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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1923)
THE HERMISTON HZRXLD, HERMISTON, OREG0Y. ÜüjriSrrmiöüiii Ijrralà EDUCATION AT SMALL COST TOOK TURNS BEINO SERPENT Writer Urges Rub I i cation of Little Books That Could Bo Circulated by tho Thousand. Published «very Thursday at tier* mlston, Umatilla County, Oregon by Raymond Crowder, Editor and Man ager. Entered aa second close matter, December 190« at the postoffice at Hermiston, Oregon. Alternated In Character That H U Meet Deeirabla Part In the IntortoInmsnL IRRIGON NEWS ITEMS In the old days little books could be had In France for the price of postage stamps—that Is, for ten cen times, or two cents, each. Even now the prices are only four or five times Subscription Rates as great, and the Frenchman who Is For One Year ------------------- «2.00 going out of Paris for an hour’s Jour For Six M o n th s ______ «1.00 ney can supply himself with “Eugenie Payable In Advance. Grandet" In two numbers, or “Sappho* In three, or “Pickwick” or “Faust” or Classified or Local Advertising the “Odvssey" In four, at the cost of 10 cents per lin e for first Insertion. I 33 to 50 centimes a number. The Minimum charge 25 cent«. 8'ibao- ] paper-hound books which huve Just quent Insertions 5 cents per line. been Issued In this country are much more expensive, to he sure, but the paper and print are also of much bet DISTINGUISHING BETWEEN AD-1 ter quality, and the cost of produc VEKTISING AND NEWS tion could certainly be cut, without There are certain people who drop I any loss In usefulness. In the matter In on the editor and relate to him I An optomlst Is an armless man of price, the American booklets now certain matters which they insist Is I * h ° W*U exposa himself to the seven sold at 20 cents rank with the popular news. As a matter of fact it Is noth- I year ttch and exclaim, "I should magazines, rather than with hooks, and It Is In competition with the popu lng more or less than advertising | worry lar magazines that a series like Ar- from which these people derive direct theme Faysrds should be sold. If a Press dispatches state that all it rack filled with such little honks could benefits. I quiet in Ireland. If such be the case. he Installed on every news stand In A dvertising is our stock In trad Ireland Isn’t Ireland any more. the subways of New York, and then This Is what we have to sell. The eventually on several thousand news editor who persists In giving It «way up and down the country, the MOST DEADLY OF POISONS stands Is damaging him self to the same ex enterprise might eventually more than tent as the merchant who w ill take pay Its way; and In any case It would goods off Ills shelf and hand them Bacillus of Botullivn Admitted to Be be worth more to the people of these Worse Than Any Other states than the fattest of endowed out to the public free of charge. Known to Science. universities.—From the Freeman. Sheriffs are kept busy tacking not Ices upon the doors of newspaper Experiments carried on at the Har offices who place no vulue upon ad vard Medical school Indicate that the WOOD HAS MANY ADVANTAGES CAN BE CARRIED TOO FAR vertlslng. poison produced by the baclllns of Lyle Seaman was a week-end visi Reconstructed Material That Can Be Indianapolis Man Satisfied That Thera A good many of these people are botulism Is very much more deadly tor In Portland where ha visited with Molded Instead of Usual Costly Should Bs a Limit Placed .___ , .. . ,, , .. , . than prussic add, although fortunate- honest in the belief that they «re ,y „ not ,n The his friend, Garland Jeude. He re on Publicity. Process of Carving. furnishing tho editor real news but polson occurs very rarely, but when It turned home Monday morning. A wife, a husband, a lawyer and a From shavings and sawdust, com the newspnper man Is compelled to I does usually several persons eat the bined with suitable binders, there Is young man who had something to do view It In another light. I food and are killed by. It. The germ Roy Dempsey left for Portland now being made a reconstructed wood with a publicity stunt have kept a For instance, Mr. Blank conies In thnt produces the poison wag dlscov- and Informs iih that he has just pro- I by a Belgian Investigator In 1896. that Is said to have many advantages. telephone line leading Into an Indian Monday morning and w ill spend some The process was originated by Prof. apolis thenter busy In the last twenty- time visitin g his parents. cured some honest-to-goodness thor- ,n 22 tb" e, hnve only been J“ , I cases of illness from this cause, but George Kemmerer, of the chemistry four hours. Qnestlons put with more oughbrrd chickens from a noted 1 111 persons hnve died from It. Sau department of the University of Wis than ordinary vigor from a telephone Arthur Yergena made a buslnes poultry farm. He wants us to In sages formerly werS supposed to be consin. and the new material has been receiver in the northern part of In trip to Hermiston Saturday. used commercially since last winter, dianapolis were met at the other end form the public that his Intention the chlet cause of botulism. In the are to raise these chicks for the local cases of the last few yenrs other and has been found to be better than of the telephone with many and devi Mrs. J. E W h'te returned home ous explanations, and without appeas market. He believes that the pub foods hnve been Involved, Including wood for certain purposes, The sawdust, after being mixed with ing the aroused persons until finnlly Thursday from Pendleton where she lie w ill be interested In knowing string beans, cottage cheese, corn, a new binder material, is put Into a the attorney arrived personally on has been receiving medical atten- th is and he is right. But If we print asparagus, ripe olives nnd spinach. It mold, and subjected to a pressure of the scene. also has been attributed to turkey, ’ li n. this as a news Item we are advertis chicken and fish. While the victims from 506 to 1,000 pounds per square The cause of the commotion started ing a product that Mr. Blank lias to frequently show the symptoms In Inch. The resulting product Is much when the wife read a note, written In Mrs. E. W. B eflcM loft Sunday eell, he derives n benefit from the from 16 to 18 hours, they do not tougher and ha-der than ordinary feminine hand, dated Chicago, which Item while we are giving away the I always develop before 36 hours. Weak- wood, does not spilt, and Is practically began, “My Dear” and ended, “With for Pendleton w l >re she w ill spend only thing we have to sell— public ness, dizziness, headache nnd nausea Impervious to water. This recon love, Mary.” The note told of a pho a few day3 v ’sitl-u; w ith relatives. first make their appearance. There structed wood takes finishes, such as toplay "Mary,” had seen In Chicago. ity. Is difficulty of vision. Patients some varnish and enamel, very well. Its chief It urged her friend “My Dear” not to In most cases It Is not hard to dis The stud - ts o'.' the Irrigon high times see double. The eyelids often use Is In the manufacture of articles fall to see It, as she had been told It tlngiiish between what Is advertising droop, and control over them is lest, of Irregular shape, such as toilet sets, was on view In Indianapolis this week. school will present "All a Mistake,” «nd what is news. The hardest part so Hint the sufferer can see only by radio dials, and variometer rotors. In The wife could not believe it was a at three act con edy at the school Is to convince the other fellow. lifting them with h’s fingers. These stead of having to undergo the tedious publicity stunt. The husband failed Saturday evanlng, April 21 The We alw ays appreciate any and all effects llow from the attack of the and costly process of carving, as In In convincing her that “Mary" was scenes of tho plat take place at the the ense of ordinary wood, the process not someone whom he had met In Chi news Items given ns but lliere are poison on a particular brain center. pulp can be put Into a suitable mold, cago. and the lawyer was pressed Into house and grounds of Capt. Obadiah Other brain centers become Involved. times when we have to draw the line placed under pressure, and when dry, service. Eventuali v he carried a re Skinner, which 1 otherw ise known Swallowing becomes difficult. The Advertising is what we offer for sale muscles controlling the voice become the product Is hard, grainless, and port hack to the wife that convinced as Oak Farm W atchester. and ad and we can't afford to give it away. paralyzed. The paralysis spreads to seamless.—Popular Mechanics Mag her that It was only publicity. The joins the insane asylum. young man at the theater end of the the lips, tongue nnd respiration, and azine. stunt Is of the opinion that puhllclty the victim gasps for breath. In the THE IRRIGATION QUESTION Treasure for British Museum. may be too real.—Indianapolis News. end paralysis of the respiration nnd The latest addition to the natural The governor's recent visit to the the heart become« complete and there history department of the British mu Fresh Air Cures Colds. Irrigation projects of central Oregon Is death.—Scientific American. seum Is the skull and tusks of a Si If you have a stuffy head cold, lie has been the means of starting some berian mammoth, the first ever brought down In a room with windows o p e n - The Baffled Men. thing. During hla visit he suw ac Millinery looks alike to mere man, Into western Europe. This skull was covers enough to keep you warm—and tual conditions ns they exist on those especially when two hats of the samr dug out of the Ice on one of the Si consciously breathe deeply for ten to olor and general contour are seen from berian Islands of the Arctic. Pre fifteen minutes. Try to fill your lungs projects. On one side of the road he saw prosperity. People who oc- the rear. The other day two couples served as It was In cold storage from the bottom up, as It were—then at rangers, boarded a street car at tin through countless ages, It Is remnrk- force the air all out, and start again. euplcd the modern farm houses on siune comer, and while the sheiks pali ubly fresh, even to the fragments of You will find the stuffy feeling vastly these ranches were prosperous und the fare, the shelwis selected seati skin still attached to the great Jaws. relieved. Headaches, that “tired feel happy. On the other side a differ across the aisle from each other. Ther By examining the teeth, which are In ing,” Indigestion, melancholia, constipa ent aspect met hig gaze. There wai Sheik No. 1 went to Join his Indy, nm’ excellent condition nnd about six Inches tion, and countless other disorders, dire poverty and financial distresi sat himself beside the hat he thought In diameter, experts hnve established may be benefited or entirely relieved— on evory hand. Instead of the up- she wore. The face under the hat wat that they belonged to a full grown fe If you will but make a real effort to The hones of the help yourself I to-date furm house shacks housed looking out the window, nnd nothing male mammoth. was said for a moment. Then he felt head are snow white, In contrast to Without sufficient oxygen we stag people who hud not the money to u hand on his shoulder, and Sheik No the usual fossil bones, which are nate and become swamped In our own buy a few yards of calico for a dresi 2 said, “I guess you've got the wronj. stained brown or black. The tusks waste products. If you would he well — using old newspapers as raiment seat." Sheik No. 1 and both sliebni are 12 feet long nnd the Ivory Is In per nnd alert and capable of doing your to over their bodies. Tlielr deplor blushed furiously, and the passenger fect condition. Their value ns Ivory best day after day—learn to clean your Is placed at «1,300. Large quantities own blood stream by the dally use of able condition was a mute npponl-foi roared.—Detroit News. of fossilized Ivory, dug up In various air—It's free, too! Just try It—-C. It Grew—All Right aid. A good many <5f them hav< Itomnnce does have strange starting parts of Siberia, are being shipped to Richmond, D. O., In the Health Bul «pent tho best year« of their lives England for sale. A shipload of these letin. w ulllng for that which w ill bring grounds. For Instance, a reporter for remains arrived recently and was sold the News was walking through the them prosperity nnd happiness- Doing the Impossible. station nnd saw a porter brushing some for prices higher than paid for Indian water. They need nnd arc entitled rice off tho back of a young man, who Ivory tusks. The mothers looked upon Alexander ta aid. nnd saw that he was good. He had In turn gave him a dollar for the First Voluntary Hospital. money, power and position, so they It Is hard to float the bonds of favor. Westminster hospital, which Is to added their lore of bygone days to the ‘See that rice," he said to the re these districts for the follow ing rea he enlarged by the r.ddltton of another almost complete knowledge of their son. There is a period of from two porter, and then pointed to his bnckel of dirty wnter. “It started right here story, was the first institution estab debutante dnughters and the campaign to five years when the project is un In this old bucket a few weeks ago." lished by voluntary contributions In was launched. Athletic girls, domestic girls, beauti der construction that' the setilers It was begun In a small Then he explained. He had been London. a le unable to pny the interest on mopping the Door of the station when house In Birdcage walk In 1715, chief ful women, soul affinities and working these securities. Therefore before the young man stumbled against the ly through the pfforts of Henry Hoare. girls tried their wiles, but he was In the bonding companies w ill purchase bucket, spilled the water and ran lute who formed a soclery “for the relief vulnerable. Then he went to the town where he these bonds the interest has to be a strange girl. Acquaintanceship, love of the sick and needy at the Public In was bom to ent his Thanksgiving din firmary In Westminster." and (level giinrantoed from a responsible source. and the wedding followed. So satisfied with his bride was he that the young oped so rapidly that within a few ner with his old-fashioned mother. The The Slate has been asked to put up fellow wished to pny the porter whe years a new building had to be ac teacher of the village school boarded this money but tt must also receive played a part In the romance.—Indian quired In Chapel street, providing ac with his mother, partly to keep her collateral for the money It pledges. spoils News. commodation for 60 patients. Another company. The little teacher did not removal a few years later led to the know Alexander could not be caught. The state authorities have to he So they were married on Christmas resignation of a number of the gov Low Antenna More Selective. shown by the projects to whom they Eve.—Judge, ernors, who subsequently founded the The single-circuit tuner will enable MTCKETL DRUG COMPANY loan money that the district is sub the llstennr to differentiate between S t George's hospital at Hyde Park. Phone 101 stantial and there is more In Ils dc- two local broadcasting stations bj The present building was erected In velopmeni than a mere Idea. erecting an antenna not over 15 feet 1834. Althou; h i Ip la U h In high nnd 13 to 20 feet In length. It fancy of d< ■ • ' i| n t II hai pioven a has been conclusively demonstrated Sportsman’s Point of View. success. Of eoutse there has been that a low antenna Is more selective Two brothers, five and six yenrs old, Irrigation schemas, pror tied by pri than a high antenna. The selectivity were at the seashore and spent most of on a given nnteuna can be Increased tho time fishing, tine noon they were vate Individual r»r c-rporatlons ihnt l,y an additional series condenser be astonished to see the maid bring In b ’ve seen f e l l " e< The main rea tween nntennn nnd tuner. heaping soup plates of steamed dams. son for their fuilures hnve been a The older one, turning to his broth lack of funds nnd expertenca. It Bicycle Car. er. exclaimed In astonishment. “Say, A European fattier devised an In have we got to eat this perfectly good takes both to bring a project up to Its highest efficiency. The govern genlous vehicle for the transportation halt?"—Youth’s Companion. ment can supply both therefore their of himself nnd his five children. Us lng the wheels, gears, pedals and •a d Lighting Dangsrous. undertakings nlong this line are nuc- chains of two bicycles he constructed eeesful. a frame work mounted on fourw beela, . U ther* D o y o u d e s ire th e l a t e s t t h in g in a ra d io ? te e r e d and nnd pedaled n e d n le d I like lk . a 5r**rijr ” “ rWUlt * b,<’ a blevde bicycle. P'* The government is the logical pro s steered lighting than there are from automo O ne t h a t w ill b e g u a r a n t e e d in e v e ry w a y moter of Irrigation. Under Ils rule Here he mounted wicker baskets as bile accidents. In homes and streets to g iv e p e r f e c t s a tis f a c tio n . I f so call on the settler Is aided In his labors Io seats. where the lighting Is had people fall Powdered Gleee ae a Polson. make a home for him self and family: frequently. In many cases receiving u s a n d le t u s s h o w y o u — During a recent murder trial In Loa- fatal injuries. Tbe hazard of had under Its rule the desert w ill he made to "bloom and bteaoom as I he I * * ’ “ ’W'«"'1 "M> »object of powdered lighting was ascertained hy figures a leading Insurance company compiled. roeo without w aiting years for the thl„ „ „ A (, 1, , nihert„n> state to guarantee some bonding of the Imperial Emery works. Loudon, Reverses Sounds. bouse interest on bonds that they in la n d other comiuiiUeA to write the fol A curious Instrument has recently a good many Inst anees w ll at a pre lowing letter to a London patter: been Invented capable of reversing “Now, as a tnnn with a lot of practi the sounds of a word or a sentence mlum Pet fiera who live on govern, B rin g th e a r t i s t s ’in to y o u r h o m e e v e ry e v e ment project« have a good many | cal experience, I question whether A steel piano wire, carried on twi powdered glass, taken In small quanti spools, pusaes between the poles of a n in g by in s ta llin g a r a d ia . T h e e n t e r t a i n things to be thankful for. ties, Is a poison at all, aud I think It small electromagnet, so connected m e n t is w ell w o r th th e m o n ey s p e n t. would be a very costly thing to try to with a telephone transmitter that spoken words are magnetically record When we read of all the 100 kill anyone with diamond dust. 'My experience Is gathered from the e.1 on the moving wire and reproduced per cant perfect bablee nnwdaya. we crushing and manufacture of glass for In a receiving Instrument. When lh« wonder what's become of the kids sandpaper. during which process. In j motion of the wire ta direct, the word) who used to have colic and other the old days, when little i s re was are heard as In ordinary conversation maladies peculiar to childhood In the taken regarding dust, mau became 1 bnt If the motion Is reversed, th t days gone by. whitened with the stuff.” sounds come to the ear In reverst THE GARAGE OF SATISFACTION PHONE 264 24 15* 8 8 Ray Jordan Is visitin g at the lira. Galtea had the barrel of russet Knight home. He drove here In a apples placed In tbe attic because Chevrolet car. they were not quite ripe enough to eat, and she warned her three boys, Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Glasgow of whose ages range from five to eleven Spokane, ate visitin g at the C. E. years, not to touch them. Then one rainy day, when she Glasgow hon e. Mr. Glasgow Is an -tought the attic to grt something an attorney In Spokane and has pro from a trunk, she came full upon her perty here. sons, surrounded by apple cores. At her approach two of the boys drew Harvey and W alter Warner were closer together; but the third, a little distance off, who lay on his stomach, absent from school last week. contentedly munching an apple, ap parently paid no attention to his The Irrigon h i'h school w ill play mother’s entrance. the opening base ball game at Pine “John! Henry! William!” she ex City Tuesday and also play Umatilla claimed. reproachfully. “Didn't 1 tell at In lgu ii Friday. % you not to touch them I” “Yee, mother,” replied John, the eldest, “but we’re not ri ■ally eating Mrs. B. B. Lane visited school on them. We’re acting the Garden of Friday. Eden. Willie and I are Adam and Eve, and Henry, over there, Is the Mrs. Nell McCarthy, of Pendleton, serpent, trying to lead us to our down fall by showing us how good the Is visitin g at the home of her parents^ apples are.” Mr. and Mrs E. W. Benefield, for a “But,” began the mother, as sternly week or ten days. as she was able, “you two must hnve been eating apples; Henry hasn't done The school directors observed Ar It all. I see as many as ten cores bor Day by hinging to the school a around yon. “Oh, yeth,” returned Willie, the number of p-plar trees. They were youngest, “we’ve all been taking assisted In settin g them out by some turnth being tbe serpent."—Exchange. of the school children and people of the community. Ju st arrived New ' VICTOR RECORDS fo r BUILDING M A TER IA L and FUEL F ree Plans for H ouses and Barns are at your disposal s C E D A R FLUM E STOCi ■ a bland Empire Lumber Compa. Phon« 311 THE NEW ATWATER KENT N eil & B arker | order, like word« spelled backward», ta n p “ The Yard of Bes! Quali»« M. -THAW MGH i Kxaliuive Representative* i f N o M ade-to-M easure CLOTHE $26.5 T h e R eliab le Clea ie C om pare Our Cle nin W ith any CL I V W e u s e th e u tm o s t skill tio n in c le a n in g b o th la d ie ’ a ir , m e we.. W E C L E A N A N Y T H IN G Custom Tailoring R e p a irin g A lte rn tirn s Imperial French Dry Ci APRIL The Acme of Radios ■ ■ ■ ■ 11017634 ' . f D fARS 1917 Touring, good rubber, $100 One with starter and good rubber, $200 OTHER BARGAINS “We Have What You Want” Echo Auto Company WEST SIDE MARKET ‘ • M t a T h in « « « • « a f W e h a v e a t a ll tim e s Fresh Milk from the W. H. Quick Jersey Herd ALSO COUNTRY COTTAGE CHEESE Free Delivery CONNOR & BURKENBINE 523