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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1920)
MOST IMPORTANT THAT GREATER USE BE MADE OF CHEAPER FEEDS SCHOOL DAYS CLEVER MADAM HEN F MADAM HEN had not been tempt ed to leave her nest that morning all would have been well with her. Madam hen knew she ought to sit on those eggs, for they were nearly ready to hatch ; but for one little run, she felt, it would not matter; she would not be gone long. But Madam Hen knew not of the When he reached the place where dangers that awaited her. For Mr. Fox had left his home that morning he had found her he let Madam Hen with the Intention of bringing back out, but he took good care to hold for his dinner a nice plump hen, and her by one leg while he tied a string to her before he let her go. Madam Hen was very plump. “If you make a sound,” he told her Mr. Fox was hiding right back of a “ off comes your head.” clump of bushes near the moist place But Madam was not thinking of where the worms were, and hardly had Madam Hen begun to scratch making any noise. She had another when, pounce ! Mr. Fox had her and plan, and if it worked off would come Mr. Fox’s head perhaps, so she led Into his bag he put her, head first. But when Mr. Fox came to a stream him quietly back of the barn to an he bad to cross he sat down to rest opening and let him look In. Sure enough, there was the nest with and then he heard something about the eggs. "Go in,” said Mr. Fox, and chickens and listened. Ordinary Wire Fencing Used to Reinforce Concrete Construction of a Silo. “What is that about flue chickens?" in she went and hopped on the nest To assist farmers and stockmen in cattle on them to clear them up com he asked. Mr. Fox saw an opening at the other feeding beef cattle economically dur pletely before severe winter and snows Madam Hen told him then of the end of Madam Hen's hiding place ing the coming winter, specialists of come. beautiful white eggs In a nest where but he thought nothing of that. All he the United States Department of Agri Protect Contents of Silo. noticed was that the place was filled culture point out the need for a lib with hay, so he held the string and The most important roughage, so eral use of roughage. The meat sit far as economical beef production is told Madam Hen he would wait right uation In the United States requires concerned. Is yet to be mentioned, and Ae CACKEYS, there until the eggs were hatched. a maximum of efficiency in feeding if that is silage. Silage is no longer a He did wait for a few minutes and AFAIED production is to be maintained in the cheap feed, but In the strictest sense then he poked In his head again to face of high costs for feed and labor, of the word there is no cheap feed. see if she were safe Mr. Fox saw Recommendations of the department Silage Is worth at the present time crawling through that other opening follow : Mr. Dog. Mr. Dog saw him and right from $10 to $13 a ton, depending upon Economy should be the keynote in local labor conditions and upon the through the place he came, pushing production, However, discretion must quality and yield of corn. Even at Madam Hen in his hurry nearly off be used so that economy will be con- these prices it makes one of the most her nest. Out he bounded, and after sistent with good gains. A ration economical cattle feeds. More cattle Mr. Fox he flew, for Mr. Fox had might be so economical as to merely can be handled on * given farm area dropped the string fastened to Madam maintain the animal, but this would where the silo furnishes the bulk of Hen’s leg and forgot all about the not be economy, when gain In weight the roughage. chickens. More feed can be was the object sought. Madam Hen had made her nest tn stored per cubic foot of space than by Greater Use of Cheaper Feeds. any other means. Cattle can be fat no one would And it and she knew Mr. Dog’s house at the very back, At the present time, when grain and tened on silage, supplemented with a her eggs would spoil. If only she had where the old boards had broken away concentrates are so expensive, it is all small amount of a highly concentrated time to hatch them she would not and a hole in the fence made another the more Important that a greater use protein feed, such as cottonseed or lin feel so badly about going with Mr. door to his bouse, so no one but Mr. be made of cheaper feeds. The cheap seed meal, and a little dry roughage, Fox. “But I have neglected my duty,” Dog knew her secret, and, feeling he er feeds are those raised on the farm such as oat straw. Stocke rs and feed she told him. “I should not have left must take good care of her, he looked the nest tills morning.” In many times during the day to see and consist primarily of roughages. ers can be wintered on silage alone. “I’ll tell you what I'll do,” he said. that all was well. Then, greater economy will depend up “If you will take me to the nest I’ll on a greater use of roughages, proper Madam Hen knew if once she could let you go. Of course I am to have my get back on the nest she was saved, ly balanced with some grain or protein pick of two of the chickens when they and her plan worked out just as she concentrate. had expected it would. It should be borne In mind that a Superior to Timothy Hay for Feeding are hatched.” Dairy Cows Because of Larger Madam Hen waited a minute and (Copyright.) balanced ration is not necessarily the Amount of Protein. most economical. A ration having a I last Night’s Dreams Mot Book _ — —What They Mean "Some approbation now and then Works wonder with our little men; And words of praise from lips held dear Have often changed * girl’s career. 010 YOU DREAM OF CLOTHES7 TUNA FISH DISHES. then she said she would agree this if Mr. Fox would take her baA to the place he found her, “for 2 nest is In some hay not far .J there,” she told him. Mr. Fox should have known that . mother would give her own lire save her children, but as he was " bachelor he knew nothing about such things, so he took up the bag ana started back. a LOTHES play an Important part This delicate turkey of the sea, In Dreamland, sartorial effects should be more appreciated. The fol having their value even in the world lowing dishes are but suggestions, as of shadows. To dream of clean, new there are any number of combina clothes means good luck ; that you tions making most delicious eating. are wearing good clothes, a long and happy life. But to dream that your Tuna In Peppers. clothing Is old and dirty Is not a fa Cut peppers In halves lengthwise; vorable sign, though to dream that remove the seeds and put peppers to your clothing Is old but yet neat and soak in very cold water. Beat four clean Is not so bad—which Is gratify- eggs slightly ; add one cupful of milk, ing in view of the present necessity two cupfuls of tuna, one cupful of of wearing our old clothes because bread crumbs, salt and pepper to of the high price of new ones. taste. Pack the mixture into the pep But be modest with regard to your pers and sprinkle buttered bread dress, even In the selection of dream- crumbs over the top. Brown In the clothing. If you have In your dream oven and eat hot. wardrobe a great quantity of clothes, more than you know what to do with, Tun* Salad. nutritive ration of 1.6 might produce 900000000000000000000000000008000 ’ According to average analyses, 100 you will suffer through your own ex Take three cupfuls of tuna, one cup the greatest dally gains on a two-year- pounds of oat hay will contain the travagance—the same law in regard to ful of diced celery, one hard-cooked old steer, yet, it might show better HOW DO YOU SAY IT? this seeming to hold good both in the egg, one green pepper shredded, one judgment and more profit to feed a following digestible nutrients; 4.5 land of dreams and the world of actu cupful of thick mayonnaise, one-half ration with a ratio of 1.8, produced by pounds of protein, 38.1 pounds of car alities. Also, If your dream-clothes cupful of French dressing, one-fourth utilization of a greater amount of bohydrates, and 1.7 pounds of fat; or Common Errors in English and are of gaudy colors there is disap of a cupful of chopped olives. If well cheaper roughages, and a lesser a total of 46.4 pounds of digestible How to Avoid Them By EDNA KENT FORBES nutrients. This hay will be superior pointment in store for you ; another made this salad is more delicious than amount of high-priced concentrates. csaceseeeeeseceeeeeeccc to timothy for feeding dairy cows be point in which the two worlds agree the most Inviting chicken salad. Sev The practice of feeding high-priced —that loudness of dress is bad form. eral hours before serving, mix the feeds, and not making a full use of cause it contains over one-third more “WHO," "WHOM,” AND “WHICH. NOSE TROUBLES Where they most decidedly disagree tuna, egg, green pepper and celery to roughages, is quite general throughout protein. This will hold particularly is with regard to the stealing of gether, adding the French dressing the corn belt. In some of the middle true where protein feeds are high ir HE relative pronouns, "who," HERE is comparatively little clothes. To steal clothes in your gradually. “whom,” and “whose" should be Just before serving add western states, very little straw is price and difficult to secure. Ordi one can do to beautify the nose used only in speaking or writing of dreams foretells great success In love the chopped olives; toss lightly, put used for feed, but practically all for narily carbohydrate feeds, such as corn — except to keep the skin absolutely and business, whereas to steal them Into a salad bowl and arrange • thick bedding. Quite often the cattle are and barley, are relatively cheaper in persons; when reference is made to price than protein feeds, such as perfect and keep it clean and healthy. animals or inanimate objects, th* outside of dreamland Is frowned upon mayonnaise over the top. allowed to run around the straw stack, This means to correct a tendency to gluten and oil meal, which are neces by the law. Danclng-tlghts are en proper usage requires the use of resulting in a waste of at least 50 sary to supplement rations of corn nose bleed, to have all adenoids re “which1 tirely out of fashion In Dreamland— and “of which.” (But, Tuna Chop Suey. per cent of the straw. Straw, as dry moved and to keep the nasal passages “whose” may be used instead of “of they indicate a temporary shortage of Take one pound of fresh pork, one roughage, forms a very prominent silage and timothy hay. in such condition that they will not Clover and alfalfa hay are superior money. which” when the use of the latter ex cupful of tuua flaked, one cupful of place in a ration for cattle, either In As a headgear, a silk cap seen In a diced celery, one cupful of chopped the fattening lot or when fed to Stock to oat hay, but mixed timothy and harbor disease germs. pression makes the phrase or sentence Disease enters through the throat awkward or harsh.) clover is practically the same in feed dream is a lucky omen. If you dream onions, one cupful of chopped peanuts, ers and feeders. and nose. Many serious affections ing value as oat hay. of putting on any sort of cap be very one can of mushrooms, one table Do not say, “Those which say 8 In some sections of Indiana oat To obtain the best quality of hay, watchful In your love affairs; if you spoonful of butter and salt and pep and wheat straw make up the entire are mistaken.” Say, “Those who say take a cap down from a nail some per to taste. Put the butter Into a dry roughage for the greater part of the oats should be cut when In the so are mistaken.” Do not say, “Ha thing concerning you which you would deep frying. Cut pork in small pieces the feeding period. In certain parts flower or when the grain is in the lias some friends which I know." Say, rather have unknown Is soon to come and cook in the frying pan with cel of Nebraska, where alfalfa is pro early mill: stage. If left until a later “He has some friends whom I know." out. If a cap Is presented to you ery and onions. Cover with one cup duced abundantly, the straw is used stage, the stems and leaves become It Is curious to note that Dr. Sam it means marriage. An old dream-hat ful of water, the mushrooms and the only for bedding. Even where alfalfa somewhat more Indigestible and are uel Johnson, the famous English predicts misfortune, but a new one liquor; simmer one hour. Add pea bay Is fed, cattle will eat more or less less palatable. Also the protein con writer of the eighteenth century, and great success in business. To lose nuts, tuua, seasoning, and cook half of good straw. If they have access to tent is somewhat less where the grain compiler of the standard dictionary of is allowed to practically reach matur your hat means vexations of a busi an hour longer. his time, was guilty of this error. In it. It is a good idea to keep some ity. ness nature. The less you dream his novel, “Rasselas," he said: “Fre straw before them. Let the cattle about trousers the better. As to Tuna In Timbale*. quently every fowl whom nature has pick it over and use what la left for shoes. If they are old and want black Cook two eggs until hard. Cream bedding. taught to dip the wing in water.” In ing, the signification is that you make three tablespoonfuls of butter and stead of “whom” he should have writ Waste No Straw. enemies by being too outspoken—cor add yolks ; when blended and smooth, ten “which.” Now is a good time to look at your Crop Can Be Grown In Nearly All rect your manners. To have your add the juice of one lemon, salt and (Copyright) Sections of Country—It Is Impor straw stack. Trim up the stack by rak shoes shined by a Dreamland boot- pepper to taste ; two cupfuls of flaked tant as Catch Crop. ----------O--------- ing down the sides and properly top black means prosperity und happiness; tuna, one-half cupful of cream and ping so as to shed the fall rains. By A Denial. new shoes, good news. two well-beaten eggs. Cook over hot Sudan grass Is being successfully Sunday School Teacher—Always tell spending a day on your straw stacks (Copyright.) water until well cooked. Fill the tim grown In nearly all parts of the Unit the truth, my boy. You’re too young --------- O--------- bale cases and cover with parmesan now you will save many a ton of ed States. It does not serve well eith straw which can be used in replacing to tell Ues. cheese. Brown In the oven. er as a "money crop" or a soil im New Scholar—Who? Me? Not If the fresh fish Is used In any of considerable expensive hay next win- prover, hence it may never find a per much. I’ve told ’em till I was so sore the above recipes, of course It must ter. In some states most of the corn is manent place in regular crop rota I couldn’t sit down. be cooked before using. These recipes “QOB." cut, shocked, and husked out by hand tions. It has, nevertheless, a very im --------- O------- - call for the canned tuna. Salmon may portant place in the farmer’s second be substituted, but it is not as desir later in the season. Why not let a line of defense as a catch crop which as the American soldier able because of its oily, flshy taste, shredder do the husking and have a can be planted to give satisfactory re entered vivid protest roughage left, the greater part of which is almost lacking In tuna. against being known as a i “Sam- which will be relished by the cattle! turns when conditions have brought my” or any of the other The shredded fodder, which is refused failure to other hay crops. home-made terms which were Sudan grass Is replacing millet as by the cattle, makes one of the very the premier catch crop in many locali coined as synonyms, the Amer- (. 1920, Western Newspaper Union.) best bedding materials. The Nose Is Liable to Infection and 0 lean sailor has always objected ----------- O---------- Corn fodder, while It is a good ties because of Its ability to produce Should be Kept In Good Condition. to “Jackia"—the name which a fair yield and a high quality of roughage. is not an economical one. has been applied to him by a There is a very large waste in hay under conditions of low rainfall. can be caught and stopped by using a number of writers whose knowl- handling, A large percentage of the Its rather short growing season, and nose and throat spray with some edge of the sea was gleaned leaves» are lost, and the corn itself Is its ability to thrive on a wide range simple disinfectant like diluted perox from an occasional glimpse of about all the cattle get from the en- of soil types. Large yields of Sudan ide, saity water, or some solution with the docks. "Jack” Is allowed tire corn plant. Run your fodder grass are obtained only on good soils, pine in iL Adenoids, by clogging the to pass unchallenged, but through a shredder, feed the ear corn but the grass fails completely only passage where air enters, induce on cold, poorly drained land. “Jackie,” being a diminutive separately, and the greater part of the month breathing with its consequent ■nd smacking of the effeminate corn plant will be utilised. Corn fod disfigurement of the mouth and stupid •nd childish, always causes the der, however, can be used advanta expression of the face. Catarrh, indi sailor to wince. Ills own name geously at the beginning of the feeding gestion, deafness, and other Ills de for himself BIG CROP OF POTATOES period In the fall or early winter. structive to beauty, follow this. which dates back to the mid- Range cattle that have never seen corn Nose bleed is an annoying affliction, die of the last century when To grow big crop of potatoes— % or grain of any kind can be put on and is due frequently to an over Perry made his Asiatic, expedi- 1. Have well-drained, fertile * feed more rapidly by starting on green Doctors fre- tion. soli. * abundance of blood. or cured corn fodder. This kind of qu tly let a little blood now and It was at this time that the 2. Prepare a deep seedbed. : cattle will begin nibbling at the leaves the < in people troubled by frequent orientals first applied the name 3. Plant seed free from dis- t and gradually get to eating the corn. nose bleed. It Is also in some cases "gobshites" to the American ease. • On the other hand, if ear corn was 4. Plant seed Improved by se." % a danger signal of trouble in the sailors, and when the Ameri placed before them It would be days lection. J heart or lungs—enough so that people can naval Asiatic station was ---------- O---------- before they would begin to eat IL troubled with irregular and irritating later established, the title per- 5. Keep seed from sprouting % Even Without Words. The use of legume hays, where until planted. • sisted to auch an extent that Jene—I’m not so crazy about Harry grown on the farm, will obviate the the sailors brought It home with use of high-priced protein concen- If the cause la lu misplacement or 7. Cultivate thoroughly. gradually spreading Lizzy—Why not? treten. Good hay, however, to high throughout the entire navy un- Jan e Because he knows so many priced and should bo fed to such a nose, a doctor can cure the trouble der the shortened form of naughty songs. C LARGE VALUE OF OAT STRAW Beauty Chats T T SUCCESS WITH SUDAN GRASS THE ROMANCE OF WORDS MILITANT suifors-al. about their-business ! (CONFESS I shya fifty-fifty chance. OF DOUBTFUL HAPPINESS ! DON7 • LT your - RUN D0N" AT Tut i Don't plant potatoes after pota- (Copyright.) tunea.—Ufa. tzed by