Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1921)
TH E HERMISTON HERALD, H E R M lSlU N , OREGON. THE ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H E R M IS T O N HERALD Published every Thursday a t Hermiston, Umatilla C ouaty, Oregon, in the heart of Eastern Do you know the facts about build ing costs? Oregon’ s great irrigated alfalfa fields, by the Herald Publishing Company. B E R N A R D M A IN W A R IN G , E D IT O R r n u -iM l a» M «on<l<-lam m a tte r. Decem ber .. ISO«, a t the posUrltlce a t H e rta m u m . Oregon > -A HOME TOWN PAPER WEEK The country papers have always boosted for every cause but their own and now they have at last got ■ ten around to thfemselves. ■ November 5 to 12 has been ■ Do you know that lumber and building mater designated as “Subscribe for your borne town paper" week all over the ials are down? United States. Fifteen thousand weekly papers In the country are Have you talked to us lately about building? boosting for It. The idea is to Do you know how reasonably you can make awaken the people of the country to needed repairs, build your new home or remodel the amount of service the country ■ papers have been quietly rendering ■ your old one? these many years. Having done this Better get in touch with the situation at once* it Is expected that people will be more ready to support these enter The big building program that was expected in prises. — 1920 failed to materialize. The manufacturers were People who have left their old home town will be asked to subscribe caught with too large f tocks, and were forced to for the home town paper. This is turn them over at almost cost. something more than a selfislr desire But it’s only fair to t* 11 you this condition may on the part of the paper to get sub scribers. It is desired to link every be only temporary. The < ountry is short more than man to his old home town. Veyyt a million homes. Our ov/n city is short 20 to 30 few of us live in the town where we were born. Somewhere in the east homes. When people bepn to do this long delayed there is for most of us an old home building, demand will inc ’ease rapidly, creating an town with which we should keep in other shortage of materials and prices will advance ■ touch. And how can one do it ex- • cept by taking the paper publbished again. B there. Many of us have learned If you are planning to build, remodel or repair, ■ that this is the only way for our let- come in and let us give you figures. Then when we • ters are few and far between and ■ 'often when they do come they miss show you the actual savings over last year’s prices ■ the things we most want to lgurn. and show you how favorably present costs compare ■ ; The Herald is heartily In favor of this part of the campaign though *t with those of 1914, make your own decision. ■ has no great prdspect of benefit for Get in touch with us today. ■ this is a new community and has only a few former residents compar- ed with the older communities of the ■ ' country. Nevertheless fhere are R. A. BrovTison, M gr. many former residents of Hermiatoi jg to whom the place is dear an<| many PHOf E 11J of these will no doubt take the op ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ portunity to link themselves agaii with the town through the home paper. There is another phase to the cam paign which will be of interest tc many of our readers. If you already take the home town paper and you • do or you wouldn’t be reading thi is your subscription paid up? The city paper would cut you off the day your subscription became delinquent but the country paper is more pa In Mens Hats. In Mens Caps, In Mens Mackinaw Coats and In tient. The country parer needs the Leathes Vests and Coats. We carry this line and would sug money even more than the city paper gest you look them over if you expect to purchase goods of this 1 needs It/ The two dollars Is a small class. All priced on present values. matter to you, but to the paper it is J J j H J TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. Gordon is the Standard of Excellence a big matter, for without this rev- enue it cannot run. More will be said about "Subscribe for your home town paper week," as the week of November 7-12 ap proaches. But romember that yov don't have to wait until then to sub scribe for the home town paper oi to renew you subscription If you al ready take It. ’ We have just received flgurad Ratines for shirts at ...... 76c Outing Flannels 20-26 and 36c In this standard grades. Polonice Velours popular fabric for winter kimonos at ........................... »....... 36c New pattern Cretonnes at ............................................... 40c Rtlkoline in new patterns af ............................................ 35c H e r m i s t o n P ro d u ce & S u p p ly Co. /'T h e Beal o f Good Service" City M ea t M arket The Market of Quality and Service We make all our own Sausage We cure our Hams and» Bacon We have Everything in the Meat Line Fresh Fish On Thursdays and Fridays always SIKEY A HENDERSON, Prop. -- . ■ Subscription Rates: One Year, *2 .0 0 ; Six Months, *1 .0 0 I FIRE PREVENTION This Is fire prevention week'and I. E. Putman, local fire chief asks that the people give special thought to the subject this week. Films have been ordered by Mr. Putman and when they arrive they will be exhibited at the public schools. Some talks are also In pros pect at the schools on the topic of fire prevention. The Idea of the campaign is to wake the public up to the danger of fire, before and not after the fire comes. •Around almost any home or place of business may be found old rags, sometimes soaked in oil or grease, old papers, shavings and other rub bish in which fire can easily get a sta*t. This city has had a very de structive fire within the Inst month and it should hardly be necessary to call attention to the danger here. It makes no difference if we are in sured. The Insurance never entirely covers the loss and If It did. the fire might spread to other property nbt Insured. Accidental fire la one of tho greatest destructive fortes we have. As far as property Is concerned it is as bad as war. wV In Hermiston are asked this week to clean up any sources of dan. ger there may be on our premises. We are asked to make a resolbitton to be more careful about fires in the future than we have been In the past. The fire boys who have made something of a study of the subject will be glad to help-anyone with sug gestions. So let’s all dq our part. A,GOOD SHOW The dairy and hog show Is over until next year when It will be back again, better than ever. It was the opinion of most of thope who saw this year’s show that It was the1 beet ever held here. If that Is true It Is perhaps due to two changes which were mads this year. In the first place the show .was made to cov er a bigger Held. Prizes were added for things for which no prtxes had been ofered last year. Horses were added to the show and there was a good Exhibit of sheep. In short the show was made inter esting to more people. We are aware that many oppose extending the scope of the show^on the ground that dairy and hog raising are the two indust ries that need most to be encouraged and that giving premiums to other exhibits reduces the ones that can be given to the two leaders. This is a problem which we trust that a more liberal appropriation from the coun ty court next year will practically settle. Certainly the money should not be lacking to. encourage all the industries upon which the west end depends. We believe the dairy and hog show is destined to grow into a county fair for this end of Hie county in which dairying and hog raising will always h ive the main part be cause they are the leading industries but in which the other Industries like fruit, vegetables, honey an# poultry will have their proper part. In another respect t|ie show gave something a little out of the ordinary this year. This was in the sports program, the football game which s hould be made an annual event, the foot races, the pulling contest and he horse races. No matter how much nterested we may be In the exhibits we all want some amusement when we'go to a show and the sports help to furnish it. A good program of ports will always mean better crowds. Mqanwhile the commirtiity has cause to feel grateful to those who contributed services and money to make the show a success. The pres ident and directors of the show have given time for which there will be no recompense except the satisfaction of having accomplished something for the good of the comunity. The sup erintendents of the various divisions of the show gave a lot of time and so did the men and women who worked getting the grounds ready and pre paring the exhibits. So also the business men gave money. It was a good show and a credit to all who took part. ' LOGIC UNASSAILEBLE Weston Leader Here Is an argument by Professor Leacock, quoted in Collier's, that is virtually unanswerable. It would b worth reading at the forthcoming peace conference: “Simp’e though the proposition is, few people realize ¿hat there is no such thing as a stiong navy; the phrase merely means stronger than some one else’B; that is all. A strong navy Is like a long stick or a big stone; It is only :o by comparison. The strongest navy is weak when a big one is put beside It. It is- ftot possible for any nation to have a strong navy unless it can persuade the other nations to have weak ones, or unless it can so exceed the other nations in men and money and material that It acn out build tjieir utmost efforts. But If there are two or three nations more or less evenly «latched, then the com petitive building has no end; each new effort forces another; a naval budget of 60,000,000 pounds'sterling calls forth a corresponding amount of American dollars or of Japanese yen. However great the effort, there !s nothing in It that can be ultimate; it must be overpassed next time; the taxpayer with his burden on his back struggles vainly forward always In pursuit of the will-o’-the whisp of se curity that dances out of reach over thi marsh In which he sinks.” Brief and to the Point Chewing the rag fills no empty stomachs.—Columbia Record. A Flivver must be mighty disgust ing to a horsefly.— Detroit Journal. Normalcy In cost tags Is what peo ple are looking for.— Detroit Journal The price of soft coal suggests that it will be a hard winter.— Detroit News. Over 500 Designs i from x Which to Choose Homes, Churches, Schools, Gar ages, Barns and other buildings The superior building service ren dered by this company has been obtain ed for the exclusive use o f customers. This makes it possible for jou to step into this office and inspect hundreds of designs of modern home» and other buildings before you build. All the guesswork has been eliminated 1 eci use the designs have actually been Lui, t and many of them are hand colored photo- v graphs. A complete set of blue prints, specificationsand an accurate and com plete bill of material will be surylitd with any. design. All this is fiee to customers. Foy your individual .-ati- faction call at this office. No obliga tion. Inland Empire Lumber Company P kone 331 “ The Yard of Best Quality ” H. M. 5TKAW. MGR. Exclusive Repräsentatives cf Nat'ona' Builders Bureau »SEE $I.3î. Sbarri HITT C O N F E C T IO N E R Y S T A T IO N E R Y Delicious H holesome -F O R - GUNS —and— AMMUNITION / A FULL UNE. Coi fectionery Tasty Stationery For Women News stand Cigars and 7 ohacco AhSCO K O D A K S Films t developed-- Enlargements made Make our sto re your headquarters when in Pendleton TALLMAN & CO. T h e Le ad in g D ru g g w t« P e n d le to n , O reg o n By comparison with the rest of thf ond hand Ford for every fellow out world, Mexico seems peaceful these of a job.— Charleston Gazette. days.— Honolulu Star-Bulletin. You see. coal is high because of A railroad pool is never made by the freight rate. And the freight squeezing the water out of the stock. rate Is high because locomotives must —-Greenville (S. C.) Piedmont. burn high-priced coal.— Tacoma A good motto for our federal of Ledger. fleer»: When tn Washington, do as The tariff bill puts sheletons ’ ' Washington did.— Asheville Times. free list. This is gratifying evidenc The problem of Congress seems to that our domestic skeleton industry be to place the taxes where they w ll’ ts able tn compete with the pauper affect the fewest votes.—Cantqr skeletons of Europe.— Liberator (New York.) News. I Since a dry wave brought in Pro According to Treasury Departnr. . hlbltton. It isn't surprising to find figures, every jnan. woman and child To attain real peace the world the drought a little wet.— Rochester in the country has 6250 saved. must work Its arms off.— Norfol’; Ttmee-Union. Strange that our banker never men Vlrglnlan-Pllot. us.—St. Paul Pioneer The young man’s crop of wild oats tioned it Press. Many* people want.Jobe, but not as would be lessened by. more efficient 1 many want work.— Boston Shoe and threshing.— Minneapolis Nonpartis The best ctyner ever known In the an Leader. Leather Reporter. market must be the corner that bus iness la reported to be turning.— As reformers see It. there's too Business is turning the corner, but Boston Herald. not on two wheels.— Boston Shoe and much, latitude tn woman's dress and not enough longitude.—Norfolk Vlr Leather Reported These fellows who are so opposed glnlan-Ptlot. to disarmament must have all their The man with money to burn has The problem of unemployment Investments tn tax-free securities.— no trouble making a match.—Green could be solved by purchasing a sec Nashville Southern Lurebewnaa. vtlle IS C.l riedmont. i