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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1921)
Wrmtafcm ìbratò Section 2 VOL. XV HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY, JU LY 1, 1921 No. 42 Apricots are beginning to color ganized, the Literary Study Depart and consisted of nearly everything and a few scattering ripe ones can ment and the Home Economics Do- good to eat. It was served at Miss be found. The crop Is not heavy purtment. Mrs. Benjamin is tho Dunne’s apartments 'and several and the bulk of the crop sold leader of the Literary Study Depart guests, friends of Miss Dunne's, were Miss Kreta Fox and her brother Price this year is 7 cents per pound ment and Mrs. Nugent Is the leader asked to share In the festivities. The John returned Monday from Silver- at orchard or |2.00 per crate f. o. b. of the Home Economics Department. LEAVE ton where they spent two weeks vis Irrigon. Dewberries and red rasp The Literary Study Department has apartment was beautifully decorat ed with myriads of spring blooms and Pendleton 8:00 12:00 4:00 iting relatives. berries are also ripe and have been taken up a course lip Contcmparary a very fine day was enjoyed. Miss Echo Miss Wilma Waugaman and Miss 9:15 1:15 5:16 Belling locally for a week or ten days. English Novelties under the direction Dunne was the recipient of many Stanfield 9:30 1:35 5:35 Melba Callahan leturned from O. A. Mrs. C. E. Glasgow has the largest of the University of Oregon. The gifts from friends and former par C. Sunday where they attended the Hermiston 9:55 1:55 5:55 patch of the red raspberries and they Home Economics Department has Land and City Property : ents, who wished her many happy Bought, Sold, Rented, Exchang summer school for the boys and girls are the very best. Into Umatilla 10:15 2:15 8:15 taken up Interior Decorating, Domes returns of the day. ed and unproved. clubs of the state. Miss Wilma wus J. W. Warmer has purchased the tic Science, and fly campaign. Each LEAVE Mrs. Ed. Rennlck and son Edward unfortunate during her stay there by H. S. English estate consisting of 10 Umatilla 8:00 12:00 4:00 department has a membership of 10. have returned from Portland. having an accident while at play and Hermiston 8:20 12:20 4:20 acres adjoining Mr. Warner’s ranch During the first year $1,008.00 The Misses Fern Rennlck and strong American companies was compelled to be absent from the io the west. This makes a nice ad Stanfield 8:45 12:45 4:45 was handled by the treasurer of the Clara Park are at the O. A. C. being Insuring against fire. The beat course for two days. The girls ob Echo 9:00 1:00 5:00 dltion to Mr. Warner’s ranch. The club. Western companies. Correct rates. chosen delegates from the Umatilla tained a great deal of information deal was closed by W. R. Walpole, Into Pendleton 10:15 2:16 6:15 Experienced business attention as- The club handled drives for and school cooking and serving school while there which will be of a great our local real estate dealer. surred. contributed to various drives, namely classes. TWO TRIPS SUNDAY benefit to other club members when The Ladies Aid Society m’et at Mrs. Rer Cross, Christmas seals, Albertina Little Louise Jackson is 111 with Leaving Pendleton 8 a. m. and work starts again in the fall. Keer Nursery Home, Anna Howard smallpox, it is reported. 4 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Udey and Mr. H. C. Wolfe’s residence Wednesday Agency ior Union Savings ft Mrs. Bill Swltzler Is In the Wall^ Leaving Umatilla 8 a. m. and and Mrs. Oran Felthouse left the first transacting the business of the socie Shaw. Memorial Fund, scholarship Loan Association of Portland. ty and a good social time was enjoy loan fund and near East relief. The Walla hospital /quite ill. 4 p. m. part of the week by motor for Tilla Investment. Excellent rate of Mrs. Chas. Bennett has an attack 7 22 Cottonwood Phone 86S ‘nook and the coast where they will ed. Practically ail the members were club is federated with the State Fed Interest on money, protected by State deposit of securities. We Deliver Parcels at Way Points enjoy a few weeks vacation. They present and light refreshments were eration, and^vas entitled to three of appendicitis. delegates at the convention In June. L..ans on improved city proper O. Staneby has retnrned to Uma will stop off at Corbett where Mi served. ty. Can let you have money to PARKS tilla and Is back In the store. Quite a surprise party was given Udey will visit his parents for a build. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Llewellyn. P e n d le t o n t o B e k o . S1.»O Mr. and Mrs. M. Burnett and Mrs. i.t Mrs. C. E. Rights Thursday even- short time. P e n d le t o n t o S t a n f ie l d , S l.a s Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Nugent and dau fiurnoft Sr., were dinner guests nt ng in honor of Mrs. E. H. Knight. Mr. and Mrs. Sink from the Dalles P e n d le t o n t o H e r m is t o n , S1.TS parents of Mrs. Joe Udey is here ie occasion being Mrs. Knlghle ghter. Miss Gladys, drove to Pendle the Dobler ranch on Sunday evening. e o m d lo to n t o U m a t i l l a , S 3 ,i s If you want to buy, advlRe with W. R. Nugent is giving his ranch looking after the farm work during birthday. A large crowd had been ton June 22 to celebrate the birthday us as to safe Investment. We of Miss Dunne, sister of Mrs. Llew cottage a coat of paint, which Is arranged for and a big feast prepar the absence of Mr. and Mrs. Udey. Station at Hotel Oregon and know values, soils, water rights and possibilities of success. Can Mrs. Utterback from Taconui, ed consisting of Ice cream, cake and ellyn and Mrs. Nugent. The birth making a great improvement In the Hotel Hermiston direct you right. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Orah chicken sandwiches. All report as day dinner was taken from Umatilla property. We hold state license to do am is visiting at the parental home having had a fine time. business and are under bond for Wm. H. Hatch, one of Boardman's the past week. She was joined bj honest dealing. Whatever we re Miss Hattie, her sister, who return prominent ranchers motored up present we will stand by. ed from xMonmouth where she has Thursday with his son fop cherries been attending Normal school the and other Irrigon fruits. He reports past year. everything lovely down his way. H e rm is to n , O re g o n News of the birth of a baby boy R. J. Curtin, traveling freight A BETTER PLACE TO EAT Our finishing department through born to Mr. and Mrs. Jean Scovbo at agent of the Oregon Washington up-to-date methods, equipment and Breakfast and Dinner a la carte Portland, Sunday was received here Railroad and Navigation Company expert handling can help you get the same day by the proud father dropped off at Irrigon between trains Under the mana«ement of th* kind of pictures you want. Mr. Scovbo will join his wife in Friday and was shown about the pro I hive the Agency To use a slang expression: Portland shortly and return with the ject by the local agent. Mr. Curtin ■"We’re there at the finish.” for M R S. M I L L I E D E C K , P ro p . family to his home which he has re expressed very much surprise at find cently improved during the ubsence ing so many different crops growing of his wife. .o nicely while not very much visi AND FOR DEVELOPING A N D Mrs. Llwellyn Brownell and son ble from the train. Mr. Curtin was PRINTING were week end guests at the home particularly interested in the Irrigon Film Price Price of Mr. and Mrs. Simmons of Tip Top melon crop of which he has so often For Kodak • of No Film Each parents of Mrs. Brownell. heard talked of. He promised us 127 V est Pocket .25 .03 Valentine Abadic French, Ameri another visit later when the melons 117 No. 1 Brownie .25 .03 can veteran of the war who Is one ire ripe. We shall see that he is 120 N o. 2 B row nie .25 <04 of the many soldiers taking advant notified when they are ready to eat of 116 2 A Brow nie .30 .05 Mesdames W. O. King. L. V. Kuntz age of the government educational 116 2 A Brow nie SPICES, EXTRACTS, provisions offered, is taking a course nor. and D. K. Mulkey motored to Ir or 1 A Kodak .30 .05 at O. A. C. in bee and fruit culture rigon from Boardman Monday for fr 1181 No. 3 Kodak or TOILET is here employed by Jean Skovbo well •''•It now ripe and made arrange 1 Brow nie Kodak .45 .05 known bee man, extracting honey merits with different parties for oth PREPARATIONS 130)2 C Kodak .45 .05 from the combs prepairing It (oi or fruits later. These ladies are all 122)3 A Kodak ETC. market. Mr. Abadie fought in many »oosters for the Nyrth Morrow Coun . 1 post card size .55 .05 of the big battles being wounded in ty Fair and we feel sure their ex Call at residence or leave action. •'bits of fruits and hand work, will D eveloping Film« orders at Ore. Hdw. Co. R oll o f 8 ................................... 10c O. F. Brooks, father of the new be among the leaders in the Septem Sold only R oll o f 1 2 .........................................15c owner of the Akers farm was un »er Bhow. The writer is boosting by dealers F ilm P a c k s ...................................... 25c fortunately thrown from the horse 'oo and why not? We can beat tho H e rm is to n , O r a . he was rldin last week breaking his vorld for variety In space we have M ITCH ELL DRUG CO. arm and splintering the bone badly. Quality never questioned. Hermiston, Oregon The local Lodge of Neighbors of Dr. O. F. Adams was called and set the fracture and Mr. Brooks was Woodcraft are planning on some sort Adding machine rolls of paper for sale at the Herald office. READ THE HEROLD WANT ADDS made as comfortable as poslble under if doings for the Fourth. The mat the conditions. ter will be taken up at Friday even A baby boy was born to Mr. anil ng’s regular meeting night, and ar Mrs. Bert Shaw Tuesday of last week. angements will be made for some Mother and child are doing well. kind of amusements or doings, either •ere in the grove or ferry across to The baby Is named Gerald Arthur Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Bundy of Portland, parents of King Bundy, are expected here the first of the month and after REPORT OF TH E UMATILLA HOME BUREAU FOR YEAR remaining a few days on their farm Hermiston Branch , will leave for Harney county ucconi The Umatilla Home Bureau was panted by King, who with a brothel living in Harney county the con oranlzed November 1919, and 67 tract to put in stacks in the neigh members enrolled during the year. 1’hree projects were taken up— Civic borhood of a thousand tonR of hay. Mr. and Mrs. Bundy were former improvement, clothing and hot school ’unches. residents of Columbia. Several city cleaning days were Mrs. Ragsdale of Moro, grand mcccssful, and trees were planted in mother of Mrs. Charlie Bartlett is n I he city park. Twenty-five plaster guest at the home qf Mr. and Mrs Reduction in all styles and sizes Paris dress forms were made for var Bartlett. ious members by the > oject leader The school board have finally se and assistants, under the supervision cured the teachers for the next years <f the Home Demonstration Aent. school, all of whom are residents of Two sewing schools and two millin the community. Mr. O. R. Robin ery schools, headed by an Instructor son from Butte Falls, this state, who from O. A. C., were held with an av- is located on his recently purchased rage of 12 women attending. farm sountheast of Hermiston will Hot lunches In the school were be Principal. Mrs. J. H. DeMoss, started about January 13, 1920. who with her family is living on the Three cents Is the price of each serv Willard Felthouse place will teach ing. The menu Is changed dally. The the intermediate department and cook was hired and paid by the club. Miss Hattie Graham well known and About 72 children were served daily. popular young lady will teach the Two baby clinics have been held, primary grades. The school board three days in all. and a large number were fortunate In securing local of babies examined and scored. One teachers, as the handicap in finding Ellison White Lyceum course was put boarding places which teachers have on by the club.. The kind you will like and enjoy had in the past, will now be eliminat After each club meeting dosed, these hot days ed and gr«at satisfaction felt by all current events were discussed, the concerned. discussion being led by a different D E L IC IO U S S U M M E R C A N D IE S member each time, and all Joining Delightful Sweets in asking questions. Funds to carry on the work of.the Fudges, Nougat, French Frosted Cocoanut Caramels | dub were raised by various means, i dances, basket socials, card parties, The second cutting of alfalfa haS chicken suppers, cooked food sale. started over the district on a number I and home talent plays being the prln .of the farms and by another week ' clpal means. Pendleton, Oregon R E. M iirhell, Prescription Druggiat will be well under way by most of At the beginning of the second the farmers. The crop is unusually t year, departmental work has been Hermiston Oregon heavy and clean. | taken up and two departm«ota or- Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Investments Pendleton and Umatilla Stage COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES Insurance- Loans— Investments: E. P. DODD Bring in Your Films Complete W A T K IN S ’ Prices for Films O regon H o te l C a fe L IN E FISK T IR E S Mrs. J. S. West give tire mileage at the lowest cost in history DOMESTIC LAUNDRY 30 x 31 Bert Mullen’s Barber Shop $15.00 NON-SKID Basket Leaves Tuesday Afternoon Returns Saturday Morning A N e w L o w P rice on a K now n and H onest Product A COMPLETE MENDING DEPARTMENT MAINTAINED Rough Dry Laundry by the Oriole Summer Candy Pound Always at Your Service IRRIGON NEWS ITEMS DOMESTIC LAUNDRY M itc h e ll D r u g C o .