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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1923)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OMEGÖW. Œljr ^fnnlfllnn ìjrrulù P ublish ed every T hursday a t H er m iston, U m atilla County, Oregon by R aym ond Crow der, E d ito r and Man ag er. E ntered as second class m atter, December 1906 a t th e postoffice at H erm iston, Oregon. and sn eerln g iy p o in t o u t our Ignor ance and inability. E v id en tly someone h as s tirre d th e editor of o ur contem porary up a h it, and we feel sure th a t If th is person knew th e firs t th in g about th e new s paper gam e, he w ould craw l off in a hole, an d pull th e hole In a fte r him. — M adras Pioneer. Subscription Kates WHY CHANGE IT? P o r One Y ear ------------------------>2.00 For Six Months ................... ....... >1.00 Payable In Advance. P acific P rin te r and P u b lish er con siders th e term “co u n try new spaper* uncom plim entary and asks sugges tions for a b etter term for "C ountry P ress,” w hich it th in k s should go into the discard. It says: "T he term in itself Is m is. leading an d gives a w rong im pres sion. It b elittles th e in s titu tio n it is supposed to describe. It is a term of an o th er day and age." F ollow ing reply to th is has been w ritten by H arry H am m ond, Jr., Junior of th e U niversity of C aliforn ia, fo restallin g any a tte m p t to change th e nam e, and liftin g it to a hig h er plane: " I do not agree th a t tho term savors of th e day w hen the publisher took potatoes an d o th e r g ard en ¡ tru ck In paym ent fo r subscriptions. “ ^Country w eekly’ does n o t cause in me a reactio n , o th e r th an of sat- ¡ isfaction. It en tails all th a t is lo y a l,. tru th fu l, and n o n-prejudlclal. "In stead of b e littlin g and g iv in g ; th e w rong im pression, it connotes ! and' exem plifies very im pressively > th a t lack of yellow jo urnalism which is so evident and p redom inant in the dally. "D iscard It? Never. L et us ra th e r u p lift i t and treasu re it as some th in g w hich I» n o t an end in itself, but a m eans to an end. Let us, when we see ‘country w eekly’ on any p ap er not th in k of th e past, b u t w h at It tru ly represents. “ L et us realize th a t h ere is som e th in g wo may clin g to, som ething Staple, honorable, tr u th fu l; some th in g th a t leads to th e creation of th e ideal in Journalism and n o t to Bacon’s ‘Idols of th e Cave’.” Classified or Local Advertising 10 cents per lin e for firs t insertion. M inim um c h arg e 25 cents. Subse q u e n t In sertio n s 5 cents per line. OUR POLICY On Ja n u a ry F irs t the fu tu re des tin ie s of T he H erm iston H erald were placed in our han d s W e have settled am ong you be cause we believe in H erm iston; be lieve in Its developm ent and grow th as a n a tu ra l consequence of the resources w hich are peculiar to the tow n and ad jac en t country. W e be lieve th a t th ere are la te n t reauurces w hich w hen fu lly developed will cinch for us the title we now claim : the biggest little tow n in eastern Oregon. A live u p -to -d ate new spaper Is tils g re a te st asset th a t a tow n may have I t Is a m irro r w hich reflects tb s ch a ra c te r of th e place in w hich it is published. Its mission in a com m u n ity is to stim u late business; prom ote civic im provem ents and give to the outside th e b ran d of publicity th a t it m ust have before it can ex pect to thriv e. I t is o u r p aram o u n t aim to make T he H erald a p u b licatio n of th is caliber. B ut it w ill be im possible for ua to do th is alone. We m ust have y o u r help and co-operation. If you have an item w hich you consider of local in terest do not h e sita te to b rin g it in. It w ill be in te re stin g to your neighbor and the ed ito r w il a p p reciate th e courtesy. If you have a Job of any description th a t requires th e services of a p rin te r give it to your local p aper for by so doing you are supp o rtin g an in s titu tio n th a t lias your in terest a t h e a rt and striv in g a t all tim es for the th in g s th a t w ill help you and your town. As to o u r politics. We do not be lieve th at th e w elfare of town, coun ty , sta te or n atio n lies in th e hands of an y one po litical p arty b u t in the m an whom th e p arty may select to re p resen t them . T herefore we shall endorse an d su p p o rt th e man whos p a st record and ch a ra c te r m arks him w o rth y of th e office th a t he aspires to regard less of p arty a fiilirt'o n s . T he H erald w hilo u n d er o u r m an agem ent w ill be published as an in dependent new spaper. We w ill a t all tim es welcome criticism bu t spurn d ictatio n . H erm iston is your town an d my tow n an d we sh all receive am ple recom pense form th e effo rts we p u t fo rth to m ake it a b etter tow n. L et's g o . ______ * NEWSPAPER ERRORS T he ed ito r does not w ant anyone to send him any more copies of the p aper in w hich they find m istakes. If how ever th ey find a p erfect copy he w ill pay a big price for it. If th e fool critic w ho h u n ts for m is ta k e s in th e new spapers would find them all, he w ould be kept busy. W e w ill be pleased to buy copies of any paper w hich can be proven en tire ly free from errors, eith e r typo g rap h ically or in statem en ts of fact. W e w ill be pleased to find a m er c h a n t who has never made a m istake in p u ttin g up an o rd er; a law yer who never lost a case th ro u g h h is own e r ro rs; a doctor who never w rongly diagnosed n case; a d ru g g ist who never made a m istak e; a post office official who never pu t m ail In the w rong box; a w om an who never for got to pu t In th e sa lt w hile cooking or to pu t ten in th e teap o t before p u ttin g in the w ater. B ring on some of your m istak e less paragons who find It so easy to criticize th e new spaper, an d we will give them the chance of th e ir llvet to find out w h eth er they are really h u m an .— Redmond Spokesm an. Wo tako th is o p p o rtu n ity to th an k B ro th er Itussel for h ls^im ely rem urks M any and m any Is th e tim e we have had to hold o ur tem pers in cheek to koep from clouding up and ra in in g ever ! ome I anipus w ho has discovered r \ n p i font '!•” or a tra n sp o s'd ” 1’’ in o u r weekly effort and who h as tak en It up«n him self to ffrnnr p votrrfunois i vqr o u r desk W hile ex-governor O lcott w as re latin g to th e n atio n al convention of governors some of th e calam ities th a t h a H befallen th e s ta te of Oregon It n i'g h t have been w ell to nam e some p f th e blessings w hich we have re ceived, th e p aram o u n t one being his defeat a t th e recent election A New York w om an adm onishes g ills to bew are of m oonlight lovers. If a fellow liaan'f any bettev Judge m ent to pick o u t a m oonlight n ig h t fo r spooning, we say heed the w arn-1 lng. A few dayH ago we received a booklet ad v ertisin g th e sta te of Cal ifornia. On the first page th ere was Ibis m otto: " I t’s The C lim ate.” B ut w hen we tu rn ed th e page and east | o ur eyes on some of C alifornia's b ath in g heuuties— w ell th e cjltnato I m ig h t help. ♦ 0 ♦ 0. A. C. FARM REMINDERS * ♦ * T u rk ey s have proved a pro fitab le side lin e In a n um ber of localities In Oregon, p a rticu larly w here free tango Is available. N ot much In th e way of a sh elter Is needed and a good sh are of th e ir feed is secured o u t on th e range. In cu b ato r and brooder rep airs and p a rts may be advantageously or dered now. O rdering and in stallin g therm om eters, th erm o stats, re g u la t ors and o th er necessary p a rts and supplies before the ru sh of the h a tc h ing season is tim e p rofitably spent. It may be necessary to build a few ■ houses. T ak in g ad v an tag e of all ’ good w eath er spells now w ill pay later. T he breeders th a t a re to produce th e eggs for h a tch in g should be g et tin g in to condition to r lay in g in Ja n u a ry . Some breeders use lig h ts in Ja n u a ry to bring them into produc tion. E n o u g h p erm an g an ate of potash cry stals to cover a dim e or sufficient to give th e pou ltry d rin k in g w ater a w ine red color Is good preventive for colfls. You Can Get Apple Boxes, Egg Cases and Honey Cases at T H E T U M -A -L U M LUMBER COMPANY Pko 111 N ice Soft. Pine Table Tops Subscribe N ow and I Table Legs | - to t h e - I Regulation Sizes Hermiston Herald and keep informed of the events and happen ings in your commun ity. The Herald carries one of the best Want Ad columns of any weekly paper in the state. j I■ Let us show them to you • ____________________ ! 1 Inland Empire Lumber Company ! Phone >31 3 “ The Yard of Best Quality ” H. M. STRAW. MGR. a Exclusive Representatives of National Builders Eureau ■ WE ARE NOW IN OUR NEW LOCATll (formerly occupied by Hermiston Light & Power Co.) And prepared to give the best of service in our line. WM. H. OGDEN ' Echo F lou r M ills E cho, O regon -•If you want to buy M ANUFACTURERS --If you want to sell OF- High Grade Patent B lue S te m F lou r --If you want to trade You find the opportun ity in The Herald ad vertisements. Sm all potatoes m ay be utilized to good ad v an tag e by cooking and add ing to th e wet pou ltry mash to m ake it m ore p alatable. DO Y O U K N O W R. A. Brow m o b . Mgr. Start the New Year Right iJust Received; in Stock The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEI 1 The Herald is the medium by which the merchants tell the citizens of the com munity of their busi ness. Bfc* 7 he Hermiston Herald—$2. (ft) SUBSCRIBE NOW WEST END FARMERS Have learned that The Herald prints th^ij. beet butter wrappers. We have the large size, 9 by 12 inches. Our prices are — . 100 200 300 500 Watch the display advertisements for the after- Christmas bargain offers for for for for $1.25 $2.00 $2.60 $3.75 Many are buying them in the larger quan-' tities, but we are here to'serve you all. I f " * you want only a few we have them with- out the name. These we sell as follows- «to 12 30 62 100 The H erald is $2 per year, or $1 for six months, payable in advance. 1 for for for for 10 25 50 80 cents cents cents cents <« The Home of Good THE HERMISTON HERALD ,