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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1920)
à THE HERMISTON THE II II M II 11 M It HERALD, HERMISTON, HERMISTON OREGON. HERALD Published every Friday at Hermiston, Umatilla County, Oregon, in the heart of Eastern PREPARE for WINTER PROTECTION Oregon’s great irrigated alfalfa fields, by the Herald Publishing Company- ' Entered as second-class M. C. Athey, Editor mailer. December 1906, al aniz__ the postoffice al Hermiston, Oregon PAYS Subscription Rates: One Year, $2.00; Six Months, $1.00 Make your house comfortable before cold weather sets in i 9 ? “ i ■ fore in order to keep development HOW Y0’ GOIN' TO VOTE? coming the rate of interest must be Next Tuesday is election day, good large enough to keep attract money people, and it is the duty of all good, free-born, God-fearing, patriotic A- into the state, and four per cent will merican citizens to see that he or she not make people fall over themselves votes. We are supposed to vote, so bringing their money into the state SEE THAT YOUR ROOF IS IN SHAPE that a. majority of the citizens will for Investment. 'Kill this measure. rule. If only a few vote, a few rule, Vote 315 X NO. and your Windows and Doors are Perfect and that is against the constitution The “Oleomargarine Bill” is of in- of the U. S. It is your duty, and it is terest to all farmers in the state, but not an unpleasant duty, to go to the very little has been said about it in polls and mark your cross on the bal any of the state papers. Certain We have a complete stock of lot before the name of the individual manufacturers of butter substitutes you want elected. Do your dutyren o are trying hard to kill the bill, for men and women should. Go out and it regulates the manner in which it vote Tuesday. shall be manufactured and sold. The Besides the national and state e- bill should be supported by all dairy lection, Tuesday, we have a city e- interests, as it is a protection to lection, wherln a mayor, city record them. The number is 304 X YES. “Constitutional Amendment Fix er, city treasurer and six councilmen will be elected. It is Just as import ing Term of Certain County Officers.” ant that we vote for our city as It is This measure if approved by the peo for our state and nation, for it is the ple will fix the term of office for all little cities that make the state, and county offices to four years instead all the states make the nation, and of two as at present. Do you want when all are functioning normally incompetency saddled upon you fot through their power with the ballot,, four years instead of two? That is we can rest assured that the right exactly what you will get if you ap people are going to represent us, but prove this measure. Next Tuesday if we pass the buck and let George do at the election, it is possible that we The size you want it, we are not getting our full bene may elect a lemon, If this bill car- fit of the ballot and a few rule, where ries, he will hold office for four the majority should. Don't let a few years, and the only means we have Let us know your wants dictate what the majority should or of getting rid of him is to recall him. It is anything but easy to recall a should not do. at once There are so many measures on the county official, but on the contrary, ballot for the state that it is hard for it is only a matter of competent of a country newspaper to digest them ficials being a candidate to succeed all, but there are a few that we be themselves for re-election. Two years lieve should receive ydur attention, Is enough. When we get good offic- and we are going .to make some re- als, keep them, but there is always the possibility of electing candidates marks on these few measures. R. A. Brownson, Mgr. The first measure we want to call unfit for office, and retarding, in your attention to is entitled “Anti- stead of helping the county. We are PHONE 111 Compulsory Vaccination Amend going to vote 303 X NO. There are several other measures ment.” This measure is on the bal lot by mothers and fathers of child on the ballot, but most of the others, ren who do not believe in compulsory not already mentioned, we have given vaccination. Compulsory vaccination cânt consideration, except the “State is against the principles of our coup- Market Commission Act.” We are much in favor of some such measure; We are showing the try. . The idea that if this measure car a measure that will give us a market ries, anyone with smallpox or other director, but the present bill seems contagious diseases can go into the to give the director unlimited pow this season we have ever had, at popular prices. These gar public schools and infect other child ers, and may work hardships instead ments have become so popular that almost every man who has any out of doors work find them almost indispensable. ren is the biggest piece of bunk ever f making cooperative marketing a Priced $13.50, $15.00, $17.50 and $18.00. Mackinaw vests, thought of. Let’s be reasonable. If success. The Tillamook creamery co- $10.00. • the doctor óf our community said operative movement in the Tillamook a certain child had smallpox, do you country is very much opposed to the suppose the child would be allowed bill, and in reading it over we find to go to school after this measure that, if carried, and a director is ap carries? That argument is the sil pointed by the governor, he will have from the medium priced Union Suits, fall and winter weight, liest thing we ever heard of. Yet unlimited power to transact any and $2.50 to $8.50. The following makes, a guarantee of qual the peoplesopposed to this measure ad all business of any cooperative mar ity: Coopers, Kenosha Klosed Krotch, Wright’s Spring vanee the argument that just that ket organization in the state. This Needle. thing will happen If this measure is is a little more power than we would carried. This measure prohibits like to see the director have, but it I compulsory vaccination. It prohlb- ■nay work out all right, we are mere ! its city physicians or a county health ly putting these facts before our and you can be sure to see what you want from 75 cents to I board from saying that every child readers. The last measure on the ballot,-the $3.50 (with war tax attached.) I that goes to school MUST be vacci- I nated or they must stay at home. We “Umatilla County Herd Law," is I are strongly against any such legis- much the same law we have for the Fall and Winter Styles and Samples ED. V. PRICE & CO. I lation, and the "Anti-Compulsory Umatilla project, the bill merely-ex- reasonably priced. I Vaccination Amendment” has our tends the law to cover the county. I full endorsement. Vote 312 YES. AS THE EDITOR SEES IT Fall and Winter Weights in I Several Posts of the American Legion Ten cents worth of oil will often I have endorsed this measure. The I boys were scratched enough during prevent ten dollars worth of rust. Yet I the war, they don’t want any more many excellent people fall to give are now on shelves in good range of prices, $1.50 to $3.50. this fact even a passing thought. I bugs inocculated in their veins. Take a tour over this town. I The next measure we want to call FLEISCHER’S YARNS in the new shades for Caps and You will find garden tools that I your attention to is a measure pro- Sweaters are greatly in demand. We have a fair range of have been discarded for the summer I posed by several wealthy sportsmen shades in the knitting worsted at 75c per ball, 8 to pound. standing around in corners exposed I of Portland'who want a bird refuge ■■■ ---------- " - - 1 ‘-------------- --- " ................. — « I up in Central Oregon. It is called to the weather. Lawn mowers will HOLEPROOF HOSIERY is so well established in this I “Roosevelt Bird Refuge Measure,” be resting on the grass in the morn- community we need only say our line is fairly well balanced I and takes several hundred acres of ing dew or after a rain. * Hatchets, with price range 75c to $2.50 plus war tax. I land away from the school fund in hammers, even saws, may be found I Harney county and gives it to the out of doors. Wheelbarrows, carts WOMEN’S CORSETS in staple models, $1.50 to $6.00 and I Nation for a bird refuge. The peo- vnd other articles are the same. war tax. CRIB BLANKETS, very pretty, at $2.50. At I pie of Harney county are against the Use ten cents worth of oil on them tractive patterns. I measure, not withstanding campaign and put them under cover and they I literature to the contrary. The edi- will be in prime condition for use I tor of the Herald was owner and edi- when required. But leave them to I tor of a newspaper in Harney county the mercy of rust and the elements | four years ago, and knows what he and soon they will become Junk in is talking about. He also heard this stead of tools. ' measure argued in the last session of Drive out onto the farms, and in llllllllllllllllllllllllilllllUIIUIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII the legislature, when the Eastern many cases the same conditions will = .18 Oregon representatives voted against confront you. Full Line of Ladies’ Shoes = the bill in a body, yet the Multnomah Wagons, buggies, farm' machinery, delegation was powerful enough and much of it delicate in mechanism and wielded influence enough to pass the expensive in coat, is standing out in measure and put It to a vote of the the yards or fields while sheds are Prepared Roofing Shingles Doors Windows ORDER our STORM WINDOWS Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. Best Line of Leather Vests PLEASING PROFITS Every farmer is in business for profit. He is interested in anything that will increase his profit. He knows the importance of good seed and well bred stock. He has been talking about it for years. Thought and a little investment pay big dividends in buildings as in stock and seed. When good farm buildings will pay for themselves in the saving of, grain, stock, feed and machinery in one season—surely they can be called a good investment. Practical.working plans, specifications and bills of material free to customers. Inland Empire Lumber Company Phone 331 The Yard of Best Quality H. M. STRAW. MGR. SEE HITT CONFECTIONERY STATIONERY -FOR- Suna In Underwear We can Please You Neckwear is a Hobby of Ours li Snuntain GUNS And All Popular Soft ‘Drinks —and— ‘ ICE CREAM AMMUNITION In Cones and Packages A FULL UNE News stand Cigars and Tobacco Ladies’ and Children’s Union Suits Hermiston Produce & Supply Co, Full Line of Girls' and Boys' and Small Children’s Shoes. The Oak Tan Shoe Store repairing la sufficiently prepay them back to you on abort notice. The Oak Tan Shoe Store 3 Sam Rodgers, Proprietor Hermiston, Oregon I AUTO TRUCK DRAYING Orders will receive prompt attention LEAVE ORDERS AT CITY MEAT MARKET -PHONE 131 WILLIAM BURKE BINE people* The bill should be killed ’and the land should remain in the hands of the state. It is no honor to our great Theodore Roosevelt to name a mud pond up in Central Ore gon after him. Vote 317 X NO. The “Single Tax Constitutional Amendment.” The title ought to be | enough to squelch it. Mark 307 X NO. The “Constitutional Amendment Fixing Legal Tate of Interest in Ore- gon.” The measure would regulate the legal rate of interest to four per cent per annum. Would you loan your money for four per cent In Ore- I gon when you could go to Idaho or Washington and get twice as much? Certainly not. Would this help de velop the state?' Certainly not. It would be impossible to borrow money I for improvements. No one would have money to loan in Oregon st empty. Every day the parts are becoming weaker by the rapid accumulation of rust, going to decay through thought lessness and neglect. Only a little oil and a little care. But--- If you ever see the careworn edi tor of this sheet skipping down the street like a kid with its first toy. don’t become alarmed over his mental condition. Such a phenomenon may occur some time within the next half century. We are living in yearly anticipation of a decline In the price of print paper, and hope some day to see it come sliding down through the deep blue sky. In the meantime you are getting this paper for about one-half the price we have every le gitimate right to charge. Send the Herald to your friends e , CEMENT PIPE For Irrigating and Draining Concrete Blocks For Foundations and Building Cement Brick For Chimneys MANUFACTURED BY Hermiston Cement Products Co. HERMISTON, OREGON Echo Flour Mills MANUFACTURERS of High Grade Patent Blue Stem Flour The Superior Product of Scientific Milling Makes Better Bread DEALERS IN GRAIN AND FEED