Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 19, 1923)
'THE HEBMISTOK , HEBAJLD, HERMISTON, OREGON. U - xm l eg MU ,< W L .!l- t g — g e - » B -_ ■ ■■ -------------- FIRST PLACE GIVEN MONKEYS Easily the Clsvsrast of Animals, An- cording to Man Who Havs Made a Study of Thom. F More Days More Days Whether animals can actually rea son or not is a much debated question. Occasionally it is hard to explain the doings of gome animals on the ground of mere instinct. For cleverness, even dogs and ele phants must give way to monkeys, and In cleverness the ehacma baboon of South Africa is given a very high place. It Is sometimes used. It ap pears, instead of a boy to lead the front spun of oxen, and one authority even asks us to believe that this crea ture can count! He fells of one specimen he owned that was certain ly very clever. It was a monkey of this species in the Breslau gardens that was fitted with a pair of spec tacles and appreciated their use. It wore them with gravity and treated them with respect, and carefully fold ‘H e r m is to n ’s H o u se o f ed them after use. Q u a lity a n d S e rv ic e ” Ordinary bolts are quite useless to Imprison orang-outangs and a null at the head Is so Ineffectual that keep ers always fasten the bolts with a screw. The beasts probably draw the bolts and nail by chance at first, but Dr. B. C. Weaver, of Portland, they quickly learn how to repeat the chiropractic physician, is in the city trick. looking over the situation wth a view to locating here. FIRST GRAND OPERA ABROAD SHOWERS of BARGAINS AT— “Kingsley’s” “ H e r m is to n ’ H o u se o f Q u a lity a n d S e rv ic e ” 1 he Hermiston Herald--$2.00 LOCAL AND PERSONAL ■ BREVITIES ■ SUBSCRIBE NOW OeCurm ee. o f I n to n a t Glaaned H o r . and There A boat the City and Neighborhood Echo Flour Mills Echo, O regon S trictly a F lo o r P ain t M ade t o W alk O n Floors always become worn quicker than any other surface in the home. A paint brush and a little _ S herwin -W illiams I nside F loor P ain t will always make floors fresh, attractive and durable. It is made to withstand the constant scuffing of heels and die hard wear to which floors are subjected. Inside Floor Paint is easily ap plied and dries over night with a good gloss. I t is prepared in all popular colors. Now is the time to set out plants Said to Have Been Presented at Man tua Years Before Cciumbus Made for an early garden. Cabbage, to His Discovery. mato, pepper, etc., at Pelmulder's— Tin, Sheet metal work and P lu ng adv. Twenty years before Columbus ing. Call 763. I. E. Putman. 11-tR. alighted upon these shores opera Delegations of Umatilla county emitted its first cry, at Mantua. Poll- B. W. Leonard, an ex-resident of Endeavorers are expected at the zlani's "La Favoiu di Orfeo” had a this city, died in La Grande last Fri btate Christian Endeavor convention brilliant premiere before what was day afternoon according to reports in The Dalles, Apil 26-29, according probably described as a ‘‘large and en reaching this cily Saturday. He is to plans of the Oregon State C. E. thusiastic audience.” Accompanied by an orchestra, consisting of viols, pipes, survived by a daughter, Mrs. Chas. Union. flutes, dulcimers, lutes, harps, oboes, Sanderson, of this city, and Lew trombones and a portable folding s ■■»■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Leonard also a resident of thlB vic Bertha McKeen, a teacher in the piano, if we may believe the old illumi inity. Pilot Rock schools, spent the week nations, Orpheus was put through an end with her mother in this city. engaging series of misfortunes, Chit Mrs. C. S. McNaught was a Pendle tenden Turner writes in Arts and Deo ■ ■ ton visitor Saturday. A breaak tn the waste reservoir oration. The tragic precedent of grand ■ at the Umatilla Buttes occurred last opera was here firmly established. Be W. J. Van Syke, of Milton, was re Sunday. The break was responsible tween Eurydiee, Tislphone and Pluto, ■ gistered at the Oregon hotel last for the washing out of the road so Orpheus had little chauce for orderly self-<Jevelopment or a profitable mu a Tuesday. that mall could not be delivered to sical career. He finally enraged the i people living in the fourth unit. opinionated maenads and was duly The following real estate transfer slain off the stage. His lyre afforded was made last week: Hermiston A week-end visitor from Irrigon solos, ns did the shepherd’s pipe and Bank & Trust Co. to Frank Wauga- was W. R. Walpole.— Oregon Jour there were dialogues and choruses, en ■ livened by dance and carnival songs. man, »1.00, NEU NE% sec. 33, Tp. nal. ■ Grand opera, now in Its four hun 5, N. R. 29. ■ dred and fifty-second year, lias reached Percey E. Wilson and wife, of Its most imposing stature on American Ross Newport, of the Newport Athena, was registered at the Ore a soli. However authorities may dis Construction Co., which secured the gon hotel Tuesday, a agree as to its comparative excellence a contract to complete the third unit the greatest singers and conductors of 9 of the Butter Creek highway,was in Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Drew, of Pen the world aye paid io cater to the pre sumably fastidious taste of our fellow the city yesterday on business. The dleton, were in Hermiston Tuesday. a citizens. Opera, being older than î i i i i i b i i i i b i i i ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■lakka m a s s Newport Construction Co. has built America, knows w hat Is best. Call her both of the other units.—Saturday F. C. McKenzie was a Pendleton If you will the pampered pet of the Morning Pendleton Tribune. visitor Friday. arts, or conipluin If you wish that all American art Is manacled io its cradle H. A. Scuilen, bee specialist of 0. A few days ago the Portland pap by a ball and chain bearing the Inscrip A. C., and Fred Bennion, county ers printed a statement that the tion “Made in Europe.” The meta phors will be no more mixed than opera T is su e G in g h a m s , 75c J a c q u e lin G in g h a m s , 50c agent, were In Hermiston Wednes Portland postoffice had made a great Itself. day. They were conferring with the C re p e , 40c, $1.25 D e v o n s h ire s , 40c gain tn the postal sales for the quar apiary owners. ter ending Marcft 31, as compared Oregon taxes on 1922 assessment with the same period in 1922. thia Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Prann were in »40,942,271, and 1921 taxes will ex office having made a gain of eighteen Pendleton Thursday. ceed sum paid this yenr by »540,000 and two-tenths percent. Eugene C lo th S tr a w On top of this are to come new state boasts of a gain of 14 1-10 per cent, The window display of the Ore Income tax, Increased gasoline tax and the E. O. comes out that Pendle gon, Hardware Co. attracted con and new oleomargarine tax. ton’s office showed a material gain siderable attention the latter part of of 9 9-10 per cent during this same S I .75 t o $5.00. B r a s s ie re s , 65c to $1.25 last week. The baby chicks placed Read the Wand Ads. in the window was a source of in quarterquarter. These gains arc all terest to pedestrians who would in good but Hermiston can go them one variably pause and give them the better, the local office having made "once over.” The firm is to be con a gain of 31 9-10 per cent Oregon Hardware & Implement Co. M ANUFACTURERS OF- High Grade Patent Blue S tem F lo u r T h e S u p e rio r P ro d u c t o f Scientific M illing COMMERCIAL PRINTING OF ALL KINDS M ak eaaB etter B re a d T ry a Sack THE HERMISTON HERALD DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED I W ill P a y Y ou th e H ig h e st M a rk et P r i c e O b ta in a b le f o r y o u r V eal, C h ick en s, E g g s a n d a ll P ro d u c e t h a t y o u m a y h a v e to i MORE NEW GOODS j « sell. « i i We want your business and assure ! you that you will profit by « trading with us. J « ■ ■ ■ W e h a n d le fee d o f all k in d s a n d o u r * p ric e s a r e r ig h t. ■ G ive us a tria l. Children’s Hats, 75c to $1.50 W arner’s Corsets ■ Mrs. Blanche Watkins Mac, of Boardman, were j Saturday. I PO ULTRY SU PPLY " Phone 811 ■ ! ■ R . C. C h allis, P ro p rieto r ■ * Mr. and Mrs. J.' C. Ballenger, of and son Boardman, were Hermiston visitors in town Wednesday. Two Ford touring cars, excellent Mrs. Frank Stivey and Mrs. Bert condition, 1918 and 1919 models, Kellogg ft Nation have been elected as dele your choice »176. 32-tfc gates to the Rebekah convention to Shimke. bo held some time next month at ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ » ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I North Bend, Oregon. Robert Neimeyer last week pur chased a Ford touring car from the Madge Quick. Hermiston school Echo Auto Co. girl, and Lowell Stockard of Colum bia school, at Hermiston, have won the right to represent Umatilla 0 0 < 0 « 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 < county at the boys and glrlg summer school at Oregon Agricultural col lege. They will be there for two weeks. They made the highest to keep in mind the scores in boys and girls club work in fact that in addition to Umatilla county.— E. O. S T R IP S M A C W LA W usa D u n -AN C o . M r u e s . O k l a h o m a C iv v , O k l a h o m a SAVE FUEL K E t P O U T DUST A N D RAIN PREVENT RATTLE Dale Hinkle was transacting busi nes in Pendleton Monday. J. K. Shotwell is now riding In a new Studebaker special six touring THERE IS ONE THING YOU SHOULD KNOW O ur finishing depart ment, through up-to-date methods and equipment and expert handling, can help you get the kind of pictures you want. Walter Harr Is visiting at the home of his uncle, Jackson Harr, of the Columbia district. printing this news* paper we do job work of any kind. W hen in need of anything in this line be sure To S ee Us “ W e ’re th ere at fin ish .” H o u se C lea n in g T im e —is the time Io equip your windows and doors witli Numetal Weather Strips THEY WILL KEEP your house clean by preventing the dust, soot and rain from eomoing in around your doors and Window«— »III also save one third your fuel and prevent rat tling of windows. Inexpensive—Efficient FO R OLD OR NEW HOM ES For Demonstration Call * S A P P E R S ’ INC. HAROWARE FURNITURE IMPLEMENTS RADIO OUTFITS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING Rev. Secor, of Pendleton, will be tb . principal speaker at Ibe Colum bia Farm Burna« meeting Friday. April 17. Refreshments will be served at the cloee of the business meeting. a WE HAVE SEED POTATOES THAT WILL GROW “The Store of No Regret»” To use a slang expres sion: T H E S T O R E W IT H T H E B L U E F R O N T th e - “ The West Side Eat Shop” ^ - J . L e e P a rk e r, P ro p rie to r T e le p b o o e 4 1 3 M itc h e ll D ru g C o m p an y ♦oooeooeoooooooooooooooooo Hermiston, Oregon ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ - m ■ John Waller has purchased a new Chevrolet touring car from a dis tributor in Pendleton. It has been suggested that Frank Bilderhaek and Jarvis Durfey be knighted and assigned as special body guards of the May day queen. The sugeatlon was made for the rea son that Frank received twelve votes In the contest for May queen while Jarvis revived ten. Some public spirited citizen Is asked to donate five wash boilers to make Jarvis a coat of armor. Some one having a baby’s bath tub that they are not using are also requested to turn 1» Into headquarters as it I, believed this Is sufficient to make Frank a suit of mall. “ THE BEST OF GOOD SERVICE” Potatoes Potatoes We Want Yon W EA THER Hermiston Produce & Supply Co. Bring in Tour Films gratulated upon this unique display D o n 't p u t o ff till n e s t w eek w h e t you ought to h ave done last m onth. If yeu have tho u g h t of b u ild in g a garage, ch icken house, b arn , or re p a irin g th e house, get busy and get it over w ith . O u r lu m b e r w ill be a real assistance to you. A n d you w ill k n o w th a t you are g e ttin g the * best o f b u ild in g m a te ria l. T u flt-A -Lum Lum ber Co. R . A . B ro w n son, M a n a g e r. z ANNOUNCEM ENT I take this means of informing the public that I have purchased the City Meat Market, recently owned and operated by Sikey sad Henderson. I assure you that I will at all times serve you in a way that our business relations will be of mutual benefit to both of us. I soicit your patron age. J .4 H . z ■ ■ ■ ■ CITY MEAT MARKET z G re c e W ith E very JOHlf ELalS. W OP. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■«■■■■■■■■■■■■I !