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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1920)
the HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, ÖREGGN. THE HERMISTON HERALD Published every Friday at Hermiston, Umatilla County, Oregon, in the heart of Eastern Oregon's great irrigated alfalfa fields. By the Herald Publishing Company. IDLE DOLLARS M. C. Athey, Editor Entered . In every community there are thousands of idle and unproductive dollars. 'Idle dollars may represent value but they hare no value to their owners nor the com munity until they are put in motion. Today there is a pleasant and profitable job for every dollar in the land. Homes are needed—homes which will make better citizens, better neighborhoods, a better town - homes which will con tribute indirectly to the welfare of every man, woman and child in this community. Loans for home-building are good investments. You can select your loan and keep in close touch with it. We shall be glad to furnish further in formation. Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co R. A. Brownson, Mar PHONE 111 We Wish AU of Our second-class mattar. December . 1906, at the postoffice at Hermiston, Oregon Subscription Rates: One Year, $2.00; Six Months, Si 00 WE HAVE. AND WE NEED The year 1921 is before us. What we of this town and com munity accomplish in the next twelve months will depend mainly upon us, upon the manner in which we grasp the opportunities that are open to us. There is no occasion for becoming alarmed over the present decline in commercial activities. The country is undergoing a period of readjust- ment, which is quite necessary and for the best, but the old ship is not going to hit the rocks, or even cruise in dangerous waters. Europe charges us being a nation of commercialista, and perhaps it is true, and to our credit. Commercial- ists, and keen on annexing the coin of the republic, and of other count ries, and are not given to asking other people to support them in idle ness. Throught the coming year wc should utilize our commercial instinct to the fullest extent. Our fertile soil is full of wealth and all that is required is to reach down and dig it out. Our factories, and our mills, and all of our varied yankee enterprises are capable of vast production of art icles that are in demand the world over. We have more money than ever before in our history, and are able to finance any undertaking. We have will power and the in itiative to accomplish that which wr undertake. We have health, and energy, and perservance, and the knowledge nec- cessary to the achievement of success In our undertakings. . And we have opportunity. But there are a few things we need and without which our successes will not be the marvels expected from us. We need enhanced confidence one in another. We need to do a full day’s work in exchange for a day’s pay. We need a more direct market from producer to consumer. We need to forego the insane de sire to get rich in a day, and learn to become satisfied with a fair and reasonable accumulation of this world’s goods. We need to follow more closely the teachings of the Golden Rule. In the year that is before us we of this community should use every ef fort to achieve even greater successes than have come to us in the years that have flown, but those successes hould be such as will rebound to the credit of mankind and to the allevia- tion of the ills of humanity. THAT RESOLUTION • Making any new resolutions this year? Some make them by the whole ale and break them as fast as they ire made. Others manage to live fairly clean ives without making them at all. But there is one resolution which would be of great benefit to every person in this community. Resolve to be a reasonably fair at tendant at church on Sundays for the next twelve months, and live up to your resolution. But if you are not In sympathy with resolutions, go to church any way. You are welcome. All are glad to see you, and you are urged to come again. You learn things with which you io not come in contact in any other place on this earth. The lessons you learn there are valuable to you in your home life, in your business affairs, and in your daily contact with mankind. It is the one door in Christendom which opens freely to all people alike. It is open to you. Will 1921 see you there? A Happy and Prosperous New Year WE WISH THE FOLKS OF HERMISTON NO TIME DURING THE YEAR IS HOME HAPPINESS AS AP PARENT AS AT “YULE TIDE” Spend your New Year in a home—any home where you are wel come - * i , . . It is the wish of this company that every family in this com munity may have a HOME of its own by Christmas Day, 1921 OUR GIFT TO ALL CUSTOMERS Complete plans of any design you may select from the’greatest ' collection in existence. 11 IF* We often find fault with people when we should extend them our sympathy instead. It’s a hard mat- ter to find brains in a head if God Almighty didn't put any there. • I 1 - Inland Empire Lumber Company The shortage of houses will not worry Mr. Harding during the next four years. He is perfectly satisfied. Echo Flour Mills Friends and Patrons R. M. Neimeyer and family arriv Mrs. Wishart. Mr. Adams expect ed tn Hermiston Monday from Miller. to be here about January 1. Oregon, and expect to spend the rest Mr. and Mrs. J. Skovbo left last of the winter Improving their ranch Friday for Portland where they win in the Columbia district. spend Christmas and New Years with Mrs. Harold Adams arrived here Mr. Skovbo's sister, and Mrs. Skovbo# Tuesday and is visiting her mother, elater, who live in the Rose city. . The Yard of Best Quality ” M. STRAW. MGR. H Exclusive Representatives of National Builders Burean HITT CONFECTIONERY STATIONERY -FOR- A Complete Line of Echo, Oregon MANUFACTURERS OF A Very Prosperous Cnrrespunuence GUNS High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread Try a Sack Stationerg AMMUNITION in . white and beautiful tints A FULL UNE A Happy New Year DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED YOD KONW GOOD BREAD WHEN YOU EAT IT “n CALIFORNIA Hermiston Produce & Supply Co. HAVE YOU TRIED OUR BREAD? P-i- w.l Calls You TO A WORLD OF INFINITE BEAUTY AND CHARM Outdoor life ideal. An endless times and sight-seeing tours. variety of Its healthful recreations, CITY BAKERY Hermiston, Oregon. -----------------------------------------------------------e- pas- thousands of miles of picturesque paved highways are the admiration and delight of motor enthusiasts, real semi-tropic winter paradise. Working Capital A The Direct and Pleasant Way to California is Via the Get Your Scissors, Knives and Tools Ground at UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM which places at the disposal of its patrons two extremely attractive and interesting routes the world famous Columbia River and Shasta Routes, or through Salt Lake City and one hundred miles of orange Health is often lost through insufficient nour ishment You will always be well nourished if you eat our groves in the Sunny Southland. Made from the Best of Flour Put your orders in early for your Christmas cakes. We make » spec laity of all kinds of cakes, cookies, pies, and all kinds of Christmas novelties in the baking line. FRUIT CAKES THAT SATISFY SHOP EARLY America9s Winter Playground Your BEST working capital is your health. News stand Cigars and Tobacco • WHY NOT GO ONE WAY AND RETURN THE OTHER A circle of rare acenes and experiences not excelled on the continent Through sleeping ear and dining ear accommodations make the trip either way comfortable and interesting. Knerr's Repair Shop First Door North of Hermiston Hotel • $.4 I asig 7 —Let eur agent tell you all about it, prepare your Itinerary, make your reservations, deliver They are rich, wholesome, pure and nourish ing. City Meat Market your tickets literature.. and supply instructive California A pleasant variation from the all rail trip to California in the ocean trip from Portland to San Francisco. Sailing, on the "Rose City er " Alaska" every SAh day. Direct connection in Portland. Let us tell you about it. " a 71 INSURANCE Protect your home, business and your property by securing a policy in a reliable company. c. H. SKINNER, UHM Arms F. C. woUCHT miuamaAT. .. . .. ■ UNION PACIFIE 5YSTE M ......... . a ' LIEE AUTOMOBILE FIRE