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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1922)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON.« High School Mirror W e h a v e f e w F A R M A C C O U N T B O O K S left I f you did n o t g e t y o u rs a s k fo r it Devoted to the Interest and Development of the Hermlaton School* KEROSENE EMULSION RECIPE THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HERMISTON Effective Disinfectant for Use la Poultry Houso le Easy to Make and Also Inexpensive. VoL 2. No. 19 L O D G E D IR E C T O R Y Service Speed Economy )U E E N ESTHER CHAPTER No. 101. O. B. 8 , second T u en d » «ven ia« of each m jntb i a t 8:00 sharp in Masonic hall V isitin _ « _______ welcome. Mipnie E. S tew art. W. ML Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. U ERMISTON LODGE NO. 124. A . F. < A . M , “ m eets In Masonic Hall on F irst and Thi’M Tuesday evening» o f each month. V is1 tin « breth- E. D. Dun«an. S ecy . A . F. Reisse. W. M. F r u it, B aled H a y a n d The base ball gam e to be played In the O ratorical d ivision Frank V IN E Y A R D LODGE NO. 206. L O. O. F. here last F riday was cancelled by L iv esto ck T r a n s f e r T m eets each Monday even in« in Odd Fellow s Sw ayxe w on first honors and Earl FIR E INSU RA N CE hall. V isitin « members cordially invited. E cho a t th e last m inute. For some B ensel second. The kerosene emulsion which Is fre W R. Loa shorn. See. A Buhman. N . G. A ccident Insurance Hay Fire Insurance 0 . 0 . Felthonse :: Phone 404 L ife Insurance quently used to destroy m ites may unknow n reason they w ere unable to Autom obile Inauranee RECLAMATION LODGE N o. 107. K. readily be converted Into a disinfect come. The ju n ior class w ill take over the o f F . m eets each Thursday even io « a Mack n Hall, at 7.30 P. M. V isitin « ant, according to the United States De Surety Bonds and Safety Deposit Boxes picture show at the P lay H ouse W ed- - brut hr ru cordially invited. partment of Agriculture. The emulsion W. H. McMillan R. A. Brownson. The h igh school team w ill play at nesday e ven in g, A pril 19. The show K. R. and S. C. C. Is made by shaving one-half pound laun S tan field Friday. W e understand Is to be “ R iders of the Daw n," taken dry soap Into one-half gullon soft water. S tan field h as a good team, so th is from Zane G rey’s story, "D esert of ' Roll the mixture until soap Is dissolved P R O F E S S IO N A L C A R D S w ill be a good fast gam e. The gam e W h eat,” T hey w ill also g iv e readings, 50 ACRES of A lfalfa for rent or for and then, after removing It to a safe w as scheduled to be played here but vocal soloe, and a short one-act play distance from the fire, stir Into It, sale. H. E. Hanby. 20-2tp. D R . R . G . (¡A L E while hot, 2 gallons of kerosene. This the e ig h th grade was p lan n in g to play en titled "The G host Story." P h y s ic ia n a n d S u rg e o n U m atilla here so the high Bchool w ill makes the stock mixture. When It Is Office—Gladys Ave. near Firs* St. to be used as a louse killer, 1 quart of play at S tan field . Office H ours: F. K. W ells of P ortland w as a bu si 2 to 5; 7:30 to 9. Phone 641 the emulsion Is mixed with 10 quarts ness caller a t Mr. V oelker’s office of water. When It Is to be used as a Lucilo S u llivan en tertained a num . Monday. Mr. W ells w as on h is way D R . F R A N C IS P . A D A M S disinfectant, stir well and add 2 pint* FOR SALE her o f her friend s last Saturday eve to Inland Em pire teach ers’ m eeting of crude carbolic a d d or crude cresol. Physician and Surgeon n in g at her hom e. The even in g was at Spokane. The compound solution of cresol la ARTICHOKES »1.25 per sack. H. J. Eyes treated, tested and Glasse« Fitted By JONATHAN BRACE S till, ngs. 29-tfc. one o f the best disinfectants that can sp en t In dan cin g and p layin g cards, Office over First N atioosl Bank X X X II.— M IN N E SO T A The sen iors have chosen th eir class be purchased ready to use. It con also a ta ffy pu ll w h ich w as enjoyed OFFICE PH ONE. »2 RESIDENCE PH ONE. 596 EOR SALE— R esidence, 5 room s w ith speakers for graduation n ig h t and are I N N R- tains 50 per cent o f cresol, and a pint by everyone present. Offloe Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5:20 p. m. garden ground, fr u it, shade. Close SOTA Is of It in 10 quarts of water makes the w orking on th eir graduation exercis I Our new brick shoe store Is now open ■ Day or n igh t c a lls anew eied prom ptly in Inquire at H erald o ffice, 2 9-tfc formed part right solution to apply to houses or Last M onday the regular m onthly es. I with a new line of goods. See us for ly from a por spray over the ground. A 5 per cent stu d en t body m eetin g w as held SHpE REPAIRING " FOR SALE— Som e good work horses, DR. W. W. ILLSLEY tion of the solution of cnrbollc acid (1 pint car also m ow ing m achine and hay Grade N ew s C andidates for the stu dent body o f N o r t h w est bolic acid, 10 quarts water) Is about Office over F irst N ational Bank OAK TAN SHOE STORE I rake. Other farm equipm ent. W. C. The eig h th grade w e n t down to de fices w ere nom inated. territory and equally efficacious. Osteopathy Medicine Surgery Green. 29-2tp. B a m R a d g e re , P ro g . E feat before the S tan field e ig h th grade ____ partly by the Cal!« answ ered at all hours Northeast section of the Louisi last F riday at S ta n field by a 13-4 Track work haa been started and FOR SALE— B ronze turkey eggs. Office phone 551 Residence phone 711 ADVANTAGE OF EARLY BIRDS Mrs. A lice N u gen t, U m atilla. ana Purchase. It was the Mis the boys are very e n th u sia stic and score. P hone 47F 2. 29-2tp. sissippi river which was the di Success of Poultry Keeping Depends exp ect to take honors at th e w est viding line between these two The e ig h th grade w ill give a m ilk end m eet w h ich w ill be held on the Largely on Well-Matured, Vigor FOR SALE— Good Jersey cow , ele ct large territories. D E N T IS T R Y te stin g dem onstration before the P ar local field, som etim e In April. ric w asher, 16X 16 house and sheds ous Pullets. Herm iston. Oreyon The Eastern section wag ceded reasonable, if taken at once. S. I). en t-T each ers’ association n e x t m eet Coal, $1 p e r to n Office, Bank Rid«. by France to Great Britain In P ierce, S tan field . 30-2tp. (P n p a r e d by th e U nited State* D ep artm en t Office Phone, 93 Office Hours The high school declam atory con ing. 1763 and became a part of the o f A « ricu ltu rs.) R esidence Phone W ood, $1 p e r cord 8 a. m. to 5 p. n United States at the end of the test held at the H. 8. assem bly hall The early bird— referring to poultry FOR SALE— Good Jersey cow, fresh T ru n k s a n d M oving Revolution by the Treaty of Par The eig h th grade w ill play U m atlla —not only gets the worm but seems to F riday e v en in g w as a very in terest March 1. P rice »100. H. Pelm ulder. W i ll M a k o O u t e id e T r ip e is In 1783. The Northwest ter have every other advantage over the in g one. It seem ed very d ifficu lt here F riday. 3 0 -ltp . ritory w as organized by con one that Is hatched late. Upon early to decide w ho sh ould take first h on J. H . S C H R A M ATTORNEY AT LAW gress four years later. Then, as CALL AT MRS. P E E D ’S residence for hatching largely depends the success of ors In both oratorical and declam a Sleveral o f th e h e a lth crusaders E llio tt’s Tire Shop. P hone 192 your supply of E aster plants. F ull this great federal domain be H E R M IS T O N . O R E G O N poultry keeping, say specialists of the tory d ivision s. In th e declam atory have received th eir gold pens. lin e of bedding and vegetab le came settled and was gradually United States Department of Agricul p lan ts for sp rin g p lan tin g. From divided Into states, the Eastern ture. Early hatched chicks, they say, division there w ere three firsts ac P elm u ld er’s Green H ouse, Echo. J. D . Z U R C I IL K L illia n Y ergen s w as throw n o ff a part of the present State of Min produce well-matured, vigorous pullets, cording to th e three jud ges and It 30-2tp. LAW VER nesota belonged In turn to the which will begin laying In the fall and w as necessary to count the p oin ts of horse recen tly and badly injured. Territories of Indiana, Michigan Stanfield - - Orego early winter. It Is only from such the co n testa n ts In order to select the EGGS FOR HATCHING from the and Wisconsin. T he fifth grade Is b u yin g base ball early laying pullets that the beat pro w in n er of first honors. Elatne H unt fam ous Tancred strain w h ite leg As to the western portion of horns, bred to lay, at »1.50 foi duction and greatest profit can be won first and r a u lln e V oelker and equipm ent w ith th e m oney received UMATILLA GENERAL HOSPITAL the state, this was a part of l s , »8.00 per hundred. F. A. P help s secured. Early hatched chicks also W ell and M odernly Equipped from the declam atory contest. Zona B ensel tied for second honors. the Louisiana Purchase, which 26-tfc. mean hens which grow broody earlier was bought from France by the Special Rates in Maternity Cases the next spring, and these In turn al- LEAVE ORDERS for S. C R. I. Red United States In 1803. As this Preventative Medicine M iss N ell K um m erlln, superin M IC K IE S A Y S : and w h ite leghorn se ttin g eggs at region became subdivided. W est The tendency of m edical scien ce Is tendent. th e Jew elry store. »1.00 per se t ern Minnesota formed a part toward preven tative m easures. It Is w o n c styo < a o o o w a ^ \ a Edwards Buildine tin g. 26-tfc. of the Territories of Louisiana, easier and better to preven t than to PMUACR. VttWO AU2A.00Û -F O R - Missouri and Iowa. SAVE AMD SAOMCDT* I cure. P neum onia, one of th e m ost FOR SALE— 40 acres, p artly im The first white man to pene H . S . M C K IS N Z F R . M . D . proved. Term s, W. A. Leathers. IMtO 1U ' O F P tS *M BA\D,’’ NOULU | dangerous diseases th a t m edical man trate to Minnesota w as the EYE, EAR. NOSE A N D THROAT 25-tfc. BE « W ' ' tsAU A DV4CX3UMT MOW!, , H as removed from his form er location in the French explorer, Duluth, who In have to contend w ith , often fo llo w s a »iiot-rf s o u 3 A m deem tau .\ m 6 Bond Fid«, to 1678 built a fort on Lake Super cold or a ttack of the grip. The cold SEW ING MACHINE for sale or trade Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Inland Empire Bank Bid«. 1W' PAPER OMER -CMlEWrtN ’ ior and there established a very prepares the system for th e reception or rent. C orrell’s Shop. 29-tfc. AMD MCMU <\X UA FTA GDT extensive fur trade. Two years R E N O f .E T O N : O R K O O N DovwM u \ am « euPEJhkse«'.* J and developm ent of th e pneum onia later, Father Hennepin and two FOR SALE OR TRADE— F ive room germ . T he longer the cold h an gs on, bungalo, tw o 50 ft. lots, w ill take companions were sent by La th e greater th e danger. Take Cham good used car as part paym ent. In Salle to explore the Upper Mis D R . T> C . R I C H R Y quire Herald o ffice or Ad. Box 417 b erlain ’s Cough Rem edy as soon as sissippi and reached the F alls of OPTOMETRIST A N D OPTICIAN H erm iston, Ore. 29-3tp St. Anthony, where Minneapolis the first Indication of a cold appears E yes Scientifically Examined now stands. But It was not un so as to get rid of It w ith th e least Lenses Ground and Fitted FOR SALE— Good H a tch in g E ggs til the Nineteenth century that Am erican N ational Bank Pendleton possible delay. It Is fo lly to risk an from S. C. W h ite Leghorn Tancred Bid«. Ore «on permanent settlem ents were attack of pneum onia w hen th is rem strain, »1.25 for 15, »6.50 for 10!». made. In 1822 the first mill was C. C. C linesm ith. 1 m ile N. of town. edy may he obtained for a trifle. built at the F alls of St. Anthony, DR. RAY LOGAN, 29-2tp. where were destined to arise P hyslcan and Surgeon such Important successors. In FOR SALE— TAN CRED W. LEG Umatilla. Oregon 1841, Father Galtler built a HORN eggs for h atch in g at »1 50 chapel dedicated to St. Paul, and for 15. W e have a few se ttin g s from sp ecial pen at »2.50. Isaac this » u s the foundation of the Beet Production and Greatest Profit Jay. present great city of that name. Secured From Early Laying Pullet*. A s to the name Minnesota, 6 ROOM HOUSE for ante. Inquire t o k e e p in m in d th e low early hatching to be continued to the state was so called from the at C orrell’s shop. 27-tfc. a greater degree when natural method* river that runa through It, which fa c t th a t in a d d itio n to of incubation are relied upon. In the Dakota Indian language EGGS FOR HATCHING— Tancred p r in tin g th is n e w s ON A L L S A L E S For several years the department makes the words •’Minne," S. C. L eghorns, good w in ter lay specialists have conducted early hatch meaning "Water," and “Sotah,” ers, phone 801. 27-tfc. p a p e r w e d o Job w o r k ing campaigns. The m ovement haa meaning “Sky-colored.” Some o f a n y k in d . W h e n been encouraged by state officials and MISCELLANEOUS times the state Is called the “North Star State," from the ! county agents until now such cam in n e e d o f a n y th in g paigns are conducted early In the motto on Its coat-of-arms. IF YOU W AN T to m ove to the coast cjaoerS in th is fin e b e su re exch ange property w ith me. I ow n Minnesota was admitted to the ! spring over practically the entire Soeuo**' one of the m ost desirable A ttra ct country. Reports from poultry special Union in 1868. Its area Is 84,- ive, productive, close in hom es on 682 square miles and It is the ! ists and other sources Indicate that the P acific coast. 120 acres at »125 early hatching Is being practiced much m ost Important o f oar wheat Indigestion and Constipation an acre. A d join in g sea port tow n. more generally this spring than ever producing states. It has twelve “ P rior to u sin g C ham berlain's Tab ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦a B est of soil, m ild clim ate, ocean before, the favorable weather con presidential electors. frontage. No snow or hot w eather. <© by McClure N ew apaper S y n d ic * « . ) ditions being largely responsible for lets, I su ffered dreadfully from Indi F in est of fish in g and h u n tin g. Lots gestion . N oth in g I ate agreed w ith me this fact. of sh ellfish , W ould m ake fin e re and I lost flesh and ran dow n In sort for sportsm an and tourists. JEWELER and WATCHMAKER R egistration for th e sp rin g e le c h ealth . C ham berlain's T a b l e t s W ould take large property and a s . H a r m la to n , O re g o n som e, or sm aller and give term s. tion w ill con tin u e u n til A pril 19. CURE FOR EGG-EATING HENS stren gth en ed my d igestion and cured ■ E L E C T R I C F I X T U R E S ■ W C. P urdin, P ort Orford, Oregon. A ll w ho have not y e t done so and " G I F T S TH A T L j t S T " ■ me of con stip ation ,” w rites Mrs. ■ . A N D A P P L I A N C E S 3 0 -ttp . ® Phene 199 S¡ Professor Lippincott of Kaneae Col w ho are legal voters sh ould register George Stroup, Solvay, N . Y. ■ 1 0 4 V . O o u r t 4 t . P e n d le to n , O r e .* lege Recommend* Paring Off at E. P. Dodd's office. BIDS WANTED End of Beak. Read the W and Ada. The H erm iston Cream ery Co., Is Subscribe For The Herald now ready to receive bids on its en In answer to the many Inquiries for STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, tire outp ut of bu tterm ilk. 2 7-tfc a remedy for egg-eating hens, appears W an t Ada B rin g R e su lts W AN TED — D ressm aking to do. Management, Circulation, Etc., Re the follow ing by William A. Lippin C hildren’s cloth es preferred. S a tis quired by the Act of Congress of cott, K ansas State Agriculture col faction guaranteed. Mrs. A lbert lege: • August 24. 1912 P H O N E 152 S m ith, G ladys A ve. 26-tfc, of The H erm iston H erald published “Hens ean he cured of eating eggs HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK by paring off the end of the beak un- E. L. HALL Transfer. Call K nerr's w eek ly at H erm iston, Oregon to r Leave orders at 12-tfc. April 1 /1 9 2 2 . S tate of Oregon, Coun til It Is very tender. It should not be garage. P hone 152. TRANSFER cut so as to make It bleed. After ty of U m atilla. being cut hack until the quirk Is al SHOP— G ates TIRE H a v e le a rn e d t h a t T h e H e ra ld p r in ts th e ELLIOTT’S B efore me, a N otary P ublic In and most exposed, give the birds some 5 2 -ltc . tires. P M O N I O B ItO N H A N D W A M for the State and cou n ty aforesaid china eggs to pick at. As a nsnnl thing b e s t b u t te r w ra p p e rs. W e h a v e th e la rg e N e. 4 « CASH Paid for second hand good*. personally appeared Bernard M ain- they soon get over their desire to size, 9 by 12 inches. O u r p ric e s a r e — C orrell’s Shop. 17-tfe w arin g, w ho h avin g been du ly sw orn pick nt anything hard and, by the time according to law , deposes and says the beaks are grown out, have gotten H. Robinett, Prop. TYPEW R ITER R ibbons and carbon th a t he Is the editor o f the H erm is entirely over the vice.” paper for sale a t th e H erald. ton Herald and that the follo w in g is, , H wwm I m , Or«.» TH E fe e lin g o f secu rity 1 b w ell w orth to th e best of bis k n ow led ge and be DOST BATH SHOULD BE HANDY How about lief, a true statem en t of th e ow n er the prem ium paid, th at F ire Insurance? See th e E. sh ip , m anagem ent, etc, of the afore Good Place le In Sun Where It Will 11-tfc P. Dodd A gency. Keep Warm and Dry—Change LEAVE said pu blication for the date show n Loam Oocaaioaally. P endleton 8 :0 0 1 2 :0 0 4 :0 9 T h e F re n c h R e s ta u ra n t SEE G L. B E N N E T T for A u ctlon- In the above caption, required by the 26-tfc. A ct of A ugust 24, 1912, em bodied In eerln g. Echo 1 :1 5 5:15 9 :1 5 The dust both should he where the S tan field BAKUT aad CONFECTIONUT 9 :3 0 section 443, P ostal Lawn and R eg u la . tun will shine on It In order that It 1 :35 6 :35 GROW GRAPES under contsacL Herm laton 9 :6 5 1 :55 6 :5 6 M any a r e b u y in g th e m in th e la r g e r q u a n V ery low prices for v in es for com tlons, printed on the reverse of th is may be kept dry and warm as t-ny K le«antly Fum tshed RoomeMn Conneetlon he. On alm ost all sunny days, one Into U m atilla 1 0 :1 5 2:1 5 6 :16 m ercial p lan tin g. P eaches. A pri form , to-w it: titie s , b u t w e a r e h e re to 'se rv e you all. I f cots, Cherries, all kin ds o f fru it 8TRICTI. Y FIRST CLAES 1. That the nam es and addresses or more hens will he seen filling their LEAVE and ornam ental stock. A sk for plumage with the soft earth and that y o u w a n t o n ly a fe w w e h a v e th e m w ith grape circular. H om e N u r s e r y , o f the publisher, editor, m anaging will do much toward keeping down U m atilla 8 :0 0 1 2 :0 0 4 :00 Hohbacb Bros., Proprictort 1 7 -tfe 'e d ito r , and business m anagers are: Co. R ichland. W ash. 8 :2 0 1 2 :2 0 4 :3 0 H erm iston _ v ,, «. » _ i lire and assnring the health of the o u t th e n a m e . T h e se w e sell a s fo llo w s — P ublisher. Herald P u b lish in g Co. | flock A h)gh box , hm)M Pend'eton. Orecon S tan field 8 :45 1 2 :45 4 :46 W AN TED 3 Room H ouse for cash. E ditor, Bernard M ainw aring, H erm is used to prevent the fow ls from throw 9 :0 0 1 :00 6 :0 0 Echo Must be reasonable. R alph Evans. ton, Oregon. ing the dirt out when owing the hath. In to P en dleton 1 0 :1 5 2:15 8 :15 2 9 - ít p 2. That the ow ners are: The loom should be changed ores- TWO TRIPS SUNDAY E. J. K in gsley, H erm iston, O regon, donally so that It trill not become A. D. CROSLAND SON Try th e drug store first. W ater L eavin g P endleton 8 a. m. and glass 35 cent» a quart. M itchell D rug .Erva B. K in gsley, H erm iston, O regon, filthy. Co. 29-2te, Bernard M ainwartng, H erm iston, Ore- ’ 4 p. m. Political Strategy, le a v in g U m atilla 8 a. m. and gon. “After a member of congresa has TYPEW R ITER ribbons and carbon 4 p. m. 3. That the know n bondholders, lived in W ashington for a tim e he paper at th e H erald office. P hone 888 722 Cottonwood m ortgagees, and other aecurlty h o ld acquire* the air* of a statesman." ADDING m achine rolla at th e H erald ers ow n in g or hold in g 1 per cen t or W ay P oin ts We D eliver P arcels at “Moat of my colleagues do," said office. m ore of total am ount o f bonds., m ort Senator Snortaworthy, "but personal PARKS ly I prefer to look like a small town TWO TRUCKS gages, or other secu rities are: P e n d l e t o n t o E c h o . 4 1 .0 0 BEES W A N T E B --M u st be righ t for business man. I may not Impress for F. R. Reeves, Santa Rosa, C alif. QUICK SERVICE 3O-2tp P e n d l e t o n t o g t e n f l e l d , 4 1 .2 4 cash. J. N. Hartaook. eign visitors as mneh. bat It makes P o n d l o t o n t o H o r a n l s t o n , 0 1 .KO Bernard M ainw aring me stronger with the folks back home P e n d l e t o n t o U m a t i l l a , 0 1 .7 4 45 ACRES of good old stan d, w ill Sw orn to and subscribed before me when a constituent of mine returns lease or con tract for h ay or seed thia ( t h day o f April. 1923. from a visit to W ashington and tetla J. Skovbo. 2 0 - lt e . Station at Hotel Oregon and THE HERMISTON HERALD Marlon L. B riggs the beys there are no frills about Jim Calk Answered All Houri’ Hotel Hermiston Snortaworthy. He'» Jnst as much a ' My com m ission expiras Feb 19, ALFALFA PASTURE FOR HORSES. friend of the plain people aa be ever See M attoon 30-4tp. J W t, Hermistoa, Oregon Back in Business T h e S to r y o f O ur S ta te s M J Truck Hauling D r . F. V . P R IM E W . J. W A R N E R SEE H IT T GUNS AMMUNITION A FULL UNE We Want Yon G r e e n T r a d in g S ta m p s To See Us ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I ■J. L . V A U G H A N - Don’t forget to see the nice things I have in stock for that Graduation Present, WM. H. OGDEN »■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■e E. L. H A L L TR A N SFER WEST END FARMERS Knerr’s Garage 100 200 300 500 12 30 62 100 for for for for for for for for Pendleton and Umatilla Stage $1.25 $2.00 $2.60 $3.75 10 25 50 80 cents cents cents cents A All Lines of Transfer “ The Home of Good Printing” Phone 785 wga."—Birmingham Age Herald.