Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1921)
PORTLANDMARKET Com mercial Inform ation furnished free of charge. Catalogues supplied and com marcial Inquirida cheerfully an« W rite any firm balowi Da It ■ This Paaar Wha» A i M w W Tbaes a e ,« Portland Flouring Mills Company $ 3 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 Dated February lrt. 1921 INFORMATION DEPARTMENT A C C O R D IA N [ SCH O O L D AYS P L E A T IN G ' K nife r n d 'lw x p lestln g T 'h em efltcW n i Due February lit. 193« 10c yd. B u tton s covered. N ovelty Shop, >6It F ifth street, Portland.____ __________ CENT Pint Mortgage. 15-year. 8 per cent Gold Booda PRICE 100 YIELDING 8 PER Call at our office or w rite today for com plete descriptive circular. W e are offering tw o free pam phlets. “T h e E lem en tary Principle« otf S a fe I n v e stm e n t.” “In v e stm e n t O p p ortu n ities o f T o d a y .” and our In vestm en t Record Rook. W rite for your copy today. A G R IC U L T U R A L IM P L E M E N T S GET OUR SPE C IA L PRICES ON OUR Mowers, R akes, Tedders, Grain Cradles, end Binders. P. E. E sbeushade Co., 3*u-s BLYTH, WITTER & COMPANY, Government, Municipal & Corporation Bonds. Morrison SL, P ortland.___________ _ _ _ _ YEON BUILDING. PORTLAND, OREGON. Telephon«. Main 8183 BRAYING, W EL O INÄ A C U T T IN G Lot Angeles New York San Francisco Seattle N orthw est W elding A Supply Co., M le t * t At Heilig Theater, Portland, Oregon T h r e e N ig h t* . Sun Four Matinees: Sun. Mon. Twos. Wsd. MATINEES-15c to 75c. NIGHTS -IS c to 81.25 H ipp & o ME YAUDEYILLE- ME1R0 PHOTO PLAYS Chengs Program Sunday, Thursday Matinss Dady. Twice Nightly. P op u lar P rices. Hotel Alder B a llo o n s S aturday M atinoo DO YOU KNOW THAT THE ALDER HOTEL 285 A lder S treet. Portland. Oregon. Will rent you a rorgn for 11.00 per day. or a room with bath for 11.50 to 12.00 per day? • A good p lace to E at and L ive W ell. R em arkable 60c luncheon a t noon. Open 7 a. m. to 2 a. m.. 325 Stark St. BAB’S RESTAURANT £ I L Cafeteria C H IR O P R A C T O R A N D T H E R A P E U T IC S ELECTRO Drs. Raker and Oleson, »17 D ekura Bldg. M o n . T u r» S ix th stree t apposite T h e O reg o n ia n end A l d e r stree t opposite M e ir & F r a n k ’s. T h e Best E a tin g p lace in th e C ity . T h e Finest C o ffe e en d P astry a S pecialty. C L E A N E R S .T A IL O R S A N D D Y E R S Special atten tion given to m ail order». REGAL TAILORS, 121 N orth Stxth 8 L ^ C U T F L O W E R S A F L O R A L D E S IG N * '- C larke B ro s, Florists, 337 Morrison 8L D A N C IN G E V E R Y N OON A EVENING Orlantal Cafa. C hinese-A m erican Kitchen Corner Broadway and Waah. PORTLAND D R U G l.E S S P H Y S IC IA N cant and gasket compound. 3uS Pina SL FARM L O A N * Devereaux M ortgage Co., tT «th BL FO R D R E P A IR IN G E X C L U S IV E L Y Curley¿a Ford Shop, 227 Salm on SL__ F O U N D R Y A N D M A C H IN E W O R K * Com mercial Iro n W orka, 7th A M adison. G U A R A N T E E D R E B U IL T MACHINBS Oregon T ypew riter Co., »»-A »th BL HARD WOOD FLOORING Elam an H ardwood Floor Co. 339 R Waah. F loor Co., I l l K. 78th S L N. Floor» electric sanded. E ast 8ld e H ardwood F loor Co., Inc., 814 E. Burnside. Are painful and often dangeroua. H an d -w oven-to-fit E lastic Stocking». and Bandages always give relief. H E M S T IT C H IN G Our Filters and Makers for Fifty-five Yean “Wkere Hme Phone B roadw ay 3218. M FG S. OP V U L C A N IZ E D ROOF P A I N t Courts Abound” N ew roofs and repairing done. Young and Woods, 11U3 E. C aruthers SL PORTLAND. O U . Satisfaction or Money Back. WOODARD, CLARKE & CO. Portland. Alder at West Park Woodlark Building T he pleasure of your trip to P ort land w ill depend upon the hotel you s e le c t Cozy surroundings, m oderate rates, and the w elcom e you find In your own home town, aw ait you a t the M ultnom ah. Garage in Connection. E y e an d E y e Glasses C a re m y sp ecialty. Consultation free. | H g £ S atisfa ction guaranteed. Dr. B. A. B edynek, 508-8 P ittock Block. If It’* anything In paint we have It Preservative Paints AND K O D A K S Glidden Varnishes L e t u s finish w h at your Kodak began. B e st work, b est service. Old established Kodak finishers, 12 years in Portland. M ail orders given special care. W e pay return postage. All prints m ade on V elox paper. R egular E astm an D ealers, all the K odaks and sundries in stock. K odak or Prem o catalog sent on r eq u est Eveland A Lew is, 413 E a st Morrison St., Portland. Ì YES, “IT W ILL PA Y ” to send us . th a t RADIATOR for repair. Made : like new for a m oderate price, ¡¡fljl I Expert work absolutely fu a r a a - J teed. RADIATOR SERVICE CO. «Sr. Cor Union & H aw thorne, Portland RUBBER STAMPS and MARKING DEVICES. «W VM S OAR s r R U T S to S T b A M S . P A IN T S 1 6 C o lo r., g a llo n - ««J P A « p J .J u Deck and Floor PAINTS « 9 9C 1 0 C olo rs, g a llo n . “Yon Can Get It At Beebe’s” P o rtla n d , R epairing done by m all. Moat modern equipm ent. S atisfaction guaranteed. Cor. let. and Wash. Sta. - O re g o n DR. E . H. E A ST P H Y S IC IA N A N D S U R G E O N Specialties! Goitres, Diseases of W om en _ and M a te rn ity Office M organ B uilding Portland, Ora. PO R TLAN D RUG CO. FLUFF and RAG BUGS a Specialty H US» C lark-Brow er O ptical Co., 1121 6th S treet 1672-1674 E u t 17th Street P R E -W A R P R IC E S “ A Moderate Priced Hotel of M e rit" H O T E L C L IF F O R D CAJtrCT CLEANING, LATINO * Used Ford Tracks and Touring Cars Bargains at all time» S e a t Morrison SL, a t K ast S ixth, the UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE P rin cip al E ast Side H otel. I m inutes from Used Ford» Exclusively Shopping D istric t. F o u r blocks fro m 8. P. Grand Av. A Yamhill Port- B ast Side Station. id. Write hr prices a»d ter**. NEW FLUFF RUGS AT HALF COST OF NEW CARPETS. H a v e your old worn out carp ets and w oolen cloth es m ade Into a rtistic rev ers ible F L U F F RUGS. Carpets and rugs re paired, steam cleaned. Rag rugs all sizes. B u y from factory and save m oney. W rit« for prices. Northwest Rug Co., DR. G. E. WATTS- 212 Oregonian Building, PORTLAND. OREGON S P E C IA L IS T • Female and Rectal Troubles and GLAND TRANSPLANTATIONS C orona The Personal W ritin g M achine. W eig h t • lb * P rice MO 00 case Included Feld h I', Tale »dl Tee: Tyyewritr Aeprlerr. a w. PEASE, 110 Sim. Portland, Ore. W rite for (old er "G" “WATCH YOUR FEET” Tired Aching Feet Can Be Relieved. D. W. ELROD. 1115 Selling Bldg. Portland. Specializing am Arch Support., Honeet John Truee, Seunleu Elastic Hoeiory. Abdominal Supports Ankle Sup- ftU R S E R l E * ----------------------------------------------- R u ssellville Nuraery. R. F. D . 1. O REGON F L U F F R U G CO. J. H . Lehm ann, Prop. 19«8 E a a t Btarh P Y O R R H E A D E N T IS T * Smith Long Stevenson 314 Bush A Lane Bldg. SCHOOL OF W ELDING O fficially recognized by sta te and fed eral board a s The p ises to learn welding all m etals. Com mercial School of W eld ing, 811 E a st Grant, Cor. 11th, Portland. SALVATION ARMY RESCUE HOME W ill help freln d less girls. D. A M. car, M ayfair A A lexandria Sta. SILOS AND WATER TANKS National Tank A Pipe Ce.. Portland. T IR E R E P A IR IN G A N D R E T R E A D IN G Portland T inw are Mfg. Co., 87 F ir st SL PISTONS—PISTON PINS—RINGS Eyes Examined. Classes Fitted. Buy C oast Made Goods. Heed Sp ecialty Shop, 319 W illiam s A ve. Preservative Guaranteed AUTO REPAIR PARTS Cylinder and Crank Shaft Grinding. / ito- motive Machine Work and Welding. COOK & GILL CO.. INC. 11th and Burnside Sts. Portland. Ore. Phone: Bdwy. 8281 ' U sed and new tires bought and sold. A A B T ire Shop, 329 H aw thorns Ava. TYPEWRITERS—NEW OR REBUILT Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. m m Oak Street.______ W elter System of S u g g estiv e Therapy Dr. T. W. A yers, 716 Dekum Bldg. The Beebe Company Send for free catalog M F G 8. O F R E E D F U R N IT U R E The very best—the kind that lasts • longer. Make our store your headquarters in Portland. If you cannot come In send for color card. Order by mall. Mall orders filled same day as received. thina for the Office' P L E A T IN G Susla Buckley, P ow er's F urniture Store. L. A. S. U S E D C A R E X C H A N G E Used cars bot and sold. 2» N. 11th SL, Belt» Send for Book and M easure Blank Today. AND W H O L E S A L E A N D R E T A IL T IN W A R E JOY T H E T A ILO R . Suits cleaned. «1-28 We pay return Postage. 108 Fourth SL. Portland, O n LEARN M U L T IG R A P H IN G The Callan School, only recognised school on the coasL Experienced opera tors alw ays in d emand. 845 A rtisan s Bldg M A C H IN E R Y Saad us ysur laquirles fa r a a y Ira a or W oodworklag M acklaery, Lo Sawmill, Coatractors’ Bqulpaasat, otlvos. Bailors, Eaglass, Crashers, R ail, Cable, Melting, etc. Burka M acklaery C o, »28 R ailw ay Bxckaags Bldg., P artland, Or. M EA T A N D PRODUCE BOUGHT N ew Cooler» Installed assu rin g protec tion to shippers of dressed hogs, butter, eggs, etc. T ry us. Brown A Co, 314 H o y t M OTORCYCLES A N D PARTS All m akes. E asy term s. EA ST BIDE MOTORCYCLE CO. 86-8» GRAND AVE. perso nal ; MARRY IF LONELY; for result*, try m*; b est and m ost su ccessfu l “H om e Maker;*’ hundreds rich w ish m arriage soon; strict ly confidential; m ost reliable; years of experience; descriptions free. “T he Suc cessfu l Club,“ Mrs. NA SH , Box 664, O A K L A N D , C A L IF O R N IA .______________ TEA C H ER S OF TR U T H Send 25 cen ts and self-ad dressed en vel ope to the G ages, 406 Fleidner Bldg., re garding H ealth, H ap p iness and Success. gANTTARY BEAUTY PA R L dR W a help tha appearanca of women. T w e n ty -tw o Inch switch or transform a tion, value »7.44, »rice »2.86. 804 to 811 D ekum Bldg. A SCOUT IS TRUSTWORTHY. Beaumont, Texas, scouts were asked to undertake the delivery of telephone books. "We used to go out Into the streets and get the first kids we saw who weren’t busy, to do the Job,” says the manager of the local telephone company. "As « -result we frequently found a number of books that had been thrown away, and their loss was costly. So now we have the scouts deliver the hooks because n e can trust them.’’ Worth while praise that and worth deserving. U llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliu Figures That Stagger. It is probablo the human population 5 E of this earth, itself only, a winning Be like the bird that, h altin g in her flight | B y J E S S IE R O B E R T S ! atom in sidereal darkness, rises to up A w hile on boughs too Blight, F e e l, them give w ay beneath her and yet ward of two billions, and is certainly Pngs, siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiumimiiiimimiiiin not less than 1,650,000,000. But how K nowing th a t ahe hath w ings. —V ictor Hugo. many creatures of all kinds has pro L U C K Y S T R IK E S SAVORY, SATISFYING DISHES. lific nature spawned upon its rela HE business of making lucky tively minute speck In cosmos? If O A PINT of tender green peas, strikes has by no means gone out Noah took a pair of every living cooked In very little water, add of date. It Isn't necessary these days species aboard his ark, how vast an while cooking a teuspoonful of sugar to kill Indians or give a dying miner army did he have with him on his and a sprig of mint. Drain, using the a drink. You can do it in less mov great flotilla, and how large must have liquor for a sauce. Add butter and a ing-picture ways than that a little flour, and serve after removing A good Idea properly handled has been that mighty bark? tha sprig of mint often proved the best sort of a lucky strike. The Cuticura Toilet Trio Hot Potato Salad. Take the case of Elsie Shaver of Having clenred your skin keep It clear Cook potatoes with the Jackets on, New York. She conceived an original by making Cuticura your every-day peel, cut In cubes, add a few young Idea in regard to dolls. She carried toilet preparations. The soap to cleanse green onions minced, a few tablespoon It out to the last detail, as perfectly and purify, the Ointment to soothe and fuls of chopped celery, some minced as she could—and that means a le t heal, the Talcum to powder and per parsley (a teaspoonful or two), pour Here is the result. fume. No toilet table Is complete over the salad some hot bacon fat, The dolls found a welcome waiting without them. 25c everywhere.—Adv. stirring and tossing until well mixed; for tnern. They were high priced, but season well, add boiling hot vinegar, they were worth IL And people Initials of Famed Pioneer. a little at a time until the salad seems bought them. The name “D. Boone" was discov well seasoned, and serve hot. Olive Now there Is a little shop working oil may be used Instead of the bacon fulltlde making the dolls. There Is a ered chiseled In a rock at the mouth fat, If preferred, and lemon Juice In large force following the designs of a cave In Lincoln county, West Vir stead of vinegar. made by Mrs. Shaver. Money pours ginia. As the forms of the letters cor In, and It Is a good business enter respond with those found in the rocks of Kentucky it is thought that the Herring Salad. prise—Just a lucky strike. Cook salt herring 15 minutes In boil Other lucky strikes have been made famed hunlc; at one time m*>.de an ex ing water to cover; druin, cool, and by young women In the advertising pedition into that section of the coun separate into flakes. To a cupful of business. Sculptors have made them try. the herring add an equal measure of with a quaint figure. I know a girl potato cut In cubes, and one-fourth who had a bright Idea regarding a Thirty-foot Cone of Ice. of the amount of hard-cooked eggs cut department of the store where she In bits. Mix until moist with French works. She heads the department at Water from a pressure pipe protrud dressing and let stand to season, add a mighty good salary now. ing above the ground in the northern ing pepper, cayenne and paprika. Serve Lucky strikes are good things, and part of New York state, gradually on a bed of lettuce, garnish with rings we don’t all fall on them. But I no-- froze, forming a natural cone of Ice of egg-white and the yolks put through tlce that each one that really brings thirty odd feet In height. * rlcer. Serve with a good boiled dress Ruccess Is accompanied by a lot of ing which has been enriched by the hard work. The lucky striker has not Then He's Not Interesting. addition of whipped cream. sat around waiting for luck to do the rest. It Is not hard to arouse a man a Cream Cheese Salad Dressing. No. She got busy herself. Interest by telling him It's his move, Make the Ordinary French dressing ( C o p r r ls h t.) unless you Indicate that he must move adding one-teaspoonful of onion Juice, -------- o -----—. toward the cornfield or the Iron works. then add very slowly mixing well »■■■■ww w www ■■■■«■■■« —Houston Post. to a cream cheese. Bent with a silver fork until the dressing Is smooth. Greatest Zinc Mines In Jersey. Serve over leaf lettuce. 5 = T Volcanic Disturbance Noted In Mour.t Adams, Oregon—Slide Two Miles Wide. Portland, Ore.—An avalanche that euddenly plunged down the south west slope of Mount Ailnras was due to hot vapors issuing from vents In the mountain side and melt lag tha mow, according to observers In the vicinity of the mountain. Reports retching here were that the How to Succeed—How to Get Ahead—How to Make Good T THE WOODS J THE CHEERFUL « VAPORS CAUSE AN AVALANCHE Carbon Is one of the chemical ele ments. It forms more compounds than any other of the elements. Its compounds are found In every plant and animal, and the branch of chemis try that treats of these compounds is called organic chemistry. With oxy gen it forms carbonic oxide, or carbon monoxide, and carbonic acid gas. With hydrogen it forms an extensive class of compounds known as hydrocarbons, which differ widely In their chemical and physical characteristics. The va rious carbonates occur very abundant ly in the earth’s crust. 1 T H E G IR L O N T H E JOB | By DOUGLAS MALLOCH Vinegar Sauce. Mix with three-fourths of a cupful Before you order your wedding announcements of sugar, a tablespoonful of flour, a and card», write or visit THE CHETOPA PRESS THE BIGGER THING. A request for samples entitles you to 50 beautiful half-teaspoonful or less of grated nut calling cards in an engraved effect free of charge. meg In one-half cupful of boiling water. Broadway at Taylor Portland. Oregon EST yesterday I watched an ant Cook until smooth, add two tnblespoon- ALASK A PLUM BING A HEATING CO. A-totln’ In the summer sun; fuls of vlnegar-and a tahlespoonful of I saw him puff an' pull au’ punt Plum bing F ixtu re* and Supplies. Pipe F ittin g s, low est prices. 363 E. Morrison butter; serve hot. With little burdens, one by one. C l e a n in g AND DYEING A wisp of straw acrost his way For reliable C leaning and D yein g se rv Ginger Ale Salad. Once kept him busy fer an hour. ice eend parcels to us. W e pay return Soften one-half package of gelatin An' ant-mtles long he walked that day poetage. Inform ation and p n c e s g iv e s COLLEGE OFFERS FORESTRY In one-half cupful of cold water; add upon req u est To git around a bloomin' flower. E N K E 'S CITY D TK WORKS SCHOLARSHIP. one cupful of boiling water. Strata, The sand he carried grain by grain— Established 1890_______________ Portland add one and one-half cupfuls of ginger B U S IN E S S E D U C A T IO N F R E E Great bowlders thet he had to lift— The New York College of Forestry ale, one-balf cupful of sugar and the An', with his engineerin’ brain, of Syracuse university offers • four- Juice of a lemon. Add one cupful of lie sunk his shaft an' run his drift year scholarship to the boy scout of strawberries cut In halves and one An’ then at night a Digger Thing, banana sliced thin. Stir until well To which the Little Tiling must tha state of New York who Is rec A P osition for Each G raduate mixed, mold and chill. Serve unmold kneel. W rits us today.____ A L I 8 K Y B U IL D IN G ommended by the national council ed on lettuce with French dressing. Creation's self-appointed king, D R U G LE S S P H Y S IC IA N and approved by the faculty of the Wiped out the anthill with Its heel. C hronic~dlseases^a~speclaIty?^U r?<W n r college. The scout who Is fortunate Peached Eggs on Anchovy Toast. Allen, 2nd and B urnside. (C oprrlsht) enough to receive this scholarship will Work a teaspoonful of anchovy paste E M B R O ID E R IN G A N D P L E A T IN G — -------- O-------- Aecordian sid e and box P leatin g. H em have all laboratory and tuition fees or more, If desired, Into one-third of stitch ing, Button* Covered, Braiding, etc. paid, and will be supplied with hooks Laugh Reveals Character. • cupful of butter. Spread on thin K. 8tephans, q t t o c k BI°5*- . There are those who give them and other equipment free. slices of crisp toast and lay a selves over to laughter quickly; there poached egg on each slice. F ra n k L. M cGuire, Abington Bldg. are others who hold back to the break Indorsed by President DOORS A N D W IN D O W * ing point, and. If you are trying to The Lee highway project has been ^^San^seiTyoirBooiarWindowa, iiooi- make them laugh, you turn with a lng. Paint, G lass and Builders' H ardware, Indorsed by President Harding as an look of triumph when at last the Ice direct a t w holesale p r ic e s W rite for appropriate memorial to the southern (> . l t l l . Western N»w»p»p»r Unlos.) prices before buying. H eacock S ash * Is broken. All of these differing cases Door C o .,3 1 2 F irst BL. Portland. leader, born In Virginia 114 years ago. -------- O------ - betoken character, and we are not far H O R SES, M U L E S B O U G H T , S O LD Crown Stables, Inc., 28» Front 8t., P ort wrong when we say, "Let me hear you Cost of Maintenance. land, Ore, H orses and m ules for sa le or laugh and I'll tell you what sort of hire. Special rates to loggers and c o s - The annual coat of road mainte tractors. W ith or w ith ou t harness. a being you are—whether you are a • *»»***6toMMMMIMBMBiiBM»B • nance In New York state, which in P hillip 8u ettsr, Pres. good companion or a strenuous one; Ok.TYYKy I k e e p t k e V. 8. S T A B L E S ,3«5 Union A v a D ra ft cludes merely the lighter repairs, ag whether we must take care that you horses bo u g ht and sold.__________________ gregates about <3,500,000. com m on to u c h — — do not get even with us. I’ll tell you C. L . Chappell, i l l U nion A v * South. whether you are cynical, cruel, good- natured, honest or not to be trusted.” Cure for Toothache. huge slide tore a path from near the o f t o i l v n d F v 3* -------- O------ -i Stockholm.—The Swedish Medical mountain’s crest downward for a dis I w e n t to kew e th e, tance of five miles. The slide Is said Journal says that toothache may I* Im to be from a mile to two miles wide. mediately cured by bending the head F eelin d t k v t After the first coating of snow hnd backward and placing some absorbent I’m s im p ly o n e BURE. been ripped away observers report that cotton with at least five drops of ether o f *J1 o f u s. He; Would you a gigantic flow of mud poured down In the nostril of the same side on be zatlafled with the moutaln over the snow and across which the aching tooth Is located. The the White Salmon glacier, finally bury same procedure renders extraction of love In a cattagaf ing Itself In the heavy timber at the a tooth painless. Bha: In * <21.- mountain’s base. 000.00 ene—ye*. More than 4.500 of the 7,000 em Three-fourths of the tanning Indus ployees of the United States bureau try of Canada la centered In Ontario. of engraving and priming are women. OUR GIFT TO THE- BRIDE T h is sta tem en t is lite r a lly true because the a rteries are the ch a n n els th ro u g h w hich n ourishm ent reaches th e cells and tissu e fibres o f th e b ody. I f y ou w ant to renew y o u r y o u th , acquire v im , v ig o r and v ita lity th e m eans are rig h t a t y o u r hand— b y ta k in g an old w ell tried blood-m aker th a t D r. P ie rce prescribed over 50 years ago. T h is v eg eta b le com pound o f n a tiv e roots is on sa le at every d ru g store as D r. P ie r c e ’s G oldei^ M ed ical D isc o v er y — in ta b lets or liq u id . Y o u fe e l its re fresh in g influence — p o iso n s are ca st out o f the blood stream and y o u feel y o u n g . « S e n d 10c to D r. P ierce, B u ffa lo , N . Y ., fo r tr ia l package. Carbon, a Chemical Element. For rh eu m atism and chronic disease. Dr. Chybke, D. P,, »23 F leidner Bldg. Duckback W aterproofing P reservative G uaranteed for au to tops. Spring lubri O a k -L e a f H ardw ood SWOLLEN (Varicose)VEINS “A Man Is as Old as his Arteries!” All tkrou^k tkis liFfc. The greatest zinc mine In the world, located In Sussex county, New Jersey, has been worked almost continuously since colonial days. Quality and Equality. From a dramatic review: The play has one of the most evenly balanced casts we have ever seen—all rotten.— Boston Transcript. Handicapped. Another difficulty some people en counter In serious thinking is the cir cumstance that whenever they are not talking they're asleep. Liberality. Liberality consists less In g lv lrt much than In giving at the right mo ment.—La Bruyere. Just So. When opportunity knocks at the door a good many put on an extra loved Jazz record.—Louisville Courier- Journal. Giant Insect. The largest Insect known, but now extinct, was a dragon fly, which had a wing-spread measuring two feet. C uticura S o a p ■ ' T h e H e a l t h y ------- S h a v in g S o a p i r a Vaa BEHNKE-WALKER WC I N M M N ! BUSINESS C O L L E c r la th e b ln e n t. m eat perfectly «quipped Buelneee T ra in Ina Mchoel In the N o rth west, F it you reelf fo r a higher position w ith m ore money. P erm anent pueltlone ju g s ^ te assured ir o Oraatz ' F s o . u rth and Yam hiU, W rite íürr a ta to Portland. P. N. U. No. 26, 1921