Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1921)
THE H E R M IS T O N HERALD Published every Thursday at Hermiston, Umatilla Couaty, Oregon, in the heart ot Eastern Oregon’s great Irrigated aUalfa fields, by the Herald Publishing Company. BERNARD MAINWARING, EDITOR Filtered m * nero u d r lam rntU er, OucemiMir J mw , at th e pom pitte*'a t H m aiM in n. Oregon Subscription Rates: One Year, <2.00; Six Months, <1 00 WELCOME VISITORS H erm iston extends a warm w el come to all who will be our visitors th is week. T he dairy and hog show is the county fair of this end of the county and will draw hundreds nt visitor» from all the nearby towns. Several hundred will come from P en . dleton and m any w ill come from Morrow county. All are welcome and we tru s t th a t all will have a pleasant and profitable tim e. The dairy and hog show is a big In stitution and in the fu tu re should become still bigger th an it Is now. It serves the two g reat industries of th is section, dairy cattle and hog raising and it In addition encourages m any other farm activities by offer ing pizes for oth er farm anim als, for fru its and vegetables and for handi c ra ft work. We have a w est end county fair and we have an event a t w hich the people can ru b ellbows and get ac quainted w ith one another. So le t’s all be out and m ake It a w inner. tarm ers, business men and others who bave made 11 possible. A public show of th is kind makes an enorm ous q u a n tity of work and some body a l ways has to do it. They have been a t It ull sum m er in fact. The th an k s ot th e com m unity arc due all those who worked and those who o n trib u t- otl money th a t th e show m ight be. REMEMBER THE FOOTBALL GAME It Is tru e th a t baseball Is th e n a tional game and th a t more people know how to play it than know how to play any o th e r outdoor sp o rt in th is cun try. y e t it is also tr u e th a t football is th e biggest gam e of the year in nearly all of our schools and collleges. B ut a t th is tim e of the year it occupies the big place In th e sport world. I t is no easy th in g for a h igh school th e size of ours to tu rn out a c re d it able football team. The gam e re quires expensive equipm ent, capable oaches and lots of good m ateria l out of w hich to develope team s. It is W hile you enjoy the show don’t very much to the credit ot our high forget the hard work of the directors, school th a t it h as been abLe to bt ve Gordon is the Standard of Excellence a football team in o th e r years and especially to its credit th is year th a t It has a fac u lty coach. T he boys ¡have won th e ir first' game and will play th eir second to morrow (F rid ay )w hen they meet the A thena high school as p art of ,the dairy and hog show program . P erhaps you never played football, but if you will come out and see th is game we believe you will learn to en joy th e game. If you have played it you will need no invitution. The boys and th e ir coach have worked hard to get in shape for th is game. They rep resen t both th e high school and com m unity. Good a th le t. ic team s are not only good for the school, b ut are of considerable ad v ertisin g value to th e town so for tu n a te as to have them. Any way you look at it you should be on the side lines to root for the home team tomorrow. Ju d g in g from com ment in papers we get and from w hat we h ear the sta te w ide tax for the exposition is going to meet opposition. The opin ion is expressed th a t w hile th e big fair w ill help the sta te it is a ques tion if it will be w orth »3,000,000. Also it Is being said th a t th ere are plenty of oth er profitable ways of spending »3,000,000 th a t m ight ben- fit th e state still more. I t is a q u es. tion th a t voters may well be th in k in g over between now and next spring. We all had plenty of enthusiasm for the fa ir a t first, b u t w hen we are asked if we have »3,000,000 w orth of enthusiasm we stop to th in k it over. L ittle old New York Is on the map at la st a fte r all these years w ith a world’s series all its own. The New York American league team has won Its first pennant th is year a fte r 13 years of struggle. So th e re 's a chance— e v e i for P ortland. In Mens V nts, In Mens Caps, in Mens M ackinaw Coats and in Loathes Vests and^ Coats. We carry th is line and would su g gest you look them over if you expect to purchase goods of th is class. All priced on present values. ✓ speeches.— Cleveland News. U. S. prohibition enforcem ent agents w orking along the east coast and along th e Canadian border find th e re’s too much w hisk in whisky. — M anila Bulletin. T here are m any who th in k the disarm am ent conference will be pro fit les s, but there are no W ashing-, ton hotel keepers am ong (them.— O akland Tribune. C harlie Chaplin says th e fu n niest th in g in America is th e clothes the women wear. Yes, brevity has ever been the soul of w it.— N ash ville S outhern Lum berm an. Alledged prohibition is th e cause of alleged liquor.-—Fresno H erald. Liquor is hard on the constitution and vice versa.— N ashville Tennes- :-:eun. , P olitical gas is not the tlhim 'n- atin g v ariety.— Columbia (S. C.) Record. “ P ik e’s Peak or B u st!” said the pioneers. • “ P rice Peak or B u st!” say the profiteers.— Brooklyn Eagle. N iag ara Isn’t th e only roaring flood on our n o rth ern border.— Co lum bia (S. C.) Record. Oregon Press Comment T he w in ter run on the Stillm an care will ouen on October 11. A good season Is predicted— Medford Clarion. The old home tow n paper Reflects the ipipe:fectlons of the old home town people as perfectly as it c h ro n i Pendleton has her world famous cles th e ir advancem ents.— Condon Round-Up but she will he in He - Globe-Times. orlston tomorrow to look at the well It would be a fine th in g if the known dairy cow. genius who is engaged in m aking a tougher tire carcass would fig u re out Dr. Brum field continues to mix some way to produce more m ileage comedy w ith tragedy by stag in g a from a p air of boy’s shoes.— C orvallis brand new insanity stu n t moat every Gazette-Times. day. In Crane, w here arg u m en tatio n is an acknow ledged pastim e, we have noticed th a t the more they arg u e the less chance there is for an argum ent. — Crane American. We have Just received figured Satlnes for sh irts a t ..... . 75c Outing Flannels 20-2S and 36c In th is sta n d ard grades. Brief and to the Point Polonice Velours popular fabric for w inter klm onas a t ..................................... . 35c A young E astern m urd erer pleads for prom pt execution in order to re A nother th in g th a t delays th e re join the sw eeth eart he m urdered. To tu rn to norm al Is th e theory th a t g ra n t his wishes would hard ly be business Is equipped w ith a self fa ir to th e g irl if he doesn’t tre a t sta rte r.— Boston Post. her b etter In the o th er w orld.— E u gene Guard. W ill th a t unem ploym ent confer ence take up th e cases of the Demo G ran t county seems to be com cratic ex-office holders?— N ashville p lain in g more of th e fin an cial stress S outhern Lum berm an. than, o th e r counties th ro u g h o u t the state. T his is due presum ably to the All the railro ad s b u t one arc fact th a t the bottom has dropped out w orrying about m otor com pet’tlon. of th e stock business.— Blue Moun T h at one belongs to H enry Ford.— tain Eagle. Cleveland P lain Dealer. W ith p relim inary w ork u n d er way , The success of sh arp ers Indicates and its com pletion ce rtain th e Pow th a t the buyers' strik e has not been der River Irrig atio n p ro ject w ill be extended to bogus securities.— New the m ag n et» th at w ill draw new set York Telegram . tiers to th e county and cause a gen Our Idea of retrib u tio n Is th e a r eral advance m ovement In every line rangem ent th a t requires one Con of Industry In the county.— Baker gressm an to listen to an o th e r’s Democrat. New p attern C retonnes a t ...................................................... . 40c Silkollne In new p a tte rn s a« ................................................ 35c All Visitors in City during D airy Show you are Invited to make th is store your h ea d q u arte r! regardless of w hether you w an t to buy an y th in g or not. H e r m is to n Produce & Supply Co. " T h e B e il o f Good Service“ Over 500 Designs From t Which to Choose 9 Homes, Churches, Schools, Gar ages, Barns and other buildings The superior building service ren dered by this company h a s te n obtain ed for the exclusive use of customers. This makes it possible for you to step into this office and inspect hundreds of designs of modern homes and other buildings before you build. All the guesswork has been eliminated because the designs have actually been built and many of them are hand colored photo graphs. A complete set of blue prints, specifications and an accurate and com plete bill of material will be suj plied with any design. All this is fiee to customers. For your individual satis faction call at this office. No obliga tion. Inland Empire Lumber Company Phone 331 “ The Yard of Best Quality K . M. STRAW. MGR. Exclusive Representatives cf National Builders Bureau LS. Swrrl SEE HITT C O N F E C T IO N E R Y S T A T IO N E R Y Delicious Wholesome * Corfectionery FOR- GUNS —and— AMMUNITION Tasty Stationery For Women A FULL UNE Newt sland Cigars and 7 obacco Ah, SCO K O D A K S Films developed-- Enlargements made iaaaaa^aaaa>>B>B>>BBaaaBHaHaaBHaBBaBBBaBaBBBB■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Make oar «toro your Headquarters when in Pendleton In 1920 *3OO22Vould Buy 1000 FEET CLEAR OAK FLOORING ■ / ’ l i i TALLMAN & CO. The Leading Druggists In 1921 *3 0 0 “ V ili B uy Pendleton, Oregon City M eat M arket The M arket of I F PONT OOPR 1000 FT NO I DIMENSION Quality and Service We make all our own Sausage 6 SACKS CEMENT We cure our Hams and Bacon We have Everything in the Meat Line Leave $26.00 Cash Fresh Fish On Thursdays and Fridays always SIKEY A HENDERSON, Prop.- -At the- TUM-A-LUM LUMBER COMPANY ■■■■■■■«■■■■■«■saacBBaavNNiNBNiHaHaaNaNNaNN»*■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■! LEGAL BLANKS ' For Sale at The Herald Office If