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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1921)
-T H E H E B M IS T O N H E R A L D , H E R M IS T O N , O R E G O N . ■=at AMERICAN ©LEGION® tU sp r la r Tbla D « p » r tm .n t S u p p ll.d t h e A m eric a n b efb K i N e w . S e rv ice.) bn Mr. Williams, wlio la a member of Robert S. Thurman post, 13, Joplin, Mo., served hr post commaniler and state mtiMteiMit-uniis previously to bis election ns department bead. He Is editor of the Joplin News Herald. ORGANIZATION 13 HIS TASK Spokane (Wash.) Man W ill Supervise Work of Enrolling Every Former 8ervice Buddie. the mind of th e residents of the state the im portance of th e cheese Indus try to th e development of Oregon. All kinds of cheese m anufactured w ithin the sta te are included In the cam paign— cream , cottage and others and ap p etisin g recipes for cheese dishes will be announced each day and week th ro u g h the new spapers of the state. T he recipes will be tested by the dom estic science departm ent of the Oregon A g ricu ltu ral college which will also have dem onstrator* traveling through the sta te givin first hand Inform ation to .th e house wives on th e value of cheese as ; food. Edw ard II. Prell of Spokane, Wash., was recently appointed director of the organization divi sion nt national Flea Provisions Requested In Aid Of headquarters of Disabled Veterans, Amending the American Le Vocational Training Law. gion. He suc Amendment of the law under wblcb ceeds Russell Q. disabled veterans of the World war Crevlston, who 1» ty are given vocational training, so as now asslsiunt na- “ to provide five things demanded by tlonal adjutant. the last convention of the American Mr. Prell served Legion at Cleveland was urged In overseas with the congress by Legion representatives. ‘‘Silent M adden," once a c rt? k of One Hundred and The five provisions requested by Forty-sixth flehj n ational notoriety has listened to the the Legion are : urttilery and par teachings of his friends, C hang Lo- 1. Vocational training for American ticipated lu two major offensives of the a “ h ea th e n ” to whom religion Is citizens who served with the allied World war. After his discharge from armies, who were disabled and who the army, Mr. Prell was active In the more th an statute-book law s— and are pot entitled to training under the early organization of the Legion In his reform ed. W ith him, in respecta present law. state. The supervision and direction bility, lives his dau g h ter, Molly 2.. Training with pay for all dis of the Legion’s 1021 campaign to enroll Madden, whose wisdom is worldly, abled veterans with 10 per cent or every eligible former service man In but whose h e a rt is as pure and hard more disability, Instead of training Its ranks will be In the hands of the as a diamond. She is “Silky Moll,” with pay for some and training with new director. to all Chinatow n, b u t quizzical out pay for others, as now provided. C hang Lo calls h er “T he W hite 8. Vocational training for the wid RAISED BIG CHRISTMAS. FUND Lily.” ows and orphans of all men who died R espectability annoys M adden’s In the service. 4. The right of the federal board A djutant of Illinois Department of form er lie u te n an t, “ Black Mike” Sil Legion Had Aid of Actress in Rais for vocational education to give all va, now th e uncrow ned k in g of ing Christmas Money. disabled men In training such medical crookdom, whose lingo does not in care and treatm ent as Is necessary When William Q. Setliffe, adjutant clude the word “ h o n o r'” Black Milcg to keep them at their courses. of the Illinois departm ent of the Amer stages a. g ang fig h t for th e sole pur 6. T hat all disabled men In train ican L e g i o n , pose of “g e ttin g ” Madden, and fail ing shall receive $400 a month from started the .Leg ing to kill him , gets him railroaded the government while In training and ion c a m p a i g n those with dependents $120 a month, which raised $50,- to prison for the alleged shooting of Instead of dllfwent sums based upon 000 for ChrlBt- an officer. the cost of living In different local mas entertain H onesty has been irksome to Silky ities an now provided. * ments for sick Moll and now she resolves to revenge A special plea ' was made by John and disabled vet her fa th e r’s Im prisonm ent, In whirl Thomas Taylor of the national legis erans In Illinois she does not suspect Black Milo lative committee, of the Legion for h o s p i t a l s , he , vocational training ’ for the widows Silva plans a crime called upon Miss Silva’s hand. and orphans of the American dead of Floe Bert, a well- d arin g enough to appeal to Sill:? the W’orld war. He said that un known actress, to Moll and induces Big Bill B allard t< doubtedly the 50,000 American chil assist In muking do the Job w ith her and then betray dren whose fathers slept In Flandert the undertaking a success. h er to the police and skip o ut wi:; fields were entitled to the same edu Miss Bert gave a large number of cational advantages th a t they would entertainm ents In Illinois cities, the th e loot, a $500,000 necklace. have had, were their fathers alive and proceeds of which were upplled to the W hat happened to Silky Moll? able, to provide for tjiem. The wid Legion’s fund. W h at did dapper Big Bill, “ gentle ows of the men who died In France, m an” crook do? he added, were likewise entitled, the W hat did S ilent Madden find bread-winning member of the family his release from prison? having been killed In defense of the country, .to be taught some kind of And Black Mike, who resents any work of trade. attem p t a t honesty on the p a rt of those who once were crooks, whi The value of cheese as a food and EDITOR WAS ON FIRING LINE fram ed his pal and betrayed his pnl’i the v ariety of uses to w hich cheese Commander of Missouri Department may be p u t will be urged in a state d au g h ter for a handful of pearls w hat of him ? of Legion One of Many Newspa wide cam paign Ju n e 20 to 27 u n per Men Who Heard Call. F or the development and climax der th e direction of the Oregon Dairy of the story see “Outside th e Law ,’ Council, It w a / announced In P o rt John Francis Williams, commander Btarrfng P riscilla Dean at th e Play of the Missouri department of the land the first of the week. House next Monday and Tuesday Legion, Is one of T h ro u g h o u t, the sta te a rra n g e Ju n e 13th and 14th. t h o u s a n d s of m ents have been mjide w ith the newspaper m e n grocers, • hotel m anagers and res who l e f t t h e i r ta u ra n t ow ners to cooperate for one GIRL’S STATEMENT WILL typewriters when the w a r b r o k e week providing the best cheese the HELP HERMISTON out. Enlisting as sta te of Oregon can produce a t the Many women will p ro fit by th e fol private In the least possible cost to everyone. low ing sta te m en t of one of th e ir sex: s ~W %llssourl National Cheese w ill be given aw ay In many \ JBp. Gunril. M r W I I - resta u ran ts and some hotels have “I was afraid to eat on account of stom ach trouble. Even rice did no1 , ■ llaius rose to the rank of first Ileu- agreed to provide side dishes-of agree. A fter ta k in g A dlcr-i-ka I can cheese w ith meals. e a t an y th in g .” A dler-i-ka acts In the A. E. F„ T he purpose of th e cam paign Is BOTH upper an d lower bowel, remov he served as a mnclilue gun «Ulcer tw o-fold,' according i to officials of with the Thirty-fifth division In the the Oregon Dairy Council, w hich is ing foul m a tte r which poisoned stom ach. EX CELLENT for gas on the Vosges mountains and In the Argonne- Meuse drive. After the armistice, he an organization of the- en tire dairy stom ach or so u r stom ach. G uards ag ain st appendicitis. I t brings out served as Instructor In the A. E. F. Industry. The first consideration Is to edu poisonous m a tte r you never thought university at Beaune and later assist ed In publicity in connection with the cate th e public to the value of cheese w as In your system. M itchell Drug Interallied games as a food. The second Is to call to Company. Pd. Adv. CONGRESS IS URGED TO ACT Outside the Law A t Play House ák /&-bk Value of Cheese Demonstration Danger In Incandescent Lampe. Evidence that the hlgh-power In candescent lamps now so commonly used for street ligh tin g m ay not be wholly Innocent as a possible source of tire was observed In southern Call- forlna recently, says Popular Mechan ics Magazine. A bulb hanging 20 feet above the ground suddenly burst and the white-hot particles o f metal It scat tered Instantly Ignited the dry grass at the foot o f the pole. F ire wardens of the district are now advocating the -tse of suitable guards shout the lamps. Chinese Medical Practices. In TOO the Chinese began to vacel lisle. T here were three vaccination stations In which the concoction wa* poured into the mouth. Stone needles were used to puncture swellings amt the idea was not Introduced Into Eu rope until centuries later. C auterl ration was practiced 'b y burning tin- rolled leaves of a small p la n t It wa* Held to be good for rheumatism and .nosebleed Anesthetic effects were iir<Mlui-ed by certain tntishrooina and the root of aconite. Cases of skin ¿rafting ure ea rly recorded. from one section. ’ Reports to the U. T hat we do the very best line of Commercial Printing and at reasonable prices. Give us your next order and let us prove our assertion. Bear in m ind, we want your business, and we pro pose making ourselves de serving. A re you with us? S. D epartm ent of A g ricu ltu re from public carriers for the.'last five years show th a t 2,567 cities were used as prim ary destinations. T elegraphic reports from railroads d u rin g th e esson of 1919-?0 showed th a t • ’ out 1,400 cities received carlot shipm ents from th e Pacific N orthw est. Pacific N orthwest apples have been export ed to m any countries of Europe, Asia, \frlca , A ustralasia, South America nd to the Dominion of Canada and Cuba. O rchards th ro u g h o u t th e Pacific Why Suffer from Rheumatism? forthw est have been kept in a sta te ' Do you know th a t nine out «?» >f high cultivation to produce large every ten cases of rheum atism arc •tops of highly colored fru it. Rigid sim ply rheum atism of the muscles o rading rul ;s, stW ctly enforced, i— chronic rheum atism , n eith er 0! ult in an excellent pack. w hich require any in te rn al treat T his and other Inform ation of val- m ent? The pain may be relieved b: s and Interest to grow ers are de- applying C ham berlain’s Linim ent cribed In B ullet n 935, The D istrib w hich makes sleep and rest possible ution of N o rth w estern Boxed Ap- and th a t certainly means a g reat dea les, recently issued from th e U. S. to any one afflicted w ith rheum atist departm ent of A griculture. The nilletln may be had upon application GOOD PACKING HELPS SELL ‘o the S uperintendent of Documente t the Governm ent P rin tin g Office, at PACIFIC NORTHWEST APPLEf ' 5 cents a copy. THANK YOU Apples shipped from th e Pacifb N orthw est have a w ider d istrita lt'oi th an any o th e r commodity shippet JOT IT DOWN usines will go where it js lusiness invi v ite d and only stay where it is well treated.- B The day of the “order tak er” is rapidly passing. This is the day of advertising and Selling. Tell your message in the ®prmiatnn ©pralit A Quality Newspaper The Home of the Soul In olden tim es, it was believed th a t he seat of th e soul was the stom ach, nost likely for th e reason th a t a man s never so com pletely used up a /hen his stom ach Is out of order. ?or th e cure of o rd in ary stom ach roubles, th ere is n o th in g quite so •rompt an<T satisfacto ry as Charn- >erlain’s Tablets. They stren g th en he stom ach and enable It to perform ts functions n atu ra lly . Give them trial. They only cost a q u arter. Pendleton and Umatilla Stage LEAVE Pendleton 8:00 12:00 4:00 Echo 9:15 1:15 5:15 Stanfield 9:30 1:35 5:35 H erm iston 9:55 1:55 5:55 Into U m atilla 10:15 2:15 6:15 LEAVE U m atilla • 8:00 12:00 4:00 H erm iston 8:20 12:20 4:20 Stanfield 8:45 12:45 4:45 Echo 9:00 1:00 5:00 Into Pendleton 10:15 2:15 6:15 TWO TRIPS SUNDAY Leaving Pendleton 8 a. m. and 4 p. m. Leaving U m atilla 8 a. m. and 4 p. m. 7.22 Cottonwood Phone 868 We Deliver Parcels a t W ay P oints FA R ES P e n d l e t o n t o E c h o . S1.1O P o n d l o t o n t o S t a n f i e l d , 3 1 .3 5 F o n d lo to n to H e r m is to n , S I.7 5 P e n d l e t o n t o U m a t i l l a , 3 2 .1 5 Station at Hotel Oregon and Hotel Hermiston’ Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Investments WITEPSKIE’S CONCERT ORCHESTRA AT CHAUTAUQUA Land and City P ro p erty . Bought, Sold, liented, E xchang ed and improved. C h it .,,.O r ,.„ ¡ ..« o n Will P r .« „ , Two B i, Contort, on th . L ..I Day With Olive McCormick in Joint Recital in the Evening 7 Insurance- Doctors Differ About Uncle Sam W h e th e r h e is p ic tu re d a s ta ll a n d slim , o r sn u g as a ro ly -p o ly —-it's all o n e t o us— w e’re n e u tr a l. A ll w e c a re a b o u t is F I T T I N G h im in O v e ra lls w h e n h e w a n ts a s u it a n d h e s u re ly w ill b e fitte d to th e Q u e e n ’s ta s te in stro n g A m erican com panies insuring ag ain st fire. The best W estern companies. C orrect rates. Experienced business a tte n tio n as- surred. Loans— Agency for Union Savings A Loan Association of P ortland. Investm ent. . E xcellent ra te of in terest on money, protected by S tate deposit of securities. Loans on improved city proper ly. Can let you have money to build. Investments: OVERALLS Men’s Dress and Work Shoes $2.75 Up LADIES’ and CHILDREN’S SHOES Call and inspect our goods. We are sure we can satisfy you. If you w ant to buy, advise w ith us as to safe investm ent. We know values, soils, w ater rig h ts and possibilities of success. Can direct you rig h t. We hold sta te license to do business and are u n d er bonfl for honest dealing. W hatever we re present we will stan d by. E. P. D O D D H e rm is to n , O re g o n T h e F re n c h R e s ta u ra n t BAKUT aeJ CONFECT1OHUT Otic Of (he red-fetter events o f the coming Chnufnmiu-. « ..-k n e t . i „ s k ie s lo m . - r t Orchestra w ith O live M e O n u lc k us soloist t n d .^ th ? planlst and director, thia organisation has reached a high hers «re a o lo l,,, H„ d th e ir long asaociatlon h a , resulted m n ^ k J l n e en o’’ ° ° « * • •«»« <I«J o f W ltep- of M’‘y er Wltepskle, well-known w nh0?. f h" ‘ ,h“ "‘■V*,rv ,la>” *°v*r «« ''»-Il Miss O H v?M' X ^ "Ith Pittsburgh Symphony O rchestra, Hpp -•lira’ the o ^ X MCCOnn;rk- n ’,*r’ tu r* w AU o f ,htt n° ‘ ° ° ,y n,,‘st iormeriy sololg, AU Kinds of Shoe Repairing Hahn's General Shoe Store E W o r t 'v Fnmiwh©d Room® in C nn n tttl— S T R IC T L Y F IR S T CLASS Hohbach Bro»., Proprietors PvndMton, Or—