Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 4, 1923)
(Flw Wrmtafcm Wntlà XJ. • «O. No. 17 HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 4. 1 9 \ PRIME NAMED HEAD OF COMMERCIAL CLDB SWAYZE MADE VICE-PRESIDENT HERMISTON LEGION POST INVITED TO HEAR OWSLEY W ill Be Speaked at Legion Gather in g in Portland January 5 and 6 An Invitation to hear Alvin M. Owsley, national commander of the STRAW gECT.-TREAS. American Legion, at Portland Jan uary B and 6 has been extended the Hermiston post in a letter received 1 . M. H unt W ill Represent Club at by Floyd Ames, local commander. M eeting of State Chamber in The letter follows: The American Legion will have Its Portland National Commander, Alvin M. Ow sley of Denton, Texas as its guest in By unanliaous vote, Dr. F. V. Portland on January 5 and 6. Commander Owsley is an outstand Prime waa elected president of the Hermiston Commercial club at the ing orator, a man with a keen mind, regular meeting Tuesday noon nt the thoroughly familiar with subjects of Oregon Cafe. F. B. Swayze was vital interest to all the people at chosen vice-president and Harry this time. National Commander Owsley Is Straw waa elected to the office of nationally known as a lecturer and Becretary-treasurer. During the past year Dr. Prime orator of great ability, having been has eerved in the capacity of secre on the platform for many years do ing Chautauqua and K setting tary-treasurer and has been one of ...„ -------------— work ------ — the live wires of the organization. It forth the principles of Americanism was hl8 untiring efforts toward mak- for the Legion. ing the club te best organization The American Legion takes this of its kind in this part of the state ' opportunity of extending to you and that decided his associates to name your members a cordially invitation him president. He is widely known to hear Commander Owsley, either troughout the state and Northwest at the Friday evening meeting, Jan- and will doubtless lead the Commere- uary 6 , at the American Legion lai elub forward through a prosper-¡ club rooms on Fourth and Washing- tort streets or Saturday at noon ous 1923. K. P. Dodd, the retiring president (luncheon) January 6, at the Port hae headed the club for the past land Chamber of Commerce, Oregon «.van years. During hts time in office building. A cordial Invitation Is extended to ‘he elub has carried out many praise- •»■iithy achievements which ar# due all member^ of civic, fraternal, re <«» . big part to the effort that Mr. ligious, educational and patriotic in stitutions to hear our National Com . - «4 has put forth. faa a short speech following his mander when he visits the Rose City. Yours sincerely, • iM-ttoCu the new president emphasl- Harry N. Nelson, -«« ‘»a importance of co-operation Department Adjutant, 4H“Far»ying out the work of the or- American Legion of Oregon. gantzation and asked that every member give his best toward making ! the club function as an achieving CAUGHT WHILE TRYING body. TO ROB SUIT CASE Report of the finance committee -.1,owed had been success- X m that a 1922 financial standpoint. On last Friday night the editor LIBRARY BALL IS GRAND SUCCESS EIGHTY-ONE DANCING COUPLES D i ATTENDANCE The “Blue Bird” Dance By Melba Callahan is Mid-Night Surprise The annual Library ball at the auditorium Monday evening held high place as usual among the social events of the year. Good music was furnished by Fletcher’s orchestra of Pendleton, and elghty-one dancing couples were shown in attendance by the record of paid admissions, and a large number of library friends and boosters, though not participating in the dancing, were present to enjoy the good music and exchange greet ings for the New Year. All those present are highly Indebted to the ladles of the community for a most enjoyable luncheon donated and pre pared for the occasion. After pay ment of all expenses the net proceeds to the Library fund will be about 150.00. A mld-nlght surprise feature was staged by the Library board In the Introduction of Miss Melba Callahan of Hermiston in a pretty interpreta tive dance called “The Blue Bird”, w ith encore no less beautiful and de lighting. Miss Callahan was accom panied by Mrs. F. A. Chezlk, pianist. The Library board, now consist ing of Mrs. J. T. Hinkle, Mrs. E. J. Kingsley, George Patterson, F. C. Woughter and H. J. Schilling, are entitled to the general thanks of the community for the success of the ball. They were very loyally support ed by the ladles of the community in the preparation of luncheon. A splendid representation from Pendleton and neighboring towns «M, all outstanding accounts are ¡closed shop about eleven o clock and was noted among the dancers and all ^ X d the club will have a small I started for the hotel. Upon entering reported a most enjoyable evnlng MM t n e C I U D W i l l I l i t v e a. and th launching of the Happy New on whiih to start out the new /h e lobby he precelved a I ing through his suitcase, which he Year under most favorable auspices. T M. Hunt Will represent the club had left behind the desk. Now the, ed - ih. meeting of the state chamber »or weighs a wee bit over the par- BE THE BEST, WHATEVER YOU , w„„m.rce in Portland this week, cel post rate while the man doing ARE The officers will take chairs the pilfering would have made and Tuesday at the regular meet- | excellent sparing partner for Jack By Douglas Molloch Dempsey. Yet it was heart-rendering If you can’t be a pine on the top of tl.e Hermiston hotel. for us to stand by and see the fellow the hill. steal cur other clean ehirt and col Be a seruh In the valley, but be lar. We had just been showing a The best little scrub by the side of ♦ « * friend a cute little Colts Automatic the rill— ♦ IRRIGON SCHOOL AND TOWN Be a bush. If you can’t be a tree. ♦ ¿.<1- NEW S ♦ that we own and was carrying it back to our room. This reposed In our hip pocket. But was empty. If you can’t be a bush, be a hit of Minus the ammunition, the thing the grass. The hi>ys’ basketball team is ex- that demands respect for an auto , Some highway some happier mak; pectlny ‘o play at Echo Friday of If y o u ‘can’t be a muakie, then juat matic. «Ma week. be a baas—• He had just thrown our pajamas MMk Blanche ines spent the vaca- But the liveliest baas ln the lake! out on the floor and was making a U'T home near Lexington. y-tida? night after the Christmas i dive ----- for the nice bright - „ bath , rob two of the teachers, Miss which our wife gave us for Christmas, We can’t all be captains, we’ve got to be crew,' and Miss Skells, left t0 j This was beyond human endurance^ There’s something for all of ua MM th- holidays at their homes at We could stand It no longer. We ask here; S X m lie and Portland respective- * h y he had taken such a fancy big work to do, and there’s fe E Z -, Genevive Glasgow. Snow to our wardrobe, doing our level There’s lesser to do. «ad others accompanied them best to make our voice display some And the task we must do is the * ’ aln which was about four ¡«iP * of bravo. But it was impossible. near. Mt- Batle P. Rand and « “r knees shook, and our manner Cha,..-» Powell report a very cold of speech seemed to sympathize with If you can’t be a highway then Juat night • thcm ' be a trail, »veryooe enjoyed a merry ChriBt- ' In reply to our question he lnform- If you can’t be a buu be a star; D t l vacation and are back in school cd us that the grip belonged to him. It Isn’t by size that you win or you again ready for the new year. We would recognize that old war fall— Irrigon high school has Joined the , kit of ours under any circumstances. Be the best of whatever you are. High School Athletic associa- It has been our companion on a good Lyle D. Seaman has been elect- many long and weary trail». Land- Miss Lillian Llttler and Mr. and ad treasurer of the high school. ladies have requested Its presence Mrs. E. J. Kingsley were dinner - Klgg Corrlgon was unable to re- i as colletral. It bears the scar» of a guests at the C. S. McNaught home turn to school after the Christmas ; hundred encounters with baggage New Years evening. The party later BoM lry on account of illness. She men. These scars make It distinctly attended the Library Ball U expected back in a few days. individual. If a solicitor would make John Beavert returned home from I us a call asking for a donation to Portland Monday morning. He re- keep John D. Rockefeller out of port» that Mrs. Beavert la recovering tho poorhouse we wouldn’t register ftam her lllnes» and expects to be half the surprise that we did at his 1 ^ . ln a few days. Their children claim of ownership. have been under the care of Mrs. He Btood up and turned to face Stewart. us prepared for argument. The cute Mr. Hendrie and son Isnmael re- m tle automatic was wig wagging tyr-pod hone early Sunday morning back Bnd forth but pointed ln the from a concert tour including Baker genera| direction of his anatomy. We ppairu City. I tried to speak but fright had left ug ""-'-Sr. a iew day» Islt with her gp€echlesa. We made motions toward Mr». L. D. Baling returned , be door and he seemed to gather :hool aero»» the river where tlUr meaning quickly, and we might lg teaching. add. without the least hesitation he cars of hay are being ship- ,naU9 for this means of escape. He by member» of the Bay a»- ignored the sidewalk. The last we »aw and other individual ship- middle of4he street. The last we saw of him be -waa making a gallant ___Bureau gave a progre«- charge down Main street. hundred party at the school j Earuer ln , he evening he had in Saturday. December 3d. formed the landlord that he waa Glasgow won the first waiting for No. 23 Intending to ride Bishop Wisdom- the con- Into Umatilla. Later on he had re party later transferred turned and finding no one in the iworth hall for a social lobby started to Inspect the content» of the grip- when we happened In PMthouae and Mr. Hunt hava and caught him. _ inspecting hay here. Tho night watchman Inform» ue After church Sunday night a group that Ihe fellow made good his word young people held a watch party W . and Climbed aboard the blind bag th . High eebool Gym. At the ,r hoar tho old year wa» rung _ ________ it sad the * * one hi Mr. Grover 1» building a sew gar. . Basketball Friday tae for his Chevrolet. We like to see I The American Legion basketball I ^ y new buildings in town. team will take on the high school Mr. John Parka, Mr. Wagner, Mr. team the Auditorium Friday eve- Mm. R Howard, Mr. and Mm. Dinff of thl„ week. The game w ill be k L. Howard have been visiting at called at • o'clock and the advta- of Ben Howard. rioa will bs »6 and 29 cent«. ♦ * * * GUIDES NIGHT FLYERS PARENT-TEACHERS TO HOLD MEETING FARMERS APPROVE PLANS FOR STATE DEVELOPMENT Drainage Group Commends Portland Chamber of Commerce for Con structive Farm Promotion BUREAU ÜF PUBLIC ROADS TO MEET Approval of the Portland Chamber WILL WALLULA CUT OFF be of Commerce and other business or MADE PRIMARY ROAD ENSUING YEAR ganisations raising funds for de veloping Oregon agriculture was given by the state drainage associa Local Men Present Seven Reasons A Special Program H as Been Arrang tion at Portland December 20. Why Road Should Be Routed ed For the Occasion; Thurs “We commend the Portland Cham Through Hermiston ber of Commerce for leading off In day, January 11 is date concrete, constructive work for the producers of this state," the drain From the Standfield Standard The Parent-Teachers association age men declared. “We urge all oth We are advised by the Hon. N. J. will meet at the high school auditor er bodies of Oregon. Including the ium on Thursday, January 11 a t , state chamber of commerce, to sup- Sinnott that there will be a hearing port the plans of the State Develop- before the Bureau of Public Roads 2:30. This will be a meeting of special ment board in framing future de- ! in December, 1922, upon the ques- interest as election of officers will velopment work, and to coordinate ! tion of whether the Wallula Cut-Off the forces of the state along the be designated us a Primary Road, occur at this time. I If the Wallula Cut-Off Is so deaig- A special program has been a r -, lines recommended.“ Samuel Brown of Gervais, presl- nuted at this tima, we desire to pre ranged for the occasion as follows: I 1. Number by HermlBton high dent of the state drainage assocla- sent the following reasons why It tion, sat on the state development should be routed thru Hermiston, school glee club. 2. Recitation by Jearld McKenzie. board in Its recent study of the I Oregon: j. Saving of Cost to the United Have you ever heard of an aerial 3. Vocal Solo by Melba Callahan. needs of agriculture and how busi- lighthouse) It Is really something new 4. Recitation by Sherley Brownson. | ness men can help meet them. The < states and Oregon, At the prcaent Unl<) there a that the United States navy baa built 5. Piano Solo by Mrs. F. A. Chezlk. findings of the board emphasize the at the uaval air station at Hampton Recitation by Anita Paulson. necessity of erganizlng the stateI standard hlghway compieted on an mind for direct and concrete aid to air line four and one-half miles Roads, Virginia, to guide pilots of air planes at night D ie light Is visible the producer, and of giving fair northeast from Hermiston which la at an altitude of six miles above the publicity to the products and oppor one-half the distance from Hermis ♦ * station. By day the platform is used ton to Cold Springs and we propose NEWS GLEANED ABOUT ♦ tunities of the state. as a lookout station during flying oper ♦ “The supreme problem of the to complete this highway to Cold ♦ THE TOWN * ations. ♦ * Oregon producer is marketing his Springs free of coat to the govern crops.” declares the resolution. ment and state. This would leave DAIRY MEETING TO BE HELD The Portland chamber has under- approximately only nine miles from Dr. and Mrs. F. V. Prime enter AT COLUMBIA SCHOOL HOUSE taken Io raise a 3300,000 fund to tained with a house party Friday help solve this and related problems, Cold Springs to the Washington state line to be built by the state C. Jamison. Oregon Agricultural night. Following an evening of danc and put Oregon agriculture ln the and government. ing a dellciohs luncheon was served. class where it belongs by using Its Specialist W ill Be Among If the road Is built direct from Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Harry latent resources. Speakers Cold Springs and Umatilla, it would Straw. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Voyen, Mr. Reclamation of land by drainage, A dairy feeding meeting will be and Mrs. C. S. McNaught, Mrs. C. irrigation, land clearing and divers be expensive construction over rough held under the auspices of the Co W. Kellogg. Mr. and Mrs. William ification, is the production problem rocky ridges and lava beds a dis tance of 11 miles, and it would be lumbia Farm Bureau In the Colum Roberts, Miss McDonald, Mr. and to be attacked. necessary to construct a long over bia school house Monday evening, Mrs. Earl J. Kingsley and Miss Lil A market system that will pro head viaduct across three railroad January 8 at 8 o’clock. F. P. Phipps, lian Llttler. vide a steady outlet for surplus farm tracks at a very great expense. newly elected president of the local produce at reasonable profit on cost 2. Shving of Grades and Curves. Miss Lillian Llttler was the din of production, Is the big business Farm Bureau, wil lpreslde. N. C. The Hermiston-Cold Springs route Jamison, O. A. C. dairy specialist, ner guest of Mr. and Mi's. A. end of being mapped is practically a straight air line route will lead in a discussion of feeding Purdy Friday. lde forward movement. a ith very few grades and none of for milk production. In view of the which would exceed two per cent fact that the dairymen have decided I Miss Lillian Llttler who has been COMMUNITY CLUB It is impossible to lay out a road to do some systematic testing so as visiting here for several days left HOLD BUSY SESSION from Cold Springs to Umatilla on to obtain some production records, Monday night for Astoria. anything like a straight line and it Is essential to get down to fund Various Projects Outlined for Com without heavy grades on account of amentals ln regard to economic feed Mrs. E. H. Gardner and children the ridges and canyons. ing Year; Papers by Mes ing. The most profitable balanced of North Powder apent Christmas 3. Saving of Distance, Yellow dames Waterman, Baker ration ig the one that Is produced with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. stone Trail at Wallula, Washington, right on the farm. The discussion of C. Canfield. The Community club held a very ' t0 old Oregon Trail and Columbia Monday night will probably influence successful meeting Tuesday after Highway at Hermiston, Oregon. the farmers in regard to their crop Mr. Bert Beneflel of Irrigon was a noon, at the library, with, a splen The distnnee from Cold Springs program for the coming year. business caller ln Hormlstoat Tues did crowd In attendance. AU com to Oolnmhta highway and the Old In all probability the directors of mittee reportg showed earnest ef Oregon trail at Umatilla Is 11 miles the Jersey Breeders association will day. forts to make the work worth while and from Cold Springs to the Colum meet at 7:30 at the same place in Mr. and Mrs. Claude Ballenger, and the co-operation of the members bia highway and Old Oregon trail order to formulate plans for their annual meeting January 20. All Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Murchie, of was evident In the fact that the pro at Hermiston is nine miles making dairymen are urged to be present at Boardman were visitors In Hermiston gram committee reported only one a saving to two miles ln this con- refusal when making out the year’s . necu on and a saving of eight miles the meeting in the Columbia school Tuesday. program. The finance committee has ln all travel between all Washing house Monday evening. plans laid for giving an entertain ton points and all points east of Must Have License or Receipt ment to make money each month, Hermiston on the Columbia highway According to state traffic officer, Special Advertising Scheme until July, to swell the fund toward and Old Oregon trail. For instance. Each day through the Spokane of C. L. Lleuallon, owners of cars must the building of a Community hall. Pendleton, Oregon, would be eight have license plates or a receipt to fice 75,000 pieces of advertising The committee of legislative has ar miles nearer Seattle and Intermed matter are sent broadcasting every Bhow that they have applied for same ranged to report at each meeting iate Washington polnt^ (gi NeIi"‘ state in the Union and ln all parts before they will be allowed to drive any bill« pending ln legislature, both mlston-Cold Springs route than on of the civilized world the Information their cars. state and national, that is of special the Umatilla-Cold Spring^ route. There Is such a congestion ln the that the Columbia River Project will Interest to women. The following Is 4. Hermiston-Cold Springs Route irrigate 2,000,000 ’acres and make office of the secretary of state now. Ihe outline of the Food Project as Is Throught Improved Lands. due to the rush of applicants that 50,000 homes. This advertising con submitted by the Home Economics This route lies through the Im sists of a special cancelling stamp there will be some delay during this committee: Jsn. 25, Foods we need proved farms of the government month in getting out the license used on the letter cancelling machine and where to find them; Feb. 13, Umatilla Irrigation project and would plates, in the office. *!,’ i* •*'i Meal planning and food combination; be of great benefit to the settlers on Those, who have never had the One of the stamps reads “Make Feb. 27, Correct diets for under this project and would increase the pleasure of greeting the Judge with 50,000 homes; Irrigate the Colum weight and constipation. value of their land. The Cold Springs- bia Basin.” Other stamps carry the a cheery ‘good morning your hon These demonstrations will be giv Umatilla route lies through a rocky or” may experience this "grand and information regarding the unlimit en by the county agent. Misa Edith desert waste Impossible of reclama ed acreage which can be obtained glorious feeling" unless they comply Hoffman, at the library on the tion and It is uninhabited. We be with the above regulations. through Irrigation of thia section. lieve it Is a great advantage to above dates. After February 1, those who have Mrs O. C. Young gave an account route these primary roads through Miss Dorothy Briggs returned to not license will have to secure a per of some of the projects taken up by fertile lands, both for the benefit of her school duties Tuesday after mit from the sheriff before "lizzie” other clubs In the state and will the local residents and the tourist spending the holidays with her can be cranked up and taken out for have something of interest along travel. her exercises. 6. Hermiston-Cold Springs Route father and mother in this city, this line to report at each meeting. It was voted by the club to give make« Junction at Hermiston with 325 toward the Scholarship Loan North or South Market Road and Fund held by the State Federation John Day State Highway. of Women’s Club« for the purpose of There Is now building -a state loaning money to young women for market load direct from Hermiston south via Heppner and other towns a higher education. A dance will be given Feb. 1st, which will connect with the John and part of,the proceeds will go al- Day highway. The Hermiston-Cold so to help to furnish the new home. springs route will make a direct ¡for orphans, which the W. C. T. U. j connection for all travel off the Yel- | Is building at Corvallis. It will be lowstone trail to all points south announced later where to bring do and east of Hermiston ln eastern and central Oregon at a saving of nations for thia purpose. The first paper On Contemporary eight miles In distance. American Literature was given by 6. Hermiston Is the Best Town In Mrs. Rena Waterman and was a Western Umatilla County. Hermiston Is now the headquart ¡sketch of the course of study as It will be carried out. Mention of some ers of the United 8tateg Reclame; of the books to be discussed and the tion service; has good hotel snd able way In which the subject was automoblle service. Hermiston Is sup- handled brought home to every wo- p„rte4 by the vast irrigated country man her need to renew her acquaint- around lt an(j ju„t now the United ance with books read long ago and states Reclamation service Is etart- to find time to read the later novels. construction of the McKay creek Mrs. C. B. Baker followed with a j sl<,r, ge reservoir which will furn- 1 general discussion of Notable Women irrigation water for 18.000 and w ittily but tactfully convinced acre8 more „{ Irrigable land adjac- her hearers of their appalling Ignor. pnt Herrileto*. This insure» ug » |»nce of the work of the great women 100 p,.r cent Increase In our popu- of our own land. latlon nnd accommodations for the ---------------- -----— traveling public. Hermiston 1» «>» Baptist Church Note» the first town of Importance between Sunday school IO a. m. W« have Th„ pane« and Pendleton, classes for all. L. A. Hunt. Supt. 7. There ig a possibility of short- Morning worship 11 a. m. special enlng the Columbia Highway six music. Sermon by pastor. miles by routing from Hermiston Evening service 7:30, special mue- straight west to the Messner Orer ie by choir, ' head Crossing. Bible reading Thursday nights at ■ should the Highway Commission TO ELECT NEW OFFICERS FOR 7:10. W. W. Darla, pastor. !----------- ----------- ------------------------------- (Continued on page to u f,