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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1921)
T O E HEBMISTOH HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. ■"■-■-'..g » IJ L J 2 5 = = H 5 = S 5 T H E You Owe Your Children a Home of Their Own— HER A L P Decide to Own a Home Oregon’ s great Irrigated alfalfa fields, by the Herald Publishing Company, M. C. A they, Editor Entered um s e c o nd-ciMMi m u titr VEHLD iZ/foaeafK • H E R M I S T O N [ Published every Friday at Hermistun, Umatilla Couaty, Oregon, in the heart of Eastern D ecem ber imu »,, » i m e poetnflloe e l He-rm isu . u . O regon You’ve W ait*d Subscription Rates; One Year, »2.00; Six Months, il.00 “SAVIKG EUROPE” • An English nobleman voices the ¡-J opinion that it is up to England to “save Europe.” Encouraging words. We hope they | develop into something more thar. By JO N A TH A N BRACE noise. XV— KENTUCKY For a long time It has been the JUIE kinship I custom for foreign statesmen to o f K en dwell eloquently and tearfully uport t u c k y and the “sacred duty of America”— that Virginia 1 s ' of rehabilitating broken down coun that of par tries on the other side of the Atlan" ent and child. tic. From Virginia came most of They have preached this doctrine the settlers of the western state, in season and out, have fed it to us and with them these pioneer« in driblets and by the wholesale, and brought Virginia institutions have even resorted to thinly veiled Give the little ones the present joy and comfort and happiness of and Ideals. It was not until threats of appalling disasters to oc YIUR OWN HOME- IT’S A DUTY. 1750 that the first authentic cur if we don't “come acrosB.” Journey was made by a white And the beat way to secure that home Is to Build It. The idea ot a perpetual meal ticket man Into central parts of the from America was too good for them region afterwards called Ken Plan It Just as you want It—our Architects will help you— tucky. to let go. Apparently it was absorb and fit It to your pocketbook—all the rooms just as you would like I Further explorations showed ingly fascinating that no one even to have them, with the best Ideas as to both interior and exterior that this territory held two Im thought of going to work again, as arrangements and suggestions as to vines, foliage and landscape portant attractions for settlers. we did over here. work. The first was the great fertility But we fear they will eventually of what was called the Blue have to go out and grub for them Grass region. The so-called selves. It may be a new experience blue grass, from which this for some of them but grubbing makes state is nicknamed the “Blue • * Nothing can be gained by waiting, as lumber prices are very Grass State” is In no wise pe red blood and stimulates brain pow unlikely to go lower. In face may go slightly higher. culiar to Kentucky. er. It also helps to fill empty The seeond Inducement for stomachs. settlers was the fact that there Local Building Items StiH, if England feels it her duty were no Indians living In this to "save Europe,” she has our grac J. L. Harman Is building on hl As s’pose you know— lum region. It was later found that ious permission. property on Hurlburt avenue. many roving bands of savages ber Is 'way down — about We might even sajf “amen.” crossed the Ohio from the north R. C. Challis is adding' a porch half last year’s price? and sorely harassed the early ■ to his property on Gladls avenue. ■ When a stranger comes to thh colonists until Clark's expedi ■ town he looks around. It is the nat tions into Ohio and Indiana Ted* Hall has rebuilt the house ■ ural thing to do. His opinions aw checked their Invasions. In fact, Let all your Homes and that burned. (he name Kentucky Is probably Farm Buildings be Planned formed from what he sees and hears J. B. Beebe Is building a small derived from the Iroquois word and Materialized bY and from nothing else. As he find: barn on his farm south of town. kentka-ke, meaning “hunting conditions, so he repeats them whet land.” Another Interpretation he goes.elsewhere and repeats t'ie Is “dark and bloody ground,” but this Is doubtless Incorrect to other people. That Is what make The main highways of travel our reputation abroad, and it i at that time were Daniel R. A . Brownson, M gr. worth remembering. Lets talk ui Boone's “Wilderness Road” PHONE i n and enthuse. through Cumberland Gap and down the Ohio. Hardy plpneers ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ A very charming lady says tha' poured Into this new territory- In such numbers that In 1792, this country Is made up of bcautifu with the permission of Virginia, women and homely men. She is mar Kentucky was admitted to the ried. This Is a country .of beautiful We offer you Ladies Khaki Outing Suits, just Union as the fifteenth state with women, but with beattjy they alst an area of 40,598 square miles. the thing for your automobile trip at $7 a su it- combine intelligence, and common Kentucky has thirteen electoral sense. It Is because our mothers are coat and skirt. votes for president. The re so wonderful in all ways that th' markable physical condition of Its population is shown In a re American race is outstripping thi Ladies Khaki Middie Blouses at $2.50; just what port of the volunteers In the world. There are no other women t< you will need at home or on .your vacation. Civil war. This gave their av compare with them. There are nont erage height ns nearly an Inch like ours. taller thnn the New England Just a few of those Men’s Sailor Hats left; only troops and with a correspond Qne more week at the price, 50c, worth up to $3. Newspaper editors learn manj ingly greater girth of chest. (© by McClur« Newapapar Syndloeta.) secrets they are not supposed t< know. But don’t worry. They alsi 4 We have just 10 pairs Men’s Oxfords, small size learn to forget thetthings it ,1s noi 6 to 7 1-2 in gun metal and patent, to close at best for. them to remember. ¡T h e S t o r y o f O ur S ta te s •rentea • n g ou h “STAY AT HOME MY HEART AND RES1 - HOME-KEEPING HEARTS ARE HAPfl- EST’*—LmgfaUaw. A H o u s e Is N o t E n o u g h Most people make negative resolutions at the first of the ye :r. To give up something that you enjoy is difficult,. Start 1921 in a different way. Decide to give your family and yourself the greatest source of pleasure in this world — A NEW HOM E B U IL D N O W 1 TUM-A-LUM LUMBER CO. ■ : $2.50, worth up to $5. No exchange or returns. These are all real bargains. We have a few numbers of Children’s Black Hose at 25c; these are good values, size 6 1-2 to 10. Just a few pairs Ladies’ Hose, fancy and tan shades, worth up to 75c; at 25c while they last. On Groceries we Quote 7ou Special Prices Pork and Beans, 11 oz. cans 3 for 25c Toilet Soap, 2 for 25c kind, at 3 for 25c Weber Valley Sugar Peas, standard quality, special price, «an ............. ................ 15c Standard Peaches and Apricots, can ..............25c H e r m is to n P rod u ce & S u p p ly C o. The Best o f Good Servlet" EAT GOOD MEAT * • EAT THE SAME KIND THAT WE EAT BUY WHERE YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT Just Received Shipment of Canned Salmon . 2 Cans 25c C ity M e a t M a r k e t M OONEY A S IK E Y , Prop« C a ll a t our o ffic e and re c e iv 1921 Building Ideas Inland Empire Lumber Company Phone 331 “ The Yard of Best Quality ” » Exclusive Representatives of National Builders Bureau ■ “Keep to the middle of the road’ Is ancient advice, but today it Is onl; the road hog who does It. SEE An examination Into the history of famous crimes convinces the thinker 3f the utter ¿utility of crime. Almost without exception criminals meet with the punishment of the law, or The fellow who recognizes th« ’ailing that, their Ill-gotten wealth goodness of others Is merely respond rumbles in their hands or they meet ing to the same qualities in himself i private nemlsls. In 1803, Robert Astlett, cashier of Never mind the sins of the othei the bank of England, manipulated ellow. lie probably considers them exchequer (bills and obtained nearly iptld compared to yours. a third of a million pounds. He was detected and sentenced to death, al And still, a sweet faced girl gen though the sentence was never exe erally reminds one of a girl with a cutd. sweet face. In 1823, it was discovered that Henry Fdlmtleroy, a private banker H a a tl only 25 years old had obtained >1.-, "I don’t ‘have ter preach long In 800,000 by forged powers of attorney de winter tlma," said Brother Dickey. He was executed at Newgate prison. “Wen de church stove gits red hot I In 1843, Edward Baumont Smith, Jes calls de attention of de sinners ter It. and dat’a all de preachin' whnt dey a chief clerk In the exchequer’s of flee was found to have obtained >5,- needs l~—Pittsburgh Gazette-Times. 000,000 in f(ve years by obtaining unsigned genuine Bank of fengland M1CK1E SAYS: notes and counterfeiting the signa tures. He lost the money stock gam o u t CAP CRAM AILOWCD bling. With his two confederates he AS MO« AtWTCT\9IMG RXX* was sentenced for life. ' am ' » pot wtkA-t'Apstttt- " O M -TWttA G APO tM -tbO ve M t Several years ago the Manhattan over GOT 1M AM* MES e o l_._. Savings Institution was robbed of USfc MAD -to HIRE A D O S AM' 42,500,000 in bonds by a gang who », M tG O e U l M ite kAAC>OER.'w ; chloroformed the night watchman > W MBM I and blew up the vaults with nitro glycerine. Tom Byrnes of New York detective force discovered one of the men. who Implicated the others, and all were imprisoned. Ten super-criminals led by a mere girl bodily kidnap an express train and loot a car of $10,000,000 in gold, only to be frustrated by their leader, and to meet their deaths in the getaway. This la shown In “Wanted *at Headquarters.” the sen sational photo-drama in which Eva Novak comes to the Play House Wed nesday, June 15. Chamberlain’s Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. Every family should keep this preparation on hand during the hot of the summer months. It Is almost sure to be needed, and when that time comes. Is worth many times Its cost. Buy It now. 13.$. giarel H IT T -F O R - GUNS ■nd- $4,000,000 Theft Largest Known A stiff upper lip is as commend able as a loose tongue is objection able. » H. M. STRAW . MGR. AMMUNITION I C O N F E C T IO N E R Y S T A T IO N E R Y Delicious Wholesome Confectionery Tasty Stationery For Women A FULL LINE News stand Cigars and Tobacco AhSCO K O D A K S Films developed- - Enlargements made , [Make our »¿ore your headquarters when in Pendleton TALLMAN & 9 CO. T h e Leading Druggists Pendleton, Oregon Bargains in Wjndbreak and Shade Trees for Spring Planting Here ere some of the trees we can furnish you this spring at satisfactory prices: M A PLES Soft, Sugar ®r N o rw ay LOCUST P O P LA R S — CaroNoo and Lombardy HO RSE C H E S T N U T « • A M E R IC A N E L M UNDEN B A L M O F G IL E A D While you may not bo «Wo to riant your trees for some time, now is a rood time to check up your need a—and dop t foriret we have fruit treea, ahrubbary. roaae. etc. Cut out and mail thia ad and on an order of 11(1.1X1 or more wo will <ive vou credit ttvtl «. Send la your Hat now ao wo con r o t year order reedy before the aprina ruah arrive«. MORE GOOD ACTIVE SALESMEN WANTED OREGON NURSERY COMPANY Orenco, Oregon "Plant Dependable Tree« ' Department A LEGAL BLANKS For Sale at The Herald Office