Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1922)
TH E H E B M IST O H THE H E R M IS T O N H E R A LD H E R A LD . H ERM ISTO N, O H E « O < . tomer's U ». crops n the farm home farden the value of these products exceeds 99,- 760.000 yearly, according to a «ru Peodlatan letin on Vegetable Gardening in Ot i, I F ulfilled Ambition gon by A. O. B. Bouquet, professor BERNARD MAINWARING, EDITOR Mr. and Mrs. Brown have two sons, of vegetable gardening at the col- Kaiored u* , m o o u <1-« i * m m uter, Ueeembar .-. won . u ; u i < posiomoe at tie r m iau«. Oregon James and John. James decided to be ege. Recommendations offered In an artist. John to be a writer. Subscription Rates: One Year, 62.00; Six Months, 61 00 this publication are based on Investi SPECIALIST James draws checks on his father’s gational data and general observa- In Internal Medlcine for the past Roseburg to vote on bonds for ad account. THE NEW CHURCH eleven years tons crops In the field, greenhouse, John writes home for money. Hermiston has cause to be proud ditions to school. and frame. Dallas Machine & Locomotive of the new Methodist church to be DOES KOT OPERATE dedicated next Sunday. A community works monthly payroll |S .000. About the Same Chicks Crowd Brooder North; “Do you let your wife have Astoria—>203,700 paid monthly to Is Judged by Its churches; without W ill be at Overcrowding ruins many flocks of her own way?” them no community could attract men employed In logging camps. ST. GEORGE HOTEL chicks A brooder that will accomo West: "Absolutely. And when It Eugene— Field good for sash and outside people to make their homes; date 300 day old chicks will care tor Ten y e ar’s ren t won’t g et you anyw here—you Wednesday and Thursday, April* comes to rain I let It rain, and when without the churches business would door factory. pqly one half that number when they 19 and 20 Astoria— Pacific Power & Light It wants to snow I let It snow.” ju s t pay rent, then you pay some more rent. stagnate and property values would are two weeks old. Better raise a Office Hours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. decline. Co. reduces gas rate» 15 per cent. [ ~ few good chicks than a lot of culls. O f course, you have a place to live between Vale high school to have radio- , Untimely As a symbol of the best Idealism TWO DAYS ONLY ' "Can you show me." cooed the fair there Is in the world the church rep- phone with 3,000 mile range. tim es but th e house isn’t yours, it never will be and Eugene— 15 apartment building to shopper, "the latest thing in skirts?" TEXT OF SMITH McNARY BILL resents the best In the community No Charge for Consultation "Absolutely," hissed the floorwalk- it’s no t exactly as you would like to have it anyway. and a fine edifice like that to be ded be erected. Cascade Locks— "Bridge of the er with a glare at the peroxide blonde (Continued from Page One) icated should be a matter of pride Dr. Mellenthin is a regular gradu Sad bu t true, so th ere’s no use arguing. powdeering her nose behind the rib -’___________;______________________ to all, whether they belong to the Gods” to cost 1450,000. Milton box factory has record of bon counter. "She hasn't been down be satisfied: Provided further, that ate in medicine and surgery and is particular denomination or not. upon the receipt of such total cost 1,ccn8ed by ,he 8,at* of Oreson He The new building has been built as starting 9 years ago with 7 men and on time once this year.” the moneys advanced by the district v,8l,a » ^ essio n a lly the more import . ... . a result of the sacrifices of hundreds daily capacity of 1600 fruit boxes; for Investigation of the project shall ant towns and cities and offers to all “Accept No Substitutes” of people In the west end of the coun and expanding until now It employs "How is this?" asked a young wo be returned to the district. So long who can call on this trip free con ty. It Is a temple of which the Meth over 100 men and has a capacity of man of a shopkeeper. “You are ask- as the Government operates and sultation, except the expense of treat odists and the Christians generally 17,000 boxes Of 34,000 service men in the state, Ing Just as much for these thermome- maintains a project the district shall ment when desired. can well be proud. It is especially According to his method of treat ters as you did for those you showed also pay to the United States an- fortunate it is to be dedicated almost 12,000 will take loans. B ut if home owning didn’t require some individ Durkee— Force of men opening the me last August.” nually, upon terms to be fixed by the ment he does not operate for chronic entirely free from debt. "Certainly, miss,” replied the Secretary, the total cost of operation appendicitis, gs'l stone, ulcers of ’he The whole community is the gainer Lost Trail Mine ual effort the saying, “ There’s No Place Like stomash, tossile or adenoids. Estacadea to have new |20,000 oil puzxeled merchant. "They’re the and malntenanee. from having the new church in our He has to his credit wonderful re station. same things.” H om e,” would be all bunk.” midst, I i Section 5. That preceding any ex- Midland— 12,215 beef cattle worth [ "They’re nothing of the sort!” penditufe by the United States on ac sults In deseases of the stomach, liv er, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, 6730,000 have been shipped from J rlumphantly. "Why, those you count of construction of a project kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh WELL FOUNDED OPTIMISM bowed me before had twice as much here. bonds of the district equal In face weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg Here Is a sane and cheering bit of Stayton woolen mills enlarging to nercury in them!” value to the amount of the proposed ulcers and rectal ailments. optimism as to Inland Empire affairs, expenditure shall be duly issued and from Up-To-The-Times magazine employ 100 persona. If you have been ailing for any Hood River apple shipments total delivered to the United States. If length of time and do not get any "Here and there In the farming and 2803 carloads, ♦ ♦ at any time It should appear to the business field a failure has occured Portland-—Four leading Industries q. 0 . A. C. FARM REMINDERS ♦ Secretary that the original bond Is better, do not fall to call, as Improper and readjustments have had to be measures rather than disease are p ♦ sue is insufficient to cover the cost very made; but on the whole farming and are wheat, fruit, stock and lumber. often the cause of your long Bend to build second reservoir and d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d of the proposal work, he may either standing trouble. business interests make an excellent lay new mains. curtail the work or require the dis showing and are well qualified to Remember above date, that consul Milwaukie to get new paper— GYPSUM IS PROFITABLE ON trict to issue additional bonds, and meet any and all eventualities. Ail Phone 331 CLOVER AND ALFALFA when the total cost of the completed tation on this trip will be free and North Clackamas News. predict that the worst Is over, and that his theatment is different project has been determined under whllo conditions To be confronted “ The Yard of Beit Quality ” Married women must be accomp Old-Fashioned "Land Plaster” Adds section 4, all bonds Issued In excess may not be exactly ideal, they are d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d H. M. STRAW. MGR. anied by their husbands. Sulfur to Soil and Stim ulates of such cost shall be cancelled. The d conditions that can be handled and « Organisms Address: 336 Boston Block, Minne bonds shall be In form approved by Exclusive Representatives of National Builders Bureau solved by the majority. With times * BURSTS AND DUDS ♦ ¡the Secretary and shall run for a apolis, Minn. as they are a forward program for ♦ ♦ Gypsum, calcium sulfate, or land the home country is assured; and d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d plaster can be used profitably cn period not exceeding forty years, bear interest at a rate to be fixed by the mentary Acts, shall be known as the with the return of more normal and A. L, Weekly legumes such as clover and alfalfa Secretary not exceeding 5 per centum better times a speeding up of that I to Increase the sulfur contents of the And to the Point payable annually, and be issued in National Reclamation Law, and for program can also bo counted on—ab "Did anyone comment on the way soil or stimulate the action of soil the purpose of carrying out its pro solutely. you drive your new car?” organisms, reports W. L. Powers, denominations of 625, 650, 6160 6500, and 61,000. These bonds shall visions there is hereby established in “Yes, one man made a brief re- ichief at the Oregon Experiment sta- be deposited with the Federal Loan the Treasury a fund to be known as mark: 'Twenty dollars and costs." tlon. SUBSCRIBE NOW Board, and when the project cost in the National Reclamation Fund. ♦ ♦ • ! It also exerts a beneficial effect known and the value of all of the ♦ OREGON INDUSRTIAL ♦ Obvious on the physical structure of clay There Is hereby authorized to be ap ♦ REVIEW * "One who Is good et nmklng ex- soils, aids In laurdering out alkali [ property of the district subject to as propriated from any moneys in the sessment for. the payment of the <• ♦ ciises Is seldom good at anything soils following under drainage and bonds shall reach twice the par val Treasury not otherwise appropriated « ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I ♦ d ❖ d d d d d clese.” neutralizes the toxic effect of black Knlnmath Falls calling for bids on "One doesn’t have to be,” replied alkali, but should never be used to ue of the bonds as found by the said the sum of 6350,000,000 to be trans, 26,680 yards paving. the newlywed. I Correct acidity as it will not make board, the board shall offer the bonds ferred from time to time to the Na at public or private sale at not less Myrt'e Point—Standard Oil to ------ — j 'sour” soils "sweet.” tional Reclamation Fund and appro than par under terms and conditions build distributing station here, Fooled Him Gypsum may be applied to the land priated upon estimates made by the W ith tw o big office« Oakland— Drilling for oil starts. "What?” roared the father. “You any time now that weather permits, to be provided by rules and regula Secretary for carrying out the pro P E N D L E T O N and P O R T L A N D tions to be made by said board. The Union to luy water mains prior to ask me for my daughter's hand?” It is easily broadcasted on young le- visions of this Act. Ail moneys receiv a I "Y-y-yes, sir,” stuttered the bash- gumes, or if the ground is firm, ap- moneys received from the sale of the ed by the United States under this paving. ■ Is prepared to handle the business of Roseburg— New concrete block ful lover. “I ddn't think It would do plied with spreader. Where gypsum bonds shall be credited upon the dis Act shall be paid into the National ■ E astern Oregon b etter than ever before trict contract. Prior to sale of the ■ building started. any harm." Is used chiefly for its sulfur contents Reclamation Fund, and all moneys at ■ Portland—Artisans to add four "Well, by gravy, you’ll find it has 200 pounds to the acre Is the actual same shall likewise be credited upon any time In said fund shall be avail ■ O ur S p e cialtie s the district contract. stories costing 6150,000. You can have her.” jiate of application as its sulfur con- able for appropriation for the purpose ■ Farm s, Mills, Camps, Hotels, Garages, Etc. Section 6. That unentered and un of thin Act. ■ Lancaster to build new 2-room --------— ¡tent is about 18 pounds to the hund- school building. Section 10 That the Secretary Is We N egotiate Leases and Rentals Newr Yop’ll Never Read I red. Analysis of some soils in west- patented arid and semi-arid lands of State highway commission lets 61,- jailed girl fails to issue "warning ern Oregon Bhow a very low sulfur the United States susceptible of ree- hereby authorized to perform any and W ir e Rush O rders at O u r Expense 000,000 road contract. toothers.” J content, a condition quite common clamation may be Included In a dis all acts and to make such rules and Portland Office P e n d le t'» ri ( f f c * trict and may be subjected to the Corvallis, Monroe and Bellfountain Conductor punched ,out transfer with the red hill soils especially. regulations as In his discretion may 14 N. Second St. 115 E. Webb I. telephone lino to be rebuilt. clippings on floor Instead of in cus- j When applied to legumes in ordin provisions of the Act of August 11, be necessary for carrying the pro ! Phono 676 J Tk« oalj EwpIsraest.Offic. ia E nter. O r« |u witk C o .ae ctio o i in Portland 1916 (Thirty-nli^th Statutes, page .visions of this Act into full force and ary amounts, such as 50 to 80 pounds £■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ,0 the acre, gypaum hag becn found 506.) in accordance with the terms effect. to stmulate the action of beneficial of said Act: Provided, that the fin soil organisms and acid in the forma al proviso of section 1 of the Act E. E. Elliott state vocational di Read the Wand Ads. tion of nitrates during the early sea shall not apply: Provided further, rector was in town Tuesday and ad that while the unentered public lands son. dressed the Commercial club at their Want. Ads Bring Results Soil acidity !s neither- changed nor wthln a district constitute more than luncheon. Mr. Elliott favors a good 50 per centum In area of the lands by lime requirement teBts. Its agriculture course in high school un Jn any reasonn!)» amounts ns «hown therein, the Secretary shall have the der the Smith-Hughes act. .■ ...aasa— as— — . h - .......... by lime erequireineti. tests Its right to appoint upon the district May Be Regarded as Encour board such number of persons to rep pli.r steal effec-.ii are Simlar to aging Signs of Returning of lime on clay siils, «rid it will iia-i resent the interests of the United Time is valuable in ir i,r_ States as shall constitute a majority prove soil stiucturj nnd aid per Prosperity. rigation season. The of the board. Unentered public land eolation, thus hastening the laund- H anna Canvas Dam ring out of! following drain withdrawn under the provisions of the Act of June 17, 1902 (Thirty- The disbursement of fifteen million saves time, is easily age. second Statutes, page 388,) and Acts dollar«, most of which will be paid out placed, durable, ad- Phone Siscel’s amendatory thereof or supplementary in Oregon and Washington during ustable, inexpensive, Hard Federation Beats Bluestem 1922, ia one of the encouiaging signs 193 Hard Federation spring wheat Is thereto, may, In the discretion of the of iseturning prosperity. The Union )oes not wash out. usually five bushels an acre better Secretary, be included in a district. Pacific System is to add largely to its I haul an y th in g th a t In fo rm a tio n o n re q u e s t than Bluestem nnd has better mill- AU unen‘«red public land so Includ equipment, to relay portions of its can be moved Mueller Company, Ya'e, Ore. Ing qualities. It is early and well ed ln a dl8trlct shall be opened under wttfc aads of greater weight, to ■ ’idapted to eastern Oregon dry land. the Provl8ions of the homestead law ***** *»•< Rs roafbed. to replace R. A. B ro w n to n , M g r. Phone 111 | jw m uii with strqeturea of ______. “nd also, so far as applicable, of Mid Eid sanstrnct a »eeel bridge Keep Out Potato W ilt ° f J” ne n ° 2' “ bridge across the Columbia River be- W e H a v e a F irs t Class Use no potatoes for seed that show ! ” SUPP emented. C O M IN G , tween Walla Walla and Kennewick, Section 7. That the United States this OBe proiect to coat |1,500,000. brown discoloration near the sur- face when cut across the stem end maY acquire lands hereunder for con- An order for 4,5.00 new freight cars. Such potatoes often have wilt, a di- [etructlon, but not for agricultural i to cost 610,000,000, and for 2,500 re sease that seriously reduces the yle> Purposes: Provided, that the Secre- frigerator cars at a cost of 68,750.000 T h e C o m p e ten t Eye Sight of potatoes in many sections of Ore larY la authorized to accept, by gift, ! wai made public several weeks ago. Specielist e f S eattle deed in trust, or otherwise, land with- The refrigerator car. are for the Pa gon. I in nnv _ eiflc Fruit Express, one-half of which who also makes new Who has m ade profess ---------- 2 . . \ the "am<' ! '• the U. P System. Oil Sprays for Leaf Holler pon ,ern,a »nd conditions to be General Manager O'Brien of the Ore shoes to order ional visits to H erm iston Poison sprays are not effective : »greed upon with the grantor of later gon-Washington Railroad & Naviga against the leaf roller because of the fl*ed by the Secretary, tlon Company (Western unit of the fo r years, will be a t the BRING THEM IN habits of the cnterpiller after It be- Section 8. That In the construction Union Pacific System) baa just an H o te l H erm iston Our policy of offering quallly goods at reasonable prices is nouaced the setting aside of 65,000.000 -gins to work. Instead a spray is I of every project under this Act the i TH E PRICE IS RIGHT forcefully exemplified in our hosiery department, the home of applied to the eggs near the time Secretary shall, so far as practicable 1 for improvements and additions on the funions Holeproof brand. this unit af the System daring 1926. W e Pay Postage of hatching. The leaf rollers are In utilize the service« of veterans. In ) Mqgt of these millions will be ex- one w ay m i m ail order« Wc could offer our customers cheaper hosiery, hosiery on which the egg stage now and will hatch every opening or sale of land by au- ponded In Oregon and l” Washington, for one day. we could make more money, hut people would not come back again about blossoming time, A heavy mis- thortty of the Secretary, under this ; The forest and the saw mills will nnii again as they do for Holeproof, nor would they go out of Eyes exam ined and glasses clble oil spray is the best for these«, Act veterans shall have the exclu- «»PPly all of the lumber which will be their way to tell their friends about the extraordinary wearing pests. Light oils ltke kerosene emul- stve right, for a period of sixty days. u*fd ln CAr construction ami th« army fitted. GENERAL SHOE STORE qualities and beauty of this famous hosiery. slon have little effect. The rollers;to make entry or otherwise acquire of railroad workers will be enlarged As Holeproof headquarters, we carry complete stocks for men, until It will be of sufficient magnitude are present In every part of the state the land: Provided, that in the event nnd women In Silk, Silk Faced, and Lisle, bu, are serious only In the Hood such an entry shall be rel.nqu.shod j K S River district, the Grand Ronde val- at any time prior to actual residence mt0 ,.„eral circulation. Service will To Bee Owner» ley, and a few other sections of the upon the land by the entryman for be increased, labor in demand gpd Wc have on hand a limited quantity of Bee Foundation at 80c Columbia basin. not lean than one year, lands no re business condition« improved by th» per pound. linquished sh .ll not be subject to million» to be spent by the great trans- Kudsu Not Good in Oregon entry for a period of sixty days after continental railroad. We will receive thia week a ear of Mill Feed, Shorts. Middlings, Kudsu is the subject of many in- the filing and notation of the relln- Mlllrun. Bran, feed Wheat and Corn and Rolled Barley. quldles sent to the Oregon Expert- qutshment In the local land office, | ■ I'P ....... • diTln Pnellry «uppllea. ment station. The station has sav- and shall, after the expiration of such A Farmer Cured of Rheumatism A man living on a farm near here N e have a few boxes of Wlnesap Cooking Apples at 61-00 per ed many farmers a lot of time, mon- slxty-day period, be subject to entry came In a short time ago completely bov. Rorlcd and Mound ey . and trouble hy advising them by the first qualified applicant, doubled up with rheumatism. I hand- HEPPNER, O REGON that tests show that Kudsu s not - ectton 9 That the Act of June IT, !ed him a bottle of Chamberlain's adapted to Oregon condttons as a 1902 (Thirty-second Statutes, page Liniment and told him to use It fre- forage crop. Will pay highest market price for hutterfat. 388.) and all amendatory or supple- 1," say» c . P. Rsyder. Patten Mills. Vreretnhle Rnlletin Out mentary Acta shall hereafter be N. Y. "A few days later he walked Honest weights and te s t Give us a trial shipment. The v7h«e of garden vegetable» th ^ In*° ,h * ” Ore *" s,ral*ht “ * ’ ‘ring grown n th . state exclusively f„, by and handed me a dollar saying, give "The Beal o f G - J Service’ sale smounls annually to a p s -v l- 8ha ' be known as ms another bottle of Chamberlain's m atel, 61,500,000. A. nsressary l * Fu»d Thl«(Liniment: I want It In the house all Act. and all amendatory or supple- the time for It cured me." Coming to Barker .never hints at 'Nice Published every Thursday at Hermiston, Umatilla Couaty, Oregon, in the heart of Eastern sage today, sir’ ” Oregon’s great irrigated alfalfa fields, by the Herald Publishing Company. T H E R E ’S A P R O F IT IN Dr. Mellenthin R E N T IN G Bat You Don ’f Get It A L itt le E x tr a W o r k is R e q u ir e d to G e t a H o m e Let’s get busy and select your new home from our collection of over 500 modern designs Inland Empire Lumber Company The Hermiston Herald--$2.00 PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. J U S T R E C E IV E D BIG IMPROVEMENTS BY THEJAILROADS It Will Pay You A Car of 1x12 Cedar Flume and 1x8 Cedar ........... Shiplap............. W. B. Beasley I THE T U M -A -L U M LUMBER COMPANY ar Dr. H. C. Curry S h o e R e p a ir M an A Good Example of Our Store Service Thursday, Apr. 6 HAHN’S Morrow County Creamery Company H e r m is to n P rod u ce & S u p p ly C o . W. C. Cox, Manager