Image provided by: Hermiston Public Library; Hermiston, OR
About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1920)
THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON. LODGE DIRECTORY Nem gear Greeting QUEEN ESTHER CHAPTER No. 101, O. E. 8.. r.meets second Tuesday evening of each mon th at.soosharp Masonic hall. Visiting members “pome i . Emma S. Johnson, W. M. Kathryn L. Garner. Sec. HERMISTON LODGE no . 138, a F a a M —meets in Masonic Hall on First and Third 1uesday evenings of each month. Visiting breth. ren welcome. C. W Kellogg. Secy. A. w. Prann. W. M. First National Bank OF HERMISTON VINEYARD LODGE NO. 206, 1. O. O. F pi meets each Monday evening in Odd Fellow, hall. Visiting members cordially invited. W. R. Longhorn. Soc. G. H. Myers. N. G. PROFESSIONAL CARDS J. A. PEED Dr. Freese makes General Auctioneering. G. A. Ri Rise- VETERINARY SURGEON regular visits to Her- ling. Stanfield, Oregon, Work House Phone 21 Hermiston, Ore. guaranteed, phone. miston. Consult him 3-tfc free and be assured of T. L. Hall Transfer—City and good eye service. 3* country hauling. Leave orders at DR. R. G. GALE Elliotts Tire Shop. Phone 192. 30tfc WANT AOS J Office— Gladys Ave. near First St. WHEN your subscription expires for Hours: Saturday Evening Post ........ 50 Office 10 to 12; 2 to 4; 7 to 8. Phone 64 Ladies Home Journal ... 2 00 Country Gentleman ........... 1.00 send your renewals to me. I only DR. FRANCIS P. ADAMS get credit for the subscriptions 1 Physician and Surgeon WANTED send in. It you send it in I get no Eyes treated, tested and Glasses Fitted credit. Leave part of the money Office over First National Bank NOTICE: All classified ads are sup home. Ed. H. Graham. 47-tfc posed to be paid in advance. Here OFFICE PHONE, 92 RESIDENCE PHQNE, 595 after, this rule will be strictly en- Used Furniture, stoves, heaters and Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 5:30 p. m. Herald Pub. Co. forced. ranges bought, sold, exchanged or Day or night calla answered promptly repaired. Correll's shop. 7-tfc FOR SALE DR. W. W. ILLSLEY Elliott’s Tire Shop. FOR SALE—15 h. p. Alamo engine; Office over First National Bank Ford delivery body. See Harry THE feeling of security is well worth Osteopathy Medicine Surgen Kelley. . 51-tfc the premium paid. How about Calls answered at all hours that Fire Insurance? See the E. Office phone 561 Residence phone 711 FOR SALE—Duroc Jersey swine. P. Dodd Agency. 11-tfc Spring and fall pigs sired by the grand champion. C. C. Mason. HERMISTON IRRIGATION 5-tfc DISTRICT Notice of Election FOR SALE OR TRADE—120 acre ranch. Would like small place Notice is hereby given that an elec close in as part payment. Inquire tion will be held at the office of the 8-tfc Hermiston Irrigation District on at jewelry store. FOR SÁLE—Royal Typewriter, No. Main St. in the City of Hermiston, 10 in first class condition $50.00 Ore. on Tuesday, January 11 th 1921 ‘ 10-tfc for the purpose of electing one direc tor to serve for three years. The FOR SALE or Exchange—>5,000.00 polls will be open from 8 a. m. until equity in two houses in Portland 5 p. m. of said day. for good irrigated land near Her- W. J. Warner miston. Geo. W. Elder Agency, 16-2tc Secretary 11-tfc Hermiston, Oregon. PUREBRED BULLS FOR SALE—20 aerea, Stanfield pro- ject, 10 acres alfalfa, all fenced Changes in the Oregon Purebred rabbit wire, buildings and well. Bull Law will be asked at the com Stock and furniture also for sale. ing legislature. The present laws Inquire this office. 42-tfc do not properly define the term "purebred bull" because by law the FOR SALE—Good farm team. A. same are not required to be register- W. Agnew. 47-tfc ed. Hence the act lacks the neces- FOR SALE—5 passenger Chrevolet sary teeth. Forest Reserve officials in good condition. C. Brockman, and other agencies are asking to Stanfield, Oregon. 13-4tc have this law strengthened when It FOR SALE or Exchange—480 acres then will be rigidly enforced. good wheat land, will take 10 to 20 acres good Hermiston property in part paymenet, balance the very best of terms. Geo. W. Elder Agency, Hermiston, Oregon. 11-tfc FORDSON TRACTOR, equipped with pulley and two bottom plow, good as new, for sale cheap. Her- miston Auto Co. 13-tfc. FOR SALE—My 20 acre ranch, two miles from Hermiston, joins Mc- Keen and Parker’s place. Half leveled, about 2 acres In alfalfa. House, other improvements It sold at once, only $1400., Terms W. L. Kimble, Pomeroy, Wash., R. D. 1. Phone 26F12. 14-tfc EMPIRE Cream Separator for sale good shape, $25.00. S. Dyer 14-tfc FOR SALE—50 second hand sewing machines in good condition, or will trade for hay, chickens, furniture, or anything else we can. handle. C. E. Henley, Pendleton, or leave word with Mrs. W. B. Beasley, Hermiston. 14-tfc. FOR SALE—Winesap Apples, $2.00 and 31.00 box. H. E. Hanby. 8-3tc FOR SALE—Piano. C. Todd. Inquire Fannie 9-tfc FRESH Cow and fresh heifer tor sale. W. T. Roberts, phone 485 16-2tc. FOR SALE—3 cows, 3 milies west o‘ 15-2tp. city. C. J. Voliva. for SALE—22 acre tract joining my high line ranch west of But ter Creek. Will sell for price of water right to make quick turn. 15-2tc J. D. Watson. MISCELLANEOUS FIVE Passenger Chevrolet to trade for Ford roadster. C. Brockman. Stanfield, Oregon. 14-3tc. LOST—Laver der colored scarf be- tween Si scel’s and depot. Finder Please "eave at this office. 16-1tp. A com" lete stock of bath tubs, toilets. Wa sh bowlee. and hot water tanks r nd fixtures. If we bavent what you want, we’ll get it. Repairing and installing. L Potman Do you have trouble starting your Ford In the morning? Install an “easy starter” and your trouble dissapears. $12.50. Hermiston Auto Co. >~“c Real Estate Fire and Automobile In- surance. C. W. La Barre. 7-tre HOTEL SEWARD m HOTEL CORNELIUS DENTISTR" Hermiston, Oregon Office, Bank Bldg. Office Phone, 93 Office Hours Residence Phone 8 a. m. to 5 p. m Dr. Dale Rothwell Optometrist and Optician Glasses ground to fit your eyes Fifteen years experience at your service American Nat. Bank Bldg. Pendleton, Oregon ----------------------------------------------------------e Get Your FRESH BREAD EVERY MORNING From Your Local Dealer PENDLETON BAKING CO. BARBERING By Skilled Journeymen Barbers SHOWER BATHS Two of the most homelike hotels in Portland, located in the heart of the shopping and theatre district. All Oregon Electric trains stop at the Sewand Hotel, the House of Cheer. Excellent dining room in connection. The Hotel Cornelius, the House of Welcome, is only two short blocks from the Seward. Our brown busses meet all trains.Rates $1.50 and up. W. C. CULBERTSON, Prop. WM. SHAAR TRANSFER LONG AND SHORT HAULS PHONE 192 Leave orders at ELLIOTTS TIRE SHOP Real Estate, Loans, Insurance, Investments Land and ' City Property : Bought, Sold, Rented, Exchang- ed and improved. HERMISTON AUTO TRUCK TRANSFER PHONE 152 Hollis Percey, Prop Herat>ton, Ore. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND APPLIANCES The Theatre Beautiful THE PLAY HOUSE lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllillllllllll Summons IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON For the County of Umatilla F. B. Swayze and W. H. Simpson as Receivers of the Western Land and Irrigation Company, Plaintiffs, vs. J. Herbert Strohm and C. E. Joslyn, Defendants. TO J. HERBERT STROHM and C. E. JOSLYN, the above named de fendants: In the name of the State of Ore.: You are hereby required' to appear and answer the complaint heretofore tiled agaiust you in the above entitl ed court and cause on or before the last day of the time prescribed in the order for publication of summons herein, to-wit, within six weeks troni the date of the first publication of this summons or within six weeks from the date of personal service up on you of a copy of the summons and complaint herein, if the same be served out of the State of Oregon; and if you fail so to appear and ans wer the plaintiffs will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the complaint herein, to-wit for a judgement against J. Herbert Strohm for the sum of Seven Hundred Ninety Dollars and Sixty-eight cents ($790.68) with interest thereon at the rate of six (6) per cent per an num from February 1st, 1917, and for the costs and disbursements of this suit, and for a decree adjudging the same to be a first lien upon the Southwest quarter' of the South west quarter of Section 19; the Southwest quarter of the South west quarter of Section 30; and the South half of the North half of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 30, all in Township 4, North of Range 28, E. W. M., together with the water right of one miners' inch for each acre of said land below the construct ed line of what is known as the "Hinkle Ditch," under and by virtue of the mortage executed and deliver ed by J. Herbert Strohm to the Hink le Ditch Company on January 28, 1908, recorded in Umatilla County, Oregon, in Book 33 of Mortages at page 569, and foreclosing said mort gage and directing the sale of said premises and property in accordance with the law and the practice of said court and barring said defendants and all persons claiming by, through or under them, or either of them sub sequent to the 28th day of January, 1908, of all right, title, and interest in or to said premises or property save the right to redeem as provided by law. This summons is published pursu ant to an order of the Honorable Gilbert W. .Phelps, Judge of said court, made and entered on the 11th day of December, 1920, directing the publication of summons herein by publishing once each week for six successive weeks in the Hermiston Herald, a weekly newspaper printed and published at Hermiston, Oregon. Date of first publication December 17th, 1920. W. S. Levens Baker, Oregon W. G. Drowley Vancouver, Wash. 14-7tc Attorneys for the Plaintiffs Special Program New Year's Eve (Look for small ad in another column) SATURDAY, JAN. 1 D. W Griffith Presents “Scarlet Days A SUPER SPECIAL PHOTOPLAY 2:30, 7 and 9 P M. 25c, 50c SPECIAL SUNDAY SHOW SUNDAY. JAN 2— Rex Beach’s “Girl From Outside “Mutt and Jeff”..-Fox News 2:30, 7 and 9 P. M. 15 35c WEDNESDAY, JAN. 5- ROBERT WARWICK in Adventure in Hearts” PARAMOUNT MAGAZINE ' said time plaintiff for want thereof will take judgement against you for the sum of $342.39 with interest thereon from the date of filing of the complaint in said action and for his costs and disbursements in this ac tion. This summons is published pursu ant to an order of the Hon. G. W. SUMMONS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON For Umatilla County O. Stangeby, Plaintiff, vs. W. M. Tutle, Defendant. To W. M. Tuttle; the above named defen tant. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: you are hereby requir ed to appear and answer or otherwise plead to the complaint filed against you in the above entitled action In said court within six weeks from the date of the first publication of this summons, and you are further notifi ed that if you fail to answer or other wise plead in this cause within the 15 35c Phelps, Judge of the above entitled Court made and entered on the 13th day of December, 1920. The first publication of this sum mons is made on the 17 th day of De- cember. 1920 In the Hermiston Herald, W. J. Warner, Attorney for Plaintiff. 14-7tc. J. D. WATSON INSURANCE Does Your Engine Consume Too Much Gas ? Something Wrong. We Can Locate It Insurance strong American companies Insuring against fire. The best Western companies. Correct rates. Experienced business attention as- surred. Loans-- Agency for Union Savings & Loan Association of Portland. Investment. Excellent rate of interest on money, protected by State deposit of securities. Loans on improved city proper ty. Can let you have money to build. Investments: If you want to buy, advise with us as to safe Investment. We know values. soils, water rights and possibilities of success. Can direct you right. We hold state license to do business and are under bond for honest dealing. Whatever we re present we will stand by. E. P. DODD The French Restaurant BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY Elegantly Furnished Rooms in Connection STRICTLY FIRST CLASS Hohbach Bros., Proprietors If you are not getting full mileage out of your car you are losing money, and your engine needs attention. Possibly the entire car needs it. Where ever there is a “drag” there is a shrinkage in mile age—and no car owner wants to admit that his Pendleton, Oregon “bus” is not up to the standard. PAINTING Kalsomining, Frescoing Interior Decorating Paper Hanging HAVE TOUR HOME FIXED UP FOR THE HOLIDAYS E.H.MACKLEY • Leave word at Mack’s Store I • We make a specialty of INCREASING MILEAGE in cars. Let us do it for you. Hermiston Auto Co