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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1921)
Wnttwimt ìlmtlh Section 2 VOL. XV HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY. JU N E 10. 1921 gow are spending several days in A num ber of young people s u r H eppner th is week on business and prised Miss G enevia Glasgow T h u rs pleasure. day evening, • Ju n e 2nd, and spent BPC C 1 A L C O R K E S P O N D B N C B the evening a t th e Glasgow home. The lu ig o n com mercial club as Its Mesdames N ora Castle and Mary reg u la r m onthly m eeting F riday L ester atten d ed th e Convention of The Irrig o n Cooperative Melon & evening, Ju n e 3rd, w ent on record th e N eighbors of W oodcraft a t fcon- P otato G row ers Association have favoring im m ediate construction of don’ th e first of th e week. draw n up a form of co n tracf covering a 12 inch pipe line from la te ra l 16 the melon crop for th is season and to th e school grounds and appointed A farew ell su rp rise p arty was any who w ish th e association to a com m ittee of three to call on th e given in honor of Prof, and Mrs. make an effo rt to handle th e ir crop, school board to make th e necessary Anderson last Tuesday. Several gal are now invited to consult Mr. Sea .arrangem ents. Ions of Ice cream and a num ber of man, secretary of th e association for good cakes were properly taken care fu rth e r p articu lars. Mrs. J. W. W arner, Mrs. W. T. of an y a very, enjoyable evening re E ggleston, and Miss Genevia Glas- ported by all present. C herries a re now ripe b u t not ab u n d a n t except pie cherries. The pie ch erries can be had very reason able from the various grow ers by THOUSANDS WILL GO com ing to th e patches and picking them. The are exceptionally large th is year. IRRIGON NEWS ITEMS BACK EAST 'No. 39 eration In P o rtlan d about flvo weeks week w ith her sister. Mrs. M cNurlin Pendleton Ju n e 3. H er niece, Miss ago has retu rn ed home and is Im of Pendleton. Helen W illiam s was a meiftber of the proving. class. A fter th e excercises she Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Rodda m otor w ent on the Milton where she visited ed to A rlington w here th e w ill visit over S aturday and Sunday w ith re l MINNEHAHA NEWS NOTES w ith Mrs. Rodda’s sister, Mrs. H. M. atives and friends. Mrs. C. M. Jackson retu rn ed from Cox. Pendleton T hursday. Ju n e 2. V ie w p o in t Miss Georgia Thom It takes the eves of the rich tb a,« Mrs. W. A. H ineline attended the visited last high school g rad u atio n exercises in . the blessings of poverty. C hautauqua P r esen ts MIt P a y s to A d v ertise” T h e K e ig h le y N e w Y o r k P layers S ch ed u led H e re W ith a P rod u ctio n o f Fam ous A m e ric a n C om edy on th e T h ir d N ig h t UMATILLA ITEMS THIS SUMMER BECAUSE OF THE B PBC IAL OORRKSPOMDENCH Mrs. A. E. M cFarland, Mrs. H arold Benjam in, and Mrs. Alice R. N ugent were th e delegates to th e S tate F ed eratio n of W om ens’ Clubs held at Pendleton May 31 and ad jo u rn in g June 3rd. The women felt th a t it was w ell w orth the tim e th a t It took and they brought back home w onder ful messages ’ to th e ir little home bureau. It Is hoped by the officers of the clilb th a t,th e m em bership will be so Increased next y ear th a t they will be en title d to more delegates at the next convention. A resolution, w hich caused more real in te re s t-a n d speeches, w as in troduced by Mrs. M cFarland, asking th a t t^ e S tate F ed eratio n tak e action m aking it com pulsory for all teachers to pass a physical exam ination be fore being allowed to teach in any public school. T his resolution cov ered com m unicable diseases, and as the children all are su b ject to exam ¡nation by th e v isitin g nurses and county Health officer, an d since re cently w e have had a case or t,wo Ellison-W hite presents something new In a feature attraction this season—a splendid ¡New York dram atic com w here teachers have been In the last pany in one of our greatest American plays, “It Pays To Advertise.” This big comedy success has broken many re<- stages of tuberculosis and have ords for continuous runs all over the country. It is u play with lots of action, clean anil wholesome, and abounding ta u g h t in the school ro o m ,u n til th e ir In funny situations. The Keighley New York Players w ill present a complete production of this delightful comedy, last illness, it seems only fa ir to the adequately staged In every particular. The cast is an all-professional one and bus a high stundlng I11 Eastern dra matic Circles. » ” 1 vu a. parents and children th a t th ere should be some g u ara n tee of a teach C hautauqua a t S tanfield for five bi,‘g days, b eg inning Ju n e 21 to 25th. ers physical fitness. A fter much dis cussion, pro and con, th e resolution was defeated by about I I vote’s, but the U m atilla Home B ureau intends to perfect th is %111 an d Introduce It to th e n ex t convention. A bill in tro duced by Mrs. M cFarland p ertain in g to th e w ar and idsarm am ent was read and adopted. Low Round-Trip Fares Offered by the big cross-continent railorad Union Pacific System Serving the transportation needs of the Great Pacific Northwest and giving through service via th e popular direct routes to Salt Lake City, Denver, Omäha, K ansas City, St. P au l, M inneapolis and Chicago on these two strictly first class trains “Oregon-Washington Limited" and “ Continental lim it«»” T ic k e ts o n S a le D a ily U ntil and including A ugust 15th. R eturn lim it 90 days, b u t not la te r th a n October 31st. Chicago Denver Kansas City $106.80 77.40 87.60 Memphis $111.60 Minneapolis 87.60 Omaha 87.60 Pueblo St. Paul St. Louis $ 77.40 87.80 101.40 8 per cent W ar Tax to be Added P roportionate reductions to m any points E ast. Stop-overs a t pleas ure. Side trip s may be arranged for Yellowstone, Zion and Rocky M ountain N ational Parks. O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O , For complete details as to routings, tra in schedules, side trip s, sleep ing car rates and reservations, and other trav el inform ation desired, call on or telephone , F. C. W0UGHTER, Local Agent, Hermiston, Oregon Wm. McMurray, G eneral P assenger A gent— P o rtlan d , Oregon W e C an P o in t O u t •aeily the many good qualities that make every t i k e of O u r B read P o p u la r First o f a ll it is m ake rig h t end under sanitary conditions by expert bakers using pure ingredients. Try Ordering “ H one Made" . C IT Y B A K E R Y Hermiston, Oregon. B ring in Y our F ilm s Our finishing d epartm ent thro u g h up-to-date m ethods, equipm ent and expert handling can help you get t h i kind of pictures you w a n t. To use a slang expression: “ W e’re there a t the finish.” < Prices for Films AND FOR DEVELOPING AND PRINTING riimi - I For Kodak No I 127 Vest Pocket 117|No. 1 Brownie I2OIN0. 2 Brownie 116 2 A Brownie 116 2 A Brownie or 1 A Kodak 118 No. 3 Kodak or Brownie Kodak 13012 C Kodak 12213 A Kodak post card site .30 .05 I have the Agency for Complete WATKINS’ LINE Developing Filins Roll of 8 ................ ....... _ Ron of 1 2 ............. .................... Film Packs ...____ ________ MITCHELL DRUG CO. Mr. and Mrs. M. B u rn ett. Jr., Mrs. B u rn ett Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Fred D ixon'drove to P o rtlan d fo r the Rose | show Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. O tto Pound return-1 ed last Sunday from th e ir wedding Irip to Spokane and coast points, and will be a t home to th e ir m any friends | a t U m atilla sh o rtly . . « Mrs. J. T. B ullack an d Mrs. C arl son of P endleton, are a t th e M cFar land ranch picking ch erries and busy can n in g them a t th e ranch. H a s Y ou r Subscription E x p ir e d ? Miss E ffie B ullack has retu rn ed from P o rtlan d w here, shft has been ta k in g m edical trea tm e n t, much im proved. Mrs. E sth er Brow nell, D. R. Brow nell and F ra n k ’verson, left foi Cal ifornia on Tuesday in Mr. Iverson's car. w here they expect to be gone Come tn ano all summe *. renew f next W. R. N ugent was in P o rtlan d last time yon an week on business. in town. C. A. Smith, who had a serious op • Hermiston Mrs. Ed. R ennlck is In Portland tra n sa c tin g business. TOILET PREPARATIONS . ETC. Call a t residence or leave orders a t Ore. Hdw. Co. .05 versus • Mrs. C h ristin a M. Mock, new °d-1 ito r of th e U m atilla Spokesman, left for P o rtlan d T uesday m orning to be ] gone for. several days a t the Rose festival." Mrs. W. T. L am bert and daughter Alice, a re In P o rtlan d ta k in g in the Rose show. Herm iatoa, O re . .55 Mrs. H elen Conlon, who has been in a san ita riu m In P o rtlan d for the I past several weeks has retu rn ed to I her home and Is convalescing. of SPICES, EXTRACTS, Mrs. J. S. West BASE BALL Pendleton The tw o flow er shows th a t are being p u t on a f U m atilla by the] local Home B ureau are m eeting w ith much favor, th e first one to be pre sented th e early p a rt of July. A T H E R M IS T O N F IE L D I SUNDAY, JUNE 12 m ===============— 0 G am e called at 3:00 p. m. _!■______..... 31 „ _________________ ~ , * *7 • Neither team has been defeated this year in their respective leagues & ADMISSION 50c