Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1921)
THE HERMISTON THE HERALD, HERMISTON, HERMISTON OREGON. HERALD Published every Friday at Hermiston, Umatilla County, Oregon, In the heart of Eastern LUMBER PRICES ARE NOW ROCK ROTTOM Oregon’s great irrigated alfalfa fields, by the Herald Publishing Company. M. C. Athey, Editor 1 .. :" . 2 / Entered as second-class matter, December ». 1906, at the postoffice at Hermiston, Oregon Subscription Rates: One Year, $2.00; Six Months, $1.00 Section 13. (1) No motor truck of five tons rated maximum load car- We desire to spread the news to lying capacity shall be operated or the world that Hermiston is blessed driven over or upon any street and OUR FIRE DEPARTMENT vith one st the most efficient fire no truck shall be operated upon any departments of any small city in the United States Pretty broad state ment, eh? Well, It isn’t broad enough. We have the goods and we know it, and that’s why we are go ing to boast about it. for we have a laudable exultation coming. Our department is made up of the city’s best, stalward. fearless young men, and is captained by a young man who has had years of experience in fire fighting. Chief I. E. Putman. Our equipment, while not the best is more than sufficient for the pre- sent city needs, and few towns the size of Hermiston in the United States can boast of an up-to-date automo- bile fire truck, The truck is a re cent acquisition to the department, and demonstrated its usefulness when it made a hard run out of the city a few weeks ago. There are several things all of us can do to help make the department more efficient. If you are in a car and hear an alarm turned in, put your car to the curb until the truck has passed, this is a very essential thing, and NEVER try to pass the truck when going to a fire. When you hear the siren on the truck, you know it is coming fast, and get out of the way and stay out of the way until it has passed. The city ordi nance about crossing a line of hose with'any kind of vehicle will be strictly enforced in the future, so be careful and do not drive over the hose. Let’s get behind our fire depart ment, give them every encourage ment, and you can rest assured that they will do their part. Present Price Last Year’s Lumber Price Buy Lumber NO W for any building need! Prices on lumber cant go lower! No other No other commodity has fallen in price more than lumber! OUR FREE BUILDING HELPS ARE VALUABLE Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co R. A. Brownson, Mgr. IRRIGON NEWS ITEMS PHONE 111 SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE Materials With Plana for Homes and Farm Buildings The Farm Bureau and Comme ci: Club named the forenoon of Sunday April 24th as a general clean-up da for the railroad park which is un der lease to the Farm Bureau and sent invitations to nearly everyon in the district to be on the job a eight o’clock in the morning. Th ladies were requested to bring bask ets with lunch. A very generous re sponse was made, something over : hundred people worked with tree primers, shovels, rakes and variou other tools and the park was put ir very attractive shape for the season The lunch was served by permission of the railroad agent in the freight room of the depot, the ladies waiting on the men and all enjoyed a fine dinner. Mesdames Lester and Nor: Castle sold ice cream as a side issue to complete the feast. The ball game in the afternoon took - up the rest of the day and everybody went homi quite happy. The Irrigon boys did credit to themselves in playing Sc close a game with the Hermiston team, the score being 5 to 11 in fav or of Hermiston. Gordon Holmes took a load of cat tie to Blalock Island with his ferry boat Wednesday, It is claimed h had 18 head on the boat and it showed no signs of a load. Gust Smith and Mr. Horning ol Portland were business visitors ir Irrigon Saturday, returning the same day. N. Seaman. Secy-Manager of the Potato and Melon growers Associa tion report a number of inquiries this week for seed potatoes but there Is no stock left as our planting has been over some three or four weeks. Miss Christenson of Hermiston spent Sunday and Monday with Miss Winnlfred Steward. Messrs Miles and Hopkins of Boardman were at Glasgows Saturday evening, and together with Lou Hay den who Is visiting the Glasgows, had a real musical. W. G. Corey of Vancouver, Wash., and Mrs. Eleanor Lester of Seattle Wash., are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Walpoll this week Why do People from other towns miles away from Hermiston send here for Holeproof Hosiery? Because they are the best merchandise obtainable and always at a reason able price. We are exclusive selling agents for this line in Ladies’, Men’s and Children’s in Herm.ston and the vicinity. Confine your purchases to this make of hosiery and save money 50c to $1,60 P. H. McCullam and family arriv- cd front Seattle Thursday and are here to spend the summer with his uncle L. A. Doble. Hermiston Produce & Supply Co Coming. 10 Reels. 1 Show Night 'The Rest of Good Service Mr Skinner Consents EAT GOOD MEAT I EAT THE SAME KIND | Otis Skinner, the celebrated Amer ican character actor makes his screen debut in "Kismet,” . the Robertson- Cole super-special which will be shown at the Play House two nights. May 15-16. It was with difficulty that Mr. Skinner was induced to ap- pear on the silver sheet, believing his place to be on the legitimate stage. However, the suggestion that it was his duty to perpetuate "Kis- met.” finaly won him over and the success of the picture is complete. THAT WE EAT BUY WHERE YOU GET WHAT YOU WANT Just Received Shipment of Canned Salmon 2 Cans 25c City Meat Market MOONEY & SIKEY, Props Earl Kingsley sure seems to be doing the business. You never go by the store but the place is full and judging from what people say. and the prices he is making on groceries, it pays to go in and buy. Go to it Earl and help get the cost of living down where It belongs. Pd. Adv. 33-ltc. When ordering bread from your | grocer, ask for Hermiston’s New ’ Home Made Bread. If you try it once, “you will always ask for “Home Made ” Pd Adv. 33-ltc. ORDINANCE NO. 104 (Continued front Page 5) unattended, attempt to manipulate any of the levers, the starting crank or other device, brakes or mechan- I ism, or to set said vehicle in motion. of the streets carrying capacity, and in no case in excess of 600 pounds per inch of tire width. (2) ’ No trailer of over five tons maximum rated load carrying capaci ty shall be operated or drawn over or upon any street and no trailer shall be operated or driven over or upon any street carrying a load in excess of its rated maximum load carrying capacity, and in no case in excess of 600 pounds per inch of tire width. (3) No truck drawing a trailer shall be operated over or upon any street carrying a load In excess of the combined rated maximum load car- tying capacities of such truck and trailer and in no case shall such load be in excess of 600 pounds per inch of tire width. Section 14. There shall be estah- lished at the boundary lines of the city in a conspicious place on each main street or highway signs of suf ficient size to be easily read by per- sons using said streets and highways, bearing the words "Speed Limit Fif teen Miles” and no person operating a motor vehicle within the city limits hall exceed the speed limit so nam ed and posted. Section 15. No person shall be permitted to stop a car or other ve- hiele so as to unnecessarily obstruct travel on any street of the city, or to stand any car or other vehicle bark f ears or vehicles parked along the curbing thereof, except only when "avoidable, and when any vehicle ir car is so stooped upon being sig naled so to do by the driver of any ar or other vehicle parked along the aid curbing, or when required by a traffic officer, the said vehicle or car 0 stopped In the line of traffic shall nove forward without delay to a new osition and so as not to unnecessar- iy interfere with the movement of ither cars or vehicles already parked. Section 16. It shall be the duty f every person desiring to stop a ve- hicle upon any street of the city, un- ‘ess otherwise provided for herein. nark the vehicle. No person hall park a car or vehicle except up- n the right hand side of any street o that the front wheel shall be plac 'd at not to exceed one foot from the orb and the vehicle or car shall tand at an angle of 4 5 degrees to the urb line as near as practicable upon ’1 streets of the city. All vehicles eceiving or discharging a heavy load hall be permitted to park with hind ■heels to the curb line. No truck f more than 16 feet In length over- all, nor car or truck with trailer, hall be permitted to park on Main 3treet between First and Third St. Section 17. No person shall park i car and leave either the front or hind wheels within 25 feet of the property line of any cross street, or turn an automobile or other vehicle between the Intersections in any block, or back around any corner of iny street for the purpose of chang- ng the direction in which the vehicle s traveling, and all cars shall be harked as closely together as can be afely and conveniently done, It hall be unlawful for the driver of ny automobile or other vehicle to ttempt to pass any other vehicle or iutomobile in any intersection upon the streets of the city. Section 18. No vehicle contain- ing material of any kind or character extending beyond the body of the ve hicle and its usual equipment shall park upon any of the streets of the city where said material shall extend out into the line of traffic of other vehicles and behind the vehicle so parked. . Section 19. The provisions of this ordinance are hereby declared to be an exercise of the police power of the city and this ordinance shall be known as the "Traffic Ordinance.” Section 20. That ordinance No. 71 and all ordinances or parts of or- linances in conflict herewith arc hereby repealed. Section 21. Any driver, operator, chauffeur, owner, or other person, or any firm, association or corporation, who shall violate any of the provis ions of this ordinance shall be deem ed guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than 12.00 and not more than »5.00 for the first of fense and for the second and subse- quent offenses the ftne shall not be less than $5.00. nor more than »100 or by imprisonment in the city jail one day for each two dollars of any fine that may he imposed. and a plea of guilty or forfeit of bail shall be deemed a conviction for the purpose of imposing the fines above mention ed. Section 22. All fines and penal ties and forfeitures of bail collected under the provisions of this or dinance for violations thereof shall be paid to the city recorder and turn ed over by the recorder to the trea surer of the city and credited to the general fund of the city. Section 23. It ts hereby declared that the streets of the city are in a congested condition from traffic and the parking and standing of vehicles thereon and the traveling of pede- strains over and across the same and danger to property and life and limb are intent by reason of regulated con- ditions, and that it is necessary for the preservation of the peace, safety and happiness of the inhabitants of the city that said traffic be immedi- ately regulated; therefore, and emer gency Is hereby declared to exist and this ordinance shall take effect and h in full force from and. after its pas- sage by the Council and approved by the Mayor. Passed the Council this 20th day of April. 1921. Attest: C. W. Kellogg. Recorder. Approved by the Mayor this 20th day of April. 1921. Attest: F. C. McKenzie, Mayor. ELIMIÄ!E THE GUESS W ORK Correct Construction Demands That You Build From Properly Prepared Plans Guessing nt the total cost Is expen ‘ve. Select a plan designed by architects of national reputa- tion. Receive information in regarc to definite cost of construction before you let the contract. PLANS AND MODERN BUILDING HELPS ARE FREE TO CUSTOMERS Get what you want. Pay for what you get. Secure your money's worth. Inland Empire Lumber Company Phone 331 “ The Yard of Best Quality " H. M. STRAW. MGR. Exclusive Representatives of Natona! Builders Bureau SEE HITT -FOR- GUNS —and— AMMUNITION A FULL LINE CONFECTIONERY STATIONERY Delicious Wholesome Confectionery Tasty Stationery For Women News stand Cigars and 7 obacco A^SCO KODAKS Films developed-- Enlargements made Make our store your headquarters when in Pendleton TALLMAN & CO. . Pendleton, Oregon The Leading Druggists SEED POTATOES I Early Rose, 4c lb. American Wonder, 31-2c I have only a limited supply of these on hand. Better come early. BROWNELL’S STORE Umatilla, Oregon