Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (July 1, 1921)
V. o M. library Wrmwtott limitò VOL. XV HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY, JU L Y 1, 1921 WILL ENTERTAIN TOURISTS SATURDAY, JULY 25 Society Events Q f Tk, S '« * NOTICE TO WATER USERS i No. 42 hay BROWERS HOLD MEETING ANO PERFECT ^ A very attractive afternoon party Notice is hereby given that tt is was held In the parlors of the Mason necessary for the public health of 1c Lodge Friday afternoon when the the city of Hermiston, that all water The route to be traveled through • 2— Medford - Ashland. ( A f t e r ladies of the Bridge club gave the taken from the city water system, be the state by the first trainload of breakfast at Roseburg, party will last entertainment.of the season to boiled before used for cooking or i The Oregon Cooperative Hay Grow settlers who are scheduled to arrive cover territory between .there and the members of the club and a large drinking purposes ers held Its meeting for adoption of the By-laws and permanent organi from the Middle West on July 21st Ashland, arr'ving at Ashland for number of invited guests. The Reports from the last samples of zation Wednesday at the Public for an inspection of the state’s ag dinner and all night.) rooms were delightfully cool and water sent to the state health de Library. Fifty growers from the ricultural resources, was announced 3— Klamath Falls. (After break comfortable under a bower of trail partment were received Wednesday various shipping points In the Colum by the Oregon State Chamber of fast at Ashland, party will be taken ing vines and green branches with and notice is hereby given immedlat- The music festival which will be bia Basin were In attendance. The Commerce today. to Klamath Falls for dinner and all lovely hoquets of summer blossoms ly to see that ail water is boiled. held at the Baptist church tonight, directors of the organization for the The task of arranging an itiner night. Party will be met by Direct on numerous pedestals arranged It will be necessary for all public I Friday, July 1st, will be a rare treat ary which would include the repre- ors of Oregon State Chamber of Com about the toom. Progressive auc- places, such as hotels, dunking foun-1 for all who attend. The best talent coming year are Ira A. Berger of esntative districts of the state in the, merce at Klaniath Falls.) tlon bridge was played at eight cos-| tains In ice cream parlors, etc., to in the city has been engaged and Boardman. F. L. Jewett. Umatilla- limited time allowed under the home- <—Crater Lake. (After break ily arranged tables where electric have the water boiled before serving | the musical will be held In the Bapt- Irrigon, Ell Winesett of Hermiston, Goo. Beddow of Columbia. Rex San seekers ticket, twenty-one days, was fast and luncheon at Klamath Falls fans kept the cool air circulating it to customers. _ 1st church. ford of Stanfield. H. J. Bean of Echo, an exceedingly difficult one, accord party will be conveyed to Crater Lake for the comfort of the players.. Mrs. F. C. McKepzle, Mayor. The price of admission is 35 cents and Lee Savely of Butter Creek. The ing to Secretary Quayle. The matter for dinper and all night.) rl. T. Fraser was awarded a dainty for all above six years of age. Fol board of directors is to meet Satur has been under advisement since the 5— Bend. (After breakfast at floral basket In recognition, of the lowing is the program: Picnic at Reservoir day for the purpose of electing tbe Land Settlement Conference held in Crater Lake, party will proceed to highest score recorded. Mrs. Emmet Everyone is invited to participate Piano Duet by Mrs. Corrall and officers and laying plans for selec Portland June 7th, and every effort Bend and take the train for Omaha Crocker received the consolation in a picnic Fourty of July afternoon I Miss Mumma tion of manager. It ls’ expected the has been made to route the party and Kansas City.) prize suggesting that she try her at the south side of the reservoir Reudlng, "Who’s ,Afrald” James association will begin shipping hay over the state In the most effective fortune with other cards. At five 6— Train leaves Bend at 7:00 a There will be quite a crowd of city W. Riley’s bear story, Wilma Wauga- in from two to three weeks. way, according to Quayle. o’clock the tables were easily convert folks alher on the banks of the res- | man. m., August 6th. Some work has been done already While the itinerary in general will ed into dainty tea tables centered ervoir, and dandy eats will be on 8— Omaha, arrive 8:45 p. m. Vocal Solo, “Asleep in the Deep" among the dairymen In Western Ore be followed as outlined, it was an 9— Kansas City, arrive 9:15 a. m. with midget boquets. Raspberries hand, and games of all sorts indulg Mr. Frank Waugaman, accompanied gon and many of them have promis nounced that it was subject to a pie a la Mode with iced coffee and ed in. All who have no other ar-I by Mrs. Callahan. ’d to buy their hay from the hay change in some instances, inasmuch salted nuts were served by the host- rangements made for the Fourth, are| Voca ISolo, “Little Boy Blue" Miss growers. A joint meeting pi the as the routing of the party through sscs who received many expressions invited to come to the picnic. Brown. Washington and Oregon association’s a few districts would be governed of appreciation from the guests for a Piano Solo. Miss Golda Mumma. boards of directors will be held next by the number of settlers who make delightful closing of the years pleas Baptist Notices Reading, “Lasks" Melba Callahan. week either at Prosser or Pendleton. up the party. ant associations together as a bridge R. V. Ashmun minister. Sunday Vocal Solo, "Carmena” Miss Emily The plans for the Joint sales agency The itinerary follows: Wednesday afternoon Charles elub. The hostesses were Mrs. I. E. School at 10:01). We cordially in Ighotwell. will be worked out at that time and Ladles Quartet, Good By Sweet steps taken to secure a sales manag July 20—Omaha, leave 1:20 a. m. Taylor and Emmett Crocker, Reclam Davis, Mrs. O. G. Sapper, Mrs. Az C. vite all not attending elsewhere to Voelker, Mrs. F. V. Prime, Mrs. W join with us in the greatest Ameri Day” Mrs. Corrall, Mrs. Kingsley, er woh will have charge of the sales 21— Ontario, arrive 2:30 p. m., ation Service employees had a very leave midnight. (Auto trip visit narrow escape from drowning, when W. Illsley, Mrs. H. Hitt and Mrs. C. canizing force in the world. "Bible Miss Mumma, Mrs. Shotwell, of hay from both associations which Study.” ing Nyssa, Vale and over Warm the Ford car in which they were rid M. Jackson. Reading, Miss Zona Bensel. goes Into competing territory. The The Young Peoples Society meets Springs Irrigation Project, with din ing turned over on the Western Land Cornet Solo, Henry Shelleday. Washington association has already Misses Lenore and Alice Dyer en at 7:00 o’clock jpromptly. Topic", nee that evening at Ontario.) & Irrigation company’s ditch south Vocal Solo, “Sunbeams” Mrs. Ash taken on considerable business di 22— Baker, arrive 3:30 a. m., leave west of Echo, pinning them under ertained a large company of theii “Thy Will Be Done” ‘"I With My mun. rect with the dairymen of Western 11:00 p. m. (Breakfast, luncheon and neath the machine in about two feet friends at a swimming party and pic Strength.” The Young People bf Admission 35 cents for all above »Vashingfon and British Columbia. dc supper at the home of their par urged to be present with friends. dinner at Baker.) of water. They have contracted with these six years of age. Let us not forget our invitation 23— La Grande, arrive 1:00 a. m Mr. Crocker’s leg was very badly ents Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Dyer soutli dairymen on a basis of 615 per ton (Breakfast, luncheon and dinnr at hurt, and It will be necessary for an >t town last Saturday afternoon. The for the Fourth. There will be a F. O. B. shipping points August and La Grande.) ex-ray photo to find out if the mem cemented “A” line canal furnished good time In store for all who go to September deliveries No. 1 hay. 24— Joseph, arrive 4:00 a. m., b(V was broken. He suffered Bev a delightful swimming place and Athena. Information comes to • the local Friday evening July 1st is the leave Enterprise 10:00 p. m. (Break erly while being brought home in an nany efficient swimmers are devel association through the Washington fast at Wallowa Lake. Trip through other car. Mr. Taylor fared consid oping their powers there during the date for the Music Festival to be management that these Bales by the Wallowa Valley to Enterprise.) erable better, though had a hard hot summer days. After the picnic held at the Baptist church at 8:00 original hay growers have forced the J. Skovbo has Just received a new 25— Pendleton, arrive 6:00 a. in. lime extracting himself so that he supper the young folks spent the p. m. „ price paid by .the dealers to 612 and honey grader, which is on display Morning worship at 11:00 o'clock at the Herald office. Anyone wish 512.50 per ton. While dealers, leave Hermiston 10:00 p. m. (Aft could get his nose above water, both ;vening at games and dancing re er drive through Umatilla County men would have perished under the turning home later in a hay-rack Theme '“Indépendance and Depend ing to have a good look at the in generally bouht hay at 610 per ton from hleh tuneful songs drifted ance” Vocal Solo. Mrs. Ashmun wheat fields, luncheon will be serv machine. strument, may call and see It. It Is at the beginning of the seuson. The with violin obligato by Emile Shot- ed at Echo or Stanfield. Party will The accident happened Just after along the -oute. it , , , i a verY simple grader, and only re growers who have joined the Oregon "g 8trVlCe’ 8on» Bervlce| quires filling a small vial and hold Cooperative Hay Growers are not pro then be taken through Government the men had finished some work Mr. Norres Guerney from Baker followed by sermon. A Christian Irrigation Project to Hermiston that was being done In connection ing the vial up to different places posing to be stampeded into selling with the McKay creek dam. The car spent the week end with Dr. and Mrs. welcome is extended to all. hay at 610 per ton. They believe where dinner will be Berved.) where glass, shaded to show the dif- Word has just been received to the frent grades, will tell the producer (hat such a price means financial 26— Bend, arrive 7:00 a. m., where was on the bank of the ditch, and W. W. Illsley accompanied by Mrs. party will detrain. (After break the front wheel had gotten out of the Illsley sister Miss Helen Gardeniei effect that The Young People As at a glance the grade of samples, ruin to the hay producer. Every effort will be put forth by the new fast at Bend, party will be taken by regular beaten road, ,the pressure who was returning to her home In sembly this year will take place July There are five different grades, viz: officers to hold to a minimum price automobiles to Redmond and on to of the car made the dirt embankment Baker from the University where 29 to August 8. At the Columbia tin j - water white, white, light amber, am- of 615 pcs ton along with the Wash Assembly Grounds. These grounds h„_ an<1 . . . Prineville for luncheon. After lunch fall in, letting the car turn over in he is a junior. ington growers. This price will at are 30 miles below Portland. An eon, party will be driven to Madras to the ditch, bottom side up. It all Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ralph delight- extensive view across the Columbia least mean a living. There are 120 for dinner, remaining at Madras all happened so quickly, that neither of • he men had a chance to jump. > 'ully entertained a company of River, of Mt. Hood, Mt. Adams, and HONEY PRODUCERS MEET IN growers in the new organization and night.) HERMISTON AND ORGANIZE the campaign for an cage Is to he Mr. Crocker will be laid up for riends at an evening party at their Mt. St. Helens makes the grounds 27— Madras. (After breakfast at I*ishcd vigorously, it Is thought) Madras, party will be taken to Mau some time, but Mr. Taylor was at tin iome Monday evening. Auction unsurpassed for beauty. Delegates Last Thursday evening, nearly all by directors that 7000 acres will be iride was the diversion of tin: will soon be elected, to represent our pin, where luncheon will be served office as usual Thursday morning. the bee men on the project met at th»> indcr contract by October 1st. ,uests who registered a happy time society. and on to The Dalles for dinner, re Public Library and formed an associ •ver the game and enjoyed the de- maining all night at The Dalles.) 1,000,000 BUSHELS WHEAT ation called the Honey Producers Co icious luncheon and visiting hour 28— The Dalles. (After break ADDITIONAL LOCALS SOLD IN UMATILLA COUNTY hat followed. A turn at palmistry operative Association. fast at The Dalles, part will be driv The meeting was called by some ilso furnished much amusement add The hot weather of the last few en to Hood River for luncheon and A million bushels of new crop aertinent comment among the guests. of the prominent bee men of the days seems to have a stimulating Portland for dinner remaining in wheat has been contracted for at 61 effect on the tourist business. The county, so that an organization Portland all night.) per bushel or prices ranging in that The first harvesting operations in With a noisy honking of horns and roads have been 'full 'of camping might be formed to cooperate with 29— Portland. (After breakfast vicinity, says H. W. Collins, promt yrens, several car-loads of impromp parties, many of them bound for the the state and national organizations Umatilla county this season started at Portland, party will be met by del nent local gralnman. Mr. Collin: to further the cause of honey pro when George Copplnger, west end egates from different sections of himself has contracted for 700,000 tu guests drove up to the Lochrtc beaches. duction and stimulate Interest among fanner, began harvesting a field Western Oregon, some taken down bushels and believes the amount sold home on Tuesday evening to remind Mr. Brooks, renting one of J. the growers for better results In hon- Turkey Red Wheat. The whelt. the river to Astoria, south to Tilla already to the million mark or above Mrs. S. C. Lochrie that they were nindful of her birthday. After hosts Skovbo’« places, had the misfortune y production. grown as an experiment to contrast mook and catch the patty the even it. Ell Wlnesctt was elected prcsl wd guests adjusted themselves, to fall from a horse recently and t with Hybrid 128, matures early. ing of the 30th at Salem. Others of The wheat purchased by Mr. Col the party will be taken through lins organization has all been for ex tables were arranged for cards and break his arm. He is getting along dent of the local association and It is estimated that it will go 30 Clinton Bancroft, secretary. bushels to the acre or more, which Is Washington county, Yamhill county port and will be handled through furnished interesting diversion for nicely, however, and the arm is The members hope to interest all 10 bushels to the acre more than last and part of Polk county, arriving at the company’s export connections. •he evening. The contents of a huge inending fine. the bee men on the project, and get year’s average. Salem the evening of the 30th. Others There is said to have been no buying freezer and several baskets were then George Peterson plans to begin Boardman sent the best represent all of them Into the association. The w ilt be taken via Oregon City, Aur- for northwest mills as there is no ittacked and a happy hour spent lora and branch roads, arriving at milling business at present. Aside during lunch time, a fte r which tiie atiou of all the districts at last next meeting has not been announced harvesting tomorrow and C. A. Moll ext week. Both are west end wheat Salem the 30th. Others may spend from the wheat purchased In this guests departed wishing Mrs. Loch Wednesday’s hay growers n»e|ing. but will be in the near future. ;rowers who are raising Turkey Reil. Boardman is a very progressive llt- a day in and around Portland, so country, Mr. Collins has bought con rie many more returns of the day. To compare the merits of Turkey Summer Normal at Pendleton lle town and is always In for any that the entire party may reach siderable wheat’ In counties west of Mr. John Rell a rising young at thing that tends to improvement. The summer normal school, nos Red and White Hybrid, Fred Ben- Salem for dinner at Salem the even Umatilla but the bulk of the grain being hold at Pendleton, has one of nlon, county agent. Is making ar ing of the 30th. The full party to secured will be from the Umatilla torney who practiced his pofession Mrs. Boyd Johnson, son and the largest classes ever held. Twice rangements for a trip to the west end here some time sprang a surprise have dinner at Salem the evening of county harvest.— E. O. on his relatives and friends by an daughter, of Seattle, came last Thurs ns many teachers are in attendance on Friday, bo that farmers may be the 30th, remaining all night at nouncing his marriage to Miss Alice day and remained over the week an last year, and before the course shown how Turkey Red stands up m i Salem.) ' Robbins of L ob Angeles, Cal..last end with Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Young Is through, tt Is expected more will ler soil conditions in the west end. 31— Eugene. (Party leaving Sal Thursday. Miss Robbins is a pop and fumily. They are enroute by enroll. The summer normal Is be The tour has been arranged for and em morning of the 31st will cover ular teacher in the famous city of Huto to Oakland, California. coming very popular with the teach automobiles will leave here on Fri towns between Salem and Eugene, The Fourth of July will be verv tourists, Mr. Reil is a brother of ers In Eastern Oregon, and Is a great day at 2:30 p. m.- E. O. party dividing, covering territory quiet In and around Hermiston this Miss Helen Gardiner and Mr. Nor Mrs. J. D. Watson of this city with help to th >m. both sides of Willamette River, ar year. There Is no celebration In the whom his mother Mrs. Reil resides. ris drove up from Portland Saturday Masons Meet riving at Eugene for dinner and all west end of the county, and those and visited at the home of Dr. and Mr. and Mrs. John Reil will make The Hermiston lodge of Masons night.) desiring to go where there Is a cele their home In Los Angeles, where Mrs. W. W. Illsley until Monday PROF. N. A. SCULLEN. 0 . A. C. SPECIALIST COMING net In a special meeting last Rat- 31— Coos Bay. (Any of the party bration will be compelled to go out of Mr. Reil has been located for the morning when they left for their rday in their lodge rooms over the desiring to visit Cone Bay district the neighborhood. home in Baker. Miss Gardiner Is past year. Prof. N. A. Scullen, specialist In Oregon Hardware A Implement com rather than country between Eugene Mrs. Illsley’g sister. There is a celebration in Ukiah, bee keeping, from the Oregon Agri pany’s store for ihelr laKt meeting and Roseburg may take 1:00 a. m. and one in Kennewick. Washington. K. of P. Picnic cultural College, wITl hold a bee dem during the summer months. A num train cut of Eugene August 1st, ar These two are the clueeat to Hermis Hollis Percy hauled a truck load On the Fourth of July, the Knights rive MarehfieM 7:00 a. m. same day; ton. HoweviiV, there will be a large of Pythias of Weston and the Weston of household goods to Presses, Wash, onstratlon Tuesday, July 12th. The ber of guests from Umatilla were thence by automobile to Roseburg number of picnics in the west end of Community club will hold a big pic for Harry Pratt Saturday. Mr. demonstration will be held at the E lt in attendance and one of the best Winesett Apiaries and will commence meetings of the year was enjoyed. and meet main party for dinner at the county, and one need not go far nic at Cold Springs, 10 miles back of Pratt, who has lived about two miles at 1:20 p. m. Frank Stone rode the goat on his Roseburg same evening. August 1st. for a good time. Hermiston will west of this city is moving to Pros Weston Mountains. There will be After the work Is completed there, third degree and says it was some Fare Eugene to Marshfield 16.32, have two or three big picnics and all kinds of games, such as base ball, ser, those attendln will drive to other goat: sleeper lower 63.24, upper 62.59.) there is a large one at Umatilla on foot racing, dancing, etc., as well as W G. Drowley, of Vancouver, nplarles where al! -.Jll be Inspected. After lodge was adjourned, an ex August 1— Roseburg. ( A f t e r the banks of the Columbia which will speaking and music. All K. of P. Wash, general attorney for the It Is hoped that all the bee men in cellent light luncheon was served breakfast at Eugene, party will cov be a popular one. After the picnic Lodges In the county will send dele receivers of the Western Land and the west end of the county will turn and the toast master called on sev er territory between there and Rose at Umatilla there will be a good mov gations to attend the picnic. J. T. Irrigation Co., arrived here Saturday out, as they will learn considerable eral of the members tor short talks burg. arriving In Roseburg for din- ie show, after which a dance will be Htnkle of Hermiston will be speak on business. He left the first of the concerning bees and honey produc All in all, it was declared the best per and all night.> given. er of the day. week. tion. meeting held for somç tiro«. MUSIC FESTIVAL AT THE RAPTIST CHURCH HERMISTON MEN HAVE VERY NARROW ESCAPE J. SKOVBO GETS NEW HONEY GRABER UMATILLA COUNTY HARVEST UNDER WAY FOURTH WILL BE QUIET