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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1921)
Mystery of Lost Cyclops Probably Cleared at Last America “Says It With Flour” for the Near East April 10 we received a wireless that the new* of the loss of the Cyclops had been given out publicly. There after the trip was uneventful except for an occasional white sail on the horizon and an Incident one night. “At the end of the thirteenth day we put Into Bahia and dropped off a few of our 300 army passengers. We New Tort.—In an Interview given officers stopped the games and lis had gobs, diplomats and marine offi to The World, Lieut. Janies M. Hays tened while the captain told me the cers on board. Then we put to sea who was navigating officer of the Cyclops had been lost with all hands. again for Rio. “We had orders from the bureau of navy collier Cyclops until a few days “We arrived at Rio four days later, before she put to sea on a voyage navigation to keep a sharp lookout and when we entered the harbor the from which she never returned, said for any sign of the Cyclops on our U. S. S. Pittsburgh, with the ad that when he went on the collier Journey south to Bahia, on our way mlral’s flag flying, ordered us to take Orion over the Cyclops’s course he to Rio Janeiro, Montevideo and Bue anchorage 1,000 yards astern of her, learned enough from floating objects nos Ayres. We lowered away one of our motor "On the morning of April 7 I was boats and sent to the Pittsburgh, and Inquiries made In Brazilian ports An impressive ceremony at pier 2, army base New York, attended the loading of- the Mopang with 10,000 bags to satisfy himself as to the fate on watch on the bridge, and the look among other passengers. Captain Har of the missing collier and her crew. out reported a floating object 500 rington of the marine corps, who had of flour and 2,000 tons of general foodstuffs for the starving of the Near East. Dr. Herbert Shipman, Suffragan From the bridge of the Orton, on yards oft the port bow. Impulsively been assigned to the Pittsburgh for bishop of New York, at the special request of Bishop Manning, blessed the ship aud Its cargo. The flour supplies were purchased with the funds raised by the Near East relief through their novel posters, "Say It with flour.” which he also was navigating officer, I gave orders to the helmsman to duty. he saw a buoy and what appeared to change the course so I could get a Report* to Admiral Caperton. be a llfe-raft such as the Cyclops closer look at the object. I soon saw “An hour later a semaphore message “The eye notes obstacles that strew carried. The buoy was In latitude It was a Franklin buoy or circular from the Pittsburgh read: ‘Captain Berlin's one-time puth of ambition to 15.31 north and longitude 58.27 west, life preserver, made of copper and Hays will repair on board Pittsburgh Bagdud. One may trace the sea route Swinging from It was a Immediately and report to the force or about 150 miles northeast of Ber airtight. which Island Britain gained by legiti small rod, to which had been attached muda. commander.’ mate means to her Asiatic spheres. the carbide light designed to Ignite In Bahia, Brazil, he learned that “Karlsbad may be as charming by “A boat called alongside and the Cyclops wag loaded with 15,000 when the buoy struck the water. All shoved off for the Pittsburgh. Upon Its new name of Karlovy Vary but It tons of manganese ore for the Beth large navy ships carried these Frank arriving on board her I went to Ad Is harder to find. Our mythical Mar lehem Steel company. There were lin buoys—one on each quarter deck. mlral Caperton’s cabin and w- greet tian needs with his map an Index with In case of a man overboard the buoys only two stationary cranes to load ed by him very kindly. He asked me old and new names to learn his way noted the Balkan states seems to have were dropped over the side to locate the ore with and they were 300 feet to tell him about the Orion’s Journey Map Published by National Geo squirmed Its queer way northward to about. Patriotism has made many re apart. So 7,500 tons of the ore were the spot as well as for something for southward and |>articularly about the graphic Society Reveals Made- ward th e . Baltic. As new countries stored cities unrecognizable without loaded forward In the collier and 7,- the man to swim to. objects we had sighted off Barbados. are scattered freely about, Montene such aid. "Thinking there might be some mes Over Continent of Europe. 500 tons aft. Captain Harrington had told him In “Formerly the average layman re gro, of romantic memory, has disap sage scratched on the copper, or that Ills conclusion may be a dlvulgence a chat about the Incidents. garded a map much as he did a rail peared. And familiar Turkey has all of the secret of one of the deepest sea we might be able to Identify the buoy “In reciting them to the admiral road time table. It was essential up- but gone. mysteries of all times, which sailor- through Its register number, I made made It clear to him that In both “Ukraine tentatively slices off a cor on rare occasions. Today the weB men have said was guarded by the three circles around It, In the mean cases the Orion’s captain ordered me ner of Russia an area comparable to Informed must employ a mnp to under Southern Cross. The Southern Cross time having a dozen sailors stationed not to stop. that of France. Jugo-Slavla is the stand the great educational value of along the rail from the forecastle aft, looms up at night down where Po “This relieved me of all responsl Changes Effected by All the Treaties, architrave for a pediment of states his dally newspaper. laris, the North Stnr, which Is often all equipped with grappling hooks on blllty, and as I left the Pittsburgh Agreement* and Plebiscites Are “To him who reads a map with the that bear down upon the tripartite used by mariners for adjusting com the ends of lines, and tried to pick the Captain Boesch was ordered on board Recorded to Date— Show Rem Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slo care that he scans the printed column object up without stopping. After passes, disappears from view. nants of Bygone Splendor. the flagship. He came back to the venes until It fairly bulges Into the the map will Impart Its fascinating story the third circle Captain Boesch, who • “ No Mystery In My Mind.” of historic peoples, their present-day Orion some time later, apparently up Adriatic. had been awakened In his sea cabin “There Is no mystery In my mind Washington.—“Mayflower colonists struggles, the constant tuter-actlon of set as a result of Ills talk with the “A map of the new Europe visualizes as to the fate of the Cyclops and her In the lower bridge by the noise of the admiral, and he called me Into his encountered a new continent In 1620; the human being and bis physical en crew,” Lieut. Hays said. “I believe gears and steering wheel, came up on stateroom. Americans of 1921 can almost Imagine some phases of geography more clear vironment." ly than many pages of explanation. the bridge In his pajamas. It was that perhaps on a calm and sunny their sensations as we gaze at a map Captain Boesch “In Trouble.” Obviously, a peninsular people have a day, when the sailors off watch were 8:30 a. m. He saw the ship wns oft "He told me It looked as though of the New Europe,” says a bulletin preferred safety Insurance in modem Caught Pocketbook In Trout Stream. dozing or perhaps at midnight, when her course and ordered me back on we were In trouble. He said almost from the Washington headquarters of Bellefonte, Pa.—While fishing for warfare. The “freedom of the sens’ all were asleep except the men on my course. I made an observation every one on the Orion had seen'the the National Geographic society. trout near here William Garman no seems to have a double entendre re and entered It with the Incident In watch, the great ship, without warn “To a man who has been on Mars Franklin buoy, but as far us he knew ticed something floating down the ing, parted amidships, splitting her the ship's log. The rest of that watch only the two of us had seen the life- since 1914, the continental Europe of specting the shores that reach out for stream. As It came closer he recog Its kindly protection. was uneventful. aerials (she sent no wireless call) aud raft. He asked me In a subtle way If 1921, save for Its peninsulas and “All Europe Is a peninsula of Asia. nized It ns a pocketbook and worked Next a Life R aft sank from sight. I was sure It was a llfe-raft. I an Islands, virtually would be a new Then again western Europe Is a sec It ashore. It contained $55 In bills, “The current north of Burbados “That evening, shortly after I came swered that It might have been a phos world," continues the bulletin, Issued ondary peninsula, pendant from Rus with no clew to the Identity of the runs strong. It any objects floated on duty for the mid-watch, I was phorous spot In the water. in connection with a map recently pub sia, its broad Isthmus spanning the owner. free from her they would huve been standing In the chains, the wooden “The captain called In his yoecaan lished by the society to record changes eastern boundaries of Poland and Rou- carried seaward, perhaps thousands grating projecting from 'the sides of and dictated a letter to this effect: effected by all treaties, agreements manla from the Black to the Baltic “Dry” Officers Get Corks but Not Man, of miles from where she souk. It Is the bridge where the leadsman stands ‘After careful consideration I have and plebiscites to date. seas. Clarksburg, W. Va.—More than 1,000 "Even a bird’s-eye view of the made- plausible that they were carried to take soundings. For a moment I come to the conclusion that the ob Were Aloof From War. corks are held In jail here. They will across the Atlantic, where navy watched the cutwater of the Orion, ject reported as a llfe-raft was not over continent would disclose: “Scandinavia, Denmark, Spain, Italy fit half pint whisky bottles somewhere. wreckage from the war was so com und suddenly a life raft bumped un a llfe-raft but a phosphorous spot In Cleaver-shaped Czechoslovakia, un mon It was not all picked up. As a der the flare of the bow and pnssed the water caused by small seas.’ wittingly symbolical in contour, and Greece therefore may be described The police are trying to locate the matter of fact, It wns avoided by ves directly along under the bilge of the “I heard nothing more about the jamming Its western wedge far Into as third-degree peninsulas. The first bottles and also the moonshine still sels as a warning of the proximity of ship, whirling around as It did so. matter. I thought several times, Germany, lightly tipping with its east three were aloof from the w ar; actual to which the corks were consigned. submarines." The raft was oval shaped, 9 feet though, of Amphitrite, beloved of sail ern panhandle a much magnified Rou- fighting did not pénetrate far Into the A man dropped them when chased by prohibition officers. * latter two. long and 5 feet wide, with netting ors, who dances under a ship's prow. manla. Just Escaped the Tragic Trip. "From Rio we went to Montevideo. ‘Shrunken Austria and pared down Lieut. Hays remained in the navy inside to stand In or grip. On each after the war, only leaving the service of these rafts Is a bronze plate with a On our way home we stopped at San Hungary nestling below, remnants of on Murch 27 last. From the Orion he register number by which they are tos, Brazil, to take on n cargo of 12,- bygone splendor and objects of pres 000 tons of coffee. We were glad It ent economic charity, seem not much went to England and wns on cargo Identified. “This time I Immediately sent my wns not manganese. We stopped at larger than Maine. And they are not. transports that crossed the English Add Flavor of Medieval. channel. After the war he wus on messenger to call the captain to the Rio again to pick up travel passengers "Resurrected Poland to the north be mine-sweeping duty In the North sea. bridge. The captain came up three for the States. speaks a reincarnation rather than a A Dread Prophecy. He went Into the navy In the reserve steps at a time and looked nt the raft “While In Bahia the paymaster of relic. Two free cities, Flume and Dan force us a “gob” In Pittsburg. That through the glasses. It was then wns on March 17, 1017, a few days astern, but plainly visible, as It Is the Orton and I went to the cruiser zig, give added flavor to the medieval. “Even the shapes of the nations of ’em prop me up with pillows like I before we entered the war. When wur light down there as late as 9:30 In Raleigh one evening to have dinner. With All But One Arm Paralyzed, am now. wns declared he wns nsslgned as a the evening. The cnptnln shook his During the course of the meal we central Europe tell a significant story. "I Intended going Into the Jewelry coxswain on the destroyer Downes, head and sa id : 'Better keep on your were told that as the Raleigh's offi Compare their curving contours, as If Hal Ehrig Learns Painting business at the time I was hurt. But, which wns at Philadelphia. Three course.’ After a glance at the eve cers stood on deck watching the Cy they had been ground and rounded by and Music. ceaseless war storms, with the angular of course, I couldn’t go on with that. months later he was commissioned an ning sky he went below. Again I clops put to sea on her homeward mosaic patterns of the Western states And so for a while 1 just lay here.” ensign and sent to the reserve offi made an entry In the log, this time Journey they bet each other the Cy One day a girl friend who dropped cers’ training class In Annapolis. figuring out the raft's position by clops would never get back to the of the United States. “Three tiny republics—Esthonla, In to see Hal brought along a box of After that ho went to Cape May ns dead reckoning, as It was too late for States. “I have often stood on the fore Latvia, Lithuania—rear their Aphro pastels that she didn't want. She knew an Instructor In seamanship, and from a sun sight and too early for one by castle of the Orion looking aft and dite heads from the Baltic waters. he had been clever with his pencil at there. In November, 1U17, he wns as the stars. "For nine days we kept on south watched her deck give In a calm sea. Above them Is suspended Finland, Injury That Laid Him Up Is Rather a one time and thought he might amuse signed to the Cyclops us lieutenant. born without the terrible birth pangs Junior grade. The Cyclops wns at with the ship running dark on ac The cause of this Is that the twin- Mystery to the Medical Profession, himself with them. “I’m naturally right-handed,” went Norfolk. LIcutennnt Hays wfls de count of the possibility of a lurking screw colliers are so long that when of the new lands fnrther south. but He Has Hopes That He Will “The patchwork that formerly de- enemy submarine seeing us. About both engines happen to thrust to on Hal. “But there’s nothing like tailed as navigating officer. Be on His Feet Again. gether the longitudinal strain is so trying. I played around with the “On Christmas day I had lunch with great there Is a give to the framing pastels and copied a magazine cover. the officers of the Orion, which wns REMARKABLE WOMAN FROM FRANCE TO K. OF C. Chicago.—How much courage and There It Is." He pointed to the w ait of the ship. Ofttlmes during that vi lying In the same dock,” Lleutennnt bration I have looked up nt the bridge optimism would you have left if you "When I found I could use the old Hays said. “Her officers asked how and watched the foremast bend like had lain on your back for seven years, mttt I got an old Bohemian artist to I liked the Cyclops. I said I did not a carriage whip. able to open your mouth one Inch, and show me how to handle oils. He left like the atmosphere on the ship. They The Raleigh’s officers, even from a the rest of you numb and lifeless ex something of his own over here one asked me why I did not try for a distance, had seen the Cyclops’ deck cept your left arm? Would you feel day and I copied It. He couldn’t tell transfer to the Orion. I did, and It give under the strain. very much like taking up painting and ’em apart.” was nrrnnged through Captain Boesch The Cyclop»’ Cargo. music and Russian wolf hounds, and The living room of the Ehrig abode of the Orion. Nerlng took my place “I went ashore at Bahia to see the making your living by them? Is bright with evidences of Hal's south- on the Cyclops. dockmen who had loaded the Cyclops. Hal Ehrig, 646 West 61st street, sur- pawed artistry. And he’s sold a lot “Despite war time secrecy, every On the dock where the cargo was ! vlved two serious motorcycle acci more, two of them for $150 each. Soma one In Norfolk knew the Cyclops was stowed, the foreman, named Martins, dents, one in 1911 in an endurance of his canvases are six feet long. Hal to take on a cargo for South America. explained to me as best he could re race to Michigan City and another In has them suspended from the bar run “On Jnnuary 1, 1018, I stood on the member just bow the loading was ; 1912 In the bowl at Riverview park. ning parallel with his bed and works Orion’s quarter deck, near the stern done. ' Each time his left hip was badly in as If painting on the ceiling. rail, watching the Cyclops let go her “He pointed out two cranes set How He Took Up Music. jured, but each time he recovered with Hues and clear the dock under the about 300 feet apart on the dock and Now for the music. t apparently no permanent disability. Orion’s stern. They 'let go forward I' told me the cranes bad lowered the “I took up song writing about , But with Hal, the third time was the on the Cyclops, and the current car cargo Into the Cyclops's holds. I asked I charm. While driving an automobile three years ago,” Hal went on. “Some ried her bow out In the river. They him If the cranes had been moved jnt dusk he encountered a drainage fellows were over seeing who could ‘let go aft!' The cry 'All gone, sir!’ during the course of the loading, and ditch In the road. The car overturned write the best poetry. They liked mine, rang out, and the Cyclops swung out he said ‘No.’ He also said the Cy- on his body, lacerating the same hip. and we sent It to a music house to Into the stream. i clogs had not' shifted either forward have it put to music. It was a war song In Bed Seven Year*. “On April 1 we went to Lambert’s or aft along the dock. called “When We Whirl Into Berlin,” Point. Hampton roads, to load 12,000 To-day he lies in a half reclining po Some copies went to a pal of mine “Thia Implied that one-half the car tons of coal, and from there to the sition In a be! by the window. He overseas and It pretty near started a go had been loaded Into one or two Norfolk navy yard to load steel plate*, has lain that way for seven years. But riot. The boys wanted to dash rijdit forward hatches and one-half Into one gasoline drums and depth charges— he has a smile on his face and un up to the front” , or two after hatches. all of which gave us 2,000 tons of shaken belief that a few years will see "With a collier’» 12,000-ton cargo Since his Initial venture Into the cargo on top of coal. The det him on his feet again, playing with his realm of song Hal has written several of coal all the hatches are (lilt'd to onators of the depth charges we liusslan wolf hounds. A new and unpublished photograph the covers. Manganese ore Is so much more. hung In the rigging for safety. On of Lillian Moller Gllbreth, railed the heavier than coal that 12,000 tons of “My injury Is set her a mystery to “I’m crazy about music,” he con April 3 I reported to the skipper that new “woman who lives In a shoe,” It spread evenly over a big ship's bot the medical profession." said he. ‘Tve tinued, “but I really think I’ll make we were secure for sen. We were and on whom the cart's of rearing a tom would be only a few feet deep. got a wonderful appetite and eat my most of my money on my dogs. Cot going to South America. family of ten children rest lightly. “I have given these facts as I found three square meals every day. But 1 ^two of ’em—Russian wolf hounds, “Lost With All Hand«.” She Is a graduate of the University them. Think them over. Then de can’t move except thlaone arm.” And “That afternoon a young ensign of California and also has a I'h. D. cide for yourself the fate of the Supreme Knight James A. Flaherty he gripped the wooden bar that runs worth $5.000. They're wonderful dogs. came down from the bureau of navi degree which she received at Brown. Cyclop»." with the magnificent Sevres vase pre parallel to his bed and raised him 1 expect to open exclusive kennel* A pup brings *a gation In Washington with some con Mrs, Ollbreth la not half as proud of sented to the Knights of Columbus by self. ’T he doctors explain my condi and sell puppies. fidential code books to be delivered her college degrees and of being the Great to Be Alive, He Says, Then Dlea. Dr. Marcel Knecht, French high com tion as being nervous shock—when much as $200. “You know, when 1 went to bed 1 Des Moines, la.—"It's great to be missioner, on behalf of President Mll- to ship* In South American porta. He author of some authoritative book* on the left hip tightened up It pulled the wns 21 years old and 5 feet 7 Inches remarked Victor Dlemer, lerand and the French government. apent an hour In the captain's cabin. psychology of management and fatigue alive," other side of me for support. tall. Now I am 28 years old and rm After he went ashore the captain ; study, as she Is of being the mother of thirty years old, to a fellow worker. The vase, which Is valued at $5.000, “I could feel myself stiffening all 0 feet 2 inches tall. And my face came Into the wardroom where we ten good Americana. The Ollbreth Within five minutes a dirt embank will be exhibited throughout the Uni were playing card* and listening to children of Montclair, N. X, are happy ment at his back rolled down on him. ted States before being placed In the over. I didn’t know how long I was hasn't changed—I don’t look a day a vlctrola and aatd to me I ought to exponent* of the Industrial efficiency He was dead when the other* were K. of C. home office building In New going to be laid up. but decided to be older than when I was hart Funay, as comfortable as I could. So I bad Isn’t i t r able to dig him out Hfcven, Conn. thank Ood I waa there. The other | advocated by their parent». Former Navigating Officer of U. S. Collier, Who Went Over Her Course Later, Convinced She Broke in Two Under Strain of Badly Stowed Cargo— Passed Buoy He Believed Hers. Tells Tale of War’s Changes LOOKS LIKE A NEW WORLD Bedridden, He \ Earns His Way MIKES BIG MONEY AT BOTH