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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1921)
THE HBRMISTOH HERALD, HERMISTON. OBSOOxM. L O D G E D IR E C T O R Y MICKIE SAYS » fF « i/o a Q General Line of Banking Business* INSURANCE U E £N ESTHER CHAPTER N o . loi. O. E. 8.. meets second Tuesday evaoinv of each month at 8:ttLthari> in Masonic hall. Visi time membexa walcdHh. Sua D. Dubler. W. M. > Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. EXT RM M OV. 1 * . . 1 2 » S ubscribe to nodr . hometown F IR S T N A T IO N A L B A N K nou ’ be o f H ernia Ion, O regon U ERM ISTON LODGE NO. 198. 1 1 m w u . in Maaonic Hail on Tueaduj ,v«olnK« o f each month. ren wt-lrorM. C. W. Kellor«. Secy. T. D. s uw rreo Don't fall to Insure th at hay. trade 3-tfc. 1100 pound mare to sell or for cow. C. V. WilBon. F O R R A L E — A new camera, cost $38 for >25. Inquire Herald office. 6-tfc. FOR SALE— R egistered H olstein b u ll. 3 years old. H oskins Bros. S tanfield. 6-4tp. STOVES FOR SALE— Good wood and coal stoves for sole. Dr. W. W. Illsley. 6-tfc. FOR SALE— 20 H im alayan rabbits. $20 if taken together or $1.25 each. Mrs. H. R oblnett, City. 81tc MISCELLANEOUS SW EET CIDER 40 cents a gallon. Inquire Chezik w arehouse. 7-tfc. " JACKS FOR SALE Or lease to the right parties for 1922. Must be taken by Dec. 1. B. F. Sw ag- gart, L exington, Or. 7-3tp Owing to the fact th at the Coal Mines attach sig h t draft to B ill of L ading m aking ail coal strictly cash on arrival, we are compelled to In sta ll a cash w ith order system to our cvFtcn d rs. B eg in n in g Aug. 1 0 th , 1921, all orders for fuel must be ac com panied w ith cash. Inland Empire Lumber Co. 4 8-tfc. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. W ANTED TO BUY veal and eggs. Send your eggs. W rite or phone about veal. Earl Brow nell, Uma tilla. 1-tfc. E L L IO T T ’S tires. TIRE SHOP— Gates 6 2 -ltc . CASH Paid for second hand goods. Correll's Shop. lT -tfe THE feelin g of security is w ell w orth th e premium paid. How about th at Fire Insurance? See the E. P. Dodd A gency. ll-tfc A com plete stock o f bath tubs, to ilets, w ash bow les, and hot w ater tanks and fixtu res. If we h avent w hat you w ant, w e’ll g et it. R epairing and Installing. I. E. Putm an. Phone 763. ADDING m achine rolls a t the Herald office. TYPEW RITER ribbons and carbon . paper at the Herald office. New and Used Merchandise bought, sold and exchanged, W. A. Correll. E. L. HALL T ransfer. Call E lliott's Tire Shop, phone 192, 48-tfc. W E W ANT a few cars o f hay. W A. Leathers. 52-tfc. TYPEW RITER Ribbons and carbon paper for sale at th e Herald. Stoves, heaters, ranges bought, sold, ex changed or repaired. Correll’s Shop. TAKEN UP— B erkshire sow . Inquire at E xperim ent Farm . 8 -ltp W ANTED TO BUY— Good boy’s sad dle. Box C, r.f.d ., City. 8 - lt p FOUND— A uto cushion about 8-ft long. Inquire H erald. 8 - lt NOTICE "o The Ijegal Voters o f Road District No. 4 5 in U m atilla County, S tate o f Oregon. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that in the 28th day o f November, A. D. 921, at the hour of one o ’clock P. 1. thereof, that a D istrict Road Meet- ng of the legal voters in Road Dia- rict No. 4$ w ill be held In the school Ouse in school d istrict No. 60 in aid Road D istrict, for the purpose f votin g an additional tax of ten liils on th e dollar on all taxable roperty w ithin th e Road D istrict, aid tax as voted to be used for the urpose o f grading, graveling and t her w ise im proving and construct ig a road in th e aforesaid Road fistrlct. I. M. SCHANNEP* Co. Judge. O. L. DUNNING, Co. Com. .ttent: R. E. BEAN. Co. Oom. R. T. BROW N. Clerk. $-3tc / NOTICE FOR PUBLJCATION W oittor, W. M ■ ■ -MUU- ‘"J ......... — ■ ■ H erm iston S a tu rd a y T H O M A S M E IG H A N a a ■ ■ ■ “T h e P r in c e C h a p ” P R O F E S S IO N A L C A R D S House Phone -1 H e rm ie to n , O re g o n ....... ' IN J. A . P E E D Entry. No. 019201, for Farm U nit “C” or the SW% SW *4. Section 19, Township 6 N orth, R ange 29 East, W illam ette Meridian, has filed notice of in ten tion to m ake F in al Three- year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before U nited S tates Commissioner, at H etm lston, Oregon, on the 29th day of November 1921. Claim ant nam es as w itnesses: A rthur W. Purdy, Andrew McMil lan, Frank B. Swayze, J. F. Strasser all o f H erm iston, Oregon. C. S. Dunn, R egister T h e P la y H o u se Umatilla, O reg o n U m atilla F rid ay V IN E Y A R D LODGE NO. 306, I. O. O. F. ’ iitertH each Monday evenin« in Odd Fellow« half vieitinir member« cordially invited. [ W. R. LooKhorn. Sec. Jack Knapp. N . G. ¡V E T E R IN A R Y FOR SALE A. F. A A. M . First mid Third Viaitin« breth P o u n d ’s T h ea ter H erm iston Sunday SUR G EO N Herm iston, O r e .‘ A L L STA R CAST IN I)R . R . O . G A L E . “The A B C of L ove” P h y s ic ia n a n d S u r g e o n Office—Gladys Ave. near First S t, Office Hours: 2 to 5; 7:30 to 9. Phone 641 —C om edy— H arold L loyd A “ O ver th e F en ce 9» D R . F R A N C IS P. A D A M S Physician and burgeon Eyes treated, tested and Glasses Fitted Office over First National Bank SC iSßoa OFFICE PHONE, W RESIDENCE PHONE. 596 Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5:90 p. m. ■ Umatilla Tuesday, Nov. 8 Hermiston Wednesday, Nov. 9 Day or n igh t ca lls ai.sw eied promi^tly NEXT LYCEUM WILL BE GIVEN DEG. 7 A FINE OLD HOME PAPER (Tune— A F in e Old E n glish G entlem an ) DR. W. W. ILLSLEY « Office over First National Bank ‘‘ Jackie Cooganl These magazines with gravures and Osteopathy Medicine Surgery g all theae works of art. Cal), answered at ail hours Are very well for city folks who live . “T h e K id” = Office phone 551 Residence phone 711 by dint of njart; DE MARCO-AMTKUP ENTERTAIN Bnt give me first and foremost, I bold IN it la the prime— DR. C. 0 . WAINSC.0TT ERS TO PRESENT NUMBER That fine old home town paper—one P hysician and Surgeon o f the good old time. X -R ay S p ecialist P hones, Res. 889-J— Office 866 The printin' isn’t perfect, the lnk’B C om m ittee Has Taken in Over >430 Office Rooms, 15-16-17 Bond Bld'g. not uniform. P endleton, Oregon to D ate and Financial Success The type la set by hand perhaps,— considerably overworn. 25-50C 7:15-9:00 P. M. Seem s A ssured, The dear old press—I know it well— r it’s covered o’er with grime— ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ □ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ D E N T IS T R Y But It prints that old home paper— Hermiston, Oregon one of the gold old time. The n ext number of the H erm iston Office, Rank Bldff. lyceum course w ill be the DeMarco- Office Hours Office Phone, 93 I look for It each week as regularly 8 a. m. to 6 p. m ■ Residence Phon# » A lstrup en tertain ers and w ill be g iv it cornea, And when the postman brings it in, I en December 7. J. D . Z Ü R C H E R drop ail other chums. % The D eM arco-Alstrup progrom I drink it in, from start to fin, ridicu W it h tw o big o ffic e . L A W Y E R presents a charm ing Italian atm os lous and sublime, PE N D L ET O N a n d PO R T L A N D phere. M iss DdA8»rco> harp and That fine old home town paper, one S ta n fie ld • - O re g o n of the good old time. Is p rep ared to h an d le th e business o f piano num bers feature It and so do L owell A istru p ’s renditions of the Smith’s < E a s te rn O regon b e tte r th a n e v er b efo re cat may have gome Bittena; I I .S .M C K F 3 N Z T E . M . D . Italian m asters. T he costum es o f the Jones Is putting in new pumps, EYE, EAR. NOSE A N D THROAT J company w ill bring ou t th is atm os My girl chum has got married and the Our S p e c ia ltie s Has removed from his former location in the kids have got the mumps. phere also and Miss DeMarco gives Farm s. Mills, C am ps, H otels, G arages, xltc. Bond Bldg, to to clever little lectu rette on "Italy Jack W lltsey's built a lean-to, John Rooms 1, 2 and 3 Inland EmpireZRank Bldtf. W e N e g o tiate Leases an d R en tals son's roses upward climb and its custom s.” Oh I I love the old home paper, boys, P E N D L E T O N OREGON W ir o Ru.h O r d e r , a t O u r E xpense "* one of the good old time. Company One of Best P o rtla n d O ffice P e n d le to n O ffic e —GEO. E. WRAY. T h is com pany is said to be one of 14 N . Secend S t. U S E . W e b b St. the best on the lyceum platform and D R . B . C. R I C H E Y Phone «76 optometrist : and : optician their program is one of unusual mer The only Employment Office ie Eastern Oregon with Connections in Portland it. T his w ill be the second number. B a c k to T o w n Crier Eyes Scientifically Examined Lenses Ground and'Fitted The first w as given on October 20 to a fu ll house and th e others w ill American National Bank Pendleton How many residents of any small Bid». Orevon come at Intervals d u rin g the w inter. community have ever considered whut Indications are th a t th e lyceum might happen if there were no news has gt>ne over the top in the m atter papers? Just previous to "Sub of fin an ces. To d ate more than scribe for Your Home Town Paper $430 have been taken in by the com Week,” which is to be observed the m ittee w hich m ust pay the E llison - country over November 7-12, is a good E ffective N ov. 2, 1 9 2 1 W hite people $420. T he estim ated time to recall the plight of Macon, M o, not long ago, when lire put the expenses here for hall rent, advertis Chronicle-Herald out of business for in g and oth er in cid en tals w ill be 1 b two weeks. N E W PRICE OLD PRICE the neighborhood o f $100 so only According to The Publishers’ Aux $100 more m ust be realized from iliary, the old town crier, relic o f sin g le adm issions and furth er sale many years back, wns yanked from F ru it, B aled H ay and of season tick ets to m ake the affair his hiding place, dusted off, and put Livestock T ra n s fe r back on his Job, with a jangling bell, a fin a n cia l success. a megaphone, and a fog-horn voice only Season tick ets have been reduced 0 . 0 . Felthouse :: Phone 404 a little worse for long disuse. in price to $2.25 to ad u lts and $1 It may have been a novelty for two O th er sizes in proportion for children for th e rem ainder o f weeks. But think of a community the season. T hey m ay be purchased without printers’ Ink, compelled to get of O. C. Y oung, w ho Is located at Its announcement« of auctions, sules, W e a re in shape now to give you th e b e st of court sessions, births, marriages, the Dodd real estate office. HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK service on tires. deaths, epidemics o f sickness, dog or dinances, board meetings, commence OLD HOME TOWN PAPER ments, .tax notices, advertisements ». TRANSFER TO HAVE A WEEK of help and situations wunted, acci dents, and the rest, through a shouted P M O N I ORCSOM M ARDW AR« Nation Wide Campaign Launched for word like that of the ordinary train M e. 4 S I announcer in a city depot. The town November 7-12—Plane in Commu crier was a romantic figure In his day, nity Life Emphasized. but few towns would like to return to H. Robioett, Prop. November 7-12 has been net as "Sub his ministrations now. H e rb e rt H all has ta k e n over th e vulcanizing and When one thinks o f the temporary scribe for Tour Home Town Paper Hermiston, Ore. Week,” and this newspaper, together plight of Macon, and tliut It inlgh: w ill give you any service asked. with the thousands of country news become the permanent handicap of many towns, it is well to think of su, - papers the United States over— there are not far from 15,000 o f them, week porting the local paper. Two doors vaut Two doors eaat Or»*. Hdwo. Ck>. lies and small dalllee—is to partici Ore. Hdwe. Co. He Knows His Folks. pate. Here are some random ohsei The purpose o f the campaign Io not only to Indnee residents of the small of a man who has visited and > id***»» communities and the home town folks a good many small coinmmilti ss I. PHONE 192 who are far from their native heath you read your local paper y«»«i will to subscribe for the home paper, but not miss much that is hup n!ng L e a v e ord e rs a t also to emphasize the Important pisce | home. There is no use saying the home newspaper plays in the Ufa r®” w ,,h 7our town ha'1 “ P*Per like one in the other town. fi»r the of Its community. This campaign has the hearty sup other fellow there is saying the same port and cooperation not only of the thing. The man who reads his local newspapers bat thousands o f minis paper thoroughly is usually a pretty ters and school principals, and many good citizen and has It all over the G«-al papers, ■ E E W C T R I C F I X T U R E S state agricultural colleges and farm fellow who does not. when all is said and done, do more to ■ A N D A P P L I A N C K H J and home borean organizations. phon«» m £ Some persona. It la pointed out. have uphold the institutions of this state been Inclined to belittle the place and and country than any other known J 2 0 3 V . C e w r t • « . P e n d l e t o n , O r e . g function of the c ountry newspaper. contributing force in the world's work. “P eck ’s Bad B oy” D . F. V. P R IM E PIONEER "EMPLOYMENT CO. ■ id a H ri a “ B B n u n u H H n m H I ■ ■ B U H U a■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a« ANOTHER DROP IN TIRES Service Speed Economy 30x3 $14.40 30x3 $17.50 32x3" $21.55 I L . H A U L 30x3 $12.35 30x3 $14.95 32x3" $19.40 Free Air and the Best of Equipment FLO YD KNERR TR A N SFER E llio tt’s T ire Shop ■ n r i i m ■ ■ a ■ ■ ■ ■■ ■ aj ■J. B . V A U G H A N S J ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ They have not realised that la reality tutlon and that it enables tha other Institution«, such as the church and the school and all the rant to function better and more effectively. That It Is a necessity If the town la to advance. Daring the time between now end "Home Town Paper V esh,” Novem ber T-12, thia newapaper in Ra cet ins will have much to any about the Departm ent of the Interrior. U. 8. t-snd Office at 1-a Grande. Oregon. r la particular, hat the Septem ber 30. 1921. N otice is hereby given th at Charles paper the nation ovar, tha »•paper as a rani and I Opel, of H erm iston. Oregon, w ho. CP June 5, 1918, made Homestead factor la Random Observations. This Isn’t a country' publisher talk ing. hat the editor of a farm paper: The metropolitan dally will bring to one's doorstep the new» of the world *een through the spectacle« of the city editor, bnt It is the editor who lives in the heart of the community who is able to reflect the sentiment of the local gaonp. He alone is the true Interpreter o f events as they affect the sm all-town and the farming com- munlty that Immediately aurToands the town. C IT Y M E A T M A R K E T Ju st R eceiv e d A B arrel o f S au er K raut 1 5 c a q u art T h e F ren ch R estau ran t BAKUT aad CONFECT1OHEKT EU vnntly Fum ithed Room* In ConMetio« STRICTLY FIRST CLASS Hohbach Bros., Proprietors W e H a n d le P en d le to n B read • 2 lo a v es for a quarter ♦ SIKEY W ant Ada B ring Resulto a HENOERSON. Prop.