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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 3, 1921)
z THE IIEBMUSTOfr HERALD, HERMMTOK, OREGOÎT. Friday, Nov. 4th la set apart for a ed to Pendleton Sunday and brought religious conference In connection Mrs. Waugaman and new baby home with the New Era movement. Dr. See- with them. ley of Portland, Dr. Speer of San ---------- Francisco and Mrs. Southward of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beddow and Pendleton will lead the conference. Mrs. Boyes motored to Pendleton The program of the local church has Wednesday where Mr. Beddow hod been changed with a view to greater some dental work done. GET 1922 PLATES AT ONCE IS efficiency with the coming of Rev. j -...... . ADVICE OF OFFICIALS W. H. Hillis as pustor of the churches Marcclle Williams was a guest at at Boardman and Irrigon. Each the T. II. Haddox and C. B. Williams church will now have morning and homes the paut week.' Registrations Up to Sept. 15, Show evening services on alternate Sun- i —;------- days und a scries of meetings will be . Lcla Addleman spent Sunday with 4285 Passenger Autos in held In each place. homo folks. the herlone, but In the final scene BIO U V E STOCK SHOW TO OPEN SATURDAY IN PORTLAND along comes Thomas Melghan and carries off the maiden. ‘T fs tough luck,” admitted Mr. A uorance is Received That Ex- Gov Boardman, Ore., Nov. 3—W. H. Ferguson recently, “but I’m getting ernor Lowden W ill be Present Morgan of the Boardman Garage Co. resigned to it now. And perhaps it's and Make Address has secured from the city council some consolation to know that In real a 25 year franchise for the operation life I don’t fare nearly so badly.” Assurance has been received by the of an electric light plant for Board- Pacific International live stock ex man. Mr, ' Morgan has ordered a e Methodist Church Notices position tnat Ex-Governor Lowden, : *2600 outfit for the present and will It pays to go to church and the one who caine so near to being republi- , build so that the service may be in can candidate for president at the who ■“-fleets It looses in more ways creased as the town grows. Practical last convention, and who enjoys a than one. We extend to you t^o ly every building in town has already wide reputation both for his power invitution to Join with us in worship signed up for wiring and it is expect Umatilla County as a public speaker and for bis up and service for him who loves ua ed the plant will be In operation rightness, will be present, together and gave himself for us. Advance notice of the annual Red Joe Yude is filling several cars | ______ within 90 days. Sunday school at 10 a. m. with Governor Olcatt of Oregon, Cross enrollment has been received with baled hay to be shipped to The Church services at 11a. ni. , Application blanks for 1922 licens' Governor , Hart of Washington, and from W. O. Livingstone who heads Dalles. Boardman's new Industry, the mak Epworth league, 7 p. tn. es have been mailed by the secretary possibly Governor Davis of Idaho, the county organization. M. B. 1 ing of Swiss cheese. Is an assured Next Sunday has been set aside Signs will lead the Boardman com- Wm. Rhodes has finished impbov- oi Btate t0 all motor vehicle owners Governor Stevens of California and fact, the first pf the product being nilttee. ing the 10 acres across the road *n Oregon, so as to permit them to several other state executives of the by our nations president, as disarm- turned out on Monday and will be on iment Sunday and has asked all the --------- from his place. He used the boarder apply for and receive such licenses west. the market in six weeks which Is the churches of America to observe the A civil service examination for the from his place He used the border befare January 1, 1922. Motor ve- | Ex-Governor Lowden will make he time required for curing. Full oper hicle owners will avoid much trouble, on]y formai address given during the dpy by special services in the Interest ation w ill begin next week when It Is position of rural mail carrier out of for seeding and watering. Boardman Is planned for Dec. 9 at ---------- annoyance and unnecessary delay by entire period of the Exposition. He of .disarmament. expected that the now under con I,> keeping with this request the the school house. The Neighborhood club met at the Promptly applying for their 1922 w,„ gpeRk in the Btadiutn at 2 o’clock struction" at' the Nick Faler Methodtst and Baptist churches will home of Mrs. Howard Reid, Oct. 26. »censes upon receipt of the applies- ,n the afternoon on Tuesday, and it is -- - - ------------- , . - a aa u n v i l l i r v i l 8711 a u c n u a j , t l l i u I I I D place just south of town will be com hold a union service at the morning The annual meeting for the ap The following officers were elected tion blanks. Deferring applying for expected that his address will be of pleted. meeting has been called hour, 11 a. m. at the Baptist church. for all milk producers to thresh out proval of the school budget will be for the ensuing year: Mrs. N. W. - »censes until about the first of the extreme importance o the public. Bloom, president: Mrs. W. G. Fritts, year onlX congests the work of the The Pacific International live November 6 is the day. Don’t miss held on Saturday, Nov. 12 at the details of price and transportation, school house at 2:00 p. m. vice-president' Mrs. W. W. • Felt- secretary of state’s oflce and may re- gtOck exposition progiam Is of great this service. etc. It is your country’s call at a very house, secy-treas; Mrs. Henry Soiu- f*"It ln tbe arrest of the car owners interest to everybody, whether they A J ___ : merer, publicity officer. j by traffic officers for failure to have are live stock breeders or not. Over critical time and patriotism bids you The pupils ot the primary depart After the business session deli- th<! 1922 »censes on their cars after 3900 head of purebred live stock will come, be loyal both to your country ment gave a Halloween party In their clous refreshments consisting of January 1st next. Licenses plates be assembled in the great building, and to God. room on Monday. Games were played SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE Regular services at Columbia at cookies, doughnuts and tea were for 1922 wi» have a yellow back- and breeders from all over the United and refreshments of cracwer jacks David Moran arrived the 17th of served by the hostess, and all spent ground and black figures and letters, states will come into competition 3 p. m. and apples were served. Harry A. Wann, pastor. I ‘‘Up to the present time during the with each other in their various' the month from Eddyville, Iowa and an enjoyable social hour. The next meeting will be held on year 1921 there have been registered classes. The night horse show will is visiting at the Frank Waugaman There are several absences from ranch. Want Ads Bring Results Nov. 9 at the home of Mrs. A. R. and licensed in Oregon 613 motor' be one of the most brilliant affairs school owing to the chicken pox. The Fisher. This will be ar, all day meet- vehicle dealers, 6,436 chauffeurs, ever held on the Pacific coast and a cases are not serious and three or Mrs. Jens Skovbo received word a ing so that the members will have 178,620 motor vehicle operators. 3,- multitude of other features, many four days Is about the limit for the couple weeks ago that her sister’* ample time to flnish the two quilts 106 motorcycles and 116,609 passeng- of which will Interest every man, disease to run its course. Mrs. nr and comercial cars, from which woman and, child who attends, will son had died of diphtheria in Port which the club is making. land. Mrs. Skovbo’s sister and an Van Densen will also meet with us the total license fees aggregate instruct and amuse the thousands Efforts are being made to enroll other son have contracted the disease to assist in drawing up the new con- *2.319.307.00. The fees, less admin- who will attend. Railroad rates, a dairy record keeping club among but are recovering. They will leave stitution. Each member is expected istrative- expenses, are distributed have been made of a fare and o half the boys of the Junior high school. the hospital this week. (o bring one article of food for tho one-fourth to the counties from for the round-trip. Plan to attend LEAVE Records ere of primary importance picnie lunch, and dishes for herself, which the registrations are received the greatest live stock show in the Pendleton 8:00 12:00 4:00 In successful dairying for only by Coffee will be served by the hostess, and three-fourths to the state high- world November 5 to 12. Echo 9:15 ¿:15 5:15 Mr. E. E. Graham received word that method can the star hoarder Be sure and come. way fund for use In road construc- 9:30 1:35 5:35 Stanfield from his niece. Mrs. Zumbaugh, that among the cows be eliminated. --------- tion and improvement throughout the BLIGHTED LOVE PROVES TO Hermiston* 9:55 1:55 5:55 .she and her husband and two child- Mrs. John Waller has been on the state generally. Into Umatilla 10:15 2:15 6:15 171 *1 a 7? fen 'who were visiting them this BE HIS FILM SPECIALTY “The distribution of the registra- Mrs. Lena 8nell Shurte. county summer were down ln California sick list the past week. LEAVE --------- lions up to September 15, 1921 shows Umatilla 8:00 12:00 4 0 0 superintendent of schools made her now. The Zumbaughs motored out ‘The P rince Chap” Com ing to Mrs. W. Saunders returned Io her ,bat in Umatilla county there were Hermiston 8:20 12:20 4:20 annual visit of inspection to the from Indiana and are motoring back P ound's F riday and to the Play Stanfield 8:45 12:45 4.45 Ilonrdmun schools on Monday and by way of California. They report bolue near Portland after a month's registered 24 motor vehicle dealers, H ou se .Saturday. Echo 9:00 1:00 5:00 found tHe spirit of Halloween in the good roads and beautiful scenery ull visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 197 chauffeurs, 7,661 motor vehicle operators, 4,285 passenger cars, 4 W. H. Simmons, and friends. Into Pendleton 10:15 2:15 6:15 air. The season has been adequately along the way. \ ambulances and hearses, 1 buss and observed in jthls setion. A community He is a young naan, tolerably rich TWO TRIPS SUNDAY social was hid at the church on Frl- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beddow were stage, 202 commercial cars of less and quite handsome. Yet he claims Fred Bennion, our county agent, Leaving Pendleton 8 a. nt. and than one ton capacity, 312 trucks of to have been disappointed in love day night with ghosts and fortuno and his wife and small son were busi- Pendleton visitors last Thursday. 4 p. m. from one o five tons capacity and 1 tellers, gohndk tthd pumpkin pic In ness visitors in this end of the coun- more times than any other youth Leaving Umatilla 8 a. m. and trailer of fom one to five tons capac evidence*, Op Saturday the young ty Tuesday. 4 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sommercr and ity, or a total of 4,805 licensed pas in America. His name is Casson Fer people Joined wltR the Irrigon school Ann and Lester Carson were Sunday songer urtd commercial motor vehicl guson and every few weeks he is 722 Cottonwood Phone 868 and commujlltr in Iho enjoyment of t 1 Frank Waugaman, Mrs. David dinner guests at the Ott home. turned down by some sad-eyed young We Deliver Parcels at Way Points es. carnival at that place. ' Moran and Mrs. E. E. Graham inotor- woman and his heart blighted. Yet Mrs. Whltacre has been visiting he is smilingly cheerful withal. FA R ES !l| l)IB, b P n n d ln t o n t o E c h o . * 1 .1 0 You see. It all happens on the mo NOTICE OF SCHOOL MEETING with her daughter, Mrs. Wm. Leath P o n d lo t o n t o S t a n f i e l d , * 1 . 3 5 tion plcure screen, young Mr. Fer Notice Is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. 14 of ers the past two weeks. P e n d le to n to H e r m is to n , * 1 .7 * guson being one of those movie peo Umatilla County. State of Oiegon, that a school Meeting of said district P e n d le to n to U m a t i l l a , * 2 .1 3 will be held at School House ln said district, on the 26th day of November ple who seems particularly qualified The Hallowe’en program given by 1921, ot 1:30 O’clock In the afternoon for the purpose of discussing the by nature to play disappointed lover Station at Hotel Oregon and budget hereinafter set out with the levying board, and to vote on the pro the Columbia school was well at roles. The last time he did it was in position of levying a special district tax. Hotel Hettniston tended, and everyone pronounced it "The Prince Chap” William De Mile’s The total, amount of money needed by the said school district during a success. The program was un P. DAVIS SEES IMPROVEMENT production which is coming to the Ihe fiscal year beginning on June 20, 1921, and ending June 30, 1922, Is Play House Saturday. estimated In the following budget and includes the amounts to be received usually good for the amount of time LAST FOUR MONTHS from Ihd county School fund, state school fund, elementary school fund spent on it. After the program there For four reels .Mr. Ferguson seems special district tax, and all other moneys of the district: were the usual Hallowe’en^ stunts of to have an excellent chance for the Want Ads Bring Results trying to pin on an old Mother hand of lovely Lila Lee. who plays BUDGET < » <P Witch’B hat, biting apples tied up Alfalfa Gr°wers Must Feed Surplus ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES by strings and peanpt races. Mr. to Cows; Dairying Held PERSONAL SERVICES: Krause, E. E. Graham, Ruby Moore, Salary Key to Prosperity and Billy Waugaman were the prize No. per year Total , „ i' , 1. Superintendent ....... 1 »2500.00 *2500.00 winners. The rooms were prettily 2. Teachers .............. 1 1920.00 1920.00 decorated with Jack-o-Lanterns, pa 1350.00 6400.00 Director A. P. Davis, of the recla per lanterns, bats and witches. Mes- .7 1125.00 7875.00 The Famous Rumson Cambric—fast mation service, has returned to 3. Janitors ................... 1 daraes Hinel, Phipps, Felthouse, Ott, 1140.00 114000 4. Clerk ................. Washington office, after spending 1 100.00 100.00 and Fisher assisted in serving, the colors— in the new checkerboard Total »18935.00 refreshments being pie, cake, cocoa over three months in the field visit patterns MATERIAL AND SUPPLIES: and coffee. Much credit is due our ing projects in the northwestern and J. Furniture (deHkn, Htoven. curtain». etc.) 350.00 west central states. teaching forcq fop this entertain 2. Supplies (chalk, erasers, etc.» 350 00 3. Library bonks ......... O11 most of the trips he was a mem ment, and we only hope they will 100.00 4 Flags .............................. 25.00 follow It soon with another program ber of the party of secretary of the 5. Playground equipment 1 00 00 and social hour. Ì interior, who was examining the 6. Janitor's supplies 1 50 00 work of various bureaus of the 7. Fuel 750 00 interior department, particularly the 8. Light and power .......... 250.00 Mrs. Lou Brownell and son Ko 9. Water 150.00 hart, who were visiting at Ihe home 1 cc,a>nation service. Mr. Davis said: 10. Postage and stationery ......... ............ 75.00 of her parents, Mr. and Mrs W 11 Practically all of the projects vls- The Union Man’s Favorite Total • 2300.00 Slmmona. were called to Portland lted have felt severely the prevailing CONSTRUCTION: We are Umatilla agents for this line Retaining walls .. last week to attend he funeral of business depression, but a marked 750 00 Irrigation system improvement has taken place ln the 250.00 Mrs. D. C. Brownell. • Total last four months. JL_____ .________ 1000.00 MAINTENANCE AND RFPAIRS: BUTTER CREEK “Crops are generally good, and the Inside building and grounds . 1000.00 Ben Swaggart, prominent ¡stock- In,arket has so far Improved for fruit. Total j .... 1000.00 “Price. A lw ayi the Loweit" man from near Heppner, was In this po,atoel,> »«K»r-beets and cotton as INDEBTEDNESS: 1. Bond« d. ar,tj Interest thereon UMATILLA, OREGON vicinity Sunday looking after stock *° n,ak* ,b<’He Prod,lct’' Kencrally pro Warrant, and Interest thereon 720.00 file Is feeding here. , fitable, and farmers in these lines Total 3900.00 i ______ _ are-recovering their financial bal TRANSPORTATION OF PUPILS: The Halloween entertainment giv- ance. Wherever the dairy business 2000 00 "000 00 pn ,be Westland school by the b8!’ bccn con,lnut'<1’ “ >«» »'«» '« P™- Total , i . srhool children was very good and pero"a' 11 ,8 Probably one of the INSURANCE: much appreciated by those who at- mOBt K,ab,e and cer,a,n ot ,be Induat- 69.10 Total .......... ...... 59.40 tended. rle“ P'Howed on the projects. MISCELLANEOUS: ! A lfalfa Valuable Crop Telephone ......... 30 00 Mr. Razuson. dairyman on the Printing notices, etc. “Alfalfa constitutes one of the 70.00 Echo, Oregon Clerk’s Bond .............. creek la making plans to install a most Important an A valuable crops of 75.00 Total 175.00 large churn thereby manufacturing the projects, and the low price pre- EMERGENCY: i gll his cream Into butter. vailing naturally occasions much 1000 00 MANUFACTURERS OF- Tots! concern of the past few years which .. . . . . 1000.00 Mrs. P. F. Shaw has returned from ,ed *o the depletion of the cattle and lotal estimated amount of money for all purposes during Ihe year 30369.40 Walla Walla where she has been with t!hccp rangeB and the dairy forma, RST1MATBP RECEIPTS her mother. Mrs. Letha King, who Until the flocks and herds are great- Prom county school fund durina the comlnc year * 4807.50 underwent a very serious operation at Increased, little improvement tn b rom state school fond during the coming school year 670 00 St. Mary’a hospital of that place. Prices for alfolfo may be expected. From elementary school fund dining the coming school year ................................ ......................... 1600.00 ---------- because the livestock Industry fum- Estimate of probable ueexperded balance nt end of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Rlemnnn of Ifhes the only adequate market for current year 33». 40 Umatilla was among the Umatilla ,bi* «X«»t staple of Irrigated lands, Estimated amount to be received from all other sources The Superior Product of Scientific Milling people who attended the dance Sat- "Assistance tn the way of credits la durlnr tb«* ccmlnu iKhn^l year .... ........ 9(70 00 Total estimated receipts, not Including pro "’day night. being offered In some regions, and Makes Better Bread posed tax ........................ 17085.90 17085.90 should be extended In order to re- RECAPITULATION Try a Sack The Baldwin and Stwope Contract- 'tore general prosperity to the pro- •Potei eeM ■♦pd oser for the year ............... ...... 30369.40 ing company are unloading brick for J«*’ ” Total e ¡etptp not Inclttding propoeed tax 17085 90 the new building Sam Rodgers is ------ 1------------------ - Rs t to be ralsed bv district tax .. 1.7283 50 putting up on Main street. Date y of Ocleher. 19Î1. Mrs. O F. Thompson attended the Attest: P A Bmwnsnn Maurice D. Serogga, W J Warner. F. B Swsyve pioneer reunion In Pendleton Friday Pis»e4a> U lerk. Read the Wand Ada. Board of Dlrectort evening. BOAIDMAN NEWS AUTO OWNERS G E T » LICENSE BLANKS COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES Pendleton and Umatilla Stage RECLAMATION HEAD RETURNS FROM TRIP OUR NEW PERCALES Are Here “Signal Shirts”--Union Made STANGEBY & GAST Echo Flour Mills High Grade Patent B lu e S te m F lo u r DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED