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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1921)
38 " s% ** **t Uhe Hermiston Aerali VOL. XV No. 33 HERMISTON, UMATILLA COUNTY. OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 29, 1921 crossing from the right side of the ORDINANCE NO. 104 A ordinance to regulate and con other vehicle approaching the cross trol traffic and the use of the streets ing to cross the intersection in ad- and other public places in the City of vance of the other vehicle. (8) At all intersections the ve Hermiston, providing for the punish ment of violations of this ordinance hicles approaching the intersection and for the disposition of funds aris from the right of any other vehicle ing from such violations, repealing approaching the intersection» shall Ordinance No. 71 and ordinances and have the right of way excepting as parts of ordinances in conflict here- to emergency vehicles. (9) All vehicles approaching an with, and declaring an emergency. The City of Hermiston does ordain interstction of a street with the in- tention of turning thereat shall in as follows: Section 1. All persons driving, turning to the right keep closely to operating or using in any manner or the right and in turning to the left way a vehicle on any of the streets or shall run to and beyond the center of in any public place within the City, the intersection. (10) The driver of any vehicle shall in all respects conform to the about to turn, either from a stand provisions of this ordinance. Section 2. The term "driver” still or while in motion, shall give shall include any person operating a timely signal by hand or whip, or In vehicle, and the term "operator” some other unmistakable manner, in shall include the term "Owner,” and dicating the direction of the turn. (11) The person in charge of any the term "Chauffeur,” as herein de vehicle moving slowly along and up fined. Section 3. The term "Chauffeur” on any street shall keep such vehicle shall mean any person operating a as closely as practicable to the right motor vehicle for hire or as the em hand boundary of such street so as to ployee of the owner of a motor ve allow more swiftly moving vehicles reasonably free passage to the left. hicle for hire. (12) The operator of a motor ve Section 4. The word "vehicle” as used in this ordinance shall mean hicle shall, on signal, by raising the every conveyance, or mechanism, hand, from a person riding, leading moving over or upon the streets of or driving in the opposite direction a horse or horses or other draft an- the City. Section 5. The word "pedestrain” imals, bring such motor vehicle 1m- mhediately to a stop, and remain shall mean any person on foot. Section 6. The term "motor ve stationary 30 long as may be reason hicle” as used in this ordinance ably necessary to allow such animal shall inc’ude all vehicles propelled by to pass, and if traveling in the same any power other than muscular pow direction shall use seasonable caution ’n passing such animal; provided, er. Section 7. The term "motor that in case such animal appears bad- truck” shall mean a motor vehicle ly frightened, or the person operat commonly known as an auto truck ing such motor vehicle is so signal- intended for the purpose of trans tn do so, such person shall cause the porting any commodity, goods, mer motor of such vehicle to cease so long chandise, produce, freight or passeng as shall be reasonably necessary to prevent accident and insure the safe ers, and having a rated carrying ty of others. capacity of one ton or over. (13) Every vehicle shall be kept Section 8. The term "trailer” shall signify any vehicle of a carry upon the right half of the street and ing capacity of one ton or more and no vehicle shall overtake and pass not propelled by its own power, used any other moving vehicle when the in connection with a vehicle for the view ahead is not clear for at least transportation of any commodity, one hundred yards, except when following moving vehicles. produce, freight or passengers. Section 8. (a) The term "owner” (14) No race or contest for speed hall inc’ude any person then In the shall be held upon any street in the preration of the vehicle and be sy- city, except upon order of the Mayor nonymous for the purpose with the and under proper public regulations. word "chauffeur” for the operation (15) Every person operating a of the same. vehicle on the public streets shall Section 9. The laws of the streets drive the same in a careful and pru everywhere In the city are hereby de dent manner, not to exceed fifteen cir red to be as follows: miles per hour, and in no case at a (1) Vehicles proceeding in the rate of speed that will endanger the opposite directions shall pass to the property of another, or the life and rieht, giving one half of the street limb of any per son. to each. (2) Vehicles proceeding in the same direction in overtaking each other shall pass to the left. I have the Agency (3) The overtaking vehicle shall for maintain its speed until clear of the overtaken vehicle and for such dis tance thereafter as shall prevent dost and mud throwing upon the ov- ertaken vehicle. (4) The signal to pass shall be given by one blast or stroke of the horn, bell, whistle, gong or other signaling device. (5) Should the overtaken ve hicle then not give way, three such blasts or signals shall be given, and of upon the failure to comply there with, the overtaking vehicle may at the next suitable place, safe for SPICES, EXTRACTS, both vehicles, go by without further signal. TOILET (6) It shall be the duty of the op PREPARATIONS erator of every overtaken vehicle to turn to the right and give one half ETC. of the street to the overtaking vehicle and shall not Increase his speed Call at residence or leave while being passed. (7) Vehicles traveling upon orders at Ore. Hdw. Co. streets running at right angles to one another, when approaching the intersection of such streets shall at all times be under such control as to Hermiston, Ore. permit the vehicle approaching the Complete WATKINS’ LINE Mrs.J.S. West As Light as the Autumn Leaves are our biscaits. It’s the same with everything from OUR BAKERY Quality, sanitary cleanliness, expert skill make the good things you get here always satisfactory. CITY BAKERY Hermiston, Oregon. Bargains in Windbreak and Shade Trees for Spring Planting Here are some of the trees we can furnish you this spring at satisfactory prices: MAPLES Soft. Sugar or Norway POPLARS—Carolina and Lombardy LOCUST AMERICAN ELM HORSE CHESTNUT UNDEN BALM OF GILEAD While you may not be able to plant your trees for some time, now is a good time to chek up your needs-and don’t forget we have fruit trees, shrubbery, roses, etc. Cut out and mail this ad and on an order of $10.00 or more we will give you credit for 1100. Send in your Het now so we can get your order ready before the spring rush arrivée. MORE GOOD ACTIVE SALESMEN WANTED OREGON NURSERY COMPANY Orenco, Oregon “Plant Dependable Trees” Department A (16) No vehicle shall be moved, run or operated on the streets of the City by any person unable or incap able to control and properly operate the same with due regard to the safe ty of the public and other vehicles; provided, that in all cases any person in a state of intoxication is deemed conclusively incapable and unable to control and operate the same. (17) No person under sixteen (16) years of age, shall be permitted to operate a motor vehicle on the streets of the City. (18) No vehicle used upon the public streets shall be left standing unsecured, and its motive power shall be so secured that the same can not operate or move the vehicle with out some action upon the part of the owner or operator so to do, and no motor shall be left running when any motor vehicle is left standing on any street or in any public place, in the City. (19) No vehicle shall be operat ed with an excessive smoking ex haust or open cut outs upon the streets. Gongs and siren whistles shall not be used on any vehicle oth er than ambulances or vehicles oper ated by police department, flra de partment, sheriff or other police of ficer, public safety vehicle, and ve hicles engaged in the United States Military or postal service and upon any such vehicles only when moving in response to emergency calls. (20) Ambulances, while being operated as such,, and vehicles for the use of doctors, physicians and surgeon, shall while answering emergency calls only, be exempt from the provisions of this act as to speed, but not as to traffic regula tions where preference for right of way can be given them with due re- gard to the safety of the public. (21) United States mail, patrol wagons, police ambulances, fire pat rols, fire engines and fire apparatus shall in all cases with due regard to the safety of the public, have right of way, all previsions of this act to the contrary notwithstanding, but this ordinance shall not protect the driver of any such vehicle from con sequences in the arbitrary exercise of this right or for injuries wilfully inflicted. (22) In all localities where an authorized officer, marshal, constable or policeman, conspiculously display ing his star, or badge and then dis charging the duty of regulating and directing traffic In his locality, shall signal any vehicle to take any direc- iton or to stop or otherwise proceed for the safety of the public, it shall be the duty of the driver of any ve hicle to comply with the orders of said officer. (23) It shall be the duty of every person owning, driving, operating or controlling any truck, dray, delivery wagon, automobile, motorcycle, bicy cle, wagon, buggy or other vehicle of any kind or character to refrain from entering upon any street or part of any street with such vehicle upon being warned or notified not to do se by the Chief of police or other police or parade or traffic officer of the city, and to remove the said vehicle from any street or part of street im mediately upon demand of such of fleer and not to return with said ve hicle to the said street or part of street until such time as the purpose for which said removal was demand ed shall have ceased to exist. (24) It is hereby made the duty of any person owning, controlling, operating or using any obstruction in any street or part of street to im mediately remove the same upon de mand of the Chief of police or other police, parade or traffic officer of the city and not to return to such street or part of street with such obstruc tion until such time as the purpose for which such removal was demand ed shall have ceased to exist. (25) It is hereby made the duty of every “chauffeur” and every "op erator” of a motor vthicle within the city to procure a license as such from the Secretary of State which shall be carried by the licensee at all times when operating a motor vehicle and shall be produced by him for inspec tion upon request of any peace officer of the city and failure to procure such a license or to carry the same when operating a motor vehicle up on the streets of the city shall be deemed a violation of this ordinance and shall be punished by fine or 1m- risonment as herein provided. (26) Should any pedestrain, ve- nicle or other object from any cause come in contact with a moving ve- hide i n the roads, streets or high- ways of the city. It shall he the duty of the driver of said vehicle to stop and render aid and assistance as may he required and In case of injury to nerson or damage to any vehicle. If it shall be the duty of the driver of either vehicle, or any occupant there of, to furnish the driver of the other vehicle, or to any occupant of such vehicle or witness of the accident, or In case of an injured pedestrain to such pedestrain or witness, the li cense number of his vehicle, the true name and address of the owner, the name and address of the driver and of each occupant of said vehicle, his or her true name and address, and the drivers of said vehicles, or any other parties concerned In such ac cident, shall make written notation of the time, place, date and other data, together with the names and addresses of witnesses present. Each and all of said information, however, shall not be construed or determined as fixing liability In either case of fault or negligence of either party, but shall be a means of identification of the facts and circumstances only, and either party to a collision or con sequent resulting from a mistake in The High School Mirror Vol. 1 Devoted to the Interest and Development of the Hermiston Schools No. 20 Last Wednesday was the day for the election of officers for next year’s Student Body. Doris Swayze this weel was elected president, James Hall vice-president, Lucille Sullivan sec Grade News retary, Mary Addleman treasurer. The grades have been working Orval Silvey sergeant at arms, and hard to get In condition for the Irwin Shotwell yell leader. track meet to be held here Saturday. The tryouts were held Monday. Tues The high school base ball team day and Wednesday of this week. went down to defeat for the third time last Friday against the Echo There are eight more school days high school team, the score being 6 to 3. The Echo boys proved their until the eighth grade final exami superiority in the field as well as at nations. the bat and showed the local boys their need of practice. The sixth grade won the Parent- Teachers Association banner for this The members of the senior class month. and a few of their friends, chaperon ed by Mrs. Kinney, had a beefsteak John Pace Jr. has entered the six fry last Thursday night. The pri th grade from the Portland schools. mary object of the excursion was to view the eclipse of the moon. They A mixed team of the si-th and first went to the Umatilla Butte'but seventh grade boys defeated the were interupted by a number of juni seventh grade baseball tram of the ors who entertained high hopes of Stanfield school with a score of 19 making themselves guests but were to 5. disappointed by the seniors who clev erly outwitted them and made their Harold Pace has entered the third get-away, continuing their evening’s grade. pleasure at the river above the power A number of the seventh grade plant. girls gave a party Saturday. April 23 Miss Viola Bennett has heen sub In honor of Clara Hedwall's thir stituting ns teacher in the grades teenth birthday. judgement or arising from accident shall move away from the place of its occurrence without complying with this section, and if this comply ing with this section is not done, it shall be a violation of this ordinance and punished accordingly as herein provided. (27) The drivers of all vehicles shall within twelve hours after caus ing injury to any person or damage to any vehicle, report the same to the constituted police power of the city, giving the information obtain ed as hereinbefore provided. (28) No person shall operate or drive a motor vehicle on the public streets or ways of the city unless such vehicle shall have the number plates assigned to it by the Secretary of State conspicuously displayed on the rear and front of such vehicle in plain view and so as to be easily read by the public; and it shall be unlaw ful to display more than one registra tion on the rear and front of any ve hicle or any number which does not entitle the holder thereof to operate such vehicle upon the public high ways of the State of Oregon. (29) Every motor vehicle oper ated within the city shall be provided with adequate brakes sufficient to control the vehicle at all times and a suitable and adequate bell, horn, whistle or other signaling device, and shall, during the period from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise, display at least two white lights in lamps on the front and one red light In the rear of such vehicle; provided that motor bicycles or motor motorcycles and all vehicles other than motor cars shall be required to display but one lighted lamp. (30) Any marshal or police offic er of the city shall have full power and authority within the limits of the city to arrest any person known per sonally to such officer to have vio lated any of the provisions of this or dinance and to immediately bring such offender before the City Record er and any such person so arrested shall have the right to an immediate trial ; and if the hearing cannot then be had, such accused person may be released from custody on giving his personal undertaking to appear in answer to such violation at such time and place as shall then be Indicated secured by a sum of money equal to the maxium fine for the violation charged, or in lieu thereof by leaving the vehicle being operated by such person with the officer in charge, or the accused may be forthwith releas ed from custody upon giving his name and address to the officer mak ing the arrest and depositing with such officer a sum of money equal to the maximum fine for the offense for which such arrest is made, or in lieu thereof by leaving the vehicle being operated by such person with the officer: provided, that In such case the officer making such arrest shall give a receipt in writing for such sum or for such vehicle as the case may be and notify such person to appear on that or the following day before the recorder, specifying On Saturday, April 30 the West End Track Meet will be held at Her miston. Two entries in each event are allowed. In the tryouts held last week the following were select ed: 50-yard dash, Herbert Hall, Perry Jensen: 100-yard dash. Niel Boyn- ton, Herbert Hall; 220-yard dash, Max Warriner, Perry Jensen: 440- yard run. Niel Boynton: 880-yard run. Max Warriner; 1 mile run, Hol- lis Gordon, Matthew Gordon; Shot Put. Neil Boynton, Carl Myers; Pole Vault, Leo Smith, Everet Parker; High Jump, James Hall, Richard Cor rell; Broad Jump, James Hall, Claude Haddox; Low Hurdles, Perry Jenson: Relay- 12 mile, Nell Boynton, Max Warriner, Herbert Hall, Perry Jensen. Mr. Grier of Spokane addressed the high school and upper grades last Friday morning. The theme of his address can best be summed up in the words "Keep fishing.” Only by con tinually plodding ahead can anything worth while be accomplished. Mr. Grier illustrated this by a very fit ting poem entitled "Keep Fishing.” the place and the hour. In erse ve- curity shall be deposited as In th 3 section provided to the person forth with being admitted to hail. Section 10. No tire on any motor vehicle or any other vehicle except such vehicle be actually engaged at the time in construction or repair work on the streets, shall have on the periphery of its wheels any block, stud, cleat, bead, chain or any other protuberance of Its wheels which pro- jects more than one-fourth of an Inch beyond the tread or traction surface of the tire: but this section shall not be construed as to prohibit the use < f chains of reasonable proportions on motor vehicles when repuired for safety because of snow, ice or other conditions tending to cause such ve hicle to skid, nor as to prevent the use of traction engines with cleats on the driving wheels thereof on dirt or unimproved streets. Anv person violating the provisions of this sec tion thereof shall be fined for such offense, as hereinafter provided. Section 11, No person shall throw or deposit any glass bottle, glass, nails, tacks, hoops, wire, cans or any other substances likely to injure any person, animal or vehicle upon any street of the city. Section 12. No person, except an authorized officer, marshal, consta- bel or policeman shall, without the consent ol the owner or person law fully in charge of a motor vehicle, climb upon or Into such motor ve hicle, whether the same be at rest or (Continued on page six) The Telephone in Business By far the greater portion of business today in this country is transacted by telephone. It has become the ordinary means of securing prompt and satisfactory results in the business world. Many business firms are extending the use of the tele phone to include their transactions over the entire territory they serve. Buying and selling by long distance telephone is bringing satisfactory results whenever tried. The essential thing in sales work is service to your patrons. Use of long distance lines will increase the efficiency of your ser vice and the expense will be less. For service to all points ask for Pacific Long Distance. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Co