Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1921)
THE HEBMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON* OREGON. L O D G E D IR E C T O R Y Hay There!! Q ueen E sther chapter n «. 101. o. e . s .. meets second Tuesday svenin< of each month at 8:00 sharp in Masonic hall. V isiting member« welcome. Sue D. Dobler. W. M. Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. Y o u c a n in s u s e $ 1 0 0 .0 0 w o r th o f h a y f o r o n e y e a r a t a c o s t o f $3.00. LIER MISTO N LODGE NO. 138. A. F. A A. M m ____ e e t s in in M M u uonic w i n i p Hall H u l l on a n First F i r s t and u n ii Third T h in T u u d a , avenin». of each month. Vim tin» breth- DEATH CAE DRIVEN BY W AL LIE REID IN AUTO RACE SCENE Tk.Tk.Mr. Popular Star Wins Contest With Famous Car in “Excuse My Dust” B m stifai THE PLAY HOUSE Or.g«e S a t u r d a y , J u n e 11 In his new Paramount Artcraft I picture. “Excuse My Dust,” an ex citing automobile racing story that y lN^ RichM l22£»1i?«^ 'in oddrSio« | wU1 come the Play House. Satur V isitin g m em bers cordially invited. day. June 11. Wallace Reid tempted W. R. Loa*horn. Sec. G. H. Myers. N . G. fate by driving a speed car that holds | the record for accidents. P R O F E S S IO N A L C A R D S tf The automobile began Its career as I a regular racing car and captured o f Hermiston, Oregon J. A . P E E D several prizes. Then Wallia Reid V E T E R I N A R Y S U R O E O N drove it for scenes in his recent sue-1 ‘K id s is K id s ” —C o m e d y House Phone 21 HermistOD. Ore. cessful Faramount picture, “The Roaring Road,” and smashed a rec FOUND—A violin In case. Loser ord for speed around the famous can identify and have same by 7 :3 0 -9 :1 5 15-35C D R . R . G. G A G E paying for this adv. 39-ltc ’Death Curve” of the Santa Monica | P h y s ic ia n a n d B u r g e o n course. Then came the Santa Mon Announcement A complete stock of bath tubs, toilets, Dr. R. G. Gale, announces that he ica road race, and the driver of the I wash bowles, and hot water tanks N O S H O W S U N D A Y , J U N E 12 and fixtures. If we havent what will return to Hermiston about June car in that event turned it over on | 15 and resume his practice. a curve and smashed it to pieces. ,you want, we’ll get It. Repairing and Installing. I. E. Putman. FOR RENT But the automobile was rebuilt I M o n d a y a n d T u e s d a y , J u n e 13 a n d 14 Phone 783. D R . F R A N C IS P. A D A M S and entered In the big race at In FOR RENT— The Jensen 10 acre Physician and Surgeon dianapolis. There it turned over, ranch, or will rent the house with Eyes treated, tested and Glasses Fitted driver and mechanican were trapped out ranch, three-quarters of a mile CASH Paid Ar second hand goods. Office over First National Bank Correll’s Shop. 17-tfc from town. A beautiful place to under it, and both burned to death. - I N ----- OFFICE PHONE. 92 live with every convenience. RESIDENCE PHONE. 596 But the owner again had the car re Elliott's Tire Shop. 37-tc. Henry Hanby. Offiee Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6:30 p. m. built and won a race at Elgin, 1111- | T. L. Hall, transfer. Call Elliott'i Day or night calls answered promptly nois with it. In "Excuse My Dust, FOR SALE Wallace Reid drove the machine at I Tire shop, phone 192. 19-tfc DE. W. W. ILLSLEY O n e s h o w e a c h n i g h t —8 p. m . 25-55c top speed from Los Angeles to San | Office over First National Bank FOR SALE— My 5 acre orchard on Used Furniture, stoves, heaters and Francisco and had no trouble at all. Osteopathy Medicine Surgery Hermiston Ave. F. L. Allen ranges bought, sold, exchanged or The picture is a thrilling mixture I Calls answered at all hours 39-2tp W e d n e s d a y , J u n e 15 repaired. Correll’s shop. 7-tfc Office phone 661 of business intrigue, auto racing, and Residence phone 711 FOR SALE—Stacker, forks, shovels, laughs. Anna Little is the leading | pump Jack, range oil stoves, cream THE feeling of security Is well worth woman, and Sam Woods directed. DR. C. 0 . WAINSCOTT the premium paid. How about separator, linoleum, mower, rugs, -I N ----- that Fire Insurance? See the E kitchen cabinet, dresser, rockers, Physician and Surgeon P. Dodd Agency. 11-tfc typewriter; etc., at Correll’s shop. ALL HIGH SCHOOL PAPERS X-Ray Specialist 37-tfc. FORM JOURNALISM EXHIBIT I Phones, Res. 889-J—Office 886 I have taken the agency for the FOR SALE—or will trade for cows Ladles Home Journal. Saturday Even Office Rooms, 15-16-17 Bond Bld’g. A complete exhibit of Oregon high E D D IE P O L O in “ K IN G OF T H E C IR C U S ” or young cattle, one Ford Road Ing Post anr the Country Gentleman Pendleton, Oregon school annuals, magazines, news ster, one team about 1200 pounds Anyone wishing to renew their sub 7 :3 0 -9 :1 5 ' 15-35c and harness, one 3 Vi Studebaker scriptions can do so through me. papers and news notes is being made Donald B. Parsons. Wagon with hay rack and one 3- 37-4tp by the school of journalism in con D r . F . V . P R I M E ton truck. W. A. Leathers. 34-tfc. nection with the Oregon High School D E N T IS T R Y PRICES REDUCED FOR Press association formed here May FOR SALE— Gooseberries. H. E. The Ladies Home Journal ........81.50 Hermiston, Oregon Hanby. 20th. 37-4tc. Saturday Evening Post ........... 2.00 Office. Bank Bldg. Office Hours Renew your subscriptions through Office Phone, 93 An enrollment during the coming Residence Phone 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. FOR SALE.—Good team 5-year-old H. Pelmulder, Hermiston, Oregon year of 150 high schools of the state mares. Price is right. See A. W. Phone 312. 39-tfc in the association is predicted by Agnew. 34-tfc. J. D . Z Ü R C H E R Dean Eric W. Allen, of the school of NOTICE FOR SALE— Aeromoter Wind Mill journalism. We are In the market for several LAW YER and steel tower, wheel 8 ft. in di car loadR of hay, for Immediate ship The extension division and the ameter, tower 20 ft. high. W. A. ment. Phone 4022 morning, n >on school of education are cooperating Stanfield - - Oregon Ford. Umatilla. 24-tfc or evening. We have an Auto Truck in this work, which is declared to be will do the lyiullng, when truck FOR SALE— 3 ’A in. Webber wagon and e one of the most practical movements is used. with hay rack on. Good as new. in recent years for vitalizing high We take all kinds of goods for stor O. O. Felthouse. 26-tfc age In our warehouse. Fire and school Englislf. Automobile Insurance ¡agency. We The exhibit that is being pre FOR SALE— 15 h, p. Alamo engine; buy O p tom etrist an d O p tician and sell any kind of cattle. Good Ford delivery body. See Harry pasture at the Farm 83.00 per month pared will be for loan to various G ground Io fit your eye. Kelley. 51-tfc per head, grown stock only. Three Fifteen year, experience at your service high schools of the state through the extension division. • Yellow Dent Seed Corn grown here 40 aqre tracts pf land partly Improv 6c a pound. Stangeby & Oast, ed for sale on reasonable terms. A m erica n N at. Bank Bldg. W. A. Leathers Umatilla, Phone 3872. 31-tfc 32-tfc. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT P e n d leto n , O regon In the County Court of thè State Notice of Annual School Meeting of Oregon, for Umatilla County. FOR SALE— Royal Typewriter, No. In the matter of the estate of 10 in first class condition 850.00 Notice is hereby given to the legal Russell W. Chamberlain, deceased: 10-tfc voters of School District No. 14, of Notice is hereby given that the Umatilla County, State of Oregon, undersigned has filed with the Clerk FOR SALE— 20 acres, Stanfield pro that the annual Bchool meeting of of the above entitled court her final ject, 10 acres alfalfa, all fenced said district will be held at the T R A N SF E R report as administratrix of the estate rabbit wire, buildings and well. school house; to begin at the hour of of Kusselì W. Chamberlain, deceased, Stock and furniture also for sale. 2 o’clock p. m. on the third Monday * PH O N E 192 and that the Court has designated Inquire, this office. 42-tfc of June, being the 20th day of fune, ^Saturday, July 2, 1921, at the hour A. D., 1921. Leave order, at of 10:00 o’clock in the forenoon, as the time, and the County Court room This meeting is called for the pur HAVING Purchased the Bennett in the County Court house in Pen pose of electing two directors and place together with equipment, dleton, Umatilla County, Oregon, as have the following property for the consideration of the following: the place, when and where hearing sale: 1 wide wheel McCormick NoQce thereon shall be had. All persons in % mower; one new Iron wheel To the boards of school districts terested are hereby notified to then truck; one 8 Inch vineyard plow; numbers (8) Eight, (112) One Hun and there appear and show cause, If HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK one DeLaval Separator; one team dred Twelve, (115) One Hundred any they have, why the final report Fifteen, and (14) Fourteen, all of shall not be approved, the adminis mares; 1 set double work harness; TRANSFER tratrix discharged, and her bonds one 3 h. p. "Z” type keroslne en- Umatilla County, Oregon: men exhonorated. Upon reiftipt of petitions from the gino, one power chopper No. 10 Dated this 8th day of June, 1921. W. A. Ford, Umatilla, Ore. 25-tfc. above said school districts, the Dis W e W eld Anything but A Broken Heart Ruth E. Chamberlain, R H O M B 182 trict Boundary Board of Umatilla 3 9-4tc Administratrix. County, Oregon, directs the boards FOR SALE— Five room new bunga Hermiston, Oregon Phone'264 low. Will accept city lots as part of the above said school districts to NOTICE payment. Albert Smith, Hermis state In the notice for the next an Notice is hereby given and directed Holli« Percey, Prop. ton, Oregon. . 2 7-tfc nual school meeting to be held June to all freeholders, legal voters and 20, 1921, that the question of unit •ssessment payers within the Hermis Hermiston, Or«. FOR SALE— Newcomb Carpet and ing school districts numbers (8) ton Irrigation District, In Umatilla Rug Loom, or will trade for any county, Oregon, and to all other per kind of stock we can use on the Eight, (112) One Hundred Twelve, lina interested in said district, that ranch, the machine can be seen at (115) One Hundred Fifteen, and J. F. McNaught, E. L. Jackson and the Hahn General Shoe Store. E. (14) Fourteen, all of Umatilla Frank Waugaman, directors of said E. Graham, M. R, 1, Hermiston, County, Oregon, for high school pur have by petition commenced Ore. 37-tfc. poses only, thus forming a union 5 J .,L . V A U G H A N S district, a special proceeding In the Circuit E L E C T R I C F I X T U R E S ■ high school (district, will be sub Court of the State of Oregon, for FOR SALE— 40 acres in alfalfa, mitted to the voters of the above A N D A P P L IA N C E S J Umatilla County, for the purpose of priced very reasonable. W. W. said districts. Phone 139 g having a judicial examination and Felthouse. ■ 38-ttc 2 0 8 8 . C o u r t O t . P e n d l e t o n , O r e . g judgment of the court as to the regu That the «ite for the location of A lso w ith e a c h c a s in g b o u g h t in M a y a n d J u n e larity and legality of the proced- FOR SALE— Good young team and the high school building for said ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ fngs In connection with the organi proposed Union High School District, you g e t a F re e T ube McCormick mower, cheap. Inquire zation of said district, and the pro at this •office. 38-2tp Is here particularly described as fol ceedings of said board of directors lows, to-wlt: Commencing at a T w o doom eant Two doom ea*t and of said district in the authoriza Or«. Hdw«. Co. Orr. Hdw«. Co. SOME Small iforses for sale cheap. point 427.4 feet east and 30 feet tion of a contract with the United north of the SW corner of the NW Shotwsll Contracting Co. 32-tfc. States and as to the validly of said U jpf section 11 Tp. 4 N, Range 28 contract, and the Honorable Gilbert « E. W. M., said point being 80 feet FOR SALE— Team of seven year-old W. Phelps, Judge of said Court, has and Homemakers Conference ■ north of-the NW corner of block 11 mares, well matched, weight aboi^t of the subdivision of lot B in the entered an order therein setting «■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■J Tuesday, the 5th day of July, 1921, 14001bs. W. T. Roberts ranch. town of Hermiston. Oregon, as shown nt the hour of 10 o’clock A. M. as 3^7-4tc. by the plat of the said subdivision, of the time and the Circuit Court room the records in the office of the coun A w e e k o f C o lle g e in the court house at Pendleton, Ore ty recorder of Umatilla County, and FOR SALE— Ford car. first class gon, as the place for hearing said condition. Priced right. Geo. A. running thence east on a line par petition. L ife a t O. A . C. allel to and 30 feet distant from the Cressy. 39-tfc This notice Is Issued pursuant to an south line of said NWU of section order of the above entitled Court 1 | 4ff0 feet; thence north 283 feet; AT McNurlen’s farm, % mile west of made and entered on the 1st day of C o o p e r a tiv e Umatilla, after June 13th, Royal thence west on a line parallel to the June, 1921, and said notice shall be ■ south line of said NWU of section Ann and Bing.cherries for sale at served on all parties In interest by MAKE CHAUTAUQUA WEEK YOUB VACATION WEEK C o n v e n tio n s ■ 12 cents pound. 39-tfc 11 a distance of 400 feet; thence publication thereof for at least once ■ south 263 feet to the point of begin a week for three successive weeks In ■ FOR SALE— Green's Income Tax ning. the same being a part of the the Hermiston Herald, a newspaper Record book. Keep your Income NW *4 of section 11 In T. 4 N. R of general circulation published In tax record straight. Price 84.00, 28 E. W. M., and containing about ■ EXCURSIONS— LET’S GO ■ Umatilla County, Oregon, and the retail price 85.00 The Herald. 2.42 acres. ■ ■ publication thereof shall be made In Done by order of the District the issue of said newspaper dated Corvallis, Ore., Jnne 13 to 18 FOR SALK— 5 milch cows— 1 brood Boundary Borad of Umatilla County, June 3, 1921, and the last publica ■ sow. Responsible parties can have Oregon, this first day of June, 1921. ■ thereof shall be made In the !■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ tion 0 months time, p. Miles on the Issue of said newspaper dated June W. W. GREEN. ■ Dodd place. 39-ltp School Superintendent and Secretary 24. 1921. ■ Dated at Pendleton, Oregon, this SPECIAL CLEAN-UP SALE of the District Boundary Board of FOR SALE— One Mormon stacker Have about 15 odd tracts of land 1st day of June, 1921. Umatilla County, Oregon, 8150.00, on Stanley’s pine«. H. and the transaction of business usual left under the West Extension canals R. T. BROWN, Bottger. 39-ltp at such meetings. —acreage runs from 5 to 55 Irri Clerk of the Circuit Court of the on which will name from State of Oregon, for Umatilla Dated this 1st day of June, 1921. gable, 811 to 818 per acre, buyer to assume County. 38-4tf MISCELLANEOUS Attest: full water rights, including past due R. A. BROWNSON, payments. Time given or discount TYPEWRITER ribbons and carbon District Clerk. WANTED— Horses to pasture. C. W. for all cash. Plats mailed on re paper at the Herald office. F. B SWAYZE. Tilden. , « 38-2tp quest, and consideration given to Chairman Board of Directors. "realtors." Address W. R. Walpole. ADDING machine rolls at the Herald 3«-2tc Irrigon, Oregon. 38-4tc Insurance. First National Bank, tic office. I f t h e in s u ra n c e is n e e d e d f o r o n ly a fe w w e e k s o r a f e w m o n th s y o u p a y o n ly f o r t h e tim e i t is in fo rc e . C. W. Kalla»». S eer. T. D. Worster, W. M W ALACE REID FIRST NATIONAL BANK “Excuse My Dust WANT AOS Priscilla Dean Tom Chaney “Outside the Law” Eva Novak “ Wanted at Headquarters” E Q U IP M E N T -- Plus Mechanical Skill Dr. Dale Rothwell That’s the combination that gives satisfaction. A car penter can’t do good work withQut good tools, neither can a garage. We have the equipment, plus mechanical skill, and our work is the best advertisement we have; T. L .H A L L Elliott’s Tire Shop 20 Per Cent Reduction in Tires I N eil & B arker Co. 20 Per Cent Drop Pennsylvania Tires and Tubes FRE E---- = ‘ FLOYD KNERR ! Fanners’ Week ! CHAUTAUQUA Ì {Ellison- White} Lectures 5 5 S Music Entertainment i ! g I . . S T A N F IE L D June 21 to 25 ! ■ 3