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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1921)
b « q Ü :< * ° ' a Wrmwfcm Wratô VOL. XVI P.T . A. Reception Is Next Thursday HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 6. 1921 CHAS. SKINNER WINS OFFICE IN STATE POSTMASTER LEAGUE Local Postmaster W ill be Chairman FRIENDS AND PATRONS OF THE SCHOOLS ARE INVITED Reception w ill Include Movie Show, Music and Refreshments; Com m ittees Are Named of State Executive Committee; Returns Sunday Morning. Chas. Skinner, Hermiston poetmas ter returned Sunday morning from Salem where he attended the state postmaster’s convention Friday While in the valley he visited his father at Orenco and visited his form er home near Oregon City. ' The convention was good to Char lie in the way of honors for he was named as chairman of the executive committee of the state league of post masters. The state league is a branch of the national organization. He reports many of the vegetables killed by a severe frost which swept the valley. The more Charlie sees of the Willlamette valley climate the better he says he likes eastern Ore gon. Adams and Mason Win at Big Fair LOCAL DUR0CS TAKE 10 BLUE RIBBONS AT SALEM Three of Six Duroc Championships Taken by Hermiston Hogs; 30 Ribbons Are Won PROGRAM FRIDAY Pendleton Day 4 5 Boys’ and Girls' Stock Judging 00 Judging of Fruit and Farm Products 30 School Parade to the Grounds 00 Judging of Dairy Cattle and Swine 30 Dress Form Demonstration • 15 Greased Pig Race 30 Judging Continued JO Football Game )0 Foot Races 15 Throwing Football for Distance 15 and 9:00— House Peters in “Silk HusbandB and Calico Wives" at the Play House. No. 4 Dairy Show to Open Tomorrow SCHOOL PARADE AT 9 :3 0 TO START PROGRAM Show W ill Continue Two D ays; Hun dreds of V iiitors From Out of Town Expected Next Thursday, October 13 has Tomorrow will be the first of the C. P. Adams and C. C. Mason re been selected as the date for the two big days Hermiston has been turned Monday from the Orgon state SATURDAY parent-teachers association's recep looking forward to for several months fair where the exhibited Duroc Jer 30 Judging of Horses tion to the teachers. AU patrons and the dairy and hog show. sey hogs with excellent success win 90 Judging of Women’s Exhibits friends of the school are invited. Men have been at work off and on ning 30 ribbons, 10 of which wet 90 Live Stock Parade The program will begin at 8 p. m. (he past week cleaning up the blue and 3 red out of 16 firsts for SO Pulling Contest and will be given in the high school grounds. The high school boys have which the competed. They also won )0 Horse Races building. The-, opening address of cleaned up a part for their football three of the six championships for 15 and 9:00— Lon Chaney In “The Penalty" at the Play Itome will be delivered by M. D. field and have it in shape for the which they competed. The following House. Scroggs, chairman of the school game. The auditorium is being pre prizes were won: toard. A. C. “Voelker will respond pared for the fruit, vegetable and Open Classes on behalf of the teachers. women's exhibits to be housed there. 3rd aged boar. After this there will be a moving In short nearly everything I b In read, 1st and 2nd junior year boar. . icture show given by the machine iness for the festivities of the next 1st and 4th senior boar pig, 4th ned by the high school. During two days. junior boar pig. he intervals there will be instru- The first event of Friday morning 1st and 3rd aged sow, 2nd and 4tl At a very enthusiastic meetisg of dence in Wallowa, Mr. La Chance has will be the parade to the grounds. It tntal selections by Lucile Sullivan senior sow pig. the Home Bureau, on Thursday, a position there. After this there will be a solo by has been decided not to have the uu- 1st junior sow pig, 1st young herd Sept. 29, many new enterprises were Doris Swayze, followed by a social .mals in this. It will be under the 1st young herd bred by exhibitor launched. A large crowd of club Clarence Powell was rushed t lirectlon of Mr. Voelker who will interval. Refreshments will be ser 1st get of sire. members were present. Hot lunches Portland on Monday night on ac stage a school parade. Just what ved at this time. HERMISTON AND ATHENA WILL Futurity Winsers were much discussed and it wa» count of an accute attack of appen all the attractions will be have not The committee in charge of the MIX FRIDAY AFTERNOON 1st and 3rd senior boar pigs, 4tb found that only 14 out of over 100 dicitis. reception includes Mrs. E. P. Dodd, oeen disclosed, but the public is ad iunior boar pig. .children had not paid up. A special Mrs. Harvey Schilling, Mrs. C. E. vised that there will be some sur 1st, 3rd and. 7th senior sow pigs effort is being made to have all tick Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Smith havf prises which one cannot afford to I aker, Mrs. H. E. Hitt, and Mrs. Field Has Been Cleared and Local 1st and 8th juunior sow pigs. ets paid for in advance. New, specl- gone to Omaha, Nebraska for a visit miss. F. B. Swayze. The ladies in the 2nd senior litter, 2nd, 5th and «1 menus have been prepared for this with his parents. His health li Boys Are Working Hard; 2 :3 0 receiving line will Include Mrs. Hat The parade begins at 9:30. It 3th junior litters. year. Mrs. W. P. Llewellyn was elect- very bad and a change was reconi will form near the high school and ry Straw, Mrs. R. A. Brownson, Mrs. is the Hour Senior grand champion boar id buyer for the club and she will get mended. J. Warner, Mrs. M. D. Scroggs, will enter Main at the corner of Senior champion sow. the best prices possible on groceries Mrs. Jack Waller, Mrs. E. J. King Third and will proceed down Main The grand shampion boar "Orioi ind provisions for the season. On Friday night the commercial to the bank corner. From there It sley, Mrs. T. H. Gaither, Mrs. F. C. By no means least among the at Pathfinder Sensation,” was the out- club had a large and Interesting will cross the track to the Hermiston McKenzie, Mrs. F. B. Swayze, Mrs. tractions of the dairy and hog show tanding boar of the show. He if Thursday, October 6, is to be a meeting, many new plans for the fu hotel and then double back to thn W. Il'sley. Those in charge of will be the football game to be play >wned by A. D. Crosland, was bred jusiness meeting of the Home Cure of Umatilla being laid. ’ e decorations are Mrs. Harry Straw ed between the high schools of Her grounds. This will really mark the ind shown by C. C. Mason. He war Bureau and Thursday. October 20, is '.s. F. V. Prime, Mrs. A. E. Robb, miston and Athena Friday afternoon beginning of the show. Remember -4 red by last year's grand champioi o be a social afternoon with a pro lis. Otto Sapper. Mrs. Geo. Root, at 2:30. The hour, it will be noteT Mr. DiggH asd Mr. Wright of thr that the time Is 9:3Q Friday morning ind his dam was senior champioi gram and refreshments. There Is 3. W. A. Leathers and Mrs. E. J. has ben moved up from 4:00 to en Rochdale stores are still It The program of the day is printed sow this year and only defeated foi o be a membership drive In the near Umatilla and are receiving much en in another place. Friday morning irgsley. ' , able out of town visitors to stay foi vrand champion because she was not uture and It is expected that every couragement and a good many sign will be devoted to judging the dairy The committee In charge of re the finish of the game. arge enough for a mature sow, shi woman In town will become an active freshment» are: Mrs. F. B. Swwyze. ers in favor of starting a co-opera cattle and swine, to a dress form Local Team Thought Good veighed only a little over 600 pounds nember. Mrs. H. T. Fraser, Mrs. Harvey Schil- tlve store soon. lemonstration at 10:30 and to a Not much Is known of the vial tin: Last year's grand champion boa: ng, Mrs. August Beisse, Mrs. E. P. team, but the Hermiston team is go greased pig race at 11:45. Friday ired the following winners this year- The fall flower show under the '>dd. Mrs. C. S. McNaught, Mrs. J. ing into the game determined to wit Mr. and Mrs. Harold Benjamlr afternoon there will be sports. The st and 2nd junior boars, 2nd am uspices of 'the Home Bureau, is to Shotwell and Mrs. W. J. Warner. if hard fighting will enable It to win have moved Into their new home and football game which is down in the Ith senior sow pigs in open class e staged in the near future and 35 will soon be settled enoufeh to re official program for 4:00 p. in. haa The local boys had their first trial o! (1st and 3rd in futurity,) 1st get ol s to be awarded the yard which celve their friends. been moved up to 2:30 so people llv- 'AM RODGERS’ WEDDING IS strength last Saturday when thej die on above, 1st and 2nd junto hows most Improvement for the past ng out of town will be able to see TOLD BY STANFIELD PAPER beat Irrigon 29 to 0. Coach Gralapt «oar pigs and 1st junior futuritj ear. Keen interest is being shown. t to the end. The Hermiston high was not satisfied even with this larg« itter. "Giant Big Bone,” sired a) The high school upper grades gav< chool will play Athena high schoct. Hermiston Merchant is Married to score, but the team played what a very nice party In honor of th< >ut six of the junior and senior pig The grounds surrounding the com- There will be foot races and throwing Miss Teresina Fuscaldo; W ill most spectators thought was i shown including the 1st senior boa nunlty building are being leveled freshmen on Saturday night In th« he football for distance. Live Here mighty good game considering tha Pig and 1st (junior sow pig, 2nd ind seeded to lawn and a good look- Community hall. Ice cream and Friday is Pendleton day. Tl e it was their first and considering als< enlor litter and 2nd junior litter. ng fence put up to protect the lawn cake were the refreshments chose« business men of that city are comint 1 he wedding of Sam Rodgers that several good men were unabi< "Mammoth Queen Sensation,” th< intil it gets a start. It is a decided both being made by the girls. Mr >n maesse and asked that their day hich occured in Stanfield as we to play on account of Injuries. hird aged sow is the dam and gram mprovemeut and will be a credit to and Mrs. Benjamin were the chaper be changed on account of the dlf- The local team practiced the for 'am of all the winners except th< were going to press last week is Tmatilla when completed. The ones. A delightful time was report Iculty of getting away Saturday, described as follows by the Stanfield ward pass a good deal last week, ant enlor champion sow. Three of th< ed. lome Bureau is doing the work, the 'everal hundred people are expected Standard: with a little more practice shoult irst prize pigs won 365 each am ommlttee In charge named by the (ere from the county seat. Sam Rodgers (Salvador Tardio) make their opponents watch them fo« ere sold for 3100 each. Floyd Gentry, better known ai «resident and given full power to act In the evening the play house will and Miss Teresina Fuscaldo were this form of attack. They showei Four of the pigs taken to the fait wing Mrs. Rennlck, Mrs. Mack and "Plnkey” who has been working on ihow “Silk Husbands and Calico united in marrage Wednesday morn lots of steam In bucking the line elonged to C. M. Jackson. These drs. Edwards. They have been (he repair track, had a very bad ac Wives.” There will be two shows ing, September 29, 1921, at St They fumbled oftener than the) •igs took fourth for Junior boar an< ery busy and have secured the ser- cldent on Tuesday. A dump dooi ne at 7:15 and one nt 9:00. Frances church in Stanfield, Rev. should, but practice should remed) Ixth futurity Jitter. lces of Carl Brownell, who Is handi fell on his foot and broke the bon« On Saturday the horses will be Vincent Ferwick officiating, and the that. ng the work In an efficient manner. In the instep. He was taken to Port udged first In the morning. 9:30 bc- solem ritual eremony and nuptual Players Are Named PASTOR REPORTS NEW BUILD The school -.janitor will keep the land to St. Vincents hospital. ng the time. At 10:00 the women’s mess being said. The following boys will probabl? ING ALMOST FINISHED awn watered. Much credit is due ixhlbits will be judged. These will Mr. Rodgers Is a prominent busi all get a chance to play against The O. W. railway officials were e found at the auditorium. At I he ladies for this Improvement. ness man of Hermiston, and sustain, Athena: Lawrence Winslow, Ear 'ishop W. 0. Hughes of Portlan among the pheasant hunters at Uma >. m. the annual live stock parade ed heavy losses by the fire of last Carson, Leo Smith. Howard McMfllat Deliver Dedication Address; A home talent play, moving picture tilla on Sunday coming here In Mr will be held. The pulling contests Tuesday night which destroyed his Marshall Newport. Dan Wlnesetl Windows Are Ordered how and chicken dinner are on the Buckley’s private; car. There were ome Immediately afterward and at store building and entire stock of Frank Beach, Fred Hesser, John Had alendar for the near future by the about six In the party, chief among 00 the horse races. The races will goods. dox. Hollis Gordon, Harold Water Tfie new Methodist church will be lome Bureau ladies. Watch for the them being Mr. A., Buckley, superin be held on Main street, beginning nt Miss Fuscaldo is a sister of Mrs man, Everett Parker. Carl Myers, 'edicated October 23. tendent, Mr. Shay, air brake instruct the Shotwell corner and ending east latea. Frank Nudo of Stanfield, and arrived Herbert Haneline. It will not be quite completed bj or, W. H. 8ercombe, auditor, w. H. >f the Third street corner. The here from Italy last July, making hat time, but work is going forwar« Tuesday morning a poultry demon- Doran, traveling engineer, C. G. course will be a quarter mile. A the long journey alone crossing the Brodie aad Bede Here apidly and it will be ready for oc tration was staged at the Ford Sutherland, assistant to J. P. O'Brien, good deal of Interest Is being mani Atlantic on the Steamship Gulseppe E. E. Brodie, president of the na upancy by the time named, accord hicken ranch by an O. A. C. Instruct- and Ollie Aarhus, special agent at fested In the races and a large num Verdi and across the continent by tional editorial association and th< ng to Rev. Harry Wann, pastor. Umatilla. Each man reported good ber of entries are expected. •r and county agent Bennion rail. newly appointed minister to Siam luck and seemed to carry home the howed how to pick out the non- Bishop Hughes to Speak In the evening there will be two Following the wedding ceremony 1n company with Elbert Bede, edltoi The dedication address will be giv. >r«)ductlve hens and when to sort limit. attractions. Lon Chaney will be a splendid dinner was served at the ’of the Cottage Grove Sentlnal and •n by Bishop W. O. Hughes of Port >ver your flock. Many valuable featured at the Play House In "The home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nudo president of the state edito. ,al as asd. Mr. Hughes Is the head of th« winters were given and much appre- H. B. Coburn of Walla Walla was Penalty,” It should be stated that and enjoyed by relatives and friends sociatlon stopped off in Hermistoi hurch In a region comprising nearl) iated. In town on business for the railroad the dairy and hog show is getting from Walla Walla and a few of the yesterday to pay The Herald office t 11 of Oregon, Washington and Idahr company this week. per centage of the Play House re local friends of the family from call. The two men are on a tour ol nd the local church considers itself Mr. and Mrs. Chas Stanyon have ceipts on these two days so the shows Stanfield and Hermiston. the state and are visiting all news ortunate in belsg able to get as bl; noved to Irrigon for six weeks or Frank Gast made a trip to Walla are a past of the program. At the .The Walla Walla guests came by paper plants as they go. Mr. Brodie •. man here for the event. It I* wo months, as Mr. Stanyon Is to Walla Sunday. same time or really about the end oft auto from Walla Walla in a party Is editor of the .Oregon City Enter ikely that Bishop Hughes will speal vork on construction work there. the first show a dance will be held consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Louie prise and waa appointed minister t< ■t both the morning and evening eer- Siam this week. Fazzari. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ven- Mra. E. McKenzie who haa been In the auditorium building. F. M. •ices. H. F. Pemberton of The Dal Sabin Alexander has secured a po- neri, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Maluri and In a Portland hospital la expected Gulwlte will have charge. Knight’s en. district superintendent, will a'ar Itlon with the governmeet and Is orchestra will furnish the music. Joe Maiurl, Sr., Miss Mary Barka. home soon. The Ladies Aid of the Baptist e here for the dedication. vorklng In Irrigon. Dancing will commence as soon as Mrs. Jim Ctarlo, Mr. and Mrs. Dome- church met Wednesday afternoon in Work on the new church is pro the floor can be cleared of the ex nlek Lolacono. the basement and will have every eeding nicely. All the doors am Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Jackson, Mrs. hibits. Mrs. E. B. Rennlck has gone to Maery beautiful wedding gifts were thing In readiness for the stock windows have been ordered and will Portland to be present at the cele E. E. Raymond and Mra. J. H. Cher The admission to the grounds will presented to the bride and groom show visitors. A good crowd was w here by October 15. The windows bration of the 80th anniversary of ry motored to Pendleton Saturday. 25 cents to adnlts. School from a hoet of friends In this coun out and splendid spirit manifested. «re of stained glass and are of her father's birth. He Is an well children will be admitted free. Ad try as well as some from abroad «eautlful design. The largest and ind spry as a man much younger. No clew at all has been obtained mission may be payed either at the and the entire community joins In W. E. Bell and W. D. Gordon and ¡nest will go in back of the pulpit as to the Identity of the robbers who grounds or at the auditorium, but the best « well wishes for the fu family spent a very pleasant day last A. C. De Fleming, who has been entered the Brownell store last week. the name admission will admit to Church to Seat 300 ture success and happiness of the Sunday visiting at the F. K. Payne The furnace has already been employed by A. E. McFarland for the both places that day. young friends. home on little Butter Creek. hipped and will be installed within past several months, left for Van Dr. Ray Ijogan returned with his The Judges have not all he an he next few days. The pews will couver, Wash., to take a position on car from La Grande Monday. nounced. Dr. C. W. I-asnen of Pen The Methodist ladle« »id will nerve Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell not be ordered for some time and a ranch there. dleton will lodge the horses. Hurt a chicken supper for dairy and bog left for Spokane Monday night where ■n the mean time folding chairs will Mr. and Mra. E. Henderson will Whitman will Judge the hogs and show visitors both Friday and Satur they will attend the funeral of Mrs. be used. The church will have Mr. and Mm. Joe La Chance, who ' spend the winter here with her sheep and Professor N. C. Jamison of day evenings. A good meal wll| be John A. Fancher. Mrs. Fancher la seating capacity for about 300 pco- have been making their home in fathef Harry Spinning. Mra. Hen O. A. C. will officiate In the dairy Offered at «0 and 35 easts. p *l»ter-la-law of Mrs. Campbell. >1«. Umatilla, have taken up their reel- derson arrived Monday erning. cattle division, Football Game Part of Show Umatilla News Items