Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 6, 1922)
Wrmwfcm Wraür VOL. XVI TWO ORATORS WILL SPEAK AT UMATILLA No. 30 HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, APRIL 6. 1922 P T. A. TO HAVE INTERESTING PROGRAM A WEEK FROM TODAY Dr. F. V. Prime and Mrs. A. C. Voelk er to be Speakers; Students to Furnish Music M. E CHURCH TO BE DEDICATED SUNDAY DISTRICT CONTEST WILL BE TO SERVICES TO CONTINUE NEARLY The regular meeting of the Parent- ALL DAY Teachera’ association will be held at i the school house Thursday, April 13 at 2:30 o'clock. Frank Swayze and Elaine Hunt Win An Interesting program has been J BishoP Shepard and Dr. Leech Will arranged and the grade rooms will : ners in Trials H ere; Nine Enter Be Present and Speak, Three have an exhibit of some of the work ! Ex-Pastors to Be Present and Decision is Close done during the year. Encourage the teachers and pupils by your presence. Following is the program: Next Sunday will be a big day to A large audience was thrilled last Friday evening at the high school Butterfly drill ...................3rd Grada local Methodists for on that day oratory and declamation contest to Address ...........„.... ‘ Mouth Hygiene their fine new church which has been Dr. F. V. Prime almost a year in building w ill be pick contestants for the district meet- j ing In Umatilla tomorrow evening. Vocal duet ................................................ dedicated to Its work. From that contest the winners will ! Zona Bensel and Melba Callahan i Many out of town churchmen will go to Pendleton to try for further Address .................“Back to the Home be here for the occasion. Bishop Wm. honors against the whole country. j Mrs. A. C. Voelker O. Shepard of Portland will be here Piano solo ............ Arlouine Robinson to make the dedicatory address and Frank Swayze Wins Dr. D. H. Leech, district superintend- Business session. Thrilled was the word Friday for ! ent of The Dalles district will also all the speeches were good and there be present, Both will speak during were nine entries. In the oratory tho day. division Frank Swayze was the victor, Three Former Pastors Coming his oration being entitled, "The Ot Particular Interest to old resi- Homo in the Government.” dents in the community will be the The declamatory contest which fol expected presence of at least three lowed immediately after was a former pastors of the local church. “horse race,” if that undignified term can be used in this case. There were HIGH SCHOOL TEAM TO pjj^Y These are T. A. Graham of Waits- 1 burg, Wash., M. R. Gallaher of Prine- seven contestants here and all were SECOND GAME FRIDAY Iville and F. R. Jackson of Hood Riv- good. Selecting the winners to go to . er. Each of these men will be call Umatilla puzzled all who heard the ed upon for a brief talk at the corn- speeches and puzzled the judges most Game With Echo Last Week had to er «tone ceremony at 3 p. m. of all. Sunday school will commence at be Called Off on Account of On the final ballot it was found 9:45 instead of 10:00 and will close that no speaker had been given the the Bad Weather at 10:30. Church services will open two firsts out of three and therefore at 10:45 Instead of 11. Bishop the points had to be counted Elaine I will deliver the sermon in Hunt came out victorious with her j The high school base ball team , Shepard mQrn,ng Special music will be fine declamation, ‘‘From a Far ' will play its second game of the prov,ded by a male quartet which Country." Zona Bensel and Pauline tomorroow tied | season -------------------- °W a,ternoon when will include A. W. Adamson F. P. Voelker were close behind and the boys go to Stanfield for a con- phippg c Voeiker and Frank for second place. test with that school. Waugaman. All Speeches Interesting The team has jplayed only one , A basket dinner will be served in Miss Bensel gave a comic recitation game to date, that with Umatilla )be ba8eme„t of the church at 12:30 “Sally Ann’s Experience,” and Miss two weeks ago when they won hand- A,j iatjles are asked to bring well Voelker delivered a highly emotion- ily. They were to play Echo here fijled baskets. The corner stone plac- ly revolutionary story, “Pro Patria,” last Friday, but the weather was jng wtjj bfl at 3 p m wben the form- The other speakers, all o f whom rainy and the visitors failed to ar--er pa8tors will speak. worked hard in preparation and did j r(ve Dr. Leech to Speak well on the stage were Lum Rhea, I The __ Stanfield team has not yet The Epworth league will meet at “The Ship of Faith," Melba Callahan, | pjayed this year and not much is 6:30 and will be addressed by Bish "A Telephone Romance,” Paul Sharp- j known about it. They are reported op Shepard, the evening services enburg, “Farmer Whipple, Bachelor,” jgood and the local boys look for a following at 730 at which Dr. Leech Lenore Dyer, “Da Sweet du Soil.” hard rub. will preach. Following the sermon Lum Rhea's declamation was a, Coach Qralapp's boys will leave ""j £ official dedication cere- humorouse negro dialect piece, s u p - bere by auto early in the afternoon. I q posedly given by a colored pastor to The game w,„ be called at about Tbe ,adieg quartet C0n8i8ting of his flock. Miss Callahan’s telephone three. Qulte a number are expected Mrg R Q gpencer Mrs F P. phippps, romance pictured a young lady's emo to go over from here Mrs, Harry Wann and Mrs. S. C. tions in quarreling and making up Lochrle will (fender special music with her love. Farmer Whipple, an TIME NOT RIPE FOR NEW at thia service. Old bachelor, had just suceombed to COUNTY, COBB THINKS matrimony and. Paul Sharpenburg ENID BENNETT PICTURE TO pictured to the audience how the old --------- - BE AT PLAY HOUSE SUNDAY fellow felt. Lenore Dyer imperaon- To the Editor of The Herald: MORROW EVENING BASE BALL BOYS M ve Ti^iriCI n lll O ulANlltLU ated an Italian laborer in a charm- | F notice that in your last issue of | ing manner. In the oratory division I Herald you quote me as express- Enld Bennett s latest 8,a/ r,n* T®' Earl Bensel rendered the old familiar myBCif in favor of a new County hide, “Silk Hosiery which w e "Gettysbuurg Address,” of Lincoln compriglng part of Morrow and Uma- the attraction at Umatilla, Sunday . nnd n lv lo st h e c a u se h is comnetitor d hll t- , statement is cor- P- t"- and Hermiston 7:15 and 9.00 is and n only lost because his competitor tllla and wmie tn.s sta :a 8t()ry deailng with the existence of was unusually good. iect, yet it needs some qualification. « j ««< to hon 7 j«* » i anv« thp romance in modern life, which is nan- As your editorial truly says me , , „ . Many tc Go From Here . • , .„mm.iniiv in- died from a most unusual and novel The winners from here will go to idea is logical, our community in a Umatilla Friday evening for the dis terests are similar, the^irrigation trict contest there. Followers of area has needs and pr° b,emB ^ U,ahre L little modistes models, afforded un fo ren sic here hope to see the local ly its own, and d'«‘lnct b , 118ual opportunity for utilizing her representatives go right on to , Pendle-J til.. , exceptional rtrnnl!, . i c s h i n t i e s , as we,l . . o,her sections „ of both , counties , «„,1 dramatic abilities, as well di«playing a „umber of beaut- ton and win final honors there. A | north end of Morrow is isolated and good crowd from here is expected to |g eems out of touch with Heppner on iful Parisian gowns. therefore pro- j Tbe gtory wgg Wl,,tten by Frank go to Umatilla. 'many ways, w en » « .« the .... f plan - - The judges last Friday were E. P. po8ed must appeal as feasable to any adaptpd for thfi gcreen by Dodd, Wm. J. Warner and Bernard | o„e who studies the solution and per- Agne„ ch r,stine Jobn8to„e. Fred Nib- Mainwaring. The high school or haps is the best solution o many directed the production under the chestra furnished music before and problems. supervision of Thomas H. Ince. Geof- Yet there is a time for all things after the sueeches. and in my opinion this is no time for such division, through the con- ) BAPTIST CHURCH NOTICES sideration of the proposal may lead Mrs. M. A. Brown, who made a Sunday school 10 o’clock. Let us i business trip to Portland last week to good results. think to bring a friend. We have North Morrow Is of large area but | returned Tuesday classes for everyone Parents are urg scant In population, still more so in ed to bring their children. material wealth. Settlement is recent- The junior B. Y. P. U. will meet in farms jUBt from the desert and the the basement at 11 o’clock. Mrs. W. oommunity in poor shape to call for W. Illsley and Mrs. Knox in charge. any change which would Uncrease The nursery meets In the basement ; taxes which are too heavy now. at 11 o’clock. Mrs. W. G. Fritts in In the event of action being tak- charge. en the measure must stand on its own The Ladies Aid will meet with Mrs. merit and the issue must not be in- | Rae Cook on Thursday, April 12 at fluenced by the intrusion of any lo- 2:30. The ladies of the church and | cal jealousies or discord arising from congregation are cordially invited. other causes and not relevant to the Senior B. Y. P U meets at 6:30, | main question, (for Instance the Wal topic. “The Masters Invitation.” Tho lula cutoff.) young people are asked to bring some Our crying need now is develop- friend. ment of our latest resources and The morning worship at 11 o’clock. we get anywhere we must keep There wll be special music at this hormony at home and labor with the service. Theme "The Peril of Useless one object in view. Look at the tre ness.” mendous possibilities which would There wll be no preaching service come from the utilization of the Uma ln the evening. Our congregation Is tilla Rapids power plan to boost this urged to attend the dedication serv splendid project Concentrate your ice« at the M. E. church at that hour. _______________ efforts to bring realization of this HINKLF OUT FOR SENATE ^ ‘X d be an amazng asset to the Joe Hinkle will run for the state c o,umb| a ralley In the way of really , senate, having just filed his Candida- permanent ond substantial benefit cy with the secretary of state at and eTen it , akes time to bring I t ; Faleni He is out for the joint seat abo1l|_ y«t the fact made known to which represents Umatilla, Union tbe WOrld that we rightfully appraise and Morrow counties. The place Is the dormant value of "White Coal” at present held by Colon R. Eber- wHj benefit this entire community, hard of La Grande with whom Mr. j Yours truly. A. W. Cobb Hinkle will fight for tbe republican . ■ , ...» nomination this year. Hermiston again has an antborlz- — — ■ —-----— ' ed Ford agency, as the Hermiston L. A. Hunt represented thc Oregon Auto company has signed a contract Hay Growers at the hay hearing In with tbe Ford company to handle Portland Wednesday, returning home , touring cars, roadsters, coupes, ee- to attend the bearing bare today. dans, truck« and tractors. ♦ ❖ MANY TAKE UP OUR FIVE ❖ PAPER OFFER •> ---------- ❖ Early this week The Herald < sent out more than five hund- ❖ red letters to subscribers who ❖ were in arrears and to others ❖ who should be subscribers but ❖ who are not— that is not yet. ❖ The responses, which have ❖ already begun to come in, are ❖ very gratifying and from pres- ❖ ent indications will be larger ❖ than we even hoped for. ❖ We were able to offer a real ❖ bargain, five papers for a lit- ❖ tie more than the price of one. ❖ This is a real opportunity and ❖ it is hoped that no one who ❖ wants to take some good nation- <• al farm and home papers, with ❖ THE home paper, will fail to ❖ take advantage of it. ❖ You still have time. ❖ I ♦ * ♦ ♦ <• <■ <• <• <• ❖ <• <• < <• <• ♦ <■ ❖ ♦ ❖ <• <■ < ❖ ❖ * COMMISSION HOLDS HAY HEARING HERE BASE BALL TICKETS GO ON SALE SATURDAY MORNING Hitt's and Sited’« to Sell Season Tickets at $2.20 for the Six Home Games RECLAMATION BILL EXPECTED. STATE PUBLIC SERVICE BODY IN HERMISTON TODAY .... _ . . — . . , , . Uniform Grades for Hay Adopted at Hearing This Morning; Some Changes Recommended TEXT OF SMITH- M'NARY JIL L GIVEN The season tickets for the six games of the irrigation league to be played here this summer will be on sale at Hitt’B and Slecel’s starting Saturday moinlng. The tickets will sell for $2.20. This is a reduction of 80 cents from the price If the tickets are bought separate for each game. This Is a substantial reduction, but aside from team needs money now to pc8t it8 forfeit iund wlt** the eagUG official» and to meet other expenses Incidental to starling the season. M ” h“P®d A V ’^ t T ’ ro celS rth " .’ TO PASS THIS YEAR Oregon Senator Thinks Money Might Develope Umatilla Rapids if it is Found Feasible The members of the state public The Herald has received from Sen- service commission were in Hermia- >atQr y CNaary a copy of the famous ton thia mornirg for the hay grad© Smth-McNary bill which approprl- bearing which was held at »hj pub atgd j 350 000 000 for western rec- lic library. iamatiOn and southern drainage and The commissioners Included Fred Wh,Ch U believed to have a Kood A. Williams who presided at the ’,etM“On hearing, H H. Cory and J. N. Slngle admi88lo„ , wU1 be oi C° n^ Since tbis project would be among Church. With them were R. . apd 50 centg Tbe firut. game those to share in the development White, department of agriculture, is with Umatilla here on Apt 11 16. which would follow the passage of state of Washington and O. R. Hy- J this bill, many here will be Inter- sloy, Oregon Agricultural college. ALTAR SOCIETY DANCE IS ! ested In its contents and the bill Is Other out of town men who were BILLED FOR EASTER MONDAY present were E. W. Fry of Prosser therefore published in full this week: A bill to encourage the devel- and John Severence of Sunnyside, Ball is Annual Event and Pleasant prominent Washington hay men j opment of the agricultural re Evening is Promised; Pendle sources of the United States and E. C. Burlingame of Gardena, ton Musicians to Play through Federol and Slate co- Wash., a big hay grower of that sec I operation, giving preference in tion, Frank S. Ballard, assistant Easter dance at auditorium on sta?; leader of county age’n .s also at- COMMERCIAL CLUB SECRETARIES the matter of employment and Monday. April 17. The ladies of the the establishment of rural homes tended the hearing. DEFEND SCHOOLS Altar Society will give a dance to to those who have served with Local men who were present In the public. the military and naval forces of cluded F. L. Jewett, L. A. Hunt and The ladies are promising everyone the United States. Lee Savely of the Oregon Hay Grow Hampering Work ®f University and a good enjoyable evening and are Be it enacted by the Senate and asking everyone who enjoy dancing ers, C. S. McNaught, H. K. Dean, H. 1 Oregon and Agricultural Col House of Representatives of the Unit M. Straw who took an active part. and good music to come. They havo ed States of America In Congress as lege Out of Question employed the Fletcher orchestra of Others who were present were W. W. sembled, that when used in this Act Felthouse, O. Stangeby, H. O. Thomp Pendleton to supply the music. (a) the term “Secretary” means son and B. S. Kingsley, This will be the ladiea annual ____________ University of Oregon, Eugene, the Secretary of *he Interior. The rules and ___________ grades adopted make dance and from post experiences it is some"changes (b) The term "district" means the in "the rules adopted at April 6— Any Interference with the safe to add that it will be one of the Portland Tuesday, and may be chang- j millage tax for suport of the Unlver- and district organized under the law best of the year. Their, refreshments will be remembered by those who ed again when the hearing is resum- slty of Oregon and the Oregon Agri- of any state to provide for the agri- ed at Yakima, though it is thought cultural college was deprecated as cultural reclamation of lands by Ir- were with them In the past. As part of the program and a feature to be the rules will stand substantially as against the best Interests of the rigatlon. drainage, or dtkage. with they are now. ¡Btate, in a resolution unanimously j authority to issue bonds which shall enjoyed will be a solo dance. This The results of this morning’s hear, passed by the Oregon state associa- be a general charge against all lands will be a special and will take placs tlon of commercla 1 organization wtthln the district and to contract just before refreshments will be serv Ing in grades and rules follow: CHOICE AT.FAT.FA • secretaries, at their annual meeting with the United States under this Act ed. Choice Alfalfa shall be 98 per cent Just closed on the University camp- | M provided herein, Tickets will be sold by the ladles a ■ ue. — a . _ _ •_ of commercial an— fxlllrt Secretaries clubs ' (C) The term “farm” means an so be prepared to receive them when pure, of bright color (natural,) not and chambers of commerce from |area of iand within a reclamation over two per cent weather bleached, they come. and not over two per cent plantB more than twenty cities of Oregon ’ project sufficient In size. In the opln- wlth pods. It may contain not over were present at the convention, io„ of tbe Secretary, to support a NOTED BAD MAN COMING »77 per cent worthless contents, and which Included, as last year, a short famnyi but not exceeding one hund- IN “NO WOMAN KNOWS" not over a trace of harsh, bearded ' course In subjects connected with , ed and glxty acre8 of reclamation grasses It shall be reasonably fine, the community secretarial work. land. Picture Booked For Umatilla Friday sound, dry, clean, sweet, leafy, and Resolution I (d) The lands” means Kesoruuon is Passed .„ c . term . . .. . "excess ............................ ........ and Hermiston Saturday; Stuart Following 1» the resolution passed: all iandg jn a «ingle holding In ex well baled. Holmes is V ¿Ilian Realizing the Inescapable connec cess of one established farm. NUMBER 1 ALFALFA: (e) The term “veteran" means any tlon that exists between sound ed‘ Number 1 Alfalfa Altana snail d o » o pvr i iio n i im i e shall be 95 per He is the most despicable crea individual, a member of the military . , . in ucation and .the public prosperity cent pure, of good natural color. In- ucauon ui f r ture on earth— he is universally eluding not over 5 per cent weather and well-being, and or naval forces of the United States hated— the man who has no friends. Ki d l A n «h „ n c o n t a in not over "Believing that Oregon» future ln the War w lth Germany, the War Stuart Holmes lays claim to that eaC 6 . a r o th e r wo-th increase in material wealth and de- w| tb gpain, or ln the suppression of Qf ap env(roment favor- the .„«„rrect.on In the Philippines. distinction— but only because of his wo per cent weeds or other refined, polished villainy on the css con en s, " hoarded grass- able to desirable standards of living ftnd honorably discharged therefrom £ gr#e dependc„t up- Or placed in the Regular Army or screen. He is perhaps the most than a trace of harsh, bearded grass- ame t famous of the movie “Social badmen” es, Bhall be dry, sound, sweet, reas ion the uninterrupted services of | Naval Reserve. Villainy and Stuart Holmes are al. onably leafy and well baled. suitable institutions of higher ed- [ Section 2. That the Secretary la ways associated together. Even dur STANDARD ALFALFA: ucation, bo It authorized to Investigate the feasl- Standard Alfalfa shall be: ing his successful stage career, his “Resol/ed. That the Oregon as- bllity of reclaiming the lands within (a) Ninety per cent pure, of a sociatlon of commercial organlza- any district in any state under con- splendid throttling of the heroine drew down the approving hisses of green color, and may contain not to tion secretaries and the Oregon Ag- tract with the district. One-half the gallery enthusiasts. “Judas” in exceed ten per cent foreign matter rlcultural college under the present j ,be co«t of Investigation shall be ad. and 19 per cent weather bleached. “The Holy City” was one of his most millage bills Is not too great In pro- vanced by the dstrlct and one-half by (b) It may be of green color noteworthy roles. . „ ’ portion to the wealth and popula tbe United Slates. Upon determln- t ^|on Oregon, to the demands made (ng | bn| reclamation Is feasible, the Off the screen. Holmes Is the meek course or medium texture with »h»ir services, s e r v ic e s, or or to to the the future future Secretary Is authorized, under con est, most amiable fellow—-the exact een per cent weather bleached hay, | upon their j )g beforg, thc pftop,e of th|g tract with the district, to construct antithesis of the screen Holmes. A and five per cent foreign matter. (c) It may be of greenish cast. R fur(her _ necessary works ......................................... egular “Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde” Is the for the reclama- of fine stem and clinging Tollage. ana, -Resolved, That we deprecate any u on of tbe lands involved and operate this noted actor. . r , the basis „» . « maintain . . . Another disconcerting fact, upset- may contain not to exceed ten perl I movement to change of [ e and the ------ same — so . -------— long as l l l U v ” 111X7I I V w x»ai a iix a tng the best of the public’s ideas nt foreign matter. support for higher education in Ore- g„cb operation and maintenance are Standard Alfalfa may contain not (throw thf) /lnBtJftut|ona nece8gary> tn tbe opinion of the Sec- concerning villains, is Holmes’ hair upon tbe |n8tabllltles of legls- retary, to safe-guard the interests of Is red. A fact very difficult to to exceed three per cent wort ess actlon - ,be Government. The total cost of associate with murder and other content. Including not more than a slight trace of fox tail or t si es Officer« Are Elected construction and of operation and tricks of the villain’s art. o tber resolutions passed commend- maintenance which shall Include a Stuart Holmes was born In Chicago and shall be Of fair color, dry. soun and educated there. He attended the sweet and well baled, and not t0 >d thc Oregon 8tate cbamber of com- j„8t portion of overhead expenses Chicago Art Institute and is a sculpt merce for creating Its new organlza- «hall be paid by the district to the (Continued on page 4) 8erTlce department and out- United States. or and artist of note. : line a course of work for the depart- f Section 3. That before construc- ! ment, to include a research bureau tion of a project Is commenced the composed of elements of the school 8| Ze ot the farms therein shall be es- of business administration of the Un- tablished and agreements shall be ' Iversity of Oregon, the school of com- made effectively subjecting not less merce of th« Oregon Agricultural ,han 80 per centum of the excess college, the state association of com- |ands within the project to disposal mercial secretaries, and the state by authority of the Secretary to set- ¡chamber of commerce, and organlza- tiers at prices and terms fixed In ad. tlon and speaking service to be sup- vance In such agreements. Such 1 plied by the new department to prices and terms shall be determined chambers requesting It. with the view of placing a bona fide H. O. Frohbach of Medford Is the gnd competent settler upon each new president of the organization: farm of the project with the least P. Hetherton, Portland, vlce-presl- possible delay. dent; L. Antles, Bend, secretary-j Section 4. That when. In the opin- treasurer; E. E Chadwick, Eugene: | lon of tbe Secretary, a project has Barr. Pendleton: W. A. Reid, been fully completed and successful- Corvallls; and W F. Gratke, Astoria. jy operated for one season the Secre members of the board of directors. ! thereof, which shall Include the to- — ■ tai cost of Investigation, the expense BETTY TAKES THE AIR of selling district bonds under sec- Betty Brice, on« nt the stars who J j. Interest at not exceeding 5 appear In “The Sagebrusher." BenJ- per centum per annum upon all turns Ime B. Hampton’s photoplay of the advanced by the United States In the famous Emerson Hough novel, which construction thereof, and the coet of will be seen at the Play House Wed- „pirating and maintaining the pro- nesday. takes the part of Annie j (be date of fixing such coat. Squires. As readers of the novel will This total coet the district shall agree remember, Annie, a product of New ! , o pay to , be United States within a York Department Store and lodging period not exceeding forty years with hours life, used to her ”sodles" nnd annual Interest thereon at not ex movies” and to metropolitan life ceeding 5 per centum per annum: In general, looks around her very Provided, (hat upon receipt by the sr.lfflngly when she arrives In the United Stales from the proceeds of sagebrush country of Montana. As x dstrlct bonds, as provided In section matter of fact, however, the actress 5, of such total cost with Interest, Is fond of the Western outdoors, and tbe obligation ot the district to the daeerted stardom on the légitimât« United Statee for construction shall 1 TSjj !»»•«« In order to enjoy the life In the* (Continued on Page two) open. MILLAGE REPEAL STRONGLY OPPOSED