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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1921)
À1' (Tíie Hrrnttiiinit limitò VOL. XVI Hermiston Swept By $20,000 Fire HERMISTON. UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON, THURSDAY. SEPTEM BER 29. 1921 « 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 * SHOW GROUNDS BEING * ♦ CLEANED UP •> ---------- 4 Lyceum Details Decided Upon Umatilla News Items No. 3 Club Women to Study History The home bureau held a very in- •0 A force of high school boys <• Mrs. Sam Shell of Boardman has interesting meeting Thursday after been the guest of her niece. Mrs. ❖ have been cleaning up the dairy « BLAZZ STARTS AT 12:30 A. M, and hog show grounds this <• PRICE OF SEASON TICKET is noon and transacted a good deal of McFarland, several days. COMMUNITY CLUB WILL HOLI important business. Several ladies ❖ week. They have been grubbing ♦ IN BAKERY BUILDING $2.50 to ADULTS were present and each gave a short ❖ out and burning the weeds so ❖ Miss Laura S. Dunne has returned MEETING NEXT TUESDAY talk on timely subjects. The club to Pendleton after two weeks visit In ❖ they will have a clear space for <• plans some worth while projects the Umatilla. <0 Bad Wind Handicaps Eire Boys But ❖ their football games. | Series of Eight Meetings up to the The show officials have ask- ❖ Students Tickets W ill Sell for $1.25 coming club year. There was seri Flames Are Checked; All Losses ous talk of a booth at the coming ❖ ed the business men to donate <• Mrs. Nugent had a talk with Sen Single Admissions Range From First of February Planned; Dairy and Hog show, Umatilla plan ator R. N. Stanfield Friday at Pen ❖ what time is needed to work ❖ Are Partly Insured 50 Cents to $1.00 ning to have a separate booth There dleton and the Senator promised any Librarian to Help ❖ for the show and this support ❖ wll be some active work done to en help in his power to Umatilla, the ❖ was pledged by the commercial ❖ courage people of this sectin to com city of his birth. The people here A fire which originated In the <0 club Tuesday. E. J. Kingsley « The lyceum committee met Jast pete for prizes. The next meetlng'of the commun will remember his offer in the neai ❖ and W. J. Warner have been ap- <• building occupied by the city bakery Thursday to elect officers, decide on ity club, Tuesday, October 4, prom future. He returns to Washingtor ❖ pointed to superintend the work <• destroyed about half a block on Mala ises to be one of unusual interest, and •> of cleaning up the grounds. <• prices and investigate the merits of Mr. Diggs, of the Rochdale Co Octobber 15. street early Wednesday morning. all women of the town and country ❖ Indications are that the show <• the numbers to appear here this win. operative Store Co., has been spend The fire was discovered about 12: ❖ will be the best in Its history, < teV. It is reported that a large parce: are most cordially invited to be pres, ing several days in Umatilla with A. C. Voelker was elected chair 30, but it had been going some little ❖ but all will have to work to •> the idea of instituting a co-opera of Main street property change« ent. time for the rear end of the bakery <• make it so. The farmers have ❖ man for tbe year. O. C. Young will tive store here. He called a meeting hands this week. The property iu To Study History was all ablaze. It is believed that ❖ been asked to get their exhib- « be secretary-treasurer and A. W of the citizens and had a very large volved was owned formerly by th< Believing that a more intimate Adamson was placed hi charge of the crowd. The rumor is current that late Capt. Stanfield. the fire came (rom the bakery oven * its In promptly 7nd to bring aR now ledge of the history of our advertising and publicity end tate promotes a livelier interest in ❖ they have. Towns people will ❖ *5500 has already been subscribed Fire Boys on Job Season Tickets $2.50 Miss Jesse Jenks teacher in th« ur present day welfare, the women to the cause and that the store will An alarm was turned in and the ❖ be asked to help with the tieces- < The price of a season ticket good f the local club, like these in many < 0 sary work in getting ready. <• school here who has been In the hos be a reality in the near future. Mr. fire boys, headed by I. E. Putman for all five numbers will be *2.50 f the federated lubs of the state, The show is only a week away <• pital at Walla Wallla with append! Diggs is asked to talk to the women’s were on the Job within a few min for adults and *1.25 for students club on Thursday. ire beginning a study of Oregon citis Is reported to be doing verj ❖ and it is time to begin making ❖ utes. Indeed their prompt response nicely and is soon expected home history. preparations. Don’t forget the ♦ This price is so low that the commtt- and the good fight they made was ❖ ❖ dates, October 7 and 8 or Friday ♦ | tee feels sure they will be able to sell Tuesday's meeting will deal with On Friday evening the county com Mrs. Benjamin is teaching in hei ail that kept the fire from getting the period of early explorations along ❖ enough tickets to make the course a missioners were in Umatilla and talk place. half the town for a strong wind was ❖ and Saturday of next week. financial success. he Pacific coast. Mrs. Putman wilj blowing toward the east and was « 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The numbers will be about three ed to the people on roads and bridges Mr. and Mrs. Harold ^Benjamin •utllne the efforts of the different There was a good deal of enthusiasm rapidly carrying the fire down the weeks apart and the single admission have their new house nearly com latlons to establish discovery right.', block. C. H. Crandall got the pump will range in price from 50 cents up displayed, and many promises made. pleted and plan on being in it before ind will give one an idea of what an ing plant going promptly so there to a dollar depending upon he ex uduous task it was for the early long. was plenty of water. Umatilla was well represented at pense incurred in bringing the in invlgators to draw a map of the the Round-Up. Nearly every one in The bakery building was too tar dividual number here. vestern coastline. The new cottage being built bj gone to be saved. The walls are The course will be held in the Play town were there. A good show Mrs. H. H. Edwards is nearinp Mrs. A. D. Crosland will tell how still standing, but the place will bo RECLAMATION SERVICE WILL House theater and the management was reported, everyone having a fine he name “Oregon” originated. Mrs. completion and will soon be read} a total loss. The building is owned assures the public of comfort no time. Everyone came home tired for occupancy. W. Tilden, who lived many years LINE WITH CONCRETE by Dr. P. P. Adams and is well matter how cold it gets. The num out. lear the Nehalem beach, famous for covered by insurance. Th j bakery ber of radiators is being doubled and Mrs. Ozella ^Truby of Portland, ts relics of old Spanish vessels, will was operated by W. O. Sutherland Mrs. Marian McKenzie Is in Port drove to Pendleton to the Round-Ur elate the finding of the Beeswax that means all the heat necessary. More Than 140 Men Are Now on and was also Insured. land, having undergone several min and was the guest of Miss Dunne ind some of the evidence of Spain’s Ticket Sale Oct. 10 The barber shop of Burt Mullin, The committee expects to begin or operations. She is reported to while there, they having been friend) arly explorations. In addition, there Government Pay Roll Here and also in the bakery building was well elling season tickets about October be convalescing.. for many years. She reported hei vill be some improptu discussion on Hace Room for More 10 as the first number comes next burned out. Some of the fixtures ndlan lore and Oregon geology. trip and the show best ever. were saved and those that were burn, nonth. Watch the paper for furth Mrs. A. E. McFarland, who has 8 Meetings Scheduled ed were partly ty^>6tected. There er announcements and be prepared been confined to her bed for some The parents of the school child The reclamation service has A series of programs have been wll be some loss. Next to the shop help the lyceum go over the top time is able to sit up. Her friends i on do not seem to realize just hov •repared covering the eight meetings is the store of Sant Rodgers, both force of approximately 100 men at when yo„ are asked to b„y t|cketg will be glad to see her about again. hard it Is to handle the hot lunche o be held up to the first of February building and stock being owned by work lining the A line with concrete I The committee has guaranteed the when they don’t pay promptly am nd the papers, talks and discusssions him. The building was of fire proof and more men are wanted for the I ’*Penses of the course and will lose Mrs. A1 Ford is the proud mother for an entire ticket. When they pa. ill be so ordered that much Iii- construction but the roof was not work. I r t,le course is not properly sup of a fine 10 14 pound girl, born last only 3c at a time It makes addltiona ormation may be gained by attend- and his stock was almost entirely de The work was begun a few days .'’° r‘ed by the comm«n‘ty- So let’s week. Mother and babe are doing wrk for the secretary and Is a grea ng the meetings without reading all stroyed. Some of the shoe repairing •nm th . point where », .v . line I >C PrePared to make it a success. very nicely. nuisance. The tickets can be pur ago at the the A f the references offered on tho var- -fixtures were saved. Sam is per chased any time for 60c and are goo« ous topics. haps the heaviest loser from the file, crosses the Stanfield road Just south I HOME SEEKER EXCURSION IS Mr. and Mrs. Fred Dixion, formerly for 20 meals but any child who cai Miss Nason, our county librarian, but he carried a large insurance and of town. From there to the reser CANCELLED AT LAST MINUTE of Umatilla, who have been to Waits not afford a ticket will be taken car« s giving most efficient aid by sup- the loss is at. least 75 per cent cover, voir the ditch is lined at all the bad burg and Kenniwick, Wash., for the of. dying us with literature, and the td. places and the work is now being Among the Portland visitors to th« irst allotment on Oregon History O. W. R. & N. spent several days Hard Times in Middle West Make it extended in the other direction. The offices of E P. Dodd and W. Round-Up were Mr. and Mrs. H. R oplcs Is now at the library. last week at their home here. Impossible for Farmers to J. Warner were burned out but the Rlx and MrB. F. D. Patton and son Large Party at Work Remember the day, Tuesday, Make Western Trips office fixtures were rescued and A large force is at work with The business of Mr. and Mrs. II. H. Gordon, who were the guests of W Ictober 4 at 2:30 p. m. in the ciuub losses will be light as both carried scrapers excavating the ditch to the Edwards has been brought out and a A. McCleveland of Pendleton. Mrs oom of tho Hermiston library. Insurance. Mr. Warner loses quite proper width and depth. Behind Portland, Ore., Sept. 29— (Special) complete first class stock will be put Patton and son are spending the weel heavily on his building however The them a party is '•truing,” it to thf —Conditions in the middle west, in. A drug store will be opened at visiting the family of E. F. Smith an« Leaves For State Fair barber shop of William Shaar was right shape to handle the concrete vhere farmers are hard hit through once In connection with the hospital Miss Rlx at their home on the Uma Miss Melba Callahan, Gilbert Wlt- damaged, though neither this build Two mixers are being employed, the rop failures, lack of markets and Hila project and will be guests o to be opened by Dr. Logan the first ett and Leon NorquiHt, the livestock ing nor the one which houses the first putting in the sides and the ,eneral hara times, has resulted in Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Paulu of Umatill; of October. udglng team and prize winners In Dodd and Warner offices will be an second in putting in the bottom. befre returning to Portland. he decision of the Oregon state lock judging on field day at the entire loss. Mr. Shaar increased his The gravel comes from the Shot- hamber of commerce to cancel the Mr. Chas. Shields, veteran englneet insurance only a few days ago but well plant on the bill between here lomeseekers’ excursion through the Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brownell enter xperiment station left Sunday morn- of the O. W. R. & N. spent several ng to represent Umatilla county at will lose several hundred dollars. and Stanfield and the sand from the tate as originally planned to begin days last week visiting friends in tained as dinner guests last Sunday he state fair at Salem. Mr. and Mrs. H. Smith, lately return eptember 22, according to announce- Pit north east of town. The work Bank Slightly Damaged Portland, Seattle and The Dalles. nent today. ed from their wedding trip. Some damage was done to the First will continue until rrost makes it To Send Apple» East J. R. Heuring, representative of National Bank building. Fire enter impossible to go on. the exception of a few little ladle: The Oregon Irrigation congress he state chamber, who has been ed the second floor by way of the The reclamaton service here ha: of other schools and grades. Th« vill send a car load of apples to door way, but was put out before more than 140 men on the pay roll idvertising Oregon’s opportunities party had a most delightful time BFBC1 AL CoaREBPONDBNCB enator McNary at Washington this mu^h damaqe was done. The bank altogether and more have been taken n the midle western states during spent in games at the close of whicl all. The senator will present a the past five months reports condi- building was largely responsible for on within the past few days. Still J. M. Felt house, brother of Wil refreshments were served. The af ox to each member of congress and the fire not spreading more than it more are wanted. Some of the 140 r ,ons thcre to be unbelievably bad. lard accompanied by his fair was on the occasion of Margaret: vill In addition arrange to have a did for it towered above tbe other are working in the Irrigon district, lue to thé general business depres wife and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hutch birthday. •ermanent display of apples from buildingg and partly protected them but most of them are in and around sion which has followed the good ins, th former couple of Pomeroy and he Irrigated districts of Oregon Imes of the past two years. The from the heavy wind that was blow Hermiston. the latter of Dayton, Washington A large party of members of th« laced In the senate office building reat corn producing states are the ing. J. N. Smith in Charge spent a few days of last week visit neighborhood club to the number o! 'he freight on the apples has been lardest hit, according to Huering. A large crowd gathered soon after Perhaps 2000 feet of siding ha: ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 23 met at the home of Mrs. Wll. aken care of. Tho llcrmtkton dis- the fire started and stayed until the been complete«) since the lining orn which sold for two dollars a Felt house. The party came by auto Leathers Wednesday afternoon. A rlct will bo asked to donate 100 •ushel two years ago is now being flames were under control. Yester started. The party putting in the 'laving a very plesant trip. committee was appointed, headed bj •oxes nt apples to the move, whftse contracted for at thirty cents. day morning the street presented a bottom was considerably behind the Mrs. F. Phipps to make arrangement) bject Is to bring the products of the Large numbers of farmers promls- '•mussed up” appearance. Puddles other early in the week. J. N. Smith Mrs: Susie Boyes of Ohio, who has for a booth at the Dairy and Hog )regon projects to the notice of those of water stood here and there while is in general charge of the construc d to come to Oregon on the Scptem- been visiting at the home of her show next week. Mrs. Van Denser: vho appropriate the federal money. the street was full of office applianc tion. Milton Longhorn is in charge >er excursion according to Heuring sister, Mrs. August Linder since her was present and gave a demonstra es and fixtures rescued from the of the "truing” and Paul Mumma but when the ac'ual date of depart arrival from the east, nearly a year tion of the fireless cooker. Mi's W ill Serve Supper ure drew near only seven were able ago, has returned from Pendleton burning buildings the night before is in charge of the excavation. W. Frlttz who had one of the cooker) The Methodist ladies aid will serve to complete their reservations. whre she has been spending the past made will Instruct any local party t chicken supper on both days of the Insurance is Given "Although we were not able to three months. A summary of the various losers F. Kraft of Salt Lake with his in the making of the same upon re lalry and hog show in the basement secure a large party to come to Ore quest. with insurance carried by each is as daughter Miss Clara Kraft and Miss •f the church beginning at 6:30. gon this fall, I believe that the past Mr. and Mrs. A. Mathews and son follows: Dr. F. P. Adams insurance Bessie Andrews were Hermiston vis After delicious refreshments werr summer's work In the middle west Milton former residents of this lo *3000 on bakery building, Sam itors this week. Mr. Kraft was one served the ladles reluctantly depart will be of enormous benefit to Ore- cality but now living at Spokane, Team W ini at State Fair Rodgers insurance *7300 on stock of the first settlers here and lived ed for their homes. The next meet ton,” declared Secretary Quayle. made a trip- to this section recently Gilbert Whitsett, Leon Norquist ing to take place at the home of Mrs and building. William Shaar insur at Hermlkton up to five years ago. "Heuring personally Interviewed having attended the Round-Up last Phipps, October 12. This will be| ind Melba Callahan of the stock ance *3100 on building and fixtures. He still owns property in this vicin wore than 3.000 prospective settlers week. While here they visited at Bur* Mullin Insurance *200 on fix ity. election day and all members are re udglng team returned this morning and distributed more than 25,000 •he home of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. from the Oregon state fair where quested to be present. tures, W. O. Sutherland insurance Pieces of descriptive literature. This ¡hey t«xik second place. Melba Cal Helscamper and other friends In the *2000 on bakery fixtures. W. J. War The marriage of Sam Rodgers to cannot ail to create a tremendous neighborhood. Milton 'who Is at- Gilbert Whitsett, Leon Norquist and lahan was the high point winner of ner Insurance *500 on the building Miss Teresslna Fuscaldo who recently sentiment for Oregon so that when tending an aviation school at Great. I Melba Callahan, winners In the 'he team at Salem The team has he occupied. E P Dodd loss about came to this country from Itlly Is be conditions me more favorable, this Lakes near Chicago Is out on a fur-j stock Judging contest decided field, brought a great deal of credit to this *100 fully covered. Sappers' Inc. loss ing held at Stanfield today, Sam state will undoubtedly receive hund. tough at the end of which he will be day at the experiment farm, depart >" dolnK remarkably well about *300 on plate glass windows. was one of the big losers In the fire reds of farmers as a result of this • ransfered to a station at San Diego. ed Sunday morning for the state fair n coml>e,,t,on with *hc whole state, fuHy covered. The bank was also yesterday morning but he didn't ampalgn.” at Salem, where their team will con. i a small loser with losses covered by allow that misfortune to Interfere Mrs. H. J. Mohr of Chicago, sis test with others of the state for a I The friends of Mrs. Blanche Donl- insurance. Total losses are probably with his wedding. R C. Challis has bought the ter of Mrs. C. L. Upham Is a guest at In the neighborhood of *20,000. trlp to the International stock show van will be pleased to hear of her Phelps Cash Grocery and will carry the home of the latter. to be held In Portland. The Colum- Inarrlag) to Mr. AI Williamson Some discussion prevails as to Mr. and Mre. R. D. Wann of Walla a line of meats, groceries and vege bla team according to the speakers prominent business roan of Eugene. plans for rebuilding but nothing def. Walia made a short vlait at the tables. The meat service will be Little Miss Margaret Felthouse Of the field day have made a very I Mrs. Donivan and daughter Dorothy Inite seems to have been determined home of his brother Rev. Harry A. ready October 1 at which time Mr. entertained 1* girls Saturday after-! creditable record and It la hoped they spent a winter here with Mr. and aa yet. Wann last week. Challis will begin a delivery service 100 Men at Work O n“A ” Line Here COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES ttoon, all of her grade at school with j may win In the Judgln» at galem. ' Mrs. A 8 Johnson two year» ago,