Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1922)
I.',-"___ THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OK EG OK. ____ ■ 3 hr Wrrmiiton irrulti Is as sweet and dry as the beat sun- hard to beat. The letters were drop to decline In prices of crude oil. made variety. ped in the mail box at the Echo poet- Portland— Highway to Hillsboro i 2 ,1 9 1 ,2 0 0 STEPS: office when that establishment was costing 6229,744, worn out In places Published every Thursday at Her* conducted by John Dorn in tho build in 3 years. Concrete was too light. OUR SEVENTEENTH YEAR mlston, Umatilla County, Oregon by With this Issue of The Herald ing now occupied by Spinning’s drug the Herald Publishing company, Inc. Helix has plans for 650,000 union store. As the office was moved from Entered as second class matter, high school. December 1906 at the postoffice at er started publication in Pendleton that building in 1912 the letters’are Roseburg awards paving contracts. before the water was turned Into the at least ten years old, and possibly Hermiston, Oregon. ditches of the Umatilla project and more. McMInviile building permits tor when but a few scattering buildings This week while removing the old this season break all former records. Subscription Sates Por One Year ..............................12.00 market the present city of Hermiston window shelf Mr. Spinning found the Broadbent— Power line being put For Six Months ________.......61.00 Since then the paper has marked letters where they had been dropped through here. Payable in Advance. lime with the progress of the city through the slot into a box under Maupin to get 2 story fire proof and country through the ups and the window. In taking up the mail hotel. Advertising Bates downs experienced in the develop they were evidently overlooked and Eugene— Phi Delta Theta fratern Display ------ ------- 20 Cents per Inch ment of a new country from the sage have been there ever since. They Classified or bocal 10 Cents per Line brush. Thanks to the liberal patron were sent by Mrs. F. H. Harrison. ity to build 620.000 home. for First Insertion, 6 Cents for Sub age and encouragement of both the One was addressed to F. H. Harrison Douglas county spent 6118.000 on sequent Insertions. town and country folks. The Herald at Weiser, Idaho, and one to C. S. road building between May 25 and E M.'.KE hem up starts this year with a greater faith Birch, Moore, Montana. Mr. Spin June 25. to y<>u i i r d e r . THF SUPER COW than ever of the ultimate success of ning deposited the letters in the post Eugene— Work to start on North Breeding a dairy cow that will give the Umatilla and also the Greater office and they may yet reach their Fork bridge. » Proper planning pays—financially—but A ny size. A .y color enough milk to feed 30 children a Umatilla Project, when the 20,000 destination.— Echo News. Stayton woolen mills adding new « much more, in comfort, convenience, sat- day, more than six times the cupacity acres of yet undeveloped land are looms. and any reading you Dr. W. H. Oschner, of San Fsan- * isfaction and pride. Yet it costs no more of the ordinary cow. Is one of the added to this project. Springfield— Several new houses cisco, came In with Mr. and Mrs. Nell feats of the industry which lias been * than the “make-shift” method. m ay ch oose. under construction. accomplished by the United States FARMERS PAYING OFF DEBTS Bertrandias Monday and is now in Portland—S. P. Co. purchases 61,- the Crook County Oil Fields of the department of agriculture, and which War Finance Corporation furnish can be done by proper feeding and es striking evidence of Improved Blue Mountain Oil Company. While 600,000 terminal property on east selective breeding, so it la said. On honditiona in agricultural circles. rather, reticent as to whom he repre* side. From 1917 to 1922, 657,000,000 Its experimental farm near Bells- From August 1 to August 15, in sents. Dr. Oschner states that if the vlll. Mo., the department has a herd clusive, the Corporation made loans fields prove half as good as the re will have been expended in state for This company will gladly assist you to of six cows, the result of breeding. aggregating 6867,000 for agricultur- ports of other geologists show, de road building. plan economically, correctly and scientifi W E CAN M A K E that have produced an average of al and livestock purposes. During the velopment work will start at once Monument— New concrete store more than 22,000 pounds of milk in ¡same period It received 66,110,287 and will continue until the fields arc building to go up. cally so that your new home will fit your P R O M P T D EL IV E R Y 365 days. Tho improvement of dairy In repayment of loans previously definitely proved.—-Central Oregon Highway to be paved through Jef “pocket-book” and yet be as efficient and cows means more than increased made for aggrlcultural and livestock ian, Prineville. ferson at cost of 625,000. as satisfactory as you would like to have profits to the dairyman. It means purposes. Thl« shows that farming The dam at Toll Gate, which will Portland to have modern apple cheaper and more milk. A long step communities are paying off loanB be the first step in the development it. Free to customers. In tho development of good dairy about seven times as fast as they are of a fine summer resort at the sum storage plant. stock was started when local farmers making new ones. Since January 1 mit of the Blue mountains, is said to Wendllng— Reconstruction of the a few years ago organized tho pres the War Finance Corporation has be nearing completion. The dam Is Booth-Kelly mill starts. ent Jersey Breeders’ association, pur received In repayment of loans the about 500 feet long, 11 feet high, Umatilla county lets paving con chasing at that time some of tho best total sum of 6112,164,543. 50 feet wide at the top and 125*feet tracts. blood In the gtate perhaps in the Pa. wide at the bottom, and will Impound ■ Canby to get union high school. clflc Northwest for breeding purpos “Of the 22,000 editorials which I the waters of a lake covering 5ft or es. Today dairying is the leading in estimate the newspapers of the coun more acres. It is being constructed by Vernonia— Hydro-electric power dustry on the project nnd is as yet In try print each week, 21,500 might Manager Bellows and his song, who plant to be built here. Ils Infancy. On this land which can far better never have been printed,” are conducting the Toll Gate hotel, Milton—Work to start on 620,- probably support the minimum of says William Peter Hamilton, for 13 and the enterprise has the backing of Phone 331 995 church. dairy stock. It seems the logical place years editor of the Wall Street Journ- prominent Walla Walla men. It is to produce the super cow, which it Bend to get theatre. i and it is a safe bet that he Is 100 proposed to fill the lake after the “ The Yard of Best Quality ” SolicitO: 3. would seem must produce a greater l'er cent corred n his figures. flood season is over in the spring. The Eagle Point-—New irrigation dis Mother wus very anxious to have H. M. STRAW. MGR. return than any other form of agri ■» hotel and other buildings were mov trict constructing main supply can this particular dinner a success. There culture practiced here. a The high school foot ball squad is ed to higher ground. Plans for the al. fore she was very much dismayed Exclusive Representatives of National Builders Bureau when at 5 o’clock she discovered that getting out earlier than last year and coming spring improvements embrace the maid had broken the gravy boat “SUNLESS HAY” should give a good account of them an openalr dance pavilion, a new a The following is reprinted from selves this year. Last year’s success store building and an extension to MEMORY THAT IS MARVELOUS belonging to her best set of dishes. !■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■ ■■ ■■■■■!•!■■■»■ ■ a e « n e Then a bright thought struck her. Her the Pendleton Tribune, and may bo fill playing seemH to be an incentive the hotel. In the course of time and There is a coyness in the eyes of the bottle to the Judges' stand. The of value to those who would like to to the school to put ov<jr a learn this with the completion of the proposed Authentic Feats of B'lnd Musicians neighbor had the exact set and would Are Among the Most Remarkable surely lend her the desired piece of Winnemucca and Hotfoot, two of the cows are not to be “busted," but do some experimenting though wo year that will be a real contender for Weston-Elgin road, the Toll Gate re on Record. china. The dinner went along splen wildest buckers, that presages ill for roped by horns half head or neck. believe the sun will continue to be honors in Eastern Oregon. sort is expected to develope Into one didly until the meat course waa would-be riders. Both are acclaimed our mainstay in curing hay: Remarknble fents of quick memoris- served und the maid brought in the of the most famous on the Pacific 4,qq^0+. A farmer in Sussex, England, does j Ing by blind musicians have been gravy boat. Then up spoke the tlve- by the cowboys as “a coupla wild ♦000004 00000-K- The Salt River Valley Water Us coast.— Weston Leader. ’unp” and have already spilled a score recorded by the National Institute foi year-old daughter of the house: a most amnzing of things with the ers' association has installed a radio aid. of electricity, but his hay-mak- broadcasting service in connection ♦ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 the Blind. “I want to tell you," she announced, of horsemen in the try-outs. Besides the usual world champion, Fred Turner, one of the most accom "you’d better all lie careful of our Ing is the most amazing of all. He with Ihc operation of the project. plished blind musicians in (Scotland, gravy boat because It isn't ours, nnd ship bucking contest, there will this describes it thus himself: to keep in mind the ♦ OREGON INDUSTRIAL * recently memorized all of Bach’s “St. we’d hate to break another one today, year be a Northwestern champion “I have Just made hay in large Manure is a necessity on Irrigated ♦ REVIEW ♦ Motthgw Passion" and in four raorfths wouldn't we, inotlier?” fact that in addition to ship as well. In this, only residents eincks without the aid of the sun. as on non-irrigated land, nnd some ♦ 0 trained his choir and accompanied the of Oregon, Washington and Idaho The grass was stacked us noon as it authorities believe it is even more im 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 entire work on the organ, while Sin printing th is n ew s may compete and no one who has was cut-—1, e , while it was quite portant on irrigated land. paper w e do job work Beaverlon dedicate^ 660.000 mov clair Logan, the blind composer and PENDLETON IN FULL ever been in the seml-finalg at the green. A hollow space was left In the organist,' memorized Somervell's "The ROUND-UP DRESS ing picture producing studio. Round-Up is eligible. of any kind. W hen Passion of Christ," a fairly compli center of the stack which was con ♦ 0 0 ÿ < > « < •« « « « « « ÿ « Salem— T. O. Bllgh will erect 620,- cated cantata occupying 75 minutes in An innovation this year will be nected to nn electric sirocco fan, ♦ in need of anything ♦ 000 brick store. Her citizens! have discarded the Ihe “cowboys’ milking contest.” For performance—trained his choir and ac wh>h blow air Into the center of the * NEWS OF NEARBY TOWNS * in this line be sure Vernonia— 650.000 perday saw. companied a highly successful per sober attire of the hum-drum busi this each cowboy is allowed a helper «tack and cooled It. utilising the heat ♦ 0 mill here puts on double shift. formance in less than two months, dur ness world and are gay in the fancy and must rope a cow, milk into a I of one part to cure another part. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 « 0 « q. 0 q, q Grants Pass— Will ship 20 carload ing which he was working under the vests, loud shirts and broad-brimmed bottle enough milk ao that the fluid The Htuck wus only blown in this way Two letters which were mailed of grapes. stress of other heavy memorization sombreros of the cowboy. Local busi be poured from it. and ride with when H started to get too hot.” The In Echo more (ban ten years ago Marshfield—Inman hydraulic gold work for nn Important recital in Liver ness houses are showing cards pro neighbors looked itn, expecting a call started for Uieli destination this pool for the National Institute for the claiming that their employes aro mines operating on Sixes river. for the fire brigade almost any mln- week, making a record for slow ser Blind, In addition to his normal pro dressed "100 per cent for the Round- Astoria— P. O. & E. company vol fessional duties. ute. But all went well, and the hay vice that even Burleson would find it Up ” untarily reduces gas prices hero duo To carry in the memory Beethoven’s Nor is the "biggest little city in 32 pianoforte sonatas, as William Wol- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ♦ ♦ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 stenholnie does, and the entire 48 pre the world” lacking in gala attire. * * ♦ ludes nnd fugues of Bach, as in the Street decoraitons are being put in * Walla Walla County Fair * Washington State Fair * case of H. V, Spanner—two blind mu place and vari-colored banners and ♦ Pendleton R ° u n d - U p ♦ or ♦ Walla Walla, Sept. 13-10 * Yakima, Wash. Sept. 18-23 * ° r * Pendleton, Sept. 21-23 ♦ sicians resident in London, would pennants are floating in the clear seem no light achievement, and yet air of September. . * 0 ♦ ♦ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 « « 0 0 0 0 0 <. At the Round-Up grounds the 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ♦ these form but a small portion of the range of works in the mental store shiny-coated racers are daily being ♦ house of these men.—Westminster 0 put through their paces. They havo Oaaette. 0 HEPPNER, OREGON won honors on tracks throughout 0 the United States and give promise 0 LIVES OF UNREMITTING TOIL of some breathless races at this years Will pay highest market price for butterfat. 0 show. Mexican steers a-plenty are 0 Chinaae Coolies Navar Know Respite ready, and buckers ns well. Honest weights and test. Give us a trial shipment. 0 From Labor of Pushing Barrows, for Bare Existence. COMING TO Laborers in America who think they have a hard life should see these PENDLETON Chinese coolies. Imagine wheeling a ❖ barrow with a four or five hundred 0 pound load for hundreds of miles over roads difficult to travel even on horse 0 back I SPECIALIST 0 Usually there are two men to a bar- row. The one at the handles, by in Internal Medicine for the past 0 means of a strap over his shoulders, eleven years. is the best pen on the market. Come in and let me takes much of the weight from his 0 arms, leaving his hnnds more or less show you. Ring and clip models. Also the 0 free to guide and balance the load; DOES NOT OPERATE the one In front drags It forward with a ten-foot rope. Will Bo At Panting and straining, with the ST. GEORGE HOTEL sweat streaming from their half-naked the best mechanical pencil made. bodies; pulling through foot-deep yel WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY, 0 low dust, lifting over rocks and drag OCTOBER 4TH ANT 5TH ging up hills; at night gulping a bowl of soup or macnronl and, half dead Office Honrs: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. ♦ with fatigue, falling asleep on the 0 0 ground in the Inn courtyard among 0 TWO DAYS ONLY the pigs, chickens and mules—so they 0 JEWELER and WATCHMAKER live, day after day, year In and year 0 No Charge for Consultation H e r m is to n , O re g o n out, with nothing else to look for 20 to 6 50 we will give 1 Ticket ❖ ward to. " G IF T S T H A T L jtS T " 50 to 100 we will give 2 Tickets 0 Dr. Meilenthin is a regular gradu All this for fifty or sixty coppers a 100 to 250 wc will give 3 Tickets ❖ day. or shout eighteen cents In Ameri ate in medicine and surgery and is 250 to 400 we will give 4 Tickets can money. Is It any wonder they licensed by the state of Oregon. He 400 to 500 we will give 5 Tickets’ 0 seek oblivion In opium!—Roy Chapman visits professionally the more im 500 to 600 we wll give 6 Tickets ❖ Andrews In Asia. portant towns and cities and offers 0 ❖ 600 to 700 we will give 7 Tickets to ail who call on this trip free con ♦ 700 to 800 we will give 8 Tickets New Tertiary Crocodile. sultation. except the expense of 0 0 500 to 900 we will give 9 Tickets Exceedingly valuable additions have treatment when desired. ♦ 1000 snd over we will give 10 Tick berm made n>cenHj to the already ex According to his method of treat ets, tensive natural history collections ot ment he does not operate for chronic Echo, Oregon > ♦ 0 the La Plata museum In Buenos Aires, 0 0 appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of and a vast amount of new information 0 0 has hi-en gathered by an expedition rtomarh. tonsils or adenoids. L 0 0 He has io his credit wonderful re NOTE The above will also apply to Cash Sales that has Just returned from a three- manufacturers of ♦ months' geological surrey and paleon sults in diseases of the stomach, liver 0 0 bowels, blood, nerves, skin, heart, tological study of northern Patagonia 0 0 —that little-known region of Argen kidtiey. bladder, bed wetting, catarrh 0 _ _ 0 tina that already has shown Itself to weak lungs. rheAmatism. sciatica, be one of the world's richest store leg ulcers and rectal ailments. houses of paleontological relics. In If you have been ailing for any cluded among the specimens brought 0 hack by the expedition Is the foesll of length of time and do not get any 0 a prehistoric monster of the crocodile better, do not fail to call, as improp. * R . A . B R O W N S O N , M g r. 0 PHONE 111 family which appears to be a species er measures rather than disease are The Superior Product of Scientific Milling 0 0 hitherto unknown. very often the cause of your long 0 0 This fossil is the almost complete standing trouble. Makes Better Bread skeleton of a reptile that tn life 0 0 Remember above date, that con 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Try a Sack measured more than 40 feet from head sultation on this trip will be free snd 0 * 0 0 to tall. The fossil was found near tha that his treatment Is different. ♦ 0 0 0 0 0 0 p. S Wc Are Choke full of Plans and Materials For Home lome ♦ ♦ ♦ 0 0 0 0 city of Rio Negro hetween the atrata Married women must be accomp and Farm Buildings * 0 of red sandstone of the Cmstaceona anied by their husbands age. which crop out all over the npper 0 Address: 336 Boston Block, Min- 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ♦ ♦ ♦ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rio Negro valley and along tha Neu- ¡neapolls, Minn. quen and Lima/ rivers. Honey Labels ■ ■ | ’ 2 ■ ■ z z ■ ■ A home scientifically planned to eliminate five steps between the frequently used rooms in 30 years saves the wife a long walk of 2,191,200 steps or 1245 miles. 2 S ■ J* ■ ! Built A rchitecturally C orrect ■ ■ H elp in P lanning F ree ■ ■ ■ H erm iston H erald ■ Inland Empire Lumber Company ■ ■ ■ ♦ x We Wa.ii /on « To See Us Morrow County Creamery Company ♦ ♦ Free! Free! ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ M ake th is w eek “P ay W e e k ” a t ♦ th e Tum -A -Lum and receiv e ♦ ♦ FREE TICK ET T O ANY O F TH E ♦ ♦ ♦ A B O V E FAIRS ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ S For all accounts paid in full on or before the date of the fair in amounts; ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ W. C. Cox, Manag er D r. M ellenthin T H E PA R K E R PEN PA R K E R PENCIL WM. H. OGDEN E c h o F l o u r M ills 0 : The Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. ♦ : High Grade Patent B lue S te m F lour DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FF.F.n