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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1921)
THE ItEB MISTON THE H E R M IS T O N N f... HERALD Brief and to the Point Oregon Press Comment Many men would avoid failu re in th eir wives did not have such ex trav ag an t husbands..—Boston Shoe and L eather R eporter. “ 1 Bill Nicholas couldn’t w ait for the rain to cease before he was out on (th e roads w ith the drags. B ut th a t's 1 the way w ith our roadm aster.— Hood Published every Thursday at Hermiston, Umatilla Couaty, Oregon, in the heart of Eadern Oregon’s great irrigated alfalfa fields, by the Herald Publishing Company. BERNARD MAINWAR1NG, EDITOR 1C liter a <1 mb aeoond-e hbb m a tte r, . imsw . at tlie poeiorftce a t H e ru u e to n . O regon b u s in e s s i f Subscription Rates: One Year, *2.00: Six Months, $1 00 The Dalles Chronicle One by one. our recent crop of m ur. derers and alledged m urders is being accounted for. W ith a clockw ork reg u larity th a t is little short of am azing in these days w hen jurors too often are subjected to the in flu ences of sentim entalism and barrag- ed w ith insanity defenses, th e o rth o dox group of 12 freeholders has been finding guilty the* men along the coast accused of gruesome homicides. A Wasco county Jury, in the face of an insanity defense, convicted Abe Evans. W illiam H ightow er, accused of abducting and m urdering a priest In C alfornia, was convicted. Itev W illiam Spencer, a m inister, was con victed In C alifornia of th e charge of m urdering his wife. Maloney, in Seat tle, was convicted of m urdering his aged bride, and faces the death sen tence. Can it be th a t the citizenry from w hich Jurors are chosen is tired of Insanity defenses and sentim ental appeals? Can it be th n t the people are aw akening to the sinister danger that lies in the increasing num ber of blood crim es th a t are being com mit ted? T h at seemB to be the case. The conviction is grow ing th a t ruthless crim es should be ruthlessly punished. HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. One of the principal defects in the fath e r's pocketbook will look plu m p e r and in much b etter h ea lth . If I governm ental machine, it seems to ' us, is th a t there is a su p erflu ity of the dean succeeds in convincing the girls she will have niore th an earn ed nuts.— Columbia (S. C.) Record. I her salary for- th is year. The magazine w riter who says a ■ dog fills an em pty space In a nitiii'» Andy Votstcnd says th a t his life life m ust have been referrin g to a has been th reaten ed , b ut we’ll w ager hot dog.—-Greenville (S. C.) Pied no bootleger did it.— Columbia R e mont. cord. The th in g th a t troubles the coun try is not only the unem ploym ent of "Good tim es are ju st around th e corner.” But it is h ard to negotiate th e idle, but the Idleness of the em the corner on four flat tires.— New ployed.— Chicago A m erican L um ber man. York M orning Telegram . Tbe W est needs cheap labor for (he farm s and lots of it. Let a move m ent be sta rted to b ring a p a rt of the incoming im m igrants W est as they came across by th e train lo ad 30 years ago. The im m igrants w ill re duce the cost of living by helping us increase production.— La P ine In ter- .Mountain. *38*«^ its Plan This W inter It is becoming ap p aren t th a t Dr. Brumfield is sham m ing. P erh ap s he will discover la ter th a t the hangm an is not.—-W eston Leader. Oregon Press .................... H elnie calls reparation “ W ieber- W hy is flour so high, when w heat gutm achunsbleistungen” w ith em is so low? Solve a few of hese ques phasis on the next to th e ast syl tions and the strik e will take care ot lable, which is " stu n g ”.— G reenville Itself.— A urora Observer. t (S. C.) Piedmont. Reduce fares on the Oregon Elec The only pleasant th in g about the tric have gone in to effect between The world is learn in g th a t, if it is noise of a motorcycle is the rapidity Pot tland and Salem. Prom Salem to to have perm anent peace, it m ust w i|h which it gets somewhere else.— Eugene the w ar-tim e rate s still rely on its hands ra th e r th a n its K ansas City Star. stand. W hy?— Eugene Guard. arm s.— N orfolk V irginian-P ilot. The C apital-Journal suggests a W here could you go to beat th is "poll ta x ” to raise the necessary w eather? T here may be some draw The League of N ations is begin am ount in Oregon for th e 1925 fair backs to living in th is E astern Ore ning to look like a bill a fte r th e en Anybody else got a suggestion? You gon country, and in Morrow county, acting clause has been strick en o ut are not taxed for m aking the sugges but the w eather is not one of them .— — Boston Shoe and L eath er Reporter. tion.— A urora Observer. H eppner Gazette-Times. A Colorado decedent’s will provid Life Is ju st one melody afte r a n o th A nother radical wrong. H igh ed th a t each of his pall bearers er. W hen Ralph Cater s accordion tuilroad officials receive salaries should receive a gallon of whiskey. sinks to rest, somebody uncorks a Sensible Dress at 0. A. C. Ryes from th e dead, as it w ere.— cornet in the fire departm ent.— higher th an our best governm ent Jobs Corvallis Gazette-Tim es Cut these salaries 50 per cent and W eston Leader. Olympia (W ash.) Olympian. money will be left to pay sw itchm en, The dean of women has asked the At la st Los Angelos is shocked. O. A. C. co-eds to w ear dinner dresses A Scotch professor estim ates the firem en, ect.— A urora Observer. to dances instead of ball gowns. It's But is took an earth q u ak e to do it.— age of the earth a t 8,000,000,000 Fords are not the cause of all m is. a sensible move. Not only do the Dallas News. years, and yet it isn 't old enough to fortune. A Chicago m an had his Invent an effective su b stitu te for w rist broken the oth er day w hile w ar.— Boston Shoe and L eather R e cran k in g an ice cream freezer.— porter. Condon Globe-Times. A utum n is here, and the house The arm y . of th e unem ployed is shortage w ill soon become more acute large, enough, b u t we would be glad as people resume th e practice of s ta rt if its ran k s w ere swelled by the I ing fifes f.vith ktfusdne^—Cantcm num erous press ag en ts who persist Repository. in burdening o u r m ail w ith useless May not the Ku Klux K ian be a m atter.— W eston Leader. j unique plan to rid the m ark et of a I lot of n ig h tsh irts w hich were rele Soil Analysis Not Feasible gated to shelves by the fnore popular Samples of Oregon Boils taken ac pajam as?— P ittsb u rg Post. cording to directions w ill be exam in ed and if possible identified as to The Zionist leader who asserts One pound free with each five pound can; one- (here is no such th in g as law of grav- type, b ut Is it not feasible to m ake half pound free w i'h each two and one-half ! Itation m n v have obtained the im complete analyses of th e m any pound can. This reduces your coffee to pression w hile looking for w ar prices samples taken irreg u larily and sent to th e sta te college experim ent s ta to come down.— Miami Metropolis. nearly 40 cents per pound and coffee tion. Soil surveys are being made China says she m ust fig h t Jap an as rapidly as possible including of the very best quality. w ith words. W ell, a Chinese word physical and chem ical analyses of the looks like a leth al weapon.— Toronto various types, w hich are tested for Star. fertilizer needs and methods of m an • West V irginia w ill now have to agem ent. It is th u s Impossible to get busy and m ine and sell a little analyze th e m any m iscellaneous coal in order to lay in a supply of samples sent in. They w il be given w inter am m unition.— Brooklyn Eagle simple tests for acidity, alkali or or ganic m a tte r w here desirable. The The editor who spoke of a severe soils d ep artm en t w ill be glad to shake-up in Government offices evi learn of any soil troubles, and w ill and a t greatly reduced prices. dently refers to the fact th a t bureau send free directions for tak in g and Corn, per 1 0 0 ................................................... $1.90 chiefs ride in flivvers now.— M anila sending soil samples. Bulletin. Barley, per sack ........................................ 1.35 A BUILD IN THE SPRING All indications show that lumber prices have reach ed rock bottom. There are so many new homes needed that it is only rea sonable to expect build ing costs to increase with spring demand. Republican in stitu tio n s can n o t long endure w here th ere is enforced labor; or, for th a t m a tte r, w here there is enforced Idleness.— Roanoke World News. Select a design for your new bon e. Plixe tl e con trac t for the material now. Build as soon as the .weather will permit. Inland Empire Lumber Company Phone 331 “ The Yard of Best Quality ” H. M. 5TRAW. MGR. Exclusive Representatives of National Builders Bureau Don’t Forget Golden Gate Coffee — — Week — Sterri SEE H IT T Nov. 1 to Nov. 10 C O N F E C T IO N E R Y S T A T IO N E R Y Delicious Wholesome Confectionery -F O R - GUNS T his is C offee Season You will find our Stock of feed Quite Complete Shorts, per s a c k ................................................. 1.35 Mill Run, per sack — ............... 1.25 Bran, per sack 1.00 Scratch Feed, per 100 2.75 Often th e fellow who yells the loudest th a t the w orkingm an should have saved his w ar wages is some pro fitteer who d id n 't give him a chance.— Chicago American Lumber- Turkey Bara Dictionaries. Dictionaries are forbidden entrance to Turkey because the sultan la usually mentioned In such books, and that is contrary to Turkish law. Tasty Stationery For Women AMMUNITION A FULL LINE News stand Cigars and Tobacco No Hunting Signs at Herald Office b b b ib b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b B H e r m is to n Produce & Supply Co. i ti rP h itf " T h e Best o f Good Service“ INTEREST ON l 3OOO- .IN V E S T E D W EAB ■■■■B B B B BB BB BB B BB BB BB BB B BB BB BaB BB BB B BaB B B t i ON IM P L E M E N T S -S ♦ lÔ O ' AND T E A S 600“ ! IM P L E M E N T S - 2 0 % TOTAL DEBIT- *7 8 0 * TRUCK HAULING i Coal, $1.00 per ton Wood, $1.00 per cord 7 runks and Moving All at pre-war prices IN ■1 IN TE B ES T ON *4 5 0 “ INVESTED IN SKED-6%-* 27 « • '• * 3 0 0 0 » •» or thi<r War IN IMPLEMENTS - 6% - IÔO 82 W E A B AND TEAR ON MACHINERY8* - 2 4 0 es - SH ED -10% - 4 5 22 TOTAL DEDIT- a a 3? ’OO *492" Saves ■ ■ ifie fa /f Lumberman, jCCMor* D. H. COOK Call or Phone 4(1 ■ Shaar's Barber Shop * B a a B B a J TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY R. A . Brownaon, M gr. ■I Phone 111 a « “ b B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B I > B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B 1 B B B B B B B B B 1 B B S 1 B 1 P g p B B B B B B B W B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B I • o-. . i