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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1922)
=n H E R M IS T O N D A IR Y A N D H O G SHOW Friday and Saturday, Oct. 6 and 7 O v e r > 7 0 0 in P rem iu m s Wg Hrniusimt Wralh VOL. XVII D. • IO. L»br»w HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 1922 DAIRY AND HOG SHOW OCT. 6-7 COLONIZATION AND J | UULUIIILM I lull HIW LAND DEVELOPMENT n EWCOLDSPI^GSROAD HELPS WHEAT SH IPPE R S( MAKING IMPROVEMENTS ON BROWNELL DAM ^ S a v i n g in Hauling Expense to New Structure of Cement to Take Ranchers Since the Completion Place of Temporary One Which of the F irst 13 Miles of Road Was P u t in in 1903 / some $850.00 IN PRIZES TO BE GIVEN; _ _ _ _ PRIZE LIST WILL BE OUT NEXT WEEK W h eat men w ho are located in , ’"D . C. B row nell of U m atilla Is m ak- JAMES KYLE ADDRESSED COM th e H oldm nn d istrict an d do th eir Ing im provem ents in the B row nell BOOSTER FOR ROUND-UP snipping an d w arehousing a t Cold irrig a tio n ditch, th e in tak e of w hich MERCIAL CLUB HERE LAST SATURDAY DAIRY INDUSTRY HAS BIG GROW- ______ I S p rin o8 rep o rt a g re a t sav in g in is ab o u t a q u a rte r of a m ile below A rth u r S. Rudd, booster for the TH RECENTEY tim e and also in th e increased am ount th e governm ent Lane Lake Dam. P endleton Round-U p was in town O'bservati’ ns are th a t Greatest Sue- i ll<u cun be bauleli 8i,lce th e Cold The im provem ents consist of a 500 S atu rd ay and talked to a num ber of S prings road was th ro w n open for foot cem ent dam w hich is being laid cess Made Where Products Have th e local fans in th e in terest of the Beys’ and Girls’ Clubs Will Show traffic, extending back in to th e frills on the bedrock of th e U m atilla river big U m atilla cow puncher classic. for about 14 miles to n ear U oldm an and ex ten d in g across th is stream Been Standardized W hat They Have Been Do "T he Pendleton Round-Up Is Uma o n cracts have been le t for a con- , The tem porary s tru c tu re w hich lias ing This Year tilla county's g reat am usem ent of tin u atio n of th is road for a distance been in for 18 years, was p u t in by ferin g to the w orld,” Mr. Rudd said Mr. B row nell in 1903 Even a t th is The principal featu re of th e Com of 3 miles. in a statem en t to the H erald. "Moro One ran ch er in th e U oldm an dis- early d ate t h e / : were several o th er m ercial club luncheon Tuesday w as ’Member th a t tim e you arose early people th a n ever before are coining the address of Janies Kyle, of S ta n tric t rep o rts th a t he is h a u lin g 80 irrig a tio n system s tak in g o u t front from far aw ay points to see the show went out w ith a zest and bare-footed field. Mr. Kyie is a m em ber of th e sacks o f w heat w ith six horses, w hile the U m atilla river, am ong them the and H erm iston w ill n a tu ra lly de to get th e horses in the p astu re executive com m ittee of th e Oregon in form er y ears he hauled an average M axwell d itch a t H erm iston rive 3ome benefit therefrom ,” he add w hich was all covered w ith frost? Irrig a tio n Congress, and was chosen of 65 sacks w ith 8 horses. U nder th e B row nell ditch there You scared up old Dobbin and lin g er ed. , from th a t body by th e Oregon Devel j a re a t p resen t 1250 acres. The new ed aw hile to w arm your feet w here Mr. R udd is to u rin g the en tire opm ent Board as a rep resen tativ e to VAUDEVILLE AND PICTURE dam will not m ake possible an in he had been lying, then you cau g h t west in tho in terest of the w estern v isit th e various irrig a tio n projects AT THE PLAY HOUSE crease in th e acreage w atered but epic and reports lively Interest In him and doubled your feet under you and diversified sections of a num ber w ill assu re w ater for irrig a tio n so th in g s "w ild w est” everyw here. Colo on his nice warm back Or were you of states to study colonization, land Six P art Picture With Good Vaude long as th ere Is w ater in -the river. rado. U tah, Idaho, W ashington and not so fo rtu n a te as to enjoy this ex developm ent and m ark etin g . ville Act to be P ut on Friday Oregon have been covered by the pub perience and to have your h e a rt Mr. Kyle visited m any of th e Irri REV. WANN RETURNED licity Burn d u rin g the past ten weeks singing beeause th a t day you were gation sta te s as well as others, and Night September 15 and hundreds of people have heard going to tile fair? Are "them days one th in g w hich especially im press BY CONFERENCE the L e t’er Buck story through his gone fo rever?" We certain ly hope ed him was the fact th a t w here th e John M orrison, Irish sin g er and not. Rev. H arry W ann retu rn ed Wed. work. g reatest success had been a tta in e d Elsie C lifton, d ain ty actress and ta l- Motliei a fte r perform ing her mapjj products had been standardized, ented p ian ist w ill presen t a b eau ti- from Salem , Ore. w here he atten d ed Mr. Rudd advised local peoplo to M inisters Conference m ake th e ir ticket reservations early, oilier duties, washed th e facer, and T h at is to say, w here seed potatoes fui six p a rt featu re. "S ilver T hreads A he ft. an n u a! f ........ .7 ’ were grow n they w ere grow n in IAmong th e Gold” at the Play House i o rk\ 1 «‘’»« 'd eratio n of the d u e ,to the heavy advance sale. "If hands of all the children and got them you w ant good seats w rite Round-Up into th eir Sunday go-to-mcetinge. such q u an tities as to m ake th a t p a r - ; F rid ay evening of th is week Mr t * ,,c<’fis«CH of <hc Pa st° r ,a *t dad hitched the team to the hack, tic u la r locality the cen ter for seed M orrison w ill sing Irish songs d u rln - L ? P ,Sb*p h a r i a,ld his cab’ h ead q u arters now,” he said. potatoes and m ark etin g became a th e show ing of th e pictu re. A fter t h f " ' J H ern 1 The fact th a t Tom Mix is expected the w ell-filled basket was carefully Ion ch u rch for an o th er raarter of stan d ard izin g the product, p ictu re th ere will be a one-act vaudc- ' ° a r at th e show is arousing lots of In stowed beneath the seat, and wo were Bishop announced the teres, according to th e P endletonian. off to the glory land of thp big pump, The w orld came, as it were, to get T h er ° f u T h 40 ]minutet: d " r» ‘to n - tra n sfe The r of th e te rrito ry in cluding N ew spapers and Round-Up fans kin, the tall corn, tho races, the side seed potatoes there. So w ith melons, T here w ill be only one show that. tho Dalles di8trict "K oin th e Colum bia everyw here a re boosting for th is shows. and lo sum it all up, to th l cantaloupes, celery, head lettuce, SECTION OF SCHOOL PARADE IN DAIRY AND HOC SHOW w onderful FAIR. ' R iver conference featu re of the show. dairy and o th er products. ________ ______ j conference re-n am in g It th e E astern Have you considered w hat the fair» The N orthw est H ay and G rain Tho Oregon Irrig a tio n Congress COMMUNITY CLUB TO EDITOR OF WESTON FARMER D istrict. T h is 'd ic tric t includes ab o u t show, w hich w ill be held a t P endle have m eant to th is land? They hav« w ill m eet in Bend O ctober 5, 6 and RESUME ITS MEETINGS 25 p asto ral charges and was en th u s- PAYS VISIT TO PROJECT ton, Septem ber 18-23 in also arous. been one of the g re a te st Incentives 7, a t w hich time Mr. K yle w ill m ake FARMERS SHOULD "SHOOT STRAIGHT” WITH CREAM ERY 'a stic a lly welcomed by th e m em bers A fter Summer Vacation. W ill Dis hia report. ing lots of in te re st in th is section. in tile a g ric u ltu ra l developm ent of F. E. Faville and Family E n tertain A num ber of H erm iston farm ers will the country. The friendly riv alry in ---------- > of th e Oregon conference. Rev. W ann M ethods for the re p a ir of the B u t cuss Various Topics ed Here Sunday; Mr. Faville A year ago a successful effo rt was ltp o rta th a t his im pression of the have a chance to show th e ir products the grow lug of the best crops, sam p te r Creek road w ere also up for dis Sept. 19 R eturning From SPokane to th e thousands of Round-Up v isit les of w hich have been displayed in cussion but no action on th e sub made to induce th e p ro p rieto rs of th e OreK°n C onference is th a t it Is of H erm iston Cream ery to locate here. Ve,r y b i? b 3 p lritu al tono an d he con- ject w as taken. ors a t th is show. The exhibit will the a g ric u ltu ra l exhibits, hag pro The first m eeting of th e Commun Mr. an d Mrs. F. E. F aville and be held In a building made en tirely duced g lo at developm ent. The fair The ow ners w ere real b u tte r m akers, sid ers th e session a t Salen one of the ity club, a fte r the sum m er vacation tw o sons of P o rtlan d w ere H erm iston best he h as ever atten d ed . T he con- they "knew th e gam e.” T h eir suc w ill be held a t th e lib ra ry a t th ree visitors Sunday last, re tu rn in g from of baled hay and exhibits yvill be has ta u g h t us th a t farm ing is not 30 IN SWEAT SHOP SCENE OF __________ u ference n ex t y ear w ill be e n tertain ed th ere from six states. m erely a selfish m eans ot earn in g a cess in th e field was alm ost ___ imniedi “JUST AROUND THE CORNER ately assured by the q u ality of th e ir by P o r" al‘d M ethodists a t 1st C hurch o’clock on Sept. 19th. Mrs J. W. (he Spokane In te rsta te fa ir w here livlihood, but may fu rn ish a healthy Campbell w ill tell the club of M uni Mr. F aville w as m anager of the live- zest In living; th a t the g reatest suc goods. They produced more b u tte r P o rtlan d . cipal G overnm ent in Oregon. Mrs. stock exhibit. Mr. F aville is q u ite ^E P T . 18-25 DESIGNATED In " J u s t A round the C orner," a th a n any cream ery ever located here, cess Is atta in e d by neighborhoods and R. O. H orning will lead In th e dis well known here being editor of the AS “CANNING WEEK not^only by individuals. C osm opolitan 'p ro d u ctio n for P a ra and of the "q u a lity ” k in d th a t com cussion of c u rre n t topics. The Shep W estern F arm er, and having also ) Leaving For College ---- ------ m ount, th ere is a sw eat shop scene. m anded business from a far, m uch of The first H erm iston D airy and L ast F rid ay evening Mrs. H arry pard-T ow ner M easure w ill be discus- been on the speaking program s ai , State Wide Observance is Asked by In o rd er to get the accu rate atm os it going to th e best stores of P o rtlan d si d by Mra. F red C allahan. The com Hcveral of the D airy and H Hog Iff.»* dl/itv __ • a * Hog Show wan held In 1913. and a show W ann and Misg E ste lla P ayne en ier- phere for this scene. F ran ces Marion Today th e ir business Jias reached a Housewives of Oregon to Assist siiccessrul fa ir has been held every m ittee w ill also provide some m us m eeting held here. David Fayvillc, tho director employed th irty women p o in t w here th e y m ust refuse new lained a num ber of frien d s in honor ical’ num bers. F ru it Growers year since except one y ear when tba oldest son, and g ra d u a te bf Stanford, w orkers who m ake a rtific ia l flowers. business, unless, th e dairym en of th e of a few young people who are ’ flu ’’ d isarran g ed th e plans. Soma A fter tho program n reception will w ill teach the com ing year In the To assist in th e relief of th e fru it These women flower m akers earned p ro ject sell more of th e ir cream Toc- leaving for college soon. The pareon- of the years In the early developm ent he tendered th e visitors and new Pendleton high school. David, the grow ers of the s ta te who are hard "T P re ttily decorated as m uch m aking this scene In " J u s t ally. T here are from tw o to five sh ip . of the project. It was q u ite a load .i_____. . . . . ' p" golden flow ers and college pennants. m em bers of the club. All women of younger son is a stu d e n t a t th a t col h it by th e present rail strik e, the A round the C orner,” as th ey do In m ents going o u t of tow n each day. to carry blit the citizens carried It lege. H erm iston and vicin ity are urged to Music, gam es and contests w ith re Oregon S tale C ham ber of Commerce one week in th e ir flow er m aking. Two years ago w ith no cream ery th rough to success. The fair of 1922 a tte n d th is m eeting. Mrs. A. W. T hey w ere show n over th e project ,la« suggested th a t th e week of Sept. The p ictu re w ill be show n a t tho in h ere sm all producers w ere forced fresh m en ts betw een w as th e m erry P urdy Is hostess chairm an for this and visited (ho J. F. M cN aught and i 18-25 be designated as "C anning prom ises to be one of the m ost suc- P lay House next S aturday. M argaret to sell th e ir p roduct in th e form of e n tertain m en t. ces< nl ex h ib its in local history. m eeting. Goo. Strohm ranches. W eek” to be observed th ro u g h o u t Seddon, Lewis S argent, S igrid Holm- d airy b u tter. The local m ark et was Miss L au ra P hipps leaves th is D uring tho past two years a g reat D uring th e ir stay they w ere the i,le « 'a te d u rin g w hich housew ives q u ist and F red C. Thomson have the g lu tte d w ith it an d th e price drop h l'iday for Salem , Oregon io a tten d change has been ta k in g place on guests of Swayzes. leading roles. i will he urged to can r. two y ears’ sup- P lanting Fish ped to 20 cen ts a pound a t w hich W illam ette, U niversity. Miss Doris tho U niutilla project. D ivctslfied ; ply of fru it for fam ily use. F o r the past few w eeks a g re a t price it rem ained for over a m onth. ¡Swayze w ill soon go to S tan fo rd U ni. farm ing is coming to be tho ru lt, C om m unications suggesting “Can- The m anagem ent of th e cream ery verK,,y a t P a '° AIto a n <* Miss Em ily m any rank of fish fry have been de Called to Salem RAILR0AD GRADE WASHED and ns a result the range of exhib I tilng W eek ' have been sent to more assu res dairym en th a t th ey w ill get ^ho tw ell w i" re tu rn to W hitm an posited in the ponds, reservoir and its should lie pleasing and very In W . N. C raw ford, w ho h as been OUT BY BREAK IN DAM th e top price h ere and in ad d itio n a ColleRe’ and Mfas J a »e G unn w ill riv er n ear h ere T w enty sans of bass here the p ast few days looking over th an 100 com m ercial clubs and teresen ng. C ham bers of Commerce In Oregon. arriv ed W ednesday and these wero / a i r test, and a t th e sam e tim e allow j*00" r e t" 1'" ,o From J uki a few who wero In ter Seepage Dam Breaks Above Tracks; th e local concern to tak e on new , , ? * y,’" np folk« have “ hoBt oi placed in the U m atilla riv er by H. farm lands w ith a view o f buying Governor" O lcotV 'h'a?‘tmen requested som ething suitable for d airying, was on new ested In hogs in past days, now we to place his offlciul stam p of approv friends who wish them success Grade Washed Out and H igh in E. H itt. L ast week tw enty cans of called to Salem T uesday by a tele business w hich w ill ben efit all con have m any who have fine hunches of th e ir effo rts for h ig h e r learning. hull heads w ere planted in tho gov gram tellin g of the death of bis al upon the project. cerned. way Slightly Damaged It Is pointed out by S tate C ham ber porkers, and the especially fino ern m en t reservoir, and sh o rtly be b ro th er, Wni. H. C raw ford who lives prizes offered In tills lino will w ith fore th is p lan tin g s of bass were made n ear Salem. Mr. C raw ford intends ifficlals that, th e rail strik e has cu r. Methodist Church N°tice r A dam b u ilt to hold back seepage out doubt b lin g out a fine exhibit. L ibrary Contract Completed in th e C E. Baker. E. P. Dodd. C ato to re tu rn later as It is understood tailed c ar service to points east, es Sunday school a t 10 o’clock. w ater broke S aturday m o rn in g send ¡T he dairy In d u stry has had a big The work of ren o v atin g the P u b pecially In regard to refrigterutor Jo h n s and Win. W h itsett ponds. Also M orning w orship a t H i o ’clock, lic L ib rary , th e co n tract for w hich he had decided on \ buy here. Ho has 'g ro w th here recently, and th ere are in g its big volum e of w a te r down service, w ith the resu lt th a t bum per th ro u g h a canyon to the railro ad su b ject of serm on " F a ith fu l B uild- w as let to J. D. W aghorn, has been some of the B u tter Creek ponds were a herd of H olstein dairy'cow s. fru it crops in Oregon are in danger now some very fine herds. The ex stocked. grade. A cu lv ert b u ilt a t th is point era” by th e pastor. com pleted. The outside trim of brow n of being lost th ro u g h lack of m a r h ib it In tills line has alw ays been By req u est Rev. and Mrs. W ann presen ts a very pleasing ap p earance Mrs. T S. Townsend and Mrs. w as not of sufficient size to handle ket. An increased volume of home In terestin g and will be more so Geo. Strohm is sh ip p in g a c ar of M artha Mumma left W ednesday th e flood and about 25 feet o f-g rad e wl11 Bing “W h ‘«Pcring H opes.’ -w hile th e inside is fully up to th e canning w ill do much to relieve the this year. Many a ré tm ercsted in fat hogs today. They were consign m orning for A thena w here they will w as w ashed out to a d ep th of 20 I horses, and the auto and truck has stan d ard . The lib rary w ill be opened ed to th e P endleton M.-at Co. of P en a tten d the U m atilla C ounty C o n fer situ atio n , It Is.believed. NOTICE feet. The b reak occured ab o u t 10# ! not en tirely taken his place. The to the p ublic shortly. dleton. ence of th e W. C. T. U. y ard s n o rth of the in ta k e o f th e : It is th e desire of everyone to pre- ~ show in m aking th is an im portant Annual Election featu re Some >850.00 In prizes will B row nell ditch n ear U m atilla. T he v en t ,h e spread of disease and now The M E. Ladies Aid will hold h ig h w ay w hich p aralells th e railro a d ,b a t ««bool has sta rte d we a re ask- be given. The prize lists w ill be o u t th eir an n u al election of officers on tra c k for some distance h ere w as everyone to be unu su ally care- w ithin n sh o rt tim e. Tho a g ric u ltu r W cdresday aftern o o n . Septem ber 20 p a rtly covered w ith sand fo r a sh o rt fu l- especially all parents. al exhibits should not be overlook at the home of Mrs. A nna Strohm . d istance and dam age wag also done ed. The board Is endeavoring to a r H ealth Officer All m em bers and co n stitu en ts urged to th e shoulder of th e roadbed. Tem range for a big fru it and vegetable to be present. p o rary rep airs w ere m ade by a fte r display The assem bling of the best Baptist Church Notices noon o fth e sam e day, w ith little of th e project w ill be u revelation to S unday school 10 a. m. S o p erln - L utheran Church Notices delay in th e ru n n in g of tra in s, the , ten d en t Mrs. Dowell. tile visitors. L u th eran services a re conducted at m orning tra in from W alia W alla to P reach in g services 11 a. m. and A fino program of sports will e n Bhco, 1 block n o rth of bank, on the liven the day. T here w ill be a P o rtlan d being routed over th e cu t 7 :3 0 p m. by Rev. G ain. Everyone off. bird Sunday of each m onth. All L u football event, and all sort» of games welcome. » th eran s anil others Interested In and sports. Prizes for these events these services aro cordially invited. will he eoiitiihuted by the business G eologic Passes On Hermiston Dist. , 3?,,s Project Come and w orship w ith us. E. G. men of H erm iston. By no m eans ‘ Dr. W. H. Oschner of San F ran cis- " K eller, who i recently arriv ed W urest, P astor. co noted oil geologist, tu rn ed down b e rt and *r tf *ed ,o r th e Phelps ranch should th e boys and g irls clubs be tw o o th er propositions to come to n or" 1 town has sold the 2« acres overlooked. The boys and girls will Land Seekers Up From Valley P rin ev ille w ith Nell B ertran g ias of tO A L C arter o f Baker. Oregon, be there to show w hut they have th e Bue M ountain Oil com pany and '^b o , , w l" tak e possession sh o rtly Among the several land seekers been doing d u rin g th e year. The big in v estig ate th e com pany’s holdings M r’ K eller w ill hold an auction sale and people looking fo r locations who show will be held F riday and S a tu r near Post. Io t household goods and farm im ple- have been in here th e past week Is day, October 6th and 7th. Comm ltteea If thertSlue M ountain holdings a re ' " ” ’n ts a t t he 1‘helpg ranch next Tuee \V. R. A lvin, J. B. Super and Alex aro busy a rra n g in g th e many details. B rew ster J. B Super is looking over o n e-half as good as represented by day. 3AJS project land w ith a view to p u rc h a s other geologists w ho have been over REGIONAL CONFERENCE OF the g ro u n d .' Dr. Oschner says th a t ing w hile Mr. B rew ster Is Interested Honey Shipments RED CROSS TO BE HELD 1 his week ”ihç Skovbo A piaries in w heat land. th ere w ill be no delay in developing th e field. It is said th a t he rep re m ade tw o shipm ents, one to B ritish A regional Cnnfreneo of th e A m er C olum bia and th e o th e r to Los A ngel sents C alifornia capital. Bek’ Pardon ican Red Crosa w ill be held In P en in last week s H erald wo said J. dleton Hepteinlier 18-19 In the F eder Dr. Oschner has conducted In v esti es. The orders were unsolicited, the D W aghorn had charge of the c a r al building. Col, Geo. F lhner. Mgr. gations over South A ircrtca and th a p arties from C alifornia h av in g had soma H erm iston honey w hile n o rth p en ter work on the J. F. M cN aught of tho P acific Coast Division will be w estern _ p a rt of ___ th e ________ United S tales. Dr. P ark er, the e m i n e n t'g ^ Z g ia t i t " “ ' T ’ ; " ’1 WrO,Bg « • “ * hog houses. W R Longhorn Is the present to address the conference. carp en ter In charge. w ho made th e survey of th e co u n try honey 1« fa r superior to th e Caliform- Fourteen C hapters In eastern Oree- ia h oney." m entioned above, has pronounced the ro n aro Included In this m eeting. The Turn-A-Lurn Lum ber con-pany I 1 A banquet for all delegatee will fo rm atio n of th e Hermi-rton s trn c tu ra •I. T. H inkle of H erm iston w as in advertisem ent w hich ha» appeared bo held Monday evening a t <: 00 In to be id entical w ith the P rin ev ille P endleton Monday looking a fte r country. In The H erald for th e past tw o weeks the E lk's building. business Mr. H inkle is a „ atto rn ey • Is offering free ticketn to th re e fairs Question* touching the m any sided and an irrig a tio n ist. and on the aide in th is vicinity for early paym ent of work of the Red Cross w ill be discus, N u l Set) he tak es care of a b ttla politics. T rib I h e duck sansón open- October 1«. une. account». The Tum-A-Lum has mad.) sed. Speaker» of experience will ad thl« a featu re for the past tw o sea dress thr conference. T he meeting» ’ txjn», «re public and all are Invited.