Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1922)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, gERMTSTON, Q&BGOff. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « * 0. A. C. FARM R F .M nm p.B9 « ♦ ♦ 1 ■ SCENES IN THE IRRIGATED D A IR Y IN G DISTRICT ABOUT HERMISTON J. C. Poultry Need Exercise Requirements tor a well planned poultry bouse are suitable location, avoiding exposure as much as possi ble. fresh air free from drafts, plen ty of floor space for exercise pur poses. plenty of roost space to pre vent crowding, equipment such as drinking fountains and mash hop pers in such places and In sufficient quantities that the fowls will have access to them at all times, and the proper arrangemept of doors and windows to make cleaning out the litter as easy as possible. Light is an Important factor in a poultry house. It is well to place windows In the rear. The front should be left about half open in or der to provide the proper circulation In winter a curtain, pulling up from the bottom, may be used to advantage In partially closing the opening. 371 Department Stores 820 Main Street, Pendleton, Oregon Judge This Store By Its Values Red raspberries thrive on almost any type of loam soil. Upland, sandy or clay loam soil are good if they are well drained. Clay loam usually gives heavier yields. The moisture content of the soli Is more important than I he soil. The soil must be well drain ed. must retain moisture, and must uev£r be surfeited with moisture. Value cannot be reckoned by price alone. The goods must have merit, else they are dear at any price, no matter how low. W'e ask you to compare our values anywhere. Once you have determined the real worth of our merchandise you'll marvel at our exceptionally low prices. This is the time to finally de termine the best value-giving store in your community. Piece Goods—Household Linens 27 inch outing flannel good pattern and colors 15c 27 inch outing flannel, fine quality, pleasing patterns ........................................................................ 19c 27 Inch white outing flannel ...................17c-19c 27 inch Daisy outing flannel, the brand every woman knows, yard ......... H......................................22c 36 inch Amoskeg outing flannel, white only, yard ............................................................................... 23c 36 inch heavy outing flannel? white only ......27c 27 inch Amoskeg outiug flannel of goodweight and attractive colorings ............................................23c 27 inch Robings for co3y bath robes, convention al and oriental patterns, yard ................................ 59c 27 Inch apron check ginghams, yard . .............. 10c 27 Inch dress ginghams, our own brand, clean cut patterns, desirable colorings, yard ...................... 15c 32 Inch dress ginghams, new fall patterns ... 23c 32 Inch Renfrew Zephyr Madras, a fine quality, yard dyed fabric manufactured by the maker« of Devonshire cloth, yard ........................................... 29c 32 inch Devonshire Cloth, the utility cloth for every woman »ho clothes little folks, y a rd ..........35c 36 inch Silkoline in a fine range of patterns, also plain colors, yard ............................................. 23c 36 Inch cotton challles, for new comforters, draperies, etc................................................................19c 30 inch kimona crepe, light or dark patterns, yard ....................................................................... ....... 35c 30 inch imported Japanese crepe, heavy weight, 35c yard .......... 72x90 Waldorf seamless sheets, ea c h ............$1.25 72x90 Pequot sheets ..........................................$1.39 81x99 Pequot sheets ..........................................$1.79 72x90 Victoria sh e e ts........................................$1 39 81x90 Victoria sh e e ts........................................$1.49 81x99 Victoria sheets ....................................... $1.69 81x90 Dallas heavy quality sheets, each ...... $1.69 Green Seal pillow slips, 42x36 .................... 29c Victoria pillow slips, 42x36, each ......................35c Victoria pillow slips, 45x36, each ..................... 39c Pepuot pillow Blips. 42x36, each ........................43c Pequot pillow slips. 45x36, each ....................... 49c 36 inch pillow tubing, good quality, yuro ..... 33c 40 inch pillow tubing, yard ............................... 35c 42 Inch pillow tubing, yard ...............................37c 45 inch pillow tubing, ynrd ............. 39c 40 inch Pequot pillow tubing . ......................... 39c 42 inch Pequot pillow tubing ..... 43c 60 Inch Pepperiil unbleached sheeting, yard ..43c 81 Inch Pepperiil unbleached sheeting ............49c 72 Inch unbleached Pequot sheeting, yard ... 55c 81 inch unbleached Pequot sheeting, y a rd ..... 63c 90 inch unbleached Pequot sheeting, yard ..... 69c 72 inch Pepperiil bleached sheeting .................49c 81 Inch PepperUrbleai'hed sheeting .................55c 63 inch Pequot bleached sheeting..................... 55c 72 inch Pequot bleached sheeting, yard ..........63c 81 inch Pequot blenched sheeting .....................6!ic 90 inch Pequot bleached sh eetin g................ .79c 86 inch bleached muslin, our own Honor brand, yard ............................................................................... 15c ♦ ♦ INLAND EMPIRE NOTES ♦ « O e- e ❖ <• •> <• •> d <■ SPOKANE, Wash.— Motion pic tures boosting the Columbia Basin project and showing Frank M. Good win. assistant secretary o fthe inter lor in Spokane and visiting the bountiful Spokane valley irrigation district were recently released by the Pathe News company for national distribution. Pasco citizens recently organized the Franklin county taxpayers to affiliate with the state federation of taxpayers’ association. The objectives are the budget system as far as pos sible in every county and reduction of at least 25 per cent In the tax levies for the next year. A train of five standard sleepers will leave the Union depot at Spok ane at 11 o’clock Friday night, Sep tember 22, for the Pendleton Round Up. Accomodations have been made for 125 people. . Plans for securing construction of a $300,000 memorial hospital at Wal_ la Walla, to be financed by a com munity stock issue sale, and entire ly dependent upon cooperation of public spirited people, have been drawn up by a committee represent ing various organizations of the city and a campaign has been started to bring the movement to a successful conclusion. A board of directors, serving without pay, to be elected by stock subscribers, would govern tho Institution. The attendance of the Spokane In terstate Fair was estimated at 103,- 3 59 this year. Five boys and girls of the Rockford canning club, who gave demonstra tions at the Spokane Interstate fair held In thl3 city recently will ex hibit at the state fair at Yakima, September 18 to 25. About 200 Knights of Pythias members from all parts of Whitman county attended the luncheon at Col. fax recently In honor of Supreme Chancellor George C. Cabell and the Supreme Keeper of Records and Seal Harry M. Love. In the presence of their mothers and club leaders, 149 girls In the national sewing clubs, conducted in Spokane during the vacation months by the home bureau in connection with Washington State college and the federation department of agri cultural, displayed proudly the gar ments they have learned to make in the assembly room of the Spokane Chamber of Commerce recently. More than 600 garments made by the girls for their own use were on ex hibition. A. C. gwarner's Sister Dies A. C. Swarner received a telegram conveying the sad news of the death of his sister at Carlisle. Penn., Sep tember 8. FOR OVER 40 YEARS HALL’S CATARRH M EDICINE has been need successfully In the treatment of Catarrh. H ALL’S CATARRH M EDICINE con sists of an Ointment which Quickly Relieves by local application, and the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which acts through the Blood on the Mucous Sur faces, thus reducing the Inflammation. Sold by all druggist« P. J. Cheney * Cs.. Toledo, Ohio. Penney (% INCORPORATED Set Red Raspberries in Autum ♦ A Nation-Wide Institution .. .. • - • 1 1 1 I 1 ¥ . . r ' « ’ L* • J ' ï - . ' i ' *- • •z'-r'" • v * .1 • • -• » - *z ' i ’* v **.«♦*• • * t ' > - . > V ■ - ” «k ‘ ’k * •• ' 5 * ÿ Jr . - *> Everyday Savings for Men Men’s Pay Day Overalls, 2.20 denim, good full cut, union made, pair ........................................... $1.19 Men’s 4 U Overalls, best quality Massachusetts denim, extra full cut, union made; compare It with any overall at any price anywhere, pi $ 1.39 /J -itjr 36 inch cambric muslin, fine quality for under- Ihings, yard .............................................................. 26c 36 inch Wamsutta cambric muslin, very fine, sheer quality, yard .................................................... 35c 27 Inch Long Cloth, yard ..............................12 l-2c 36 Inch Long Cloth, yard .............. 17o 33 inch Indian Head muslin, yard ..............- .....23c 44 inch Indian Head muslin, yard .................. 35c 54 inch Indian Head muslin, yard .................. 39c 36 inch house lining ............................7^4c. 8 l-3c 36 inch unbleached muslin, 12 1-2«, 14c, 16c, 17c and 18c. 36 inch bleached hospital gauze ......7 He. 9c, 10c Merltas and Sanitas, Oil Clothes, the standard of all oil chotns, white and colors, yard ..................... 33c 36 inch Percales good quality light colors, yd. 19c 36 Inch extra fine quajity percale, light and dark patterns, yard .............................................. 29c 40 Inch all silk Crepe De Chine, ail the leading colors ............. . .........................................$1.49 40 inch extra heavy all silk Crepe De Chine, the wanted colors for fall, yard ............. .................. $1.98 40 inch all silk Canton Crepe, new fall colors, yard ..................... ..................................................$2.98 36 inch Canton Crepe in silk und wool yd. ..$1.98 36 incli Mignoneite, silk intube form , drop stitch and plain wcuve, for dainty underthings, ...... ......................... ......... $1.19 blouses, etc., yard 36 inch silk poplin, a good range of colors yd. 89c 36 inch black taffeta $ 1.49, $1.69. $1.89 36 inch J. C. Penney Co. brand, all silk, satin and taffeta, y a rd ............ .................. .....................$1 98 36 Inch taffeta and Messaline. all silk, popular sliades for fall, yard .............. ....................... $1.79 36 inch Skinners’ all silk satin in wnnted colors at .......................................................... $2.49 36 inch Geoiz all silk taffeta, black and navy yard ................................. .... ............................ $2.49 36 inch wash satin, till silk, flesh and white yard ............................ .........................................$1.59 36 inch white pongee,sultnlil e for undergar ments, yard $1.39 32 inch silk shirtings, very attractive stripes, ymd ... $1.39 40 Inch figured Crepe De Chine, yard ...........$1.49 36 inch Zephyr Sateen, very fine quality for un dergarments, dainty colorings........... ..................... 79c 36 Inch silk mull, yard 46e 36 Inch cotton and wool serge, yard .................69c. 36 Inch, all wool serge, yard .............................. 79c 50 inch cotton and wool serge, yard ........... .....98c 36 inch all wool Batiste in the wanted shades 98c 40 Inch all wool French Serge, yurd ............$1.49 40 inch all wool F rench Serge, yard ............ $1.39 54 Incli all wool Mannish serge, very high grade ........................................... $2.98 blue only, yard 40 inch all wool Shepherd Checks, yard ......$1.98 54 Inch all wool Jersey, yard ........................ $1.98 36 inch black sateen 29c, 35c, 45c, 49c, 59c, 79c Men’s khaki pants, well made, of good quality khaki cloth, pair ............ ....................................... $1.49 Men’s Canvas Gloves .................................. 10c, 15c Men’s Leather Faced Gloves, gauntlet or wrist length, pair ............................................................... 29c Men’s Leather Gauntlet Gloves, horsehlde face, rauleskin back, pair ..................................................4 9c Men’s Corduroy Pants, tan or brown, pulr $3.98, .$4.60, $4 98. Men’s good weight ribbed cotton union suits, each ................................................................. $1-49 Men’s ’’Sprlngnlt” union suits, good weight, gruy only, suit .............................................................. $1.98 “Warner’s” good weight union BUlts, elastic rib. perfect fitting, suit ................................................$2.25 Warner’s spring needle knit union HUtts, light weight wool suit .................................................$3.49 North Star Mill« wool union suits, good weight, rib knit, light huff color, suit ........................ ...$3.98 North Star Mills all wool union suits, fine elas tic rib. heavy weight, while or gray suit ........$4.S8 North Star Mills silk and wool union suits good weight, elastic rib, closed crotch, suit ............ $4 98 Men’s Dorn flannel shirts, gray or brown . $1.25 BOYS’ SCHOOL SUITS New fall styles all wool suits tor boys. Nor. folk belted, models, two pair of pants, suit $8.90 Boys school shoes, black or brown, all leather youngsters. $2.35, $. 69. $2 98. $3.19, $3.79. $3.9» youngsters, $2.35, $2.69, $2.98, $3.19, $3 7’, $3.98 Heavy cotton stockings for boys, black, heavy rib. pair ............................ „............................... 25c, 49c Men’s flannel shirts, serviceable and warm, gray or khaki, each .................................................. ......$1.49 Men’s heavy wool flannel shirts, coat style with two pockets, khaki color, each ............................$2.98 Men’s high grade wool shirts, gray or khaki, with green pencil stripe, coat style, each .................$4.60 Men’s heavy wool shirts, pure Oregon fleece, two pockets, coat style, each ......................................$4.60 Men’s blue chambray work shirts, full cuf, serv iceable shirts, each ............................................... ....98c Men’s Kliukl work shirts, roomy and well made, all sizes ......................................................................98c Hoy»’ Mt uses, dark and light percales, chambray und sateen ..........................................................89c Boys’ flannel sh irts, each .......................... - .....98c Men’s light weight cotton sox, blue, black or gray pair . ............................ ............................. 10c Men’s Original Roxford sox, the old reliable, 2 pair ................................................................. 25c Men’s heavy wool sox, gray, white, brown or blue ...... ...........29c, 35c, 49c Men’s Mackinaws in a fine selection of good patterns and colors - $6.50, $7 60, $9.50, $9.90 MEN’S LEATHER VESTS Men’s leather vests, moleskin shell, split leather sleeves, full leather lined, each ...................... $5.50 Men’s moleskin shell, dark brown leather sleeves and lining, each ............ .......................................$6.50 Men’s moleskin shell dark brown leather sleeves, full sheep lined, each ........................................ $8 50 Men’s Corduroy vests, dark brown leather sleeves and full leather lining, each ............................ $8.90 Men’s gray horsehlde vests, sleeves and shell all of gray horehlde, flannel lined, eaeh $13.90 Men’s blown leather vests, all leathor sleeves und shell, heavy wool lined, each .................... $10.90 Men’s extra quality leather vests, all leather shell and sleeves, two button storm proof cuff, extra full cut, coat for comfort, service and appearance. , ;o h ..$ 1 4 7 5 Men’s two In one leather coats that Is reversible. Dark leather coats, lined with corduroy or moleskin may he worn as n leather coat or a corduroy or a moleskin mat. double breasted belt all around, large collar, two pockets, coat ts 34 Inches long each ................................................................................. $16.50 New Coats, Suits, Dresses Everything new this season, dainty dresses of silk or wool, coats In mannish models of hesvy plaid bark materials, luxurious plash coats with fur trimmings and (he late style ooaceptlons in smart cloth eoat*. The prlca range Is $14 75-$19.76-$22.50-$24.75-$27 5O-$29.5O-$34.75-$39 50 $44.75. t ypewr it er R ibbon and e paper for sale at the Herald. THF LARGEST CHAIN DEPARTMENT STORE ORO, ANIZATPN IN THE WORLD