Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1923)
¿TH E H E R M IS T O N H E R A L D , H E R M I S T O N , Ö R E G O K .^ B e v e rly E n ro lls Á t t o m e y G e n e ra l WHERE IS YOURS! tlfled to then and there appear and show cause, if any they have, why said report should not be approved, the executrix discharged and the es tate closed. Dated this 20th day of December 1922. Augusta R. Cressy, Executrix. 16-5tc. CITATION Ian. of Hermiston. Oregon, assignee LODGE DIRECTORY of Arthur W. Purdy, who on Febru ary 11. 1905, made Desert Land En UBEN ESTHER CHAPTjyt No. 161. O,«. «- try 446-02136, that portion. No. Q BMots ■eeood T u«dor m o lo c q L fo c b ite a th 8:00 sharp in Manonic hall. Vioitfll» man * 015093, for NWÎ4SEM. Section 19, at reirume. E. Stewart. W. Township 5 North, Range 29 East. Kathryn L. Garner. Minnie Sec. Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make Final Proof to W neyard lodge no A. F. establish claim to the land above ” mrots M/vnslav Ava described, before United States Com hall. V is it in e ______ i cordially A. Bui N. O. missioner. at Hermiston, Oregon, on W. R. Loafhorn. Sec. the 30th day of January, 1923. Claimant names as witnesses: RECLAMATION LODGE No. 107. K. o f P . m eets each Thursday even in* in Arthur W. Purdy. Charles Opel. Mack a Hall, a t 7:80 P. M. V is ld n s Orville E. Guysinger. George H. Root brother* cordially invited. all of Hermiston. Oregon. W. H McMillan R. A. Brownsoo. K. K. and S. CL C. 14-Stc Carl G. Helm, Register. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the matter of the Estate of Edgar H. The question, “Where Is your bank Graham, Deceased. To Avery H. Graham, and all other account?” Is asked many times In the persons interested In said estate: business world. WHEREAS application has been NOTICE OF SHERIFF'S SALE , made in due form to the above named PR O FESSIO NAL C A R D S ¡court on the 22nd day of December, UNDER EXECUTION It your account Is in a strong 11922, by Frank Waugaman, admin Notice is hereby given that by istrator of said authorizing hank of high character, that speaks _ . . . estate, -------- ------------- - virtue of an execution issued out of D R . R . G . G A I a E and empowering him to sell the real the Circuit Court, State of Oregon, well for you. P h y s ic ia n a n d B u rg o o n estate belonging to said decendant for Umatilla County, and to me dt- Office—Ulady• Ave. near First St. and described as follows, to-wit: rected and delivered, upon the Judg- Office Hours: 2 to « ; 7:80 to 9. PhoatMl v » ’»?’ 10' 12’ 1S’ 15 and ment and decree rendered and en- Having an account in this bank inJ L °ck 2, Newport s Addition to tered in said Court of the 4th day of OFFICERS insures not only safety and service, the City of Hermiston. Umatilla December, 1922, in favor of J T i County, Oregon, and Lots 7 and 8 In Dowell as Plaintiff and against J. H. but also means a mark of standing. F. B. gwayze DR. FRANCIS P. A D A M S Block 10 In said Newport's Addition: Schram and Nettie Schram as De President and P h y u c U a and Surgooe fendants, for the sum of >300.00 with R. Alexander WHEREAS said court fixed on the interest thereon at the rate of 8 per ty » t r e . t e i . te.ted end Gliua Fitt«l 6th day of February, 1923, at 10 Vice-President cent per annum from October 18, Office over P t n t Nattoasl Bank ¡o'clock a. m„ at the regular Febru 1921, the further sum of >50.00 at OFFICE PRONE, W 8. Ç. Locbrla ary 1923 term of this court, at the torney's fees, and for >18.25 costs RESIDENCE PHONE. 696 Cashier Office Houra: 9 In 12 a. m.l 2 lo 64Q*. ak court room of this court In Pendle- and disbursements, which said de of Hermiston * W. L. Hamm, ton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as the cree. Judgement, and order of sale Day or night calla answeied pitunptly C ap ita l, Surplus and U ndivided time and place for hearing any and haa been docketed and enrolled in Asa’t. Cashier all objections to said petition and the office of Clerk of said Circuit P ro fits O v e r $ 5 0 ,0 0 0 the granting of said order and license Court; and whereas by said judge DR. W, W. ILLSLEY of sale. Therefore ment, decree and order of sale it was Office over First National Bank IN THE NAME OF THE STATB directed that the following real prop Miss Beverly Moffett, four-year-old daughter of Rear Admiral and Mrs. Medicine Sutyeiy William Moffett, probably the youngest Red Cross worker In the United States, OF OREGON, you. and each of you erty in Umatilla County, Oregon, Osteopathy Cap. aniwered at all hour. the above described ranch at 2 enrolling Attorney General Harry M. Daugherty as a member of the Ited are hereby instructed, directed and to-wit: required to be and appear at said Office phone 661 Residence phone Tit Lot (14) Fourteen in Block (5) Cross. o’clock p. m. time and place and there show cause, Five In Newport addition to Hermis Dated at Hermiston on this 30th if any you have, or If any exists, ton, Oregon which property was why an order of sale should not be mortgaged on the 18th day of Oct day of Dec., 1922. T h e H e r a l d p u b lishes r F. V . P R IM E Signed J. H. Reid WINS AFTER 60 YEARS radio receiving seTs. This tuning de had as in said petition prayed for, ober, 1921, and Is now under mort vice is so built that perfect zero and why said petition should not be gage, be sold by the Sheriff of Uma m ere g e n u in e p a id w a n t D E N T IS T R Y coupling may be obtained, a condition gvnnted and said order and license tilla County, Oregon, to satisfy said Stated Communication Queen Es should not Issue. ads t h a n a n y o th e r Dental X-Ray and Diaanoal* not possible In present radio coupling Judgement and all costs; ther Chapter meet Tuesday night. WITNESS the Honorable I. M. I WILL ON THE 13TH DAY OF Rank Hid». office Pheae. M Veteran of Civil W ar at Last Gets instruments. p a p e r p u b lis h e d in a c ity Schannep Judge of said Court and the JANUARY, A. D. 1923 at the hour Hermiston, Oregon Installation of officers. By order of Resldehdo PIMM Til seal of this Co'unty affixed this 22nd o f th e sam e size in E a s t W. M. 17-ltc. His Pension. of 2 o’clock in the afternoon of said SEEKING 4 6 ‘LO ST AMERICANS day of December, 1922. day at West Front Door of Court ‘ R. T. Brown, Clerk. e rn O re g o n . House, Pendleton, Umatilla County, R. B. SPENCER still running Truck A. R. A. Representatives Looking Up 16-5tc. Oregon, sell the right, title and In W . J . W A R N E R to Pendleton Mon., Wed., Friday. New York Man, Now Past Seventy- United 8fates Citizens terest the said J. H. Schram and T H E R E ’S A R E A SO N Five, Served One Week Leu Than N0TICE FOR PUBLICATION Hauls, buys and sells produce. In Russia. Nettle Schram had In and to the ATTORNEY AT LAW Department of the Interior, U. S. above described property on the 18th the Required Ninety Days—Spe Phone 182. 17-3tp. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, day of October, A. D. 1921 or since Moscow, Russia.—Scattered about cial Act Is Required. H E R M IS T O N . O R K Ü O N December 9, 1922. then hug acquired, at publft: auction Russia are about 46 “lost” persons ANNOUNCEMENT Notice is hereby given that Frank to the highest bidder for cash in hand Liberty, N. Y,—After a wait of whoso relatives claim for them Ameri Rrouse, of Hermiston. Oregon, who I wish to announce to my friends the proceeds to be applied in satis M c K e n z ie & l ie u a l l e n and the general public that I have "nearly sixty years In which he passed can citizenship and for whom search Is on October 1, 1919. made Home faction of said executlou and all being made by representatives of the the age of seventy-five, George W. Gar EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROATJ stead Entry. No. 020058. for Farm costs. opened a barber shop in the building American Relief administration. Haa removed from hia former location in the Unit ”D” or S E U SW U , Section 19 Dated this 4th day of December, now occupied by Siscel’s confection rison, Green county veteran of the Bond Bid*. to Since the A. R. A. entered Russia a Township 5 North. Range 29 East, A. D. 1922. Civil war, will be permitted to live the ery. Your business will be appreciat remaining days of hts life on a gov year ago under the condition that all Willamette Meridian, haa filed notice Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Inland Empire Bank Bid*. ZOETH HOUSER, Sheriff. ed. Bert Mullens. 17-ltp. ernment pension, denied to him all American citizens who desired to quit of Intention to make final three- 13-6te. By J. C. Marine, Deputy P IC N D L K T O N : O R E G O N FOR SALE these years because his war service the country should be permitted to do year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before United ■a» SALE— 40 acres, partly im fell short of the required 90 days by so. 214 persons who established Amer States NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Commissioner, at Hermiston. proved. Terms, W. A. Leathers. less than a week. Fifty dollars a ican citizenship linve left, most of them Oregon, on the 30th day of Janu Department of the Interior, U. S. 25-tfc. month hns been granted to him in a. for the United States. Late In Sep ary, 1923. Land Office at La Grande, Novem bill Introduced in the house of repre tember there were about 100 other per Claimant names as witnesses: ber 20, 1922. FOR SALE— An improved 20 acre sons awaiting completion of the neces George H. Root, Milton A. Lenhart, Notice Is hereby given that Will O P T O M E T R I S r iÇ /P r i« . sentatives recently signed by I’resl- . ranch 3 1-2 miles from Hermiston Floyd Antes, Charles Antes all of Her iam Henderson, of Wallula, Wash sary repatriation operations. In many "dent Harding. tor particulars see C. H. Skinner. miston, Oregon. ington, who, "on March 19, 1918, cases thesç require weeks, and often Garrison’s case is probably without 1-tfc. ? 9tnericaneÁáíiorí,i¡'Biin:i Carl G. Helm, Register. made Additional Homestead Entry, < months, owing to various routine mat 14-6tc phönv fiOÌfi ~ fienàie Expatriation No Longer Penalty parallel. March 22, 1865, Just as soon No. 018922, for South half. Section 2. If seeing Is believing you should as his age would permit, he enlisted ters connected with passport require SUMMONS FOR PUBLICATION IN Township 5 North, Range 30 East. hear the beautiful-toned violins for for Marriage for American in Kingston, N. Y., as a private in ments. Wlllamiitte Meridian, has filed notice F0RECL0SUBE OF TAX LIEN sale at Charles Hahn’s shoe store of intention to make Final three- Company C, One Hundred and Twen Women. after December 20. 14-8tp. In the Circuit Court of the State of year Proof, to establish claim to the tieth regiment of Infantry, New York SMASH EGG-LAYING RECORDS BERT M ULLEN S Oregon, for the County of Umatil land above described, before United volunteers, for three years. He left FINE LARGE Bronze Turkey toms la. States Commissioner, at Pendleton, Kingston at once and soon was at the One Pullet in Contest Has 365 to >7.50 to >9.00 at W. L. Suddarth’s Anna M. Harthrong. Plaintiff vs. Oregon, on the 16th day of January, battle front, fighting with the Union T he Particular Barber Credit In Day Lest Than a Year— Wilfeon S. Parks, and any other 1923. ranch 2 miles west of Irrigon. forces on the Virginia battleline. person or persons claiming any Another Close Second. Claimant names as- witnesses; 15-3tp. Exposure left him with severe ill right, title, lien or interest in or Carl Mollstad. William Cahill, Carl Stop at Since!** Cenfectieaery Hereafter a Married Woman Neither ness. He wns removed to the Colum to the within described property. Nelson, Bob Greenstreet all of Wal Tneoma, Wash.—Two world's rec > H ton Public Truck for sale cheap. Defendant. lula, Washington. bian hospital In Washington, where he ords for egg-lnylng have been broken Gains Nor Loses Citizenship by Now on good gravel job. Also has To Wilson S. Parks, the aboved ll-7 tc . Carl G. Helm, Register lay for weeks, and his case was finally In the third annual contest conducted Marriage or Her Husband's flat rack for hauling wheat or named defendant: considered hopeless. He rallied, but by the Western Washington Experi IN Naturalization. baled hay. Inquire this office. THE NAME OF THE STATE OF meanwhile Lee had surrendered, and ment station of the Washington State 13-tfc. OREGON: W E PAY C A SH his physician, without solicitation college, it is announced by W. A. Link- Washington.—Expatriation will no You are hereby notified that An FOR SALE— Barred Rock cockerels, longer be a penalty for marriage as far from Garrison, secured for him an inter, superintendent of the station. na M. Harthrong is the holder of >1 .50. White Leghorn cockerels, as American women are concerned, honorable discharge. A white Leghorn pullet owned by H. Certificate of Delinquency number >1. J. T. Embry. 16-3tp. ed 1740 issued on the Third day of Still weak from his service and Ill M. Leathers of Woodland. Wash., laid and the marriage of foreign born wom en to American citizens will no longer ness, Garrison was compelled to make 365 eggs with a day to go before the August, 1921, by the Tax Collector 4 MILCH COWS FOR SALE or of Umatilla, State of Oregon, for the would take few pigs or brood be a royal road to citizenship in the the Journey to his home In Freehold, year expired. A Leghorn pullet owned amount of Twelve Dollars and Fifty- N. Y„ by easy stages. There he wns hy the experiment station also beat one Cents (>12.51) the same being sows in trade. One cow fresh In United States. W hen you need any Boiled down to Its essence, this Is placed under the care of his family the world's record of 324 eggs set last the amount then due and delinquent March, one in May, two fresh in physician. Complete health never re yenr by a California hen by laying for taxes for the year 1916, together P en d leton Trading 4 weeks. Can be sedn at my ranch essentially what the Gable bill for the thing in the ‘ line of with penally, interest and costs 330 eggs. ‘ jOn Butter Creek. Gaylord M. Independent citizenship of married turned. n e a t an d attractive thereon upon the real property as C om pany Madison, Phone 15B-4, Echo, women does. The legislation sponsored sessed to you, of which you are the . Oregcf. 15-3tc. by the National League of Women INVENTS TUNING DEVICE Printing. owner as appears of record, situat Phon. 458 Grass seed for fall pastures will be Voters, indorsed In the Republican and F0RDSON TRACTOR equlped with Democratic conventions, has passéd wanted in about eight weeks or ed in said County and State and particularly bounded and described • extension rim wire fenders, topB, more. Samples should be secured now as follows, to-wit: 2 gas and oil drums. Oliver tractor both houses of congress by over eo that tests may be made In time. The North One-half (N% ) of the plow, good condition, price for whelming majorities, has received the H O W ’S T H IS ? - ■ all >400.00 part cash, terms on signature of President Harding, the Two-ounce samples are tested fre» Northeast Quarter (NE»4) of the ¡W e Give S. & H. Trading Stamp«« balance. Gaylord M. Madison, pen with which he signed having al M E D IC IN E w ill of charge at the O. A. C. seed labor Southwest Quarter (SWU ) of Sec H A L L ’S C A T A R R H t—rid do w h a t w e claim for It—rid vour your sy ste m tion Twenty-six (26) In Township I Phone 15 B-4, Echo, Oregon. ready been presented to Mrs. Maud caused by atory. C atarrh or D e a fn e ss caua Five (5) North of Range Twenty- o C f atarrh. 15-3tc. Wood Park, to whose tireless efforts eight (28), East of Willamette H A D L /8 C A T A R R H M E D IC IN E con the passage of the measure Is largely CITY PROPERTY in La Grande, s is t s o f an O intm ent w hich Q uickly TYPEWRITER ribbons and carbon Meridian, In Umatilla County, State R e lie v es the catarrh al Inflam m ation, and of Oregon, Salem and other valley towns to attributed. paper at the Herald office. e Internal M edicine, a Tonic, w hich Big Step Forward. exchange for Hermiston irrigated. You are further notified that said th a c ts through th e B lood on the M ucous Mrs. Park, as president of the Anna M. Harthrong has paid taxes . , J. M. Biggs, Realtor. 15-tfc. S u rfaces, th us a s sis tin g to restore nor NOTICE OF HEARING UPON FINAL on -said premises for prior or sub m al conditions. League of Women Voters, is willing Sold by druggiRts for over 40 Y ears. REPORT years with the rate of in FOR SALE— Rhode Island Red S. C. enough to give credit to other women P . J . C heney A Co., T oledo, O. In (he County Court of the State of sequent terest on said amounts an follows: Straight back Cockerel. Herbert organizations for the passage of the Oregon for Umatilla Conty. In the Year’s Tax, 1917, Date Paid Aug measure. What she stresses Is not GUlanders, Echo, Oregon. 17-tfc Matter of the Estate of George A. ust 3, 1921, Amount >12.33, Rate of the credit for the bill but the fact that ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■J Cressy, deceased. Interest 12 per cent; Year’s Tax It constitutes "the biggest forward step Notice Is hereby given that the 1918, Date Paid August 3, 1921, FOR SALE— 2 young Milch Cows undersigned, executrix of the last Amount >12.66, Rate of Interest 12 •J . D . V A U G H A N S that are fresh. Will sell or trade in legislation affecting women since will and testament of George A. per cent; Year's Tax 1919, Dale ■ K L K C T K IC P I X T U K K S ■ the passage of the suffrage amend for Brood sows. J. J. Seaton. R. A. ment.’’ Our new brick shoe store Is now open Cressy, deceased, has filed her final Paid August 3, 1921, Amount >>15.- ■ A N D A P P L I A N C liS -4. ' 2-17tp. with a new line of goods. See us for report with the clerk of the above 76, Rate of Interest; Year’s Tax ’ The hill, which wns championed In Phone 139 entitled court, and that the Judge 1920, Date Paid August 3. 1921, * SOS a . C o u r t B t. P o n d l s t o n , O r s . g the house of representatives by John SHOE REPAIRING of said court has designated Monday, Amount >18.55, Rate of Interest I.E— Three year old Holstein L. Cable of Illinois, provides that the the 29th day of January, 1923, at 12 per cent; Year’s Tax 1921, Date >■■ from a very good brood. Reas- right of any woman to become a OAK TAN SHOE STORE 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon as the Paid March 29, 1922, Amount >64.- onabh price. Fred Furrer, 2 H naturalized citizen of the United States lime, and the rooms of the above en 66, Rate of Interest 12 per cent. B a m R o d g e r« , P ro p . miles o u th east of Hermiston. shall not be denied or abridged be titled court In the County Court Said Wilson 8. Parks, as the own Alfred Crossley, radio engineer of cause of her sex or because she is a House at Pendleton, Umatilla Coun er of the legal title of the above de "UuaaaaujuuuuMML married woman; that a woman shall the United States Navy department, ty, Oregon, as the place, when and scribed property as the same appears SEE lfiSOELLANEOUS and his new “loose" or “vario" coupler where hearing is to be had thereon. o f record, and each of the other neither gain nor lose citizenship by reason of her marriage or by reason whereby sharp possible In All persons Interested are hereby no- persons above named are hereby '8 TIRE SHOP—Gates of the naturalization of her husband. further notified that Anna M. Har- 52-ltc. Women eligible to citizenship may be ttyong will .apply tp the Circuit P re s id e n t a t U n k n o w n H e r o ’s T o m b Court of the County and State afor- KB G- L. BENNETT for Auctlon- naturalized with all the requirements C O N FEC TIO N ER Y said for a decree foreclosing the erring Phone 42F2. 26-tfc. of the naturalization laws, with the lien against the property above de- i S T A T IO N E R Y exception that no declaration of Inten scribed and mentioned In said cer , IT— • room house, 2 acres tion Is required, and that one year’s tlficate. And you are hereby sum one acre In berries and residence within the United States or moned -to appear within sixty days FO R- Garage, barn and chicken the possessions Is required Instead of after the first publication of the Mrs. L. A. Phelps 7-tfc. five. summons exclusive of the day of said first publication, and defend Retains Citizenship. wishing tradeg on local this action or pay the amount due Heretofore when an American wom B for valley farms or city an married a foreigner In the United as above shown together with costs y communicate with J. L. | and accrued interest and in case of of the J. E. Shears Really States she automatically lost citizen I your failure to do so, a decree will ( Henry Bldg., Portland ship In the republic and all the ad I be rendered foreclosing the lien of 7-tfc. vantages, legal and political, which Uald taxes and costs against the was her right as an American. Under land and premises above named. L. IJARMAN FOR the new legislation she retains her Thie summons Is published by or der of the Honorable Gilbert W. , thing of all kinds. All citizenship unabridged and only on her 1 Phelps, Judge of the Circuit Court I .Guaranteed. Telephone 603. own Initiative can she lose IL I of the Stale of Oregon, for the Coun- ' The reverse of the shield was equally 6-tfc. ¡y of Umatilla, and said order wag Important if not more Important from made and dated thia 26th day of j a political standpoint Foreign born for any floral pieces April, 1922, and the date of the women who married Americans auto ve onr prompt attemlon. first publication of thia summons Is' heat in plants and floral matically became citizens without as the 21«t day of December, 1922. ns for plants for Chrlst- much as the signing of the formula All process and papers in this "Say It with .flowers” of allegiance to the Constitution. The proceeding may be served upon the Neu)s siani undersigned residing within the ¡«Ider florist, phone 283. bill requires Independent action of Cigars ani Tobacco Saturday. 14-tfc such women, but makes the way to ' State of Oregon at the address here after mentioned. citizenship easier by providing one Address, Pendleton, Oregon. U Q N UF NOTICE T h e French R estaurant of residence Instead of live. KFator A Randall, la hereby given that I have year It was not the purpose of the bill to Attorney for the Plaintiff. U> and have kept for about take away citizenship already acquired BAKUT aaJ CONFECTIONEBT 15-7tc. : « at the J. H. Reid ranch 4 or to restore citizenship lost through e » t of Hermiston the following marriage. It ha« therefore no retro BWsuttlr Funil.bed NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Send u< the price o f a year ’9 animal: Bay Shetland active sense. At the same time It STRICTLY FIRST CLASS Department of the Interior, U. 8. subscription if you are in arrears. makes it possible for those American znlmal will be sold, un- Lano Office at La Granda, Oregon, . December 9, 1922. President Harding laying a wreath on the tomb of the Unknown American at public auction to women who have lost citizenship to Hohbach Broa., Proprietors Notice la hereby given that Wll- highest bidder for cash In hand restore (heir rights by the simple proc Soldier at Arlington cemetery. Detachments of sailors, marines and regulars hart H. McMillan, one of the heirs' ess of naturalization. after one year. took part In the ceremony. W e N e e d th e M o n e y the l» t h dar or Jan., 1923 at and for the helm of Andrew McMll- First National Bank NOTICE! D . WHAT THE NEW ALIEN LAW DOES D 0 ' GIVES RIGHT TO GITIZEHSHIP DON’T FORGET ------- U S -------- Fat Livestock J HITT GUNS -aaJ- AMMUNITION A FULL UNE g’tarpl Delicious Wholesome Confectionery Tasty Stationery For Women DO IT NOW