANEOUS Teacher— “Who can name one Im and accrued Interest and in case of Eyebrows” netted them the neat sum portant thing we have now that we THE U. S. STORES CO., THERE’S A REASON your failure to do so, a decree will of $100. The students desire to 1441 Broadway. did not have one hundred years ago.” BEE SUPPLIES at the Second Hand be rendered foreclosing the lien of thank all those who contributed to NEW YORK CITY Claude W.— “Me.” Store. i1-tfc said taxes and costs against the land "■ I». -i t"1-'. I' ■■ and premises above named. COLOR FOR HOSPITAL WALLS PRESIDENTS BORN IN WINTER This summons is pibiished by or STANDARD SERVICE STATION— der of the Honorable Gilbert W. New York Institution Hat Adopted location opposite Herald. Birthdays of Most of America’s Chief New Idea Which Would Seem Phelps, Judge of the Circuit Court Executives Between October 4 to Have Advantages. SEE J. L. HARMAN FOR of the State of Oregon, for the Coun and April 28. Blacksmithlng of all kinds. All ty of Umatilla, and said order waif The modern hospital has been made Did you ever stop to think that most Work Guaranteed. Telephone 603. made and dated this 26th day of about as sanitary, cheerless and un FOB SALE IF I FAIL TO GROW HAIR 6-tfc. April, 1922, and the date of the first comfortable looking as it Is possible of our presidents were bom In winter? publication of thi8 summons is the to make It with the aid of white cald- The most auspicious time of year for FOR SALE— 49 acres, partly Im FOR SALE— Office safe. Inpulre of 22nd day of March, 1923. mlnetl ceilings, enameled walls, and the birthdays of presidents la between proved Terms, W. A. Leathers. All process and papers in this pro white enameled iron furniture. In the October 4 and April 28. Only three W. A. Leathers. — 26tfc presidents out of the total of 28 have 25-tfe. ceeding may be served upon the un new Fifth Avenue hospital all this Is been born outside that cool weather changed. The walls are delicately tint FOR SALE— An Improved 20 acre SEE G L. BENNETT for Auction- dersigned residing within the State ed In French gray, bufT or tan, and the period, and twd of those, John Quincy erring. Phone 42F2. 26-tfc. of Oregon at the address hereafter ranch 3 1-2 miles from Hermiston furniture Is what we would find In a Adams and Benjamin Harrison, de World’s Greatest Hair for particulars see C. H. Skinner. mentioned. modern hotel, A great deal of the scended from presidential families. 1-tfc. FOR RENT—Small alfalfa farm, If you were born In May or June and Grower. Grows hair on horror of a hospital Is brought about Address, Pendleton, Oregon. house, orchard, berries, etc. J. H. by the idea of being wheeled Into an get to be President, you’ll be doing bald heads. -ALE- A e n d farm team and It must not Keator & Randall, Reid. 24-tfc. Immense operating room, with nothing something no one else ever managed to ? in s a> a bargan. Also a 4 Attorney for the Plaintiff. but operating tables, knives and saws, do, remarks the New York Sun. Taft be put where hair is not horse fresno. O. O. Felthouse. 24tfc REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES AND 26-7tc. which are not calculated to distract at was the only man not of a presidential wanted. Oures dandruff INSURANCE. J. M. BIGGS, RE tention from their own Ills, and the pa family who ever celebrated his birth FRESNO SHOES $4.00 per pair. ALTOR. 26-tfc tient usually remains In terror until day In May, June, July, August or Sep and all scalp troubles. N0TICE OF CHATTEL M0BTGAGE the anesthetic has done Its work; but tember. He was born on September Harmon’s Blacksmith Shop. 22-tfc. $1.75 per jar. SALE at the Fifth Avenue hospital the pa 15. The only two real summer presi LOST-—Eastern Star pin at operetta dents were Benjamin Harrison, with tient Is taken Into an anesthetizing FOR SALE— 1 1-2 doz. White Leg A g e n t* W anted last Friday evening. Finder will Notice is hereby given that by vir room which resembles a smnll parlor. a birthday on August 20, and John horn hens, also 1 1-2 doz. thorobred please return to Herald office. tue of the authority vested in me as It Is attractively furnished, and even Quincy Adams, who was a July 11 Rhode Island hens all good layers, 32-ltc the agent of Millard F. White, mort has a rug on the floor, and there are baby. also 1 thorobred jersey bull com Console yourself If you hnve a sum gagee, in a certain chattel mortgage curtains at the windows. This new 448 Logan Ave. mer birthday with the fact that more ing 2 years old. B. T. Locke, Colum THE BEST that's grown in garden given by J. F. Morfitt to the said hospital has many Interesting devices; of the great poets have Been born In WINNIPEG, MANITOBA bia district. 25-tfc. and bedding plants at the Pelmul- White on the 1st day of May, 1922, for example, suites of offices are pro May than In any other month and thnt vided for physicians at the hospital, so der greenhouse. Porch boxes, and recorded in Vol. 38 of Chattel great painters and explorers, writers 3 V4 ton Public Truck for sale cheap. hanging baskets and cut flowers. Mortgages, page 389, Records of that they can see their private patients of best sellers and kings are br plenti Now on good gravel job. Also has Just the same as they would In their 32-tfc Umatilla county, Oregon, that I wil own office, thus befhg able to keep In ful among summer babies as among flat rack for hauling wheat or CATARRH baled hay. Inquire this office. on Saturday, the 21st day of April, touch with the other patients In the those that breathed their first In frost Catarrh Is a Local disease greatly In fluenced by Constitutional conditions. 13-tfc. Those who know themselves en- 1923, at the hour of 10 o’clock A. hospital. This office enables the physi ier weather. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con debted to the firm of Sikey & Hen cians to tnke advantage of the diag sists of an Ointment which gives Quick Entertainment for Lepere. O’ E THOROUGHBRED JERSEY derson. will please call and settle. M., at the front door of the building nostic facilities of the hospital for their Relief by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts The leper colony of Porto Rico on through Dull for sale, coming 2 years old.i We have sold our business and are known as the Playhouse on Main private patients.—Scientific American. the Blood on the Mucous Sur Cobras Island, nfter years of dreary faces and assists In ridding your System also one coming 2 years old, black anxious to close our books prepara street in Hermiston, Oregon, sell to of Catarrh. days and silent nights, can now listen the highest bidder for cash in hand, Jersey heifer, will be fresh in by druggists for over 40 Years. tory to turning it over to the new all the property described in said SINGING AFFECTS THE INSANE to the voices of the world. A radio re Sold F. J. Cheney A Co., Toledo, O. the summer. R. T. Locke, Colum purchaser. Thanking you for your chattel mortgage, or so much there ceiving set has Just been Installed bia district. 20-tfc. past patronage. Sikey & Hender of as shall be necessary to satisfy the Tired Brains and Irrltatad Nerves Said there. Probably not since its Inven to Ba Soothed by Muale and the tion has the setting up of a radio set 32-2tc sum of $650.00 with accrued inter FOR SALE cheap, team weight about son. Human Voice. been watched by a more Interested 2600. Call F. S. Beddow. Phone est, attorney’s fees, and costs of mak group of spectators than that which SEE Experiments are being tried at the followed the movements of the Rev. 42F13. 21-tfc. Want duck eggs for hatching. Phone ing such sale, together with the 795. 32-ltc building rent due, said property be New York State Hospital for Insane Charles B. Bare and two employees, on Ward's Island with the human as they Installed the Instrument. FOR SALE— Range, dinning table, ing described as follows: One Pow. kl chen cabnet, bed room set, rugs I take this means of notifying the er’s make cameragraph, one General voice, and physicians and attendants "When the loud speaker comes you say that there Is evidence that tired will be able to hear concerts, music public that I will not he respon and other articles. Phone 21F3. Electric make compersarc, one Men brains are rested and Irritated nerves and singing In San Juan. In Havana sible for any debts contracted by Mrs. Augusta Creasy. 23-tfc. denhall player-piano, one set rep cur soothed by song. Theories evolved and In the big cities of the United my wife, Viliie Greene. tains, all scenery for moving picture from studying “reactions” of Insane States,” they were told. The radio FOR RENT— Ten acres of land in Sherman Greena. 31-lt house, one canvas screen, three hun patients prove thnt vocal music has a concerts will be heard In the club -FOB— cultivation; good buildings, one more powerful Influence over the av house of the Philanthropic society of mile east of Umatilla. For particulars LOST—Cockerel Spaniel, extra long dred opera chairs. Said sale will be erage Insane person than Instrumental. Cabras Island. The clubhouse Is rath A series of concerts Is to be given at er meagerly furnished—a broken vlc- body, short legs, bob tail, dark made subject to the prior lien of see Albert Atchison, Umatilla, Ore. brown, name Buster. Wearing Charles H. Crandall by ^virtue of a the hospital and results will he careful trola, a rather unsteady table, and ' 26tfc collar with C. E. Fuller’s name on certain chattel mortgage given by ly watched to determine Just what some benches and chairs. Superin measure of relief Is given. Music has FOR SALE— Two four-room houses it. Liberal reward for any infor G. H. Adams to said Crandall on the been used for thia purpose In Germany tendent Itubln has promised to see that 6th day of September, 1920, and re everyone has a seat—and so on nights in Hermiston. Term8 $100 down, mation concerning his where with great success for many years and monthly payments of $25. H. E. abouts. C. E. Fuller, Walla Walla corded in Vol. 35, of Chattel Mort the alienists are able to say what when Pittsburgh and Havana “speak' — AND— out clear and bold” the exiles of Cabras Hanby. 27-tfc Wash. — 32-3tc gages, page 249, Records of Umatilla kinds of music have the proper effect will be listening. county, Oregon, given as security upon individual cases. The soprano FOR SALE— 3-inch Webber wagon Dr. H. C. Curry, eyesight special for the payment of rent upon the voice is said to be most beneflclnl to The Rest of the Outlay. and good hay rack. Same as new. ist of Seattle, who has made pofess- building described above as the Play cases of acute melancholia. Pretty Aunt Grace received for val The tenor voice, high and clear, has entlnes from her many admirers three I Price $100. Geo. H. Root. 27tfc ional vlBlts to Hermiston for many house for three years from the 6th the best effect on persona having soft years, will be here soon. Watch pap day of September, 1920, and the pur ening of the brain, while the deep, books of poetry as well as some candy FOR SALE— White Leghorn baby and flower«. Rlx-yenr-old Ben, who chaser at the time of sale will be 32-ltc rich tones of the baritone affect par chicks. March, April and May ers for date. required to pay the sum of $183.00 ticularly paranoiacs. It Is a mystery had Just started to school thought the hatches. 1 or 500. R. L. Smith, now in arrears of rent to May 1st, yet to be explained by science why a hooks, so different from his first rend Hermiston, Oregon. 27-tfc Detroit vapor oil stove, 5 burners 1923. mind unbalanced Is abnormally sensi er, decidedly queer In form. His moth-1 er told hlin they were the sort of books with oven. Will sell cheap if Dated at Pendleton. Oregon, this tive to musical vibrations. A profes people gave for valentines. FOR SALE— Duroc-Jersey sows, will taken at once. G. W. Lambrlth. sional pianist In Russia, trying piano The next day the principal brought farrow in week. Purebred. Phone | 32-2tp 9th day of April. 1923. solos on patients, found that “Jazz" some little books of childhood rhymes Zoeth Houser, 64F6. A. A. Paulsen. 27-tfc was positively harmful, while soft, to their room to he need as supple Sheriff Umatilla County, Oregon I soothing, restful music would quiet the mentary readers. For a little while | SUMMONS FOB PUBLICATION IN FOR 8ALE— Strawberry plants, most violent. 31-2tc F0KECL0USUBE OF TAX T IE N Ren looked at the one handed him. Marshalls. Joe Dyer. Hermiston, and then he waved hla hand at the Ore. 30-tfc In the Circuit Court of the State of IN THE COUNTY COUBT OF THE He Knew Him When— principal. “Where are the dowers to have that watch Oregon, for the County of Umatilla There Is one Detroiter who bad an and candy thut came with these?" he STATE OF 0B E G 0N FOB THE Anna M. Harthrong, Plaintiff vs. FOR SALE— Bay team, weight about or clock repaired. opportunity to study at close range asked. COUNTY OF UMATILLA Wilson S. Parks, and any other 2600. Also harness and wagon. the new Japanese ambassador long person or persons claiming any Ed. Haugeberg. 30-tfc In the matter of the estate of before M. Hanlbara thought he would Pretty Soft for Tlge. represent his country in the United right, title, lien or interest In or James A. Ralph, deceased. "If the people are so genuinely en FOR SALE— 2 Jersey cows, also 15 States. During the settling of the thuala-oic over motoring, as they are,, to the within described property, month old heifer, choice Duroc- Notice of final account. Russian-Japanese peace at Porte of course," says a Detroit motorcar j Defendant. We do the best work Jersey brrod sows. Eber D. Mos- Notice la hereby given that the mouth, N. H., In 1905, Harry H. manufacturer, “what about the dogs? To Wilson 8. Parks, the above sle, 1 mile east pf Hermiston. 294te and as reasonable Cooper, of the Hotel Toller, represent Doga seem to have' simply gone crazy undersigned has filed his final re named defendant: ed the Postal Telegraph company at about riding In an automobile. They port in the matter of the above en as we can. FOR SALE— Two mower* one hay IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF titled estate, and the court has fixed the Kittery naval station. He had will ride on the running board, cling ! OREGON: charge of all the Japanese official to the fenders or take any easy seat. rake, one wagon, 2-borse fresno, You are hereby notified that An Monday, the 21st day of May, 1923, cable dispatches. M Hanlbara was the Inside the car or outside. I have two 4-horse riding fresno, stack of rye as the time, and the county court social and, vlrtnally, the general sec dogs of my own, and know any num straw, one gelding 8 years, weight na M. Harthrong is the holder of roomrin the county court house at retary for the Japanese peace envoys ber of driver« who alao have doga, but 1700. 2 sets harness. Inquire A. F. Certificate of Delinquency number Jewel** and Wale banker Pendleton. Oregon, as the place for When correspondents wanted to know I have .vet to see a dog that won't Drolebagen. 3 miles north of ed 1740 issued on the Third day of “Gifts Tk.l La.«' hearing and settling said final ac anything, they went to M. Hanlhara. drop everything, even a fight with Angust, 1921, by the Tax Collector town. It-tfc who, with the suavity characteristic Ma favorite enemy, to take a ride In count; any heir, creditor, or other of the County of Umatilla, State of of hla race, did what he could. He the family bus.” CHICKS AND HATCHING BOOS— Oregon, for the amount of Twelve person Interested In the Estate to file and Mr. Cooper became good friends Chas Clinesmlth. ons mile north of Dollar^ and Fifty-one Cents ($12.51) objections to said final account on or In the course of the negotiations.— Hermiston. ft-tfc the same being the amount then due before the day appointed for auch Detroit New* A grouch Is a men who finds a end delinquent for taxes for the year hearing and settlement. . . . reneu) u nex> quarter end cuaees his luck because I £ « Dated this 4th day of April, 1923. FOR SALE— Weaned pigs, duroc-Jer- 1*16, together with penalty. Interest It was not a dollar. ADDING machine rolls at the Herald sey thoroughbreds E. I. Daria. and coats thereon upon the real prop Frank Ralph. office. in town. 2 1-2 miles uorth of Hermiston erty assessed to you. of which you are Administrator fYPBW RITER Ribbon« «nd carboni 32-2tp (he owner *e appears of record eitaat- S l- t t e Want Ads Bring Romita paper for sale at the Herald. DB. FBACIS P. ADAMS Physician and Surgeon Eye« treatad. tested and Gia wee Fitted Office over First National Batik Office Hours: 0 to 12 a. no.; 2 to U. S. Army Shoes Day or night calk answered DB. W. W. ILLSBKY First National Bank NOTICE! W NT AOS Office ov.r Flrat ItaUesal Bank Osteopathy Dentistry W. J. W A BN EB Attorney-at-Law Hermiston Oregon Eye, Ear. Nose and Throat Has removed from hit former location la the Bond Bldg, to Room« 1. 2 and 3 Inland im p Iva Bank Bldg. Pendleton D?. I. :: Oregon THEO. BELETSKI VETEBINABIAN Treats All Domestic Animals. Interstate Stock Inspector Residence at Stone's Place BEBT MULLENS The Particular Barber Shop at Siscel’s Confectionery ■ ■■■■■■■■■■BBaaaaaa_i • J. I . VAUGH AN S 5 « E lectric Fixtures and Appliance« ■ j ’ phon. iw £ “ 2OS 8 . C a u r i S I. P e n d le to n , O rw .g ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■Basa m i ■■■■■■■■■■■■■aaaa ■ = “ We Give S. & H. Trading Staapsa a Our new brick shoe store is now open B B with a new line of goods. See us for B ■ « £ ® SHOE REPAIRING 2 OAK TAN SHOE STOKE ’ Sam Bodger», Prop. a i f l l l l l l l l l l l l B AMMUNITION B B A FULL LINE Krause’s Chocolates Good Time Bur-Bee Bars Has Your □ubstnption Expired? « gg I l T C O N F E C T IO N E R Y S T A T IO N E R Y The Best in Candies Don’t Forget r ::: M c K en zie & U E U A iam Prof. M. S. Crosse Wm. H. Ogden >m Dental X-Ray and Diagnosis Bank Bldg. Office ] Hermirton. Oregon ResfdBbee I Oriental Hair Root Hair Grower GUNS S a rg u y D B . F. V. P B IM l $50 Reward HITT Medicine Call« answered at all koura Offlea phone 661 Resideace ph News stand Cigars and Tobacco iia in a ia a ia iiia a a ia j ; CALL 254 2 For Hauling a ■ S 5 ■ a *> «"• T .H . Gaither S you an S a ■ ■ Dray and Transfer ■ a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a ■ i