Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1921)
9 THE H E R M IS T O N HERALD, H E R M IS T O N , OREGON. L O D G E D IR E C T O R Y (C ontinued on page th ree) Q U E E N ESTHER CHAPTER No. 101. O. B . S.. X intNfUi mcond Tuewiay evening of « u h month at 8 (A) aharp in Maaunic hall. Viaitinx member* welcome. Sue D. Dobler. W. M. Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. General Line of Banking Business INSURANCE FIRST NATIONAL BANK o f Hermiston, Oregon D on’t fa ll to insure that hay. OLDEST OF AVIATORS and carried down the field for a touchdown. It was a b eau tifu l play at a beautiful tim e ant? sent the home rooters w ild. Good in terferen ce by his team m ates bow led over some A thena men who m ight have caught him and it was a clean touchdown. The goal failed leavin g the score 6-0. A fter th is the v isitors pepped up and began w orking the forwurd pass and w ith b etter success than before for they brought the ball to w ith in k icking distance. A fter the kick had failed anil H erm iston had punted out they again brought it to the 20 yard lin e by tw o or three lon g forward passes. They were b ein g held for no gain s in lin e plays about IS yards from H erm iston's goal as the game ended. Game is Best Ever FOR SALE FOR SALE— Llnolium , kitchen cabi net, fruit jars, pump jack, bee sup plies, etc. Correll’s shop. 48tfc. 100 POUND MÀRE to sell or trade for cOw. C. V. W ilson. 3-tfc. FOR SALE— 45 head good cow s and heifers. Hotateins and Jerseys. These were shipped from C aliforn ia last year. A ll are from choice dairy cow s and registered bulls. Inquire Cy M akinson. Stan field , Oregon, on the Burt M ullin place. 3-tfc. FOR SALE—Three fresh registered Jersey cows. C. E. Cleveland. Stanfield, Ore. Charles Dickinson a retired million 5-Jtp aire of Chicago, and president of the Illinois Aero club, made his first solo FOR SALE— W lnesap apples, U 4 flight In an airplane the other day cents per pound, orchard run. W . Mr. Dickinson, who Is sixty-three, has A. M iles, H erm iston. 4-2tp. made several air flights. FOR SALE— Apples, orchard run $1 per box, R. G. B anks 3 *4 m iles east of tow n. 4-2tc. In Praise of W ritings. Both team s had played good ball and the general opinion here was that It w as the best hame ever play ed in th is tow n. Several hundred main standbys. Both team s w e r people saw their first football game that day and are eager to see more of the sport. It is safe to predict that ootball w ill be an annual even t at the d a irf and h og show hereafter. The w hole H erm isjon team played i good gam e and show ed w orlds of ight at every stage of the contest. It •vas their superior fig h t th a t gave hem the advantage over th eir heav er opponents and it w as a strik in g 'act that it w as the heavy team that lepended upon open play w h ile the igh t team made all its g ain s on line bucks. The Herm iston lin e lipid like i w all a ll through the gam e and the visitors scarcely once m ade yardage through them . The thena team has me of the best forward pass system s ■ver developed by a high school learn n th is sectiaon and w ill make some if its opponents step later In the-sea- ion. The H erm iston team played hrough the en tire gam e w ith ou t a -.ingle su b stitu tion , som eth in g almost lever accom plished In football. U ERM 1STD N LODGE NO. 138. 1 * meet* in Masonic Hall oo Tueaday evening* of each month. ren welcome. C. W. Kellogg, Secy. T. D. A. F A W E W ANT a few cars of hay. W. T he latest fad in school is a rub A. Leathers. 52-tfe. ber strap cup from ’nner tubes and warps tired on a lon g thread. Thej TYPEW RITER Ribbons and carbon are becom ing efficien t in thesi paper for sale at th e Herald. th in gs ow in g to such d ilig en t prat Remember th e Dairy and H og show tlce. October 7 and 8. The six week tests w ill soon be in Stoves, heaters, ranges bought, sold, ex evidence. W e can tell by the ex changed or repaired. Correll’s Shop. pressions on the teach ers’ faces. U m atilla F rid ay ANNOUNCEMENT I am changing my office hours to 2:00 to 5:00 P M. ayd 7:40 to 9:00 P. M. These hours w in be kept with strict regularity ex cept when called out in emergency cases. Prompt attention will be given calls both day and night. Dr R. G. Gale. 5-2tc T he d ifference betw een an Irish man and an American is th at the Irishm an th in k s be isn ’t free and the American th in k s be la.— M innesota Etar. An E n glish dancer says sleep in g outdoors m akes one beau tifu l. At last w e are able to account for the charm ing appearance o f the average hobo.— Eea^tle Times. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department o f the Interrior. U. S Land Office at La Grande, Oregon. Septem ber 30, 1821. N otice is hereby given that Charier 'C Opel, of H erm iston. Oregon, who, on June 5, 1918. made Homestead Entry. No. 019201. for Farm Unit "C" or the SW K 8 W '4 , Section 19. Township 5 N orth, R ange 29 East. W ll'am ette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to m ake F inal Three- year Proof, to estab lish claim to the land above described, before United S tates Commissioner, at Herm iston. Oregon, on the 29th day o f November 1921. Claim ant nam es as w itn esses: Artjiur W. JBurdy. Andrew McMil lan. Frank B. Sw ayze. J. F. Strasser all of H erm iston, Oregon. C. 8. D oon. R egister A Remarkable Record Big Type DUROC-JERSEYS L a rg e S p rin g B oars fo r sale o f M arch farro w . Gw. Straba, Heraîstoa, Ore. H erm iston S atu rd ay Worater. W. M D O R O T H Y G ISH 1 /IN E Y A R D LODGE NO. 206. 1. O. O. F, T meet* each Monday evening in Odd Fellow* hall. Viaitinx members cordially invited. W. K. Longhorn. Sec. J^ck Knapp. N .G IN “Little Miss Rebellion“ P R O F E S S IO N A L C A R D S J. A . P E E D V E T E R IN A R Y House Phone 21 SU R G EO N H erm iston Sunday Herm iston. Ore. U m atilla M onday Five Reel Comedy I)R . R . G . G A L E Physician and Surgeon Office—Gladya Ave. near First St. Office Hour*: 10 to 12; 2 to 5; 7:30 to 9. Phone 641 ■ | ■ » 8 “L o v e, H o n o r an d B e h a v e ” S ...T H E ... ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ G R E A T H O U D IN I ■ ■ b R . F R A N C IS P. A D A M S Physician and Surgeon Eye* treated, tested and Glasses Fitted Office over Flrat Nation*! Bank W ednesday OFFICE PHONE, 92 RESIDENCE PHONE. 596 Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6:30 p. m. Day or n igh t calls answ ered promptly DR. W. W. ILLSLEY Office over First National Bank Osteopathy Medicine Surgery -I N Calls anawered at all houra Office phone 661 Residence phone 711 “T error Islan d ” DR. C. 0. WAINSCOTT P hysician and Surgeon X -R ay S p ecialist Phones, Res. 889-J— Office 866 Office Rooms, 15-16-17 Bond B ld ’g P endleton, Oregon D E N T T S T R Y HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK TRANSFER S’ a number ?.. Winter Lyceum Course « H. Robinett, Prop. Hermiston, Ore. f8 w T h u rsd ay, O cto b er 1 0 ■ FREEMAN-HAMMOND CO. S ■ J m ■ Single A d m issio n , 5 0 -7 5 c 8 :1 5 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■u ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■! »■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■□■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a i CLEANING PRESSING Î : s » ■ Old Clothes Made to Look Like New S : : I P R O N I OREGON HARDW ARE N o . 431 T H E R E L IA B L E ® ■ W AY Acre** from Tk* H*r*M A Real Advertiser F CO U RSE you know th e sto ry o f th e O business m an w ho a d v ertise d fo r an office boy. W hen he reached his office th e n e x t day th e re w ere ab o u t fifty boys in line. J u s t as he w as a b o u t to s ta r t in q u estio n in g boy n um ber one, his ste n o g ra p h e r handed him a card on w hich w as scribbled: “ Don’t do a n y th in g u n til you see me. I ’m th e la st kid in th e line, b u t I ’m telling E. L . H A L L TR A N SFER PH ONE 192 Leave order* at Elliott’s Tire Shop you I ’m th e re w ith th e goods.” H ere w as a boy w ho knew th e value of a d v ertisin g . H e s e n t his m essage to the m an who h ad w h a t he w an ted . Do you th in k fo r a single m in u te th a t th e business m an hired a boy u n til he had ta k e n one good look a t th e fellow who had C O M IN G Dr. H. C. Curry EYE SPECIA LIST of Seattle in itia tiv e enough to a d v ertise him self in advance? P ut Y o u r M essa g e in w ho m akes re g u la r pro fessional visits to H e r m iston will be a t th e The Herald Hotel Hermiston It Goes to People Who Huy -Q U A L IT Y A D V E R T IS IN G " Friday, October 14 For one day only. Eyes examined, glasses fitted Dr. Curry Is prepared to give the best ol optical service at reasonable prices. ■ ■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■I ■ ■ D r . F. V . P R IM E SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING C ham berlain’s Cough Remedy has i remarkable record. It has been n use for colds, croup and whooping ough for alm ost h alf a century and la s con stan tly grown in favor and xtpularlty as its good q u a lities be- ?ame better know n. It is th e Btand- ird and main reliance for these di- leases in thousands o f homes. The (acts that It nan alw ays be depended upon and is sa fe and pleasant to ake are g r ta tly In its favor w hen il is w anted for children. Hermiston, Oregon A M Service Speed Economy N otice Is hereby given to the legal oters of Unton H igh School D istrict 'o. 4 o f U m atilla County, S tate of )regon, th a t a special m eetin g of aid D istrict w ill be held on the 21st lay of October, 1921, at 1:3 0 o ’clock n the afternoon, at the high school auditorium In the school building in •rm lston , Oregon, for the follow in g tbjects: To subm it to th e legal voters of '-aid Union H igh School D istrict No. I the question of u n itin g School DIs- rict No. 26 and School D istrict No. • 15 to said U nion High School Dis- rtet, No. 4, o f U m atilla County,, Oregon, for high scho«il purposes on- y, thus en la rg in g said Union High ch o o f* D istrict No* 4 of U m atilla 'ounty, Oregon, to include Sclmol district No. 115 and Sghool D istrict Wo. 26. Maurice D. Seroggs Chairman. Board of Directors. A ttest: R. A. Brownson D istrict Clerk. The Play House Umatilla, Oregon Flrat and Third Viaitinx breth Books are our crowning privilege In Hermiston, Oregon modern civilization. With a taste for Office, Bank Bldg. hooks and music, let every person Office Phone. 93 Office Houra MISCELLANEOUS Residence Phone 8 a. m. to 6 p. m thank God. night and morning, that he was not born earlier in history.— \ « GOING TO SEATTLE about Oct 17. T. Starr King. J. D . Z Ü R C H E R Will carry passengers. Enquire Herald. BROWN AND GOLD LEAVES LAWYER 5-1 tc By Ruby P ow ell Stanfield - • Oregon JNDERWATER SCENES ARE (Too Late For Last W eek) «ST Heavy tan leather bag probably be tween here anJ Stanfield with name J. C. A party w as given for the fresh FEATURE OF “TERROR ISLAND- H .S .M C K E N Z I E , M . D . Hawkins on it Finder plea se sen J to J. men by the uppen classm en last Sat EYE. EAR. NOSE A N D THROAT1 Hawkins, 403 Jackson St , Pendleton. 51tc urday evening.. One of the mail, The screen again proves its superi Haa removed from his former location in the features of the ev en in g w as an im ority over the stage in show ing Bond Bldg, to j in g to the fact th a t the Coal personation by a Miss Olive Daytoi ‘stu n t s tu ff” in ‘‘Terrior Island,” Rooma 1, 2 and 3 Inland EmpirefBank Bldg. ncs attach sig h t draft to B ill of he picture in w hich H oudini, the in-; m aking a ll coal strictly cash supposedly of Portland by reallj P E N D LE T O N : O REG O N rival, we are com pelled to in- Alfred Stevens. A lthough the make, amous handcuff k in g and sclf-lib cr- 11 a cash w ith order system to our up w as clever Alfred was sopn recog tor, is starred at the P lay House B eg in n in g Aug. 1 0th , nized by all the freshm en. A ll cam« text W ednesday, October 19. D R . L . C. R I C I I E Y • , a ll orders for fu el m ust be ac- dressed in green. The g irls w on OPTOMETRIST A N D OPTICIAN The photoplay is a h air-raisin g . nied w ith cash. Inland Em pire Lumber Co. green h ats and sashes w h ile the boy: tory of adventure th at g iv es the Eyes Scientifically Examined wore greeen m ospuito bar sh irts tha Lenses Ground and Fitted ' S-tfc. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. 'ell-know n illu sio n ist am ple oppor- came to their knees. Many enter u n ities to do many th rillin g feats American National Bank Pendleton W ANTED TO BUY veal and eggs. tain in g gam es were played through Oregon . Bldg. hat he has never been able to dem- ( Send your eggs. W rite or phone out the even in g. Ice cream tin tei instrate before. about veal. Earl B row nell, Uma- .tilla. 1-tfc. w ith green w as served w ith cak< For instance, th ere is a ’th rillin g w hich were attra ctiv ely decoratei a ttle in the ocean, in w hich Houdini TIRE, LLIOTT’S SHOP— G ales w ith green m ottoes. vholly w ith ou t protectin g armor tires. 5 2 -ltc . Those present .w ere: Miss Edit). tghts a professional diver arrayed in Pirie, Miss H ilda Larsen, Miss Cook. inder-w ater costum e. H oudini al- CASH Paid for second hand goods. Correll's Shop. l î - t f e Clara Parks, Mary Francis, Feri iws h im self to be locked in a safe Rennik, Ada B row nell, Ruth Buell nd throw n in to the w ater freeing W ANTED— A place near Herm iston Gladys N ugent, K athryn Stevens lim self in sta n tly . • that can be bought w ith a sold ier’s Lotys D avis, A nna Schachem eyei Lila Lee is th e lead in g woman, loan as fir st paym ent. Address F ru it, B aled H ay and Carl H ufford, K londike, Oregon. Ruby P ow ell, Mr. Harold Benjamin he story w as w ritten by A rthur B. 3-2te. Roy and Clyde Sutton, Earl Cherry L ivestock T ran sfe r eeves and John W. Grey and adapt- Barry Parks, H erbert and Lesli« d to picture form by W alter Woods, THE feelin g of secu rity is w ell worth Thompson, Dan and Joe Dobler, A1 0 . 0 . Felthouse :: Phone 404 ames Cruz w as the director and It Is the prem ium paid. How about fred Stephens, Jessie Carrelle, Mil« that Fire Insurance? See the E. Param ount A rtcraft picture.. P. Dodd A gency. 11-tfc McFarland and A rchie N ickels. A com plete Btock of bath tubs, toilets, Mrs. Benjam in has organized ai wash bow les. and hot w ater tanks irehestra in the school. There w il and fixtu res. If w e h avent w hat you w an t, w e ’ll g et it. R epairing be five violin s, tw o clarin ets, one cor and In stallin g. I. E. Putm an. net, drum and a piano. The mush has not y et arrived but practicin: P hone 763. w ill begin w hen It comes. Thos« ADDING m achine rolls at th e Herald who are to play are: Mrs. Benjam in office. Karee Jones, Mary Francis, Clydt Sutton, Dan Dobler, E ugene McFar TYPEW RITER ribbons and carbon land, Roy Sutton, Milo McFarland paper at the Herald office. Alfred Stevens and Ruby P ow ell. New and Used Merchandise bought, sold and exchanged. W. A. Correll. The high school w as represente« with a display in the Hermlstoi. E. L. HALL Transfer. Call E llio tt's Tire Shop, phone 192. 48-tfc. 'laity and hog show parade. Pound’s Theater ■■■■■■■«■■■■■■■■■■■■■a H erm isto n W ins G am e Wc do a Il » not hard times coming. It's ju st soft times going s ■