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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1920)
Tol. 1 "Capital and Industry-Keep Out!” Devoted to the interest Inter, .9 - — Schools - and Development of the Hermiston No. 3 Z H E E E E E B E E Z E E Z Z E E R H IE S II= = IH N E E B = 2 = = = p = = 3 m THE HERMISTON HERALD, HERMISTON, OREGON WOULD YOU, AS A PATRIOTIC CITIZEN OF OREGON, PLACE SUCH Everybody wishes Miss Fortunes ng stories, piaying games, and danc- would get married and settle down. ‘ng, after which dainty refreshments In whims she is a leader; A SIGN ON THE BORDERS OF THE STATE? were served. Everyone enjoyed a Mere man can seldom fathom her So how can Georgia Reader? ” The teachers report a splendid pro most delightful evening. That is exactly what you will help to do if you do nothing to prevent the passage of measure gram and a profitable time at the In stitute last week. The lectures by The Freshman class decided to I answered him the best I could No. 314 and 315 on the Nevember ballot entitled, “Constitutional Amendment Fixing Legal Rate of And was having lots of fun— prof. Klemme of the Bellingham Nor have a masquerade party Friday eve Interest in Oregon. • mal School and Prof. Brumbaugh of at Mack’s Hall. Each member of the Till he asked me in curious tone: W-what has James B. Gunn?” U. of O. were especially helpful. The class is to invite one person. The This measure proposes to limit the rate of interest in Oregon to 5 per cent. You can. by law. Institute went on record as endors boys will pay expenses and the girls He vanished then and I awoke fix rate of Interest in Oregon, but you cannot, by law. force the loaning of money in this state, when ing the program for Increased effici will furnish the refreshments. To find myself still smiling ency in teaching and adequate salar- a much higher rate can be secured elsewhere. The passage of this measure would force the with ies. The teachers also unanimously The. report cards were given out At these strange thoughts and fan drawal of the millions of foreign capital which is today loaned on factories, business and real estate tasies. endorsed Mr. Green for re-election as Tuesday morning, and the teachers So amusing and beguiling. in the state and send your local money owners outside of the state to better investments. County Superintendant and recom wish the parents to examine them ------Martha Winslow mended that the voters forget party carefully, and in case of unsatis Passage of this measure would mean foreclosure of thousands of mortgages; would result in fi affiliation when selecting a county factory grades they can confer with Grade News superintendent and vote for the best the teachers. nancial paralysis, and would mean widespread unemployment. interests of the schools. Mr. Voelker There will be a football game this a The first grade has gained and lost Pupil, Charlie Hunt has entered was elected delegate to the State Friday afternoon, Hermiston High You, on doubt, understand the viciousness of this measure, but have you talked to your neigh Teachers’ Association from the west School vs. Stanfield High School at and Lee William Larson has left for the east. bors and friends about it? We urge you to do everything you can to defeat this measure. Oregon’s end of the county with Mr. Sturgill 3:30. Admission: Adults 50c and reputation as a sound state for investments requires that this measure be overwhelmingly defeated. of Stanfield as alternate. The as children 25c. The second grade, under Miss Scott sociation meets annually during the I had a Hallowe’en party Friday after holidays. I dreamed a dream the other night. noon. Its queerness was amusing. A Francis E. Willard program was given in the High School room Thurs. And though I’ll try to tell it right, Thelma J Benner, from Portland, The dream was quite confusing. afternoon by the pupils of the schools entered the fourth grade, and Owen A short biography of Miss Willard’s Hunt from Ashwood entered the fifth life was given, also some best known I first went to a freshman ball, grade Monday. A happening quite rare. sayings. Cash Wood, County Y. M. Paid Adv, STATE TAXPAYERS LEAGUE C. A. secretary gave an address on The thing that held my interest moat, The eight grade is very glad that Was, what did Gladys Ware? the necessity of a clean living and the first six weeks tests are all com- Mrs. Mumma, Pres, of the local W. pleted. The three highest in rank C. T. U. presented the schools with a The only game these freshmen played are: ( Gwendolyn La Barre, first; Was called a guessing stunt; portrait of Miss Willard, which Mr. Elsie Parker, second; Ruth Woughter hives and figures on about 700 this honey gathered from it is unsurpass Pendleton, where she will visit Mr. year. These have been pretty well ed in uality. Voelker accepted for the schools. The A question that I could not guess, Mossie's mother, Mrs. Eva D. Mossie, third. -------------------- £__ Was, "What does Inez Hunt? scattered over the Newlands project, pupils repeated the pledge of allegi for a short time. ance and sang a number of patriotic Mrs. W. B. Beasley left Friday Mr. Calavan who is doing exten usually on dry sandy knolls that are A duel was the next event, • songs. sion work for the State Agriculture worthless for anything else. The morning for Hot Lake for a stay of a M. J. Conley and wife of Arling A spectacle quite garish. College for Oregon, visited the eight bee industry has been given consid few weeks. ton were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Pat Mooney Sunday. They were motor At a meeting of the Hermiston He seemed to fight quite skillfully, grade and organized the Sewing Club erable attention in this valley for a So why did Howard Parrish? and the Cooking Club, Miss McCoy number of years, and carloads of fine school band Tuesday noon James Hall Mrs. Eber Mossie lef Friday for ing through to Rieth. will be the leader for the Sewing honey are shipped out every season. was elected President, Herbert Hane- The scene now changed, another time Club. The bee man says that if enough line Vice-Pres, and Lawrence Wins I was eating steak for dinner. bees were provided to gather all the low Sec.-Treas. That poor cow's fate did sadden me, News is scarcer than hens tracks honey of Lahontan Valley it would Oh, why did William Skinner? because there were only two days be worth as much as the entire alf Miss Doris Swayze, a junior, was alfa crop. He may be correct, and given a suprise party Tuesday even The next course served in this repast of school last week. if so it would be some honey, for the ing by the members of her Sunday Was fish—a stunning looker. alfalfa crop the past year Is estimat Some More About Money From Honey school class, the occasion being her The thought that now did interest me In a recent number of the Record ed to have been worth about $1,000, sixteenth birthday. At ten o’clock Was, “How did Alton Hooker?” women were urged to consider the 000. • delicious refreshments of ice cream ebe industry. Read what the Neva This appears to indicate that some and cake were served. They all re Then came a test in markmanship da bee man has to say and think it one is letting a very valuable crop go ported having spent a very enjoyable Of which I now will tell. over. to waste every year. Honey on the evening. A girl would not have won the prize, Harry Warren, the bee man, has Government projects is .gathered SUCCESSOR TO J. L STORK Had Irwin Cheever Shotwell. shipped in a carload of bee equipment | largely from alfalfa, which blooms Miss Phyllis Dyer, member of the and has already placed bees in 200 almost constantly, and it is said the Sophomore Class was hostess for a Next a man appeared to me. delightful Hallowe’en party Friday And said with foolish stammer; B evening, Oct. 22. The house was "W-women never could drive nails. prettily decorated with corn stalks, So what does Bessie Hammer?” autumn leaves, witches and black cats. The evening was spent tell- 'W-woman has a willful mind, VOTE 315 X NO and urge your friends to do likewise Harman & Muelker BLACKSMITHS Horse Shoeing, Wagon Work, Truck and Jitney Bodies We Make Automobile Springs The Next President Asks You To Vote For Bob Stanfield “All who are earnestly desirous that the Republican party shall take con trol of national affairs, to the end that we may restore the health of the Republic and insure the good of the country, will wish, as I wish, that the voters of Oregon may find it to their best judgment to support Robert N. Stanfield for United States Senator.” WARREN G. HARDING. ANNOUNCEMENT. The Domestic Laundry of Pendleton The Next Vice President Wants Oregon to Send a Republican Senator: wishes to announce to the people of Hermiston and vicinity the opening of an agency with the “The success of the Republican ticket in Oregon is earnestly to be de sired. More than that, my own desire to preside over a Republican Senate leads me to hope for and recommend the election of R. N. Stanfield to represent your great state in that honorable body.” CALVIN COOLIDGE " Young Teddy” Makes the Same Request of You: HOTEL OREGON “Heartily endorse candidacy of Robert N. Stanfield for Senate. Apart from the fact that a Republican majority in the Senate is of vital impor tance just now, he is the type of man all the voters of Oregon should be proud to have represent them.” THEODORE ROOSEVELT Taft Urges that You Vote for Stanfield: “Election of Harding is assured, but he can do little unless he has a local Repubican majority in the Senate and the House. I earnestly urge all who vote for Harding to vote for Stanfield.” . • WILLIAM H TAFT Floyd F. Knerr Hughes Believes in Stanfield: Specializing in “I cordially endorse the candidacy of Robert N. Stanfield for United States Senate. In addition to Mr. Stanfield's qualifications for that office, it is of very great importance that there should be a Republican majority in the Senate to support a Republican President and make possible an ef ficient and successful administration. I sincerely trust that the people of Oregon will not fail to elect Mr. Stanfield.” CHARLES E. HUGHES Radiator repairing, . Welding, Vul canizing and Top Work. Don’t Waste Your Vote Trying to Send a Democrat to Washington to Support a Republican President All kinds of Lathe Work VOTE THE REPUBLICAN TICKET STRAIGHT! REPUBLICAN STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE First Door Noth of Her Thos. H. Tongue, Chairman Pd Adv. miston Hotel 640 Morgan Building Portland. Oregon “205