Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1921)
HBBMXSTOK ITERALI), HERMISTON, OREGON. The High School Mirror Devoted to the Interest end Development of the Hermiston Schools Voi. 2 The game with the Lexington foot ball team on he local field Saturday was he fourth victory of the season for the local team; score, Hermiston 48. Lexington 13. The local team put up a good game and ran up a large score In the first half, but Lexington showed that they could fight when they made a splendid comeback in the second half of the game. So far no other games are scheduled until the Thanksgiving game with dilton here. sold a large amount of the seals. The cast for the senior play has been chosen, with the following stu dents taking part: “Tom Carter," Harold Waterman: “Dorothy Lang don,” Mae Rogers; “James Langdon" Dewey Payne; “Mrs. Bob Gray,” Doris Swayze; "Mr. Bob Gray" Paul Stockard; “Peter Wycombe," Fred eric Hesser; “Mrs. Peter Wycombe," Aloha Hammer; “Uncle Tom" Hollis Gordon; and “Officer Hogan." James Hall. Rehearsals will start as soon Another football battle of note as the players have learned their was the game between the first and parts. second teams Monday afternoon when the second team held the first Aam A number of potential iWebeters to a 13 to 0 score. The first team are being developed In Miss Red was out of condition as a result of mond’s senior English debating class. the game Saturday and the second Eldora Kingsley— "How was It team showed lack of practice but they both put up a good fight. Coach that Doris Swayze got so many pheas Gralapp Is planning on other games ants during he pheasan season.” Melba Callahan— "Because she between the two teams, and in ad dition both teams are trying to line Shotwell." up games. Clyde McEllroy has entered high As has been the custom in the past school as a Junior. he high school will take over the Many schools In New York city sale of Red Cross seals during the •Christmas season. The high school have motion picture machines, and has been in the custom of doing this have been using them In teaching for several years, and have always biology history and geography. It Is BEE KEEPERS ASSOCIATION TO ho X d MEETING NEXT WEEK AU Bee Men Invited to Attend and Take Part; Marketing Union to be Considered No. 9 expected to use motion pictures be fore long In connection with teach ing home economics, nature study, physical training and English. Her miston high Bchool has an excellent portable motion picture machine and soon will be giving educational pic tures. A shipment of new books has been received by the school library, among which are “Judging Farm Animals," by Plumb; "American Common wealth,” Bryce; “Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World," Creasey; “Es says on Modern Novelists," Phelps; “Searchlights on Modern Industries,” Mills; “The High School Age,” King; "Magic of Science,” Collins; "Child hood of the World,” Clodd; Treasury of War Poetry," and Boyhood of a Naturalists" by John Muir. Saturday evening the high school Halloweeen party was given in hon or of the Lexington high school foot ball team. The hall was apprapri- ately decorated and delightful re freshments were served. The prize for the most beautiful costume was awarded to Doris Swayze, who was masqueraded as a Gypsy and prizes for the most humorous costumes were given Phpllis Dyer and Leo Smith. ORIGINAL ESTIMATE AND ACCOUNTING SHEET SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 14 This original estimate is made In compliance with section 231-A of the school laws of 1921 and shows in pa-alled columns the unit costs of the several services, material and supplies for the three fiscal years next preceding the current year the detail expenditures for the last one of said three preceding fiscal years and the budget allowances and expenditures for six months of the current year. ( “Six months of the current year" means six months of the last schooPyear.) EXPENDITURES Expenditures and budget allowance for six months of last school yeat S w H Estimated expen ditures for the en n in g school year ..................... I K « . , rnft nn 1 Sunerlntendent ..........> 2509.00 2. Teachers —.................. 1 ............................. 1350.00 7 at >1125 4 at >1350.... 13845.00 3. Janitors ..................... 1140.00 100.00 4. Clerk ........................... Total-Personal services.. 18935.00 MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Furniture (desks, etc) Supplies {chalk, etc.) Library books ............ Flags ........................... Playground equipment Janitor’s supplies ...... Fuel ............................. Light and power ........ Water ........................... Postage and station- Total-Material and supplies CONSTRUCTION: Irrigation expense .......... Total-Construction ............ • © ©’Ö 3* tí xs ja -*-» o ■§s « « > 1666.67 6271.84 8 1667.00 8 2500.00 12089.00 9407.75 760.00 66.67 8765.18 760.00 67.00 14583.00 1040.00 100.00 13047.75 200.00 267.00 67.00 98.00 90.95 65.33 - 60.63 S3 5 © -e ° -» 'S ç s £ g » 5 t- : ¿285 350.00 350.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 150.00 750.00 250.00 150.00 100.00 566.67 166.67 133.33 133.00 400.00 234.00 67.00 160.00 850.00 260.00 200.00 75.00 2300.00 30.42 1123.05 33.00 1418.00 4"57B"3 1684.58 750.00 250.00 1000.00 2 « o W *4 ** - 5© •s * K •a : s- S-3 PERSONAL SERVICES: ’ Expenditures for three fiscal 3 years next preceding the last ' School year «1 2 9774.64 >11049.25 I 1625.54 1000.00 666.67 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1706.67 1 1000.00 1000.00 3180.00 1196.67 1720.00 1780.00 720.00 3900.00 549.26 1745.93 630.00 2250.00 823.89 2603.89 2000.00 1263.33 1263.33 1895.00 2000.00 1263.33 1263.33 1895.00 > 182.38 > TRANSPORTATION OF PUPILS: .................. Total-Transportation of pupils ............................ INSURANCE: Total-Insurance .............. MISCELLANEOUS: Telephone ........................ Printing notices ............ Clerk bond .................... Total-Miscellaneous ....... 59.40 59.40 30.00 70.00 75.00 176.00 > 1397.50 > 1284.55 I' 742.50 180.00 SO.00 80.00 180.00 Clerk Bond 63.00 Clerk bond Clerk bond > 57.44 > 158.40 60.00 60.00 > 45.05 > 28.84 120.00 120.00 33.33 33.33 63.00 Complete WATKINS’ LINE EMERGENCY: Total-Emergency .............. 1000.00 GRAND TOTAL ................ >30369.40 >13717.49 >20657.33 >21501.22 >15122.17 >14973.73 I. R. A. Brownson, do hereby certify that the above estimate of expenditures for the year 1921-1922 was prepar ed by me and ihat the expenditures and budget allowance for six months of the current year and the expenditures for three fiscal years next preceding the current year as shown above have been compiled from the records in my charge and a re true and correct copies thereof. B. A. Brownson, District Clerk. AW , W H AT’S THE USE Coming to PENDLETON Bring in Your Films Dr. Mellenthin A SUCCESSFUL SPECIALIST FOR THE PAST FIFTEEN YEARS Does Not Use Surgery Will Be at Pendleton Hotel, Tuesday, November 10. Office H ours: 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. O ur finishing depart ment, through up-to-date methods and equipment and expert handling, can help you get the kind of pictures you want. ONE DAY ONLY No Charge for Examination Dr. Mellenthln is a regular gradu ate in medicine and surgery and te licensed by the state of Oregon. He visits professionally the more Import ant towns and cities and offers to all who call on this trip consultation and examination free, except the expense of treatment when desired. According to his method of treat ment he does not operate for chronic appendicitis, gall stones, ulcers of stomach, tonsils or adenoids. He has to his credit many wonder ful results in diseases of the stomach liver, bowels, blood, skin, nerves, heart, kidney, bladder, bed wetting, catarrh, weak lungs, rheumatism, sciatica, leg ulcers and rectal ail ments. If you have been ailing for any length of time and do not get any better, do not fall to call, ns improper 122 3 A Kodak .55 .05 post card size measures rather than disease are very often the cause of your long standing Developing Films trouble. Roll of 6 or 8 .................... 10 cents Remember above date, that exami Roll of 10 or 12 ........... 15 cents nation on this trip will be free and Glossy Prints ............. 2 cents extra that hte treatment Is different. Address: 336 Boston Block, Minne apolis, Minn. Mitchell Drug Co. Skaar’t Barber Shop I have the Agency for 207.56 > 2152.62 F ~ Umatilla, Tuesday, November 8. Hermiston, Wednesday, November 9. D. H. COOK Call PhoM 461 New Ground 1040.00 1040.00 • NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING How Not to Take Cold Some persons are subject to fre quent colds, while others seldom, it ever, have a cold. You will find that the latter take good care of liemselves. They take a shower or cold sponge bath every day in a warm room, avoid over heated rooms, sleep with window open or partly open, avoid excesses, over eating, be. coming over heated and then chilled and getting the feet wet. Then, when when they feel the first indication of a cold, they take Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy without delay and it is soon over. In the County. Court of the State of Oregon for Umatilla County. In the Matter of the Estate of Christian M. Jensen, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un- To use a slang expres iersigned as administratrix of the sion: vbove entitled estate has filed with he clerk of the above entitled court “ We’re there at the her Final Report and that the Judge finish.” )f said court has designated Monday, he 14th day of November, 1921, at OUR PRICES FOR PRINTING AND ten o’clock in the forenoon as the time and the county court room In DEVELOPING ARE the county courthouse at Pendleton, Price Price" Film Umatilla County, Oregon as the place Print of Film Each No when and where hearing shall be had .25 .03 thereon. All persons interested are 127 Vest Pocket hereby notified to then and there ap 117 No. 1 Brownie .25 .03 pear and show cause, if any they .25 .04 120 No. 2 Brownie have, why said report should not be .30 .05 116'2 A Brownie approved, the administratrix dis 116 2 A Brownie charged, and her bondsmen exonerat .30 .05 ed. or 1 A Kodak Dated at Hermiston, Oregon, this 118 No. 3 Kodak or 8th day of October, 1921. .45 .05 Brownie Kodak Mabel M. Jensen .45 .05 130 2 C Kodak Administratrix A ll a t P r e - w a r P ric e s > 1389.68 INDEBTEDNESS: 1. Bonded, and interest thereon ........................... 2. Warrant, and Interest thereon ........................... Total-Indebtedness ............ TAKEN UP NOTICE Notice is hereby given that I have taken up and have kept for about four days at L. W. Adams ranch three miles north west of Hermiston the following described animate: 1 old gray mare, weight 700, brand quarter circle J on right hip; 1 2 year old iron gray mare branded D on left shoulder; 1 yearling iron gray mare branded D on left shoulder, 1 3 year old bay mare branded J T on left hip; 1 2 year old bay mare brand ed D on left shoulder, said animate will be sold, unless redeemed, at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for ?ash in hand on the 12th day of No vember 1921 at the above described ranch at 2 p. m. o’clock. Dated at Hermiston on this 27th iay of October, 1921. 7-2tc. Signed C. F. Mortimer. Coal, $1 per ton Wood, $1 per cord Trunks and Moving MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS: Inside buildings and grounds ........................... Total-Maintenance and repairs ............................. Want Ads Bring Results Truck Hauling 17.09 1040.00 On Saturday, November 12 this association will hold its first annual meeting at the public library hall in Hermiston at 8 p. m. Bee keepers regardless of residence or location are invited to attend and give the meeting the benefit of their experi ence in producing and marketing honey. A plan will be considered and di» cussed for organizing a cooperative marketing union to handle next sea son's crop and furnish supplies to producers. Visitors to this meeting need not feel under any obligation to join the association if they do not wish to do so says Clinton Bancroft, secretary. Come and get acquatined and learn what the association la proposing and trying to do for the honey producers. Farm Pointers Brood sows should be put in good vigerotia condition before breeding. Experiments show that larger litters may be expected when sows are in good flesh and gaining at breeding time. Grain and pasture, either rape alfalfa, clover or green grain, make a good combination for fitting them out.— O. A. C. experiment station. of SPICES, EXTRACTS, TOILET PREPARATIONS ETC. Call a t residence or leave orders a t Ore. Hdw. Co. NO HUNTING OR TRESPASSING Signs printed on cardboard - F O R SA L E AT — The Herald Office Mrs. J. S. West He miston, Ore. By L. F. Van Zelnr € «Veatem Newafw|xr Uaion Oh, to Be a Mercury!