Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1923)
THE ITEBMISTOI m ITERALE, HER MISTO _N, OREGON. ■W— » 1 .U 1 1 L — T— LOCAL AND PERSONAL ■ BREVITIES ■ K I N C 5 K R M IS T O N '» ...... G H O U 8I ■ S L E Y ’S O c e u n a c M a ! Intere»« ièleeneC ■ * aad There A bout d a Cl«v « r i N rlchboxCaxi O F Q U A L IT Y A N D S E R V IC E -I ■ ■ ■ Morning delivery »tarts 10:30, a fter noon 3:30. Dr. M. S. Kern of Pendleton was a visitor In Hermiston Tuesday and attended the Commercial club lunch- eon. PHONE 171 Hollis Percy and wife of Pendleton were visitor» lj| Hermiston Wednes day. Big Grocery Values For January "Roman .Meal Health B — which has won such a reputstfo* is good for young aad old; b»t es pecially for sick pet'ple and those suffering from stomach troubles In digestion, constipation. e*e King sley’s Mercantile Co. 1 53c 3 sacks $1.50 4 sacks - $2.10 $8.35 13c 12 cans $1.50 15c 12 cans - < $1.75' 18c 12 cans $2.00 18c Full box - - 16c Syrup, 1 gallon, white or d a r k ......................................75c Syrup, 1-2 gallon, white or dark - - - - 40c Toilet Paper, 4 for 25c, 20 r o l l s ......................................$1.00 White Soap, 22 bars $1.00, case of 100 bars - - $4.50 WONDER ASSORTMENT MIXED COOKIES, POUND - 25c Sappers' Inc. are planning an ex tension of their store and will oc- 1 cupy the building from which the postoffice was removed. Miss Marian Briggs who has been employed as bookkeeper in the First National Bank of this City departed Monday night for Monmouth to at tend the state normal school. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Wood, of Salem Oregon, are guests at the home of Mrs. J. M. Biggs. Mr. Wood Is con nected with the State Highway com mission, and Mrs. Wood is an Aunt of Mrs. Biggs. K I N G S L E Y ’S O F Q U A L IT Y A N D S E R V IC I Morning d .liv .r , .t a r t . 10:30, afternoon 3:30. P H O N E 171 Mrs. Wells, who has been spending the holiday vacation with her parents ¡ Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Townsend, return- ' ed with hsr daughter this week to her home in Payette, Idaho. OFF -ON A L L - - F U R N IT U R E from the period up to Jannary 13th inclusive to reduce stock preparatory to extending our store into the old postoffice location. We want room to make changes Beds, Mattresses and Springs ex cepted in thie offer. SAPPERS’ INC. HARDWARE FURNITURE RADIO OUTFITS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING IM P LE M E N TS our colleges. They’d hasten back t o ! their alma mater for a post-gradu Those w h) attended the wrestl ate course, sincere In the belief that ing match at StaAfield last Friday they had been denied something night, between Ray McCarroll and during the yearg that they had at Basanta Singh, vouch for It being tended college. fast and snappy, McCarroll winning Mr. Cleveland makes the state two falls over the big Hindu. ment that "all tha while Umatilla, I Irrigon, Boardman and the other ’ Neighbors gathered at the Pel- towns along the Columbia were mulder home In thia city on New working to get the Wallula cut-off j i ears eve and were treated to a pro designated as a primary or any kind gram brought in over the radiphone. of a highway, Hermiston manifested The entertainment v as broadcasted no desire to help get the road what by the Los Angeles Times. ever" Hermiston has had at all time her plans concerning the Wallula Mr. and Mrs. J. M Prindle are re cut-off but did not feed bound by ported on the sick list this week. any duty to make them known to Mr. Cleveland. They went right Lyle Boynton was here visiting along minding their own business relatives last Tuesday. as all good townssliould do. As a rule the fellow who does all the L. M. Hunt, manager of the Her shouting hasn't very much time left miston Hay Growers’ association to do anything else. went to Portland on a business trip Are we not entitled to our own this week. He is representing the Ideas? Is it a crime tor a commercial Commercial club at the meeting« of club to work for the Interest of the State Commercial club. their town? If so Judge Cleveland After a two weeks vacation, the we plead gotlty. G«t out your geome try; draw anglog and dope out a Hermiston schools will resume class- I es Monday. Some of the teachers who sentence. • were away for holidays are already He say« we are an overgrow n vil returning. lage. In this statement there seems to be a hint of envy and Jealousy. Reception is Given Are we to be blamed because Stan Friday evening, December 29 a field is only a whistling post? We reception was given at the J. K. will do the best we can for you, Mr. Shotwell residence In honor of Mr. Cleveland, by sending you the fol and Mrs. Thomas A. Shotwell. The lowing message of condolence: receiving line consisted of Mr. and Hush little Stanfield, Mrs. Jesse Shotwell and Mr. . and Don’t you cry; Mrs. Thomas Shotwell. Mrs. Kelly You’ll be a flag stop and Mrs. Straw presided at the By and by. punch bowls. Miss Alice Lambert and Miss Phyllis Dyer served. During the HAS GEM IN HER TUMMY evening Emily B. Shotwell and Wal lace Allen rendered a number of songs. A curtain on the open front of a chicken house is good Insurance, al though it may never be used. If a cold spell lasting two or three days comeg along frozen combs and toes may be the result. Egg production may drop off nnd remain low for a month or two after. It Is recommend ed that a curtain be prepared and kept ready fff cover the front of the house in case of excessice cold weather. STANDFIELD STANDARD TAKFS DIO AT HERMISTON LAST WEEK Mr. Cleveland In the last Issue of the Standfield Standard tried hjs level best to take a dig at Hermiston but his argument Is Just as clear as the tariff question. It you would tlst-n to a chlnaman recite "Ring- ham Fair Blnghan On the Rhine" In hts native language you would gath er the name ampunt of Information as It is possible io get from the rending of Mr. Cleveland’s article. He resorts to geometry, that branch of mathematics that treats of the measurements of lines, angles, surfaces and solids, with their vari- oug relations. In a desperate attempt to try nnd convey to you some idea of Just what he I. writ ting about: use- lag such terms Si^ "two sides of a triangle,” "hypothenuee,” etc What a »underfill discourse It would make If contributed to some magazine whos pages are devoted to the In terest, of mathematics. There would be a general exodus of the old rlm- , horm d spectacle gentry who now hear the title of "math” teacher In Our stock includes the best sizes of Coles’ Hot Blast, Howards and Special Oak Heaters, also Flor ence and Perfection Oil Heaters. 20 per cent off for cash O regon H a rd w a re & I m p le m e n t C o . Job Printing Th a t hee that exclusive touch Commercial Forms, Society Stationery, Booklets, Etc., Etc. The Hermiston Herald Mrs. P. S. Sisccl spent the holi days with her mother who resides at Bend, Oregon. - . '. l a - - 'a . RHEUMATISM OR NEURITIS HEATING STOVES Miss Golda Munima returned to Portland New Years day after hav ing spent the holidays with the home floks who reside in this city. Miss Munima is a teacher in the Portland schools and a pupil of Tag- lagria the Portland musician. J. M. Biggs left Tuesday for.Spok- ane, Washington to attend to Real , Estate business in that city. . nnrd, secretary and II. M, Sominerer, Mr. and Mrs. Marlin Watson. | Ilcrny Ott and Otlo Heinl udvisory Mrs. J. H. Retd was hostess at a COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES committee. Among the projects that progressive rook party Saturduy SPECIAL CORBKSPONngNCB are to be featured by the Bureau this evening. Frank Waugunian left Monday year ara co-operative buying, abor Mrs. R. C. Barham has removed evening for Portland on a business tion and T. B. testing, rodent con- from her ranch home to Hermiston trip. Hlg daughter Wilma Is at a trol, boys’ and girls’ club work and for the winter. Portland hospital undergoing treat It Is planned to put on more poultry Miss Helen Upham Is a guest at ment. demonstrations than In the past. the A. F. Belsso home on North Miss Shirley of Lu Grando was a County Agent Benion was present Ridge for a few days. The Neighborhood club met last holiday guest at the E. E. Graham nnd addressed the meeting. home. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Warner accom Wednesday at the school house, an Mr$. Oren O. Felthouge Is on a two panied by Miss Lillian Lit tier were excellent program was rendered. weeks vlBlt with relatives and friends making New Year calls through Co Exchange of gifts was made. The next meeting will be at tho home of at Bnkor, Oregon and Weiser, Idaho. lumbia district Monday. Mrs. A. R. Fisher. An invitation to W. K. Bloom, of Spokane, was a The annual election of officers of the county home demonstration the Columbia district Farm Bureau holiday visitor at his parents home, agent to uttend the meeting has took place at the school limine Friday Mr. nnd Mrs. N. W. Bloom, In Co been given. evening of Inst week. F. P. PhippH lumbia. Mrs. Lou Brownell haH been nt the was elected president. Sidney Bar- home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D o n 't « u fT o r W it h W. II. Simmons, ovei the holidays. Margaret Gentry, who Is attend ing school at Pcndleion, was a New The H. O. A. club of North Ridge Year guest nt the Frank Beddow met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. home. Miss Laura Phipps left Tuesday Eugene Smith. This club comprises morning for Salem, where she Is at about 12 ladles of the north side dis tending Willamette University, after trict. Mrs. Gould entertaj^ied the Neigh spending the holiday vacation with R e m a rk a b le Mew T re a tm e n t Qlvee her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. borhood card club Saturday evening. Reeulte a t Once The Misses Sweet and Baubner, Plilpps In Columbia. N o m a tte r w hether you ere suffering w ith a Mtss Ruth Edmonds Is expected teachers In the schools at Pendleton, saver* case o f M uscular, Sciatic or liitlam m ato ry home from Portland today after a were holiday visitors at the F. L. Rheum atism , or a moot painful «as« o f N e u ritis , two weeks visit with her parent»# Jewett home. you ean r e t almost in stan t re lie f by the use of Mr. and Mrs. S. Pnlmer had as A lien 's R heum atic T reatm ent. The very first Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Edmonds. dose riv es g re a t re lie f from the most severe Mrs. EBert Gardner and children their guests over th holiday Mr. and pains and aches. A f t e r the second o r th ird dose, of North Powder, are at the R. C. Mrs. Reid of Portland and Miss Lu- ease and com fort taken the place o f pain and Canfield home. They expect to re cile Martin of Toppenish. W’ash. m isery. Thia oreellent rem edy has riv e n positive cures main n month. in thousands o f the most severe and stubborn Considerable land leveling Is go BUREAU OF PUBLIC ROADS cases, a f te r a ll o ther remedies had failed. I t is ing on In the Columbia district. safe, sure and absolutely reliable. (Continuaal from Page One) The F. P. Phipps family were din A lle e ’a Rheum atic tre atm en t, in convenient T a b le t Perm , ia rem arkably effretlve in all forms ner guests at the Henry Ott home o f Rheum atism as w ell as N e u ritis , l.uinbayo, I In the future desire t<> change the Sunday. G out and N euralg ia. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Waller enter routing of the Columbia Highway, Price >1 per lies. Six taxes IS. M ailed to any address on receipt o f price by tained a small "watch” party at a saving of six miles and the con their home Sunday evening. Includ struction of a high expensive bridge H A R T M. ALLEN L A B O R A TO R IE S ing Mr. nnd Mrs. O. O. Felthouse, at Umatilla can be effected by go P. O. Box 1340 Loa Angela*, Calif. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. W. Felthouse and ing from Hermiston due west in a --------------------------------- L U S ■« '■ 1" — straight line to the Messner over head crossing. HERMISTON C O M M E R C IA L CLUB By E. P. Dodd, President. F. V. Prime, Secretary. During the month of January we will give a cash [ discount of 20 per cent on all Tin, Sheet metal work and Plumb ing. Call 7 63. I. E. Putman. 11-tfc. Rolled Oats, sack • Flour, Echo, sack Milk Corn - Tomatoes H E R M IS T O N S H O U S E 208 DISCOUNT 208 KOREA POPULATION 17.452,618 Total Includes 367,618 Japanese ■ —Net Gain Over 1815 Is Shown. Seoul. Korea.—The population of i Korea at the end of August was IT,- Elisabeth Walsh of East Syracuse, *'2*"’*' . 7**7 3tt7<’18 J"r "- 4. Y, had an operation about twe JTT >d 5?;05- foreigner», including yean ago In which her tonsils and Tli,> compared with idenolds were removed. The surgeon ln,'r*'"se of sw -7'»- moo discovered a diamond had been * 7 ^ 2 ? / T " ' 4Kfi’n ’T"pane9* loot from the setting of his ring. A A , ' 630 Classified ho - ■Iwl time ago Blxabeth bad a save« agriculture lee da min in her side. She was taken to ■mon< "** Koreans, while among Jap- he same haspltal and X-rayed. The ‘¿““T _“nd commerce heads loctor’a diamond was discovered. »no list« H e ___________ _ again as another op- WANTED w ill pay cash for young ration will be nec sen ary to relieve Jersey Bull. S. F. Bowman, Ronte the little gtrl of the pain which la ‘‘A ” Hermiston. 17-ltp a used by the diamond shown by the vlll get It back X-ray as Itaving taken up an abiding itiave near tho 1R SALE - Three very tine pure ed S. C. Rhode Island Red Cock ADDING machine ratb at the Herald ' erel». Inquire at Jewelry Storw 17-lte office. Olympic Scratch Feed, $3 per cwt. Corn, $2 per cwt. Olympic Flour, $2.10 per sack 50 pounds Apples, Orchard Run Winesaps a t 75 cents per box Hermiston Produce & Supply Co. ‘THE BEST OF GOOD SERVICI’ ’ Hermiston Market & Grocery We have just finished our-inventory and are now ready to give the same service that we have always extended to our customers. Just received a shipment of Blue Rose Rice and Wisconsin Cheese * If you have not received your free coffee canister th at we are giving away, call and ask us for it. THE STORE WITH THE BLUE FRONT “The Wet Side Eat Skop” J. Lee Parker, Prop. We have just received A Barrel of Soap C The quality is supreme We are selling them while they last 15c per pound If you are looking for satisfaction in bu; us a trial. I S. A H . CITY MEAT MARKET < f t HENDERSON, Prapw r