Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1921)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. Stage Success Filmed KINGSLEY MERCANTILE COMPANY Why Are We Still Getting the Business? Why Are We Able to Offer You Elsie Ferguson’s fine Paramount Artcraft picture, "His House in Or- der,” which will be shown at the Play House Saturday, April 30th is based upon Sir Arthur Wing Pin ero’s famous stage success of the same name. It has been handsome ly picturized by Hugh Ford, tbe story is intensely appealing and the support far above the ordinary. BUTTER CREEK ITEMS SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE 25 pounds prunes for . . . $1.50 9 pounds cornmeal for . . . 40c Corn, peas and solid pack tomatoes for 15c 20 bars White Wonder soap $1.00, bar 5c 1 gallon Karo syrup, 10 pounds for . 95c Large can salmon for . .. . 10c Flour for.................................................... $2 Because we get our money every month and are selling on a close margin. KINGSLEY MERCANTILE COMPANY TWO DELIVERIES DAILY PHONE ONE-SEVEN-ONE CASH and CARRY Triangle Stock Salt Mrs. J. F. McNaught is visiting in Portland. Fred Bennion, county agent, wa: in town Tuesday. Walter Blessing and family drove to Pendleton last Thursday. 50 lb. sack Mrs. Neil Llewellyn spent Saturday and Sunday visiting at Athena. 65c Dr. F. V. Prime drove to Pendlet« one day last week on a business trip M. C. Athey went to Portland Sat urday night, returning Monday morning. STORE OPENS 9:00 A. M. MI u Hermiston Locals PHELPS cash GROCERY Phone 413 = Thomas Haddox and Henry Som merer were in Pendleton last wee! on the jury. A new shipment of adding machine paper has been received at th< Herald office. 15. cents a roll. Mrs. F. V. Prime and her sister Mrs. R. O. Smith left for Portland last Tuesday for a short visit. Echo Flour Mills Mrs. R. O. Smith of Portland, sist er of Mrs. F V. Prime has been vis iting Dr. and Mrs. Prime for a week Echo, Oregon Don’t forget Eddie Polo every Wednesday night at the Play Hous tn the thrilling serial “King of thi Circus.” MANUFACTURERS OF E R. Farley of the Oregon Moto Garage of Pendleton, was in Hermis ton Wednesday on business for hi company. High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour Gordon Shotwell made a hurried - — ------------ business trip to the Shotwell Con tracting Company's plant at Celik last Saturday night, returning home Monday morning. The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED The Oregon Hotel restaurant ha constructed a neat fence around the lawn In front of the building and . flower garden will be planted which will add to the looks of the premise considerable. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Kuhn of Chi cago, who own a large prune and al faifa ranch north of town are expect ed here to look after their property the latter part of the week. Miss Viola Bennett substituted last Monday and Tuesday tn the first and second grade for Miss Scott and Miss Graves, who were confined at their homes ill. SEASONABLE GOODS Garden Wheel Cultivators from $4.75 up Garden Hose $1.15 to $1.40 Garden Rakes 70c to$1.40 Hand Garden Cultivators from 90c up Irrigating Shovels $1.80 to $2.15 Sprinkling Cans $1.25 to $1.85 Lawn Mowers $10.85 to $18.75 Lawn Sprinklers 60 to 92.40 Hand Spray Pumps 65c to $12.00 $1.25 Fiber Brooms at 83c while small stock lasts 15 per cent discount on Linoleum, being a special offer up to and including April 15. Also a big special on Hand Wash Machines SAPPERS’ INC The House That Does Things First HARDWARE FURNITURE IMPLEMENTS Paul Mumma returned home last week after spending several days In Portland taking medical treatment He Is confined at his home In bed the treatment received in Portland did not give the desired relief. Mr nnd Mrs. F. N. Robinson, who have been visiting with Frank M and Miss May Guiwits for several months, left for their home in Min- neapolis. Minnesota. Mrs. Robin- son Is the sister of Frank and May Guiwits. Word was received here yesterday of the death of Edward ___ R. ... Lammers, who lived here from 1910 to 1913, and was employed at the Hermiston Produce & Supply Company’s store for two years. He died in Oroville. California, last Wednesday. The H. O. S. club meet at the home of Mrs. August Beisse last Thursday. Fifteen ladles enjoy 4 a delicious luncheon at 1:00 o’clock. The ladies «pent the afternoon In visiting and fancy work. The next meeting will be held at the home of Misa Gutwits. Don't forget tag day nevt Satur day for the babies of our state The Women’s Community Club are back of the movement, and ask all those who are not in town next Saturday to send in 25 ceats to help keep the orphan babies of our state. Every body ought to wear a tag next Satur- day. O. D. Teel of Echo has leased 6000 acres of government and railroad land lying north and west of West land where he will herd several hun dred head of cattle the next six weeks. Mrs. U. G. Shipley was shopping in Pendleton Thursday. E. H. Gardiner has installed a new Perfection milking machine. The machine is operated by a gas motor. He is milking 20 cows and is very much pleased with his new machine. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Attebury ac companied by Mrs. C. H. Shaw drove to Pendleton Monday and spent the day shopping. Mr. and Mrs. George Prindle who have been living at Westland the past winter have moved to Hermis- ton. Mr. Prindle is now with the -hotwell Contracting company. Mrs. Ralph Bailey from near Nolin is visiting at the home of her par ents Mr. and Mrs. IT. G. Shipley. A. D. Smith was a Hermiston vis- I tor Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Paulson attended the Stanfield high school play last Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Shaw drove Sunday to Combs Canyon near Pen- dleton to visit Mrs. Shaw's mother. Mrs. M. E. Warren. John and Charlie Ware with their Ister Miss Gladys, attended the I. 9. O. F social in Hermiston last Ionday evening. When ordering bread from your for Hermiston’s New Tome Made Bread. If you try it once, ou will always ask for "Home Made.” Pd. Adv. 33-ltc. rrocer, ask COLUMBIA NEWS NOTES SPECIAL CORRESPONDENCE The anniversary social and enter- ainment of the Odd Fellows, assist- d by the Rebekahs was well repre- ented by Columbia folks Monday ivening in Hermiston and all expres- cd themselves as enjoying the tmusements very much. Columbia nusical talent is always willing and eady to help out in case of need, ancing was indulged in for several ours after the guests had been serv- d with delightful refreshments. Some of the boys of the school, al ho not entering the contests this rear will attend the track meet to be held in Hermiston Saturday. The Board of Directors of the Co- 'umbia Basin Hay Growers’ Associa- ion met In Hermiston Wednesday ■vening of last week, the purpose of he meeting was to form Articles of Corporation for the formation of the tew organization known as the Ore- ton Cooperative Hay Growers’ As ociation. After the necessary fli ng of the articles in Salem the con- ract will be presented for ratifica- Ion at a big meeting in Pendleton, May 10th. The most important fea- ore in the contract is the marketing f hay and all farmers interested hould try to attend the meeting and earn something which will be help- till to them. Friday and Saturday May 6 and 7 re the dates upon which the baby onfrence is to be held in Hermiston inder the direction of Mrs. Edith Van Deusen, H. D. Agent, assisted y Miss Lassie Lane, Nutrition spec- alist from O. A. C. A dozen ladies vili be in attendance to assist with he work. The confrence is open to ny child between the ages of 6 nonths and 6 years. Mothers of hildren of this age should take ad vantage of this work and take their babies May 6 and 7th. Mrs. Henry Sommerer is projject ledea. Property is exchanging hands omewhat in the community. Willard Felthouse having sold his home place recently. He will build upon, and improve, another tract a short dis tance east of the home he sold and which he has Improved to some ex- ‘ent. He is already hauling mater- al for building and work will start it once on a temporary building in a trove upon the place which will be "eplaced by larger and more substan tial buildings in the fall. A 60 acre tract of undevepoled land has been purchased by a Mr Farr from near Spokane. Washington and a house is being erected on the place just west of Columbia school. When complete the gentleman will move his family to his new home. The road grading and graveling on the diagonal road is progressing rapidly, the work Is expected to he complete in 30 days and farmers will rejoice. The road when complete will be the same as Columbia High way being done under the same man ner. L. E. Frasier and family who have been living on the Jones place are moving to Hermiston where he has secured employment. Mrs. Frasier will visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. Watson for a few days before moving to town. Miss Clare Kersting and Mrs. Geo. Reddow made a trip to Pendleton Saturday of last week, returning the following day. While in the city Miss Kersting purchased a violin at the Warren Music Store. Melba Callahan who has been con fined to her home for the past few months with scarlet fever is improv ing rapidly, and will soon be out. When the boy wants a new suit send him Into Kingsley’s. Hermis- ton has been without a place to buy clothes for a long time. Kingsley’s have put In a nice, neat,up-to-the- minute stock of Men's and boy’s stuff and It may save you a trip to * Pendleton and a lot of money. I Pd. Adv. 33-lte. Be an International Farmer Buy International machines for the most successful operation of your farm, then keep them 100 per cent International as long as they last by using only Genuine I H C Repairs. Be an Inter national Farmer, and we will back you up by International Ser vice, which is prompt, dependable and permanent. \^hat an Experienced Farmer Knows Any farmer of experience can tell about how long his farm ma chinery will run before the parts that need replacement will wear out. These include, with many others, shares, shovels, guards, knives, sections, blades, teeth, etc. Order Repairs Early All these items should be listed and ordered early far in advance of the time when they will be needed. You will save time and money by ordering all the repairs at one time. This will save you money later in the season, when you may be obliged to pay for long distance telephone calls, and express or parcel post charg es on numerous small orders. When Delays are Expensive And, what may later prove much more costly than these charg es, is the time lost waiting for repairs just when the implement should be working to capacity in the field. As the International Dealer, We Maintain an Inter national Service Station for Your Convenience PROFIT BY IT Oregon Hardware & • Implement Co. Special for Week April 30 to May 6, Inclusive Choice of Ring in One Tray 500 Or the Other 7 ray for $1.00 SEE THEM IN WINDOW WM. H. OGDEN JEWELER C WATCHMAKER TO THE WEST END Hermiston, Oregon We Were Correct in Our Judgment That our friends and patrons would appreciate our endeavor to give them better and less ex pensive service. One week’s advertising has proven this beyond a doubt > • Our Repair Service is Now at Your Disposal for the Nominal Sum of $1.00 PER HOUR We are selling Gasoline at 37 cents per gallon for cash We are always at your service • Hermiston Auto Co. Windshield Glass, $5.00 and $5.50