Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1922)
T H E H E B M I3T O H H 1K A L D , HBKMTWTOK, OKEGOV. 1 Hermiston Locals Announcement , Whit* Tannis, »1.50 Leather Trimmed, »2.7» Lace to the toe, »3.40 Boys > White, » 1 .45 Leather Trimmed. »2.80 Baehet BaU, »3.00. W o m en ’s G irls’ K I N G S L E Y ’S 171 W HY NOT SA VE M O NEY by asking for S. & H. Green Stamps at each purchase An eight pound girl is a recent ar rival at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lane of Holdman. Props. Why Go Home for Lunch We serve the best to be had. AH kinds of sandwiches and anything else you want at moder ate prices. Eat as much or as little as you want. T he O regon H otel M R S. M IL L IE D E C K , P ro p . ---- A N D - N ew Parts M ade T oo T w o doom east O re. How e. Co. the week-end. He fworked Friday and Saturday on the Pendleton Trib une. Echo, Oregon ’.'■ ■ a s 3 3 S 9 B a a aB B B B B a aa a a a a B B s a a B B a B B 9 a a a a !!9 B || ________________ _ ■ jj a B ■ J g ■ This means we are The cash discount of 5 per cent will still be allowed In cases w here customers are not saving S. & H. Stamps but don't forget that we will at all limes give double stamps for cash. When books nre full bring ihemln and receive »100 In cash from us. SAPPERS’ INC. HARDWARE IMPLEMENTS FURNITURE Aluminum Sale Will Soon be Annouaced Good natural color shall include considered natural color. hay of green color that has not been “Tt-ace” shall not exceed of one bleached due to exposure to light or per cent. moisture. Red or light color of low Percentages shall be based on de er leaves and base of stems shall bo terminations by weight. Typewriter Ribbons Carbon Paper Amber or Juno Second Sheets Adding Machine Paper Stock of these always on hand T he H ermiston H erald ■■■■■■■■■■■BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBBaBBBBBBBBIB THE FLAT HOUSE HtraiatM Among those out of town guests who have already accepted invita- 'ions for the dedication services of the M. E Church are Bishop Shep- ard of Portland. Revs. Graham. Gal- llhcr and Jackson former pastors, Mr. and Mrs R. J. Zell of Spokane, who are college friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wann. Mrs. Zell will sing “Open the Gates of the Temple" as a special number. Other guests will be from neighboring towns. ■ Sunday Hermiston 7:15-9 P. M. ENID BENNETT Tasty Stationery For Women -in— s “Silk Hosiery” Umatilla Tuesday WMT FORGET Hermiston Wednesday “The Sageb rusher” ; From the novel by Emerson Hough When you need any thing in the fine of neat and attractive Printing. ■■ ! ■ For BETTER Service Try the Cold Storage Market & Grocery. ■ He sell for cash and can make ■ you better prices than if we AaJ to carry accounts. ■ J Shows a at 7:30 ■ of 7:16. cause of Umatilla 3 P. M. i ------- J From Edna Ferber’s famous story “Fanny Herself” Delicious Wholesome C onfectionery § ■ a ■ M : For BE T TER P rices a ■ ■ a B 5 ■ Hermiston Saturday y ■■■■■■■■a WE ARE NOW THE a B ,■ * B j ■ M a ■ ■ ___ g g g --------US-------- E. P. DODD A change In the personnel of the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co., lakes H«yiry Pelnmjder from here and transfers hint to Pendleton. Jay Pelnuilder of Echo Is transfered here and F. II. Paterson of Pendle- ion Is transfered to Echo. The Pel- mulders have many friends In this end of the county who will be Inter- ester In the transfer. The change is to take effect April 15. Jay Pel- mulder was here with Mrs. Pelmuld- er yesterday to make arrangements for moving to town. J -e. . M POUNDS THEATRE Umatilla “No Woman Knows” C O N F E C T IO N E R Y S T A T IO N E R Y ■ » «— ■■■ l er- T H EA TR ES Umatilla Friday jg’tarrl —1 a ■■1 Netot o/Knd Cigars and Tobacca On It giving 2 stamps with every 10c worth of merchandise bought for ,’month after purchase. Harsh bearded grasses shall in clude foxtail as otherwise defined in these rules and cheat grass, broinun rubens. B. sterilis, B. vllliosus and B. tectorum, when they contain well de veloped seeds. Foxtail shall include squirrel tall grass Hordeum jubalum, wild bar ley, Hordeum murinum and H. nodo sum. It does not include wild millet or green and yellow foxtail or pigeon grass. Chaetochloa viridis and C. glauca Weeds shall include all plants other than grasses or those plants generally used for forage purposes. Foreign matter is anything other than alfalfa. Weather bleached j hay shall he bleached hay Inside the bale. Outside bale bleach shall not be considered as weather bleached hay. E verything Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Patterson enter tained at dinner last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. B. Hanellno and Rev. and Mrs. Wann. Beginning with March 14th, we are giving double S A II, to all Who pay iheii bills in full before the 10th of the following « Oregon Hardware & Implement Co. Insure Mr. and Mrs. Will Leathers enter- tnined at dinner Monday, March 28 in honor of Mrs. Phipp’s birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Phipps, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wann, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Fritts. DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED cash from us and we will give one stamp for each 10c of purchase Palatable Mash Can Bs Mads From Mixture of Bran, Meat Scraps, Oats and Mtal. and Jack Knapp and J H. Pruter, po tato kings of Boardman were In town Tuesday. The Sup-rh r Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack Green Trading Stamps with each purchase. 7 J y Earth N. A. Moore of Irrigon was in Hermiston on business Tuesday and Wednesday. High Grade Patent B lue S te m F lour Green Trading Stamps 1 / W e S ell th e Sam Boardman was in town Tues day. -------------- M A N U F A C T U R E R S O F ------------- illlia liia s s s a i So price per gallon meant nothing. Arsa covered, weather resistance, and years of life are the real things that deter mine price economy. On that basis S W P is the cheapest per-gallon outside paint you could buy. S W P has been the leading prepared house paint for half a century. You will find a complete line of it at our store. Let us figure with you on your house-painting. large . damaged spots, old stubble, sage brush, roots, field soil, etc. There will be more acres In po- 1 tatoes around here than ever before, ■ LOST—Tortols shell glasses in case. from present indications las many Leave at Herald office. farmers are putting In the spuds. The largest patch that has come to ! FOR DRAYING SEE ME our atention, is that of Eli Winesett After April 1 I will be a licensed who has 25 acres. dray man in Hermiston. For any kind of teaming and hauling sen me 29-2tp Ray Jay was in Pendleton over Phone 254. T. H. Gaither. Echo Flour Mills n m The only way to buy paint economically is to forget gallon prim find figure costs by area covered and years of life. S W P covers one-third more area than paints which are cheaper per gallon. It lasts twice as long without repaint ing, so requires half the material and costs half the labor price (for painting and repainting). Field and Laboratory Testa Are Being Conducted at the Kansaa Agrl- ' cultural College. mcnt- “Ws Weld Anything but the Break of Day" FLOYD KNERR & The Foad to Happiness You must keep well if you wish to be happy. When constipated take one or two of Chamberlain’s Tablets im Shin, had heard that Mr. Mason had alfalfa nQt goo(J enough for Number mediately after supper. They cause a gentle movement of the bowels. the largest boar of his age in (he 3. west and wanted some pointers on Definition of Terms hog raising. He is a lecturer on . . , . Worthless content shall contain all animal husbandry for the govern- kind(, of wepds thUtJeg r|po Old Parts M ade N ew Tw o door«e«Rt Ore. Ililw e C o . cuts painting cost SEEK VACCINE FOR CHICKENS A palatable mash which should pro duce winter eggs in a well-bred flock of fowls kept In light, roomy and Stated Communication of Queen sanitary quarters, can he made as fol Esther Chapter 101 O. E. S. next lows: One hundred pounds of bran, Wednesday night. Chapter opens 100 pounds of glnten meal, 100 pounds of meat scrap, 150 pounds of crashed promptly at 8 o’clock. Degrees. By oats and ISO pounds of camrpeal. Toro order W. )M. Kathryn L. Garner, ounces of this mash, with one and one- Sec’y. half ounces of cracked corn, and one- hnlf ounce of whole oats should be Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Pankrow are ted to each hen dally. the parents of a young son, born March 31. They live on the Pel- COMMISSION HOLDS HEARING mulder place north east of town. (Continued from Page One) George ___ cent _.—;-------- tt - t ----------------- s Bancroft s building a house , exceed ten per of worthless con. on Seventh street near Gladys ave- ten,s nue. It will be done soon and he ex- NUMBER 3 ALFALFA: pects to occupy It about the first cf Number 3 Alfalfa may contain 25 June when Mrs. Bancroft who is 1 per cent spotted hay and may con teaching school down near Portland tain not moi;e than ten per cent for will return. eign matter or It may be of green col or and may contain 50 per cent of Just to show that a good reputa foreign matter or it may be set al tion will travel almost as far as a falfa and may contain ten per cent bad one, C. C. Mason received a let- foreign matter— all to be dry and ter the other day from Fort Defiance leaaonably we„ ba|p„ Arizona from Professor Alva C. Shim m unr m v of the U. S. Indian Service. P rof o 5 T y shall include all CITY M EA T M A R K E T A HENDERSON, SWP PRODUCING EGGS IN W INTER H. R. Newport made a business trip to Pilot Rock last Tuesday. Ask us to make you up a book if you have not already done so SIKEY Mrs. J. S. Dyer, who attended the grand opera In Portland, returned home Sunday. HOUSE PAINT Miss Lucile Sullivan entertained a Experiments Involving many field number of her friends on April Foul and laboratory tests are being con day. Cards and dancing made up ducted at the Kansas State Agricultur the evening's entertainment. al college to determine the efficacy of a vaccine for fowls to prevent chol- Mrs. H. R. Newport was a visitor era, typhoid and roup. It has been de in Portland and who attended the termined that*cholera and roup are grand opera, returned to her home caused by the same organism. In field tests a vaccine produced at the Tuesday. college by Prof. F. R. Bandetts has given some very satisfactory resalta Miss Mabie Brown entertained at and this Is new being tested out In the a waffle supper April Fool’s day. laboratory. If these tests are see- cassful moss field work will be dene Nicholas Codd of Spokane was in by college experts. No vaccine Is be ing given out at this time because the Hermiston Tuesday. chemists are not In a position yet to Mrs. H. R. Newport made a trip to guarantee it. Salem last week. H E R M IS T O N 'S H O U S E O F Q U A L IT Y A N D S E R V IC E " PH O N E S h erwin - W illia m s Mrs. Eraser, Mrs. J. Ralph and Elmer Reeves of Stanfield was In Mrs. R. C. Todd were hostesses for the Saturday afternoon Bridge club town Mondxy, at the home of Mrs. Fraser, last Sat. E. C. Caldwell of Umatilla was In urday. Hermiston Monday on business. Don Pruitt of Stanfield was In Mlao Emily Shotwell of Whitman town Wednesday. college at Walla Walla Is visiting at Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Lochrle, Mre. the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Sapepr and Mr. and Mrs. I. E. i . K. Shotwell. Putman were Pendleton visitors to A. Ralph spent the week-end In day. Wasco. Our new Tennis and Canvas Out ing Shoes are here Mens Crusoe,” to run Wednesday nights for 12 weeks. J a ’ ■ J » a i ■ JJ Come in and see what we have to offer you. Buy your meats and groceries a t one place. ■ S £ £ 5 5 J ! at the Play House will open ■ and S:00 hereafter Instead ? Approach of summer Is the a the change. Mr Adamson Cold Storage Market & Grocery 5 R. C. CHALLIS, Prep. The Phene is 413 £ ■ i Authorized Ford Dealers FOR HERMISTON Having just signed a contract with the Ford Motor Company to handle Road sters, Touring Cars, Coupes, Sedans, Trucks and Fordson Tractors. New rock bottom prices are in effect. We also have some good used cars for sale. HERM ISTON A U T O CO. »- HEB?« »