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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 6, 1921)
THE HERMISTON HERATB, HERMISTON, OREGON. Baptist Notices W e Jo a General Line of Banking Business INSURANCE FIRST NATIONAL BANK o f Hemuton, Oregon Don’t fall to Insure that hay. WANT AOS STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, Management, Circulation. Etc., Re quired by the Act of Congress of • August 24, 1912, R. V. Ashinun, minister. Sunday school at 10 o’lock. Parents are urg ed to come with their children. We are Just beginlng a new Quarter this is a good time to renew your attend ance if for any reason you have been compelled to be absent. The junior B. Y. P. U. meets every Sunday in the basement of the church during the morning worship hour. Splendid interest has been mani fested and the attendance is growing Children from 6 years including the 7th grade are included. The senior B. Y. P. U. meets at 6:30. Ail the young people above the junior age are cordially invited. Prayer meeting at 7:30 Thursday. , Morntng worship at 11 o'clock, theme "On A Soul Hunt.” Evening worship “Sin.”' Owing to a conflict with the Par ent-Teachers reception which had been planned for Thursday evening the annual meeting announced for next week Thursday will be Wednes day evening. POUND’S THEATER THE PLAY HOUSE U M A T IL L A , O R E G O N H E R M IST O N , OREGON SPECIAL SHOWS DAIRY AND HOB ------ — SHOW DAYS----------- F R ID A Y of The Hermiston Herald, published weekly at Hermiston, Oregon for October 1, 1921, State of Oregon, FOB SALE County of Umatilla. Before me, a Notary Public in and for the State and county aforesaid, FOR SALE— Llnollum, kitchen cabi personally appeared Bernard Main- -IN - net, fruit Jars, pump jack, bee sup waring,ywho, having been duly sworn plies, etc. Correll’s shop. 48tfc. according to law, deposes and says SPECIAL SCHOOL MEETING Notice is hereby given tp the legal that he is the Editor of the Hcrmls- 4 BIG HORSES and harnesses to ton,Herald and that the following is, voters of Union High School District to the best of his knowledge and be No. 4 of Umatilla County, State of trade or sell. Will consider cow lief, a true statement of the owner- Oregon, that a special meeting of on trade. O. O. Felthouse. 1-4 tc. thip, management, etc., of the afore aid District will be held on the 21st SA TU RD A Y said publication for the date shown day of October, 1921, at 1:30 o’clock FOR SALE— 40 acres in alfalfa, in the above caption, required by the in the afternoon, at the high school priced very reasonable. W. W. Act of August 24, 1912, embodied in auditorium In the school building in Felthouse. 38-ttc section 443, Postal Laws and Regu Hermiston, Oregon, for the following lations, printed on the reverse of this objects: To submit to the legal voters of 100 POUND MARE to sell or trade form, to wit: 1. That the names and addresses said Union High School District No. for cow. C. V. Wilson. 3-tfc. of the publisher, editor, managing 4 the question of uniting School Dis trict No. 26 and School District No. FOR SALE— 45 head good cows and editor, and business managers are: —IN- Publisher, Bernard Mainwaring, | 115 to said Union High School Dis heifers. Holsteins and Jerseys. trict, No. 4, of Umatilla County,, These were shipped from Californ Hermiston, Oregon. Editor, Bernard Mainwaring, Her Oregon, for high school purposes on (< ia last year. All are from choice ly, thus enlarging said Union High dairy cows and registered bulls. miston, Oregon. School District No. 4 of Umatilla Managing Editor, Bernard Main Inquire .Cy Makinson, Stanfield, County, Orégon, to include School Oregon, on the Burt Mullin place. waring, ¿Hermiston, Oregon. Business Manager, Bernard Main District No. 115 and School District 3-tfc. R e m e m b e r “ B la c k M ik e ” in “ O u ts id e t h e L a w ” a n d “ T h e F r o g ” in “ T h e No. 26. waring, Hermiston Oregon. 2. That the owners are: E. J Maurice D. Scroggs FOR SALE-—Household furniture, M ira c le M a n ” * Chairman, Board of Directors. Cook stove, heating stove, bed Kingsley, Erva B. Kingsley, Bernard Mainwaring. Attest: R. A. Brownson room suite and other articles. J. is. 'that the known bondholders, District Clerk, 7:1 5 -9 :0 0 P . M . 20-40c I. Agnew, 3 miles west of Hermis ton. Call A. W. Agnew’s. 4-ltp. mortgagees, and other security hold L O D G E D IR E C T O R Y ers owning or holding 1 per cent oi RANCH FOR SALE— 80 acres about more of total amount of bonds, mort. 4 miles west of Hermiston. Good gages, or other securities are: F. R. Q u e e n E s t h e r c h a p t e r no . ioi . o. e . s .. second Tuesday evening of each month I _ SUNDAY well and good house and barn, Reeves. it 8:00 »harp in Maaonic hall. V i.itin « member. ■ 4. That the two paragraphs next vetcome. chicken house. J. I. Agnew. 4-ltc. Sue D. Dobier. W. M. above, giving the names of the own Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. ers, stockholders, and security hold ers, if any, contain not only the list LIERMISTON lodge NO. 138. a . f . & a . m ■ FOR SALE—Winesap apples, 1 » m eet. in Maaonic Hall on Firat and Third 1 of stockholders and security holder: • rueaday aveninKs a t each month. V isiting broth rents per pound, orchard run. W. as they appear upon the books of the ren welcome. A. Miles, Hermiston. 4-2tp. company but also, in Cases where the C. W. Kellogg. Secy. T. D. Worater, W. M stockholder or security holder ap FOR SALE-—Apples, orchard run $1 pears upon that books of the company V IN E Y A R D LODGE NO. 206, I. O. O F, per box, R. G. Banks 3 'A miles as trustee or in any other fiduciary • it each evening In Odd Fellows I W EDN ESD AY V isiting members cordially invited. | east of town. 4-2tc. relation, the name of the person oi W. R. Longhorn. Sec. Jack Knapp. N . G. corporation for whom such trustee if FOR SALE— In good c o n d i t i o n , acting, is given; also that the said bureau, green storage chiffonier, paragraphs contains statement! green serving table, bedroom stand two embracing affiant’s full knowledge small round table, genuine Pied- and as to the circumstances 7 :1 5 -9 :0 0 P . M . « mond-^edar under-bed box, two and belief conditions under which stock ■ small green oak chairs, some new and security holders who dr kitchen utensils. June Rowe, 3 holders ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■«■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■n 1-2 miles north. 4-ltp. not appear upon the books of the company as trustees, hold stock ano security in a capacity other than that P R O F E S S IO N A L C A R D S MISCELLANEOUS of a bona fide owner; and this affiant has no reason to believe that any person, association, or corpora F r u i t , B a le d H a y a n d DOG LOST—Large reddish brown other has any interest direct or Indi pointer bird dog, solid color except tion V E T E R IN A R Y SU R G EO N L iv e s to c k T r a n s f e r rect in the said stock, bonds, or othei < white Btripe on throat. J. >,W. House Phone 21 Hermiston, Ore. Craik, 4 miles N. E. Hermiston or securities than as so stated by him. 0 . 0 . Felthouse :: Phone 404 Bernard Mainwaring phone Henry Sommerer. 4-ltp. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 5th day of October, 1921. D R . R . G. G A LE LOST—Woman’s red sweater be E. P. Dodd Physician and Surgeon tween town and R. A. Stewart’s My commission expires May 24, Notify Mrs. R. A. Stewart. 4-ltp. 1925. Office—Gladys Ava. near f i n « St. DR. C. H. CURRY Eye Sight Special Office Hour.: lu to 12; 2 to 6; 7:30 to ». Phone Ml ist of Seattle will be at the Hotel HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK Hermiston Friday, Oct. 14, eyes BEWILDERED DETECTIVE IS examined, glasses fitted. 4-ltc. TRANSFER HOUSE PETERS I “Silk Husbands and Calico Wives LON CHANEY THE PENALTY” Tom Moore «■ “Stop Thief” See Billboards for Attraction of October 12 Service Speed ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Economy J. A . P E E D i CLEANING PRESSING i ■ ; SHOWN IN “STOP TH IEF Owing to the fact that the Coal Mines atts. :h sight draft to Bill of Lading making all coal strictly cash on arrival, we are compelled to in stall a cash with order system to our cv ftrn « is. Beginning Aug. 10th, 192>1, all orders for fuel must be ac companied with cash. Inland Empire Lumber Co. 48-tfc. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. WANTED TO BUY veal and eggs. Send your eggs. Write or phone about veal. Earl Brownell, Uma tilla. 1-tfe. ELLIOTT’S tires. TIRE SHOP— Gates 52-lte. CASH Paid for second hand goods Correll’s Shop. WANTED—A place near Hermiston that can be bought with a soldier’s loan as first payment. Address Carl Hufford, Klondike, Oregon. 3-2tc. FOUND— A ring of keys In front of Nell & Barker's garage. Loser inquire there. 3-11. D R . F R A N C IS P. A D A M S PhyMefan and Snrgeor John Lince, well known as a char- icter actor since his first appearance nn the stage In the Savoy Theatre tAndon, 1886 plays Detective Thomp ion In "Stop Thief!” a Goldwyn vehicle featuring Tom Moore. Liner appears on the screen very few times, but without him there would be no "Stop Thief!” for It is the lm* personation of the detective by Tom Moore which introduces the main comedy action to the picture. Posing as Thompson, the thief (Moore) rep rimands the members of the Carr household for acts he has himself committed and both the audience and the fake detective have considerable merriment at the expense of the be wildered Carrs. "Stop Thief!” which "omes to the Play House Sunday ran for over a year In New York at its Initial engagement, and has delight ed theatre goeis all over the country. There are some German marks THE feeling of security Is well worth which can never be wiped out.— Wall the premium paid. How about Street Journal. that Fire Insurance? See the E P. Dodd Ageney. 11-tfe Tariff tinkers usually have a high conception of duty.—Rochester A complete stock of bath tube, toilets, Times-Unlon. wash bowles, and hot water tanks and fixtures. If we havent what you want, we’lt get It. Repairing Husband’« Stary Will and* Installing. I. E. Putman. Amaze Hermiston Phone 763. He aaya: "Adler-I ha helped my ADDING machine rolls at the Herald wife for gaa on the stomach and sour stomach in TWENTY MINUTES. It T i PKWRITER ribbons and carbon worka beyond greatest expectation»." paper at the Herald office. Adler-i-ka acta on BOTH upper and lower bowel removing foul matter E. L. HALL Transfer. Call Elliott’s Tire Shop, phone 192. 48-ffe. which poaioned stomach. Brings out all gaasea and sour, decaying food. WE WANT a few cars of hey. W. EXCELLENT for chronic const ipa- A. Leathers. S2-tfe. tlon. Guards againstr appendicitis. Adler-i-ka removes matter you never TYPEWRITER Ribbons and carbon thought was in your system and paper for sale at the Herald. which may have been poisoning you Remember the Dairy Hog : for months. Mitchell Drug Co. Pd. October 7 and ?, Adv. 3 «h ■ * E yes treated, tratad and G laum Fitted Office over First National Bank P H O N I O R M O N HAROW ARa N o . 431 H. Robinett, Prop. DR. W. W. ILLSLEY I Osteopathy P H O N E 192 Leave orders at Elliott’s Tire Shop I Acre« freei The Herald Medicine Surgery Calls answered at all hours Office phone 561 Residence phone 711 DR. C, 0 . WAINSCOTT Physician and Surgeon X-Ray Specialist Phones, Res. 889-J—Office 866 | Office Rooms, 16-16-17 Bond Bld’g. Pendleton, Oregon WELCOME V IS IT O R S £ - To the .e*' Dairy and Hog Show ** D r . F. V . P R I M E Big Type DUROC-JERSEYS L a r g e S p r in g B o a rs f o r s a le o f M a rc h f a r r o w . D E N T IS T R Y Hermiston. Orevon Offie*. Rank RM*. GffirtP Phon«. 93 Office* Hours Residence Phon« 8 a. m. to i p. m. Geo. Strohm, Hermiston, Ore. J. D . Z Ü R C H E R L A W Y E R S t a n f ie ld COMING Dr. H. C. Curry E Y E SP E C IA L IST of Seattle w h o m ak e s re g u la r p ro f e s s io n a l v is its to H e r m is to n w ill b e a t th e Hotel Hermiston Friday, October 14 For one day only. Eyes examine 1, glasses fitted. Dr. Corry 1» prepar'd to give the he«» at optical sendee at reasonable prfces . O re g o n H .S .M C K E N Z I E , M. D. Get your Gasoline and Motor Supplies at our garage. You can al ways depend upon us for good service. ’ EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THBOATl Ha« removed from hi« former location in the Rond Bid». to Room« 1, 2 and 3 Inland R;« pirefRank Bld<. P E N D LE T O N D R . . : O REG O N C. R I C H R Y Neil & Barker Co. OPTOMETRIST A N D OPTICIAN Erea Helen ti h o lly Examined Lena«« Gremnd aod Fitted Pendleton W e W eld Anything bat A Broken Heart Hermittoa, Orefm Pbon<264 RM». A Sunflower Definition. Reelly, a peeetmlet le only a perään «ho expects to get the worst of it e Mttle snoner thaa the re-c of n».— J Top«« Capital. ■ “ ■ j J Day or night calls answered promptly Office over First National Bank TR ANSFER ■* : THE RELIABLE W AY OFFICE PHONE. M RESIDENCE PHONE. 695 Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m ; 2 to 6:80 p. m. Hermiston, Ore. E. L. H A L L Old Clothes Made to Look Like New LEGAL BLANKS For Sale at The Herald Office