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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1921)
T O B m C B ÌgST O H HEBJLLD, HEBMISTON, GREGOR. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ FREE! FREE! K IN G S L E Y FREE! iWomen!! Get Theses : : Surprising Cooking Facts! M E R C A N T IL E C O M P A N Y H IR M IM O N « H O U « f O F Q U A U TV ANO ■ « K R V IC K ' » L r k Saturday, July 2, 1921, we will give to the first fifty customers a can of Crimson Rambler Syrup FREE CRIMSON RAMBLER is an Oregon Made Syrup ■ Here are some facts about the “Red Star” oil range, which if used, will put your a cooking problems on the most efficient and economical basis possible. Made by Oregon people— Made for Oregon people Sold by Oregon people— Used by Oregon people Get your can and give it a trial. THIS FIRST CAN IS FREE ■ ■ ■ « ■ RED STAR Detroit Vapor Oil Stoves Sale on Ladies’ and Children’s White Shoes, $1 and $2 The "Red Star” is entirely different ordinary oil burning stove. It is ¿eajij range. It generates, its own gas fro grade of kerosene, gasoline or distillate patened eight and one-half pound doub <- ring flame burner vaporizes the heat units of the fuel and utilizes the energy that is usually wasted In odor and smoke. The heavy, iron burner becomes red hot and con centrates an Intense heat directly under the utensil. It operates entirely without wicks or asbestos rings. K IN G S L E Y M E R C A N T IL E C O M P A N Y T W O D E L IV E R IE S D A IL Y - P H O N E O Ñ E -S E V E N -O N E ¡CASH »'CARRY Sheriff Zoeth Houser was in Her miston on business Wednesday. ■ ■ ■ ■ Dr. F. R. Dorn of Echo was a vis 4tor here Thursday evening of la> week. For Outings or Picnics LILY LUNCH SETS Contains 1 white crepe table cover 42x56; 10 crepe napkins, 10 paper plates. STORE OPENS 9:00 A. M. i PHELPS « sh GROCERY E c h o F l o u r M ills Echo, Oregon M ANUFAC TURERS OF- High Grade Patent B lue S tem F lour The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED Beautiful Grass Rugs 8x10 feet . . $5.95 9x12 feet . . . 8.00 Less 5 per cent for cash This is a new imported shipment and the best grass rug buy you ever witnessed. We also have some small grass throw rugs. Refrigerators 15 per cent off for balance of season, extra 5 per cent for cash. SAPPERS’ INC. HARDWARE H mm « Th«t Doe. Thin,. Fir.» FURNITURE K0 SMOKE! K0 TROUBLE! Repeated official tests have proved thnt the ‘‘Red Star” is the quickest, most depend able and economical oil stove on the market. It is designed and works like a city gas stove. A beautiful stove in any kitchen. Substantially built, easy to clean and to keep clean. E. P. Dod.i made a business trip t Yakima last Friday, returning horn Monday. Ask for Demonstration Dr. R. <3. Gale left for Spokane Wednesday night, where he will be ■ gone about 10 days. J ■ Oregon Hardware & Implement Co. : 1 ■ Miss Frances Hinkle returned Sunday from her studies at the Un - iversity of Oregon. ■ BCBEBHBBBSBBBBBflBBBBBBBBBBBBflBEBBBBBBBBBBBEBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBflB Phone 413 Th« KO SMELL! John Watson came ever from Wal la Walla Tuesday and will visit her for a few weeks. PRICE, 13c n ■ n KO WICKS! IMPLEMENTS Mrs. C. W. Kellogg returned L. A. Hunt, Morrow county agent, home Monday after visiting about and Fred Bennion, our county agenl, 10 days in Portland. were in attendance at the hay grow ers meeting Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. H. M. Straw returned horn Friday from Pendleton where she Miss Enid Waterman returned had been visiting friends. hone Tuesday morning from Mon mouth, Oregon, where she has been Frank Thomas has leased his two attending Normal school the past places and left for Portland where winter. he will spend the summer. The ladies Aid of the Methodist An eight and a half pound bo church will give an ice cream soci was born to Mr. and Mrs. Sterling al, Friday evening, July 8th in the Mattoon on Friday, June 24. basement of the new church. AU are cordially invited. Mrs, I. E. Putman returned horn from Portland where she has ben Rev. C. E. Maxwell is back from visiting frl?nds for several days. camp meeting at the mission. Sun day as usual Sunday school 10 a. m. R. C. Challis and family are on a and Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. vacation. J. -C. Dowing Is takin in. All are Welcome: care of the place while they arc gon. J. Skovbo, the well known Her Mrs. C. E. Hensley and three miston bee keeper has just shipped children of Pendleton are visiting his first consignment of honey for with Mrs. W. B. Beasley for the week this year to Portland. As a rule no honey is ready before July. W. A. Correll teturned home Mon day from Colorado Springs, Colorado, Dr. and Mrs. Illsley left here Wed where he was called by the death of nesday In their car for- a vacation his father. of about ten days. From here they Leave orders for your Fourth of will go to Eugene where the doctor July Ice cream for one gallon or moro will represent the Hermiston Post before July 2nd with Mitchell Drug at the state convention of the Amer- Inn Legion. From there they will Co. Pd. Adv. motor to Crater Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Holland and NOTICE daughter. Miss Dorothy, left Sunday I expect to go east about July 7 for California points to spend the for two /months. Anyone wishing summer. nytliing in my line please call be fore above date. R. B. Spencer returned home Wed 41-2tp. Mrb. Emma Johnson. nesday from Pendleton where he haa been working In the baggage room of the depot. Peter Castrlc left Monday, June 27th, for a three months visit with relatives and friends in Washington and Oregon coast towns. Mr. and Mrs. H. Pelmulder left for Portland and coast points Thurs day where they expect to be gone for two weeks on a vacation. Wm, Thomas, sheriff of Clark county, Washington, stopped ' over night In Hermiston last Monday en route from Pendleton to Vancouver. Washington. He had a prisoner with him who occupied the city Jail over night. Mr. Thomas is a broth er-in-law Qt Merle Phelpe. C. G. Prindle left Wednesday for camp for six months or more. Tom San Francisco where he may make expects to remain -here permanently. his permanent home. He is a pon of D. H. Prindle who lives about Leave orders for your Fourth of four miles west of Hermiston. July ice cream for one gallon or more before July 2nd with Mitchell Drug Tom Marxen came to Hermiston Co. Pd. Adv. last Sunday from near Astoria, where ADDING machine rolls at the Herald he has been working in a loaning office. For Sale U sed C ars at a B a r g a in 1 Ford Touring 1917 . $195 1 Ford Touring 1915 . $150 1 Ford New Express Body $ 3 7 5 1 Cadillac (Bug Body) . $125 O lS T R fB U T O M « Percey Sisters S announce a • BIG SALE i ■ « 5 J ■ J J a on all untrimmed hats and trimm- ings at a very low price. a A ll Trimmed 5 ■ H ats a t Cost 2 ■ ■ Hermiston Auto Co. 1