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About The Hermiston herald. (Hermiston, Or.) 19??-1984 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1920)
BANKING When contemplating a trip, see us for Travelers Checks SAFE AND CONVENIENT First National Bank OF HERMISTON AMERICAN WOMEN DOING FÜLL SHARE FOR THE COUNTRY B1GGER. BETTER PICTURES THE PLAY HOUSE Mrs. Calvin Coolidge, Wife of Republican Nominee, Praises Her Sex. JESSE L. LASKY, PRESENTS Cecil B. De Mille’s Super-Special Production Male - Female” WANT ADS. Awneuw WANTED I NOTICE: All classified ads are sup- I nosed to be paid in advance. Here- I “her this rule will be strictly en- sorced. Herald Pub. Co. I WANTED—An experienced fresno man to level land from November I i, to March 1. Have full equip- I ment and a place to live. E. P. I Dodd. 7-ltc WANTED—10 or 15 acres of seeded alfalfa land with buildings. Ad dress 586 Hermiston, Ore. 5-2tp WANTED—Clean cotton rags at the Herald office. WANTED—Second hand Handy iron wheel farm wagon truck. Cor rell's shop. 6-tfc FOR SALE FOR SALE—1 Registered Jersey heifer, 8 months old. 1 thoro- bred Poland China gilt, 6 months old. Inquire at this office. 6-tfc FOR SALE—1 Sharpless separator, 1 40 gal. churn, 1 butter worker and mold. C. W. Tilden, Hermiston, 6-2tp Phone 202. FOR SALE Cheap—Nice 4-room house, good location. J. J. Cas serly. .6-2tc FOR RENT—2o acres, 15 in alfalfa, good orchard, good buildings, or will sell 10. Easy terms. J. J. Casserly. 6-2tc FOR SALE—Green tomatoes. Hanby. H. E. 6-tfc FOR SALE—3 ranches, containing 126 acres in Columbia district, good land, priced to sell, easy terms. H. J. Stillings. 6-tfc FOR SALE—Heavy , milking Hol stein cows, will be fresh round Nov. 1st. They are good ones. Also some well bred heifers. A. P. Ayers, Boardman, Ore. 6-2tc FOR SALE—Rye straw. laday. S. R. Shel- 3-tfc FOR SALE—15 h. p. Alamo engine; Ford delivery body. See Harry Kelley.- 51-tfc Knows No Domestic Problems. If you want to sell your land or home write to us and we will call on you and make arrange ments. We make quick sales. Oregon-Washington Ranches Co. Bowman hotel bldg., Pendleton, Oregon, Box 513, Phone 542. FOR SALE—One oak dining table. T. L. Hall Transfer—City and H. E. Hanby. Leave orders at 46-tfc country hauling. Elliott’s Tire Shop. Phone 192. 30tfc FOR SALE—New Dodge cars, tour- Elliott’s Tire Shop. ing, business or roadster models. Prompt delivery. J. A. Peed, sales agent. • 4 3-tfc WHEN your subscription expires for Saturday Evening Post .... $2.50 Ladies Home Journal .......... 2.00 FOR SALE—20 acres, Stanfield pro- Country Gentleman ............... 1.00 Ject, 10 acres alfalfa, all fenced send your renewals to me. I only rabbit wire, • buildings and well. get credit for the subscriptions I Stock and furniture also for sale. send in. If you send it in I get no credit. Leave part of the money Inquire this office. 42-tfc home. Ed. H. Graham. 47-tfc For Sale or Trade—Wheat land or stock ranches for sale or trade in Oregon, Washington and Montana, will take irrigat ’d land as part payment and terms to suit on balance. We sell you a wheat ranch on small payment down and bal- ance on easy payments. egon-Washington Ranches Co. ■owman hotel bldg., Pendleton, “regon. Box 513, Phone 542. FOR SALE—Good w Agnew. farm team. A. 47-tfc POR SALE—50 second hand apple vexes In best shape. Kingsley der Co- 4-tfc Declares In an Interview That Present High Prices Can Be Reduced by Votes. FOR SALE—7 year old mare, weight By Estelline Bennett. 1100 pounds, work single or Mrs. Coolidge sat In a day coach on , double, no reasonable offer re fused. B. B. Lane, Irrigon 4-tfc a slow local train between Boston and Northampton and talked about her Used Ford cars for sale at the Her- husband, her children, the high cost of miston Auto Co. 2-tfc living and the domestic problem. The FOR SALE—Nice hanging lamp, also conductor and the brakeman stopped as they went through the car to talk wall oil lamps. W. A. Leathers. 5-tfc to her. She had made friends with them tn her frequent Journeys back FOR SALE— Duroc Jersey swine. and forth to keep in touch with her Spring and fall pigs sired by the children In school in Northampton and grand champion. C. C. Mason. her husband at his duties In the state 5-tfc capitol. She knitted diligently as she --------- 7-------- —---------------------------- FOR SALE—1918 model Ford, new talked. During -those trips she knits tires, New radiator, float-a-Ford all the winter stockings and sweaters shock absorbers. Car in good con- for her two boys—John, aged four dition. E. J. Hazen, Stanfield, teen, and Calvin, twelve. “Too many people are afraid of Phone 165 or 91. 5-tfc work," she thinks Is the fundamental FOR SALE—400 new apple boxes. reason for the high cost of living and Gent Ranch, Phone 272. 5-tfc the much discussed domestic problem. “I think the only thing the women FOR SALE—One top buggy, nearly of the country can do now,” she said, new. James Winslow. 5-3tp with the quiet conviction of one who has thought it all out, “Is to vote for FOR SALE—Work horses including the men whom they think will make the four year old colt weell broken. J. right laws and see that they are en H. Reid. 44-tfc --------------- - —*------------------------ forced. They have done all they can We have a large stock of adding ma In the home. I think the reason there chine rolls of paper. Call or write Is so much sugar on hand now is be cause people are doing without it in for a supply for your machine. their homes. FOR SALE—2 horses with harness, Women Have Oono Their Share. one wagon, 2 dozen chickens. E. “American women have done, and F. Pierson. 4-tfc still are doing, their full share. They have sacrificed and saved and substi MISCELLANEOUS tuted and made over. But that isn't enough. They’ll have to vote the high I will do children’s sewing. Mrs. C. cost of living down. “Here in New England, where It Is B. Percey. Phone 72-F2. 5-tfc a little hard for us to give up pie,” she If you want to sell -or trade your laughed at the tradition that has be ranches or city property, list them come a Joke, “we have learned to use with T. B. Buffington, 113 W. all kinds of cheaper substitutes for Webb street, Pendleton, Ore. 4-tfc butter and lard, and In my own house hold we have experimented with dif Will the party who borrowed Dr. ferent fruit combinations to find some Illsley’s army overcoat please re- thing we like and that will take the turn it. 4-tfc least sugar. Apples must be tart to make good pies, but we have found General Auctioneering. G. A. Rise- that blueberries take less sugar and ling, Stanfield, Oregon. Work the combination of apples and blue- guaranteed, phone. 3-tfc berries, half and half. Is delicious, re Strayed or Stolen—2 ponies, both quires less sweetening than apples and bays. One has white face and has more character than the blueber ries alone.” 3-tfc feet. J. K. Shotwell. For Fire Insurance see O. C. Young at Dodd’s office. 6-tfc Real Estate Fire and Automobile In surance. C. W. La Barre. 7-tfc Mrs. Dyer has’moved her stock of hand-painted china from the Jew elry store to her home east of town where she will sell, do order 7-tfc work or teach. Used Furniture, stoves, heaters and ranges bought, sold, exchanged or repaired. Correll’s shop. 7-tfc NOTICE—Anyone losing dishes at the banpuet last Saturday night, apply to Mrs. Waterman. 7-ltc NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION 4 chance to get a good buy in used Department of the Interior, U. S. cord cars at the Hermiston Auto - ■ 2-tfc "and Office at La Grande. Oregon, TOR SALE—80 acres highly im- October 9th, 1920. Notice is hereby given that Ed aroved alfalfa ranch in Columbia ward E. Shaw, of Hermiston. Ore- wriet, very reasonable price. W. -‘ithouse, phone 4072. 50-tfc son, who, on Nov. 17, 1917, made Homestead Entry, No. 018253. for "P SALE—Five passenger Ford qu. section 14, Township 5 North. . in good condition, or will Range 29 East. Willamette Merid -for cows. n. E. Hanby. 52tte ian has filed notice of intention to make three-year proof, to establish "RSALE—Winesap apples, $2.00 a cl-im to the land above described, potatoes, $1.75 a sack. N. before W. J. Warner. United States commissioner, at his office, at Her: ."Bloom, Columbia district. 7-ltp mist on. Oregon, on the 16th day of December, 1920. ___ SALE—Hay baler, one horse Claimant names as witnesses: Power, at McComas Island. For william O. Sutherland. William Particulars se* F. E. Earnheart. •n whitegett, Frank H. Donaldson. !amd "Fred E Barnhart, all of Her- “ermiston, Oregon. 7-2tp ¡mis ton. Oregon. •C. S. Dunn. 08 machine rolls of paper for . Register. 7-5U' —e at the Herald office. OREGON SATURDAY, OCT. 30 DISCUSSES HIGH LIVING COSTS Dr. Freeze makes FOR SALE—2 room house 20 regular visits to Her Can be moved easily. J. s. D miston. Consult him _________________41 -tfc free and be assured of FOR SALE—Edison Phonograph good eye service. 36 cheap. Mrs. C. M. Jensen. 51tfc HERMISTON. If our lives could begin again! If tomorrow we could wake as male and female only, in a world where wealth, laws, conventions, mor als, classes meant nothing! Who then would rule, who serve, who love? See the answer in this great Picture SPECIAL MUSIC MATINEE 2:30 CECIL B. DeMILLE Also Post Nature Scenica, “Raindrops' PRODUCER EVENING Admission Prices for This Production Only: ‘MALE and FEMALE’ ADULTS, 50c CHILDREN, 25c JI Qfaramotm fjdrtcn/l S UND-A Y , OCT. 3 1 BILLIE RHODES - "The Lamb and the Lion" Bringing Up Father Comedy, “A CLOSE SHAVE” : Evening, 7 and 9 Admission, 15c, 35c Matinee, 2:30 WEDNESDAY, NOV. 3 BILLIE BURKE -------- IN--------- “Sadie Love Oodles of laughs and the rest one big chuckle. You won’t dare miss this one. Evening, One Show Only, Briggs Comedy, Admission, ISc, 35c Fotograph Gallery” The French Restaurant BAKERY and CONFECTIONERY The domestic problem, which Is clos Elegantly Furnished Booms In Connection ing homes all over the country and In creasing the hotel population, is some STRICTLY FIRST CLASS thing of which Mrs. Coolidge thinks she has no personal, practical knowl- Hohbach Bros., Proprietors edge. She never keeps but one maid, and she never has been without one. • Pendleton, Oregon In the fifteen years of her married life she has had only two. The first one she inherited with the furnished house BROWN AND GOLD LEAVES Into which she and Mr. Coolidge moved when they were married and Umatilla High School Notes took with her when she moved, The second came when the first left to go and live with her sister. By Lotys Davis There must be a reason for their The teachers alt report a very in staying. It was suggested to Mrs. Cool- idge, and she thought possibly there I teresting, time at the Institute in were several. She thought the type of Pendleton last ■ week. A new sys- maid had something to do with It of lecturing was ued which was Her’s both have been American wo- tern i men old enough to have a sense of re very well liked. sponsibility to their work and intelli- gent enough to respond to reasonable , Mr. J. E. Callavar Boys' and Girls’ courteous treatment. ( Club field worker, who alsd repre “A good many women who keep only , sents the Oregon State Department one maid have trouble In their house holds because both mistress and maid, t of Education the Oregon Agricultural and the United States Depart but chiefly the mistress, are afraid of College ‘ work. A woman expects one maid to ment , of Agricultural, visited school do the cooking and scrubbing and ev- . Tuesday afternoon for the purpose of erything else and still be dressed up In organizing , cooking and sewing clubs black dress with white cap and apron, for the girls. Under his supervision. ready to answer the doorbell any min- were elected as follows ute. It Isn't humanly possible. I al- officers 1 ways answer my doorbell myself. 1 ‘ Cooking club, Clara Parks, presi Ada Brownell, vice-president; do It for two reasons. In the first dent; , Thompson, secretary-treas place, there Is no one else, and. In the Gladys i second, I like to greet my friends at urer. Sewing club, Gladys Nugent, the door myself." president; Lotys Davis, vice presi Have Home Orchestra. dent; Nellie Allen, secretary-treas Mrs. Coolidge is of medium height, urer. Miss Rix, school cooking in with brown hair, hazel eyes that hold structor. was elected local supervisor. a good deal of merriment and a very Mr. Callaran is concentrating atten quick sense of humor. At home she and her children have a little orches tion on the organization of clubs for tra Mrs. Coolidge plays the piano. the girls throughout the state, while John the violin, and Calvin, after con the county agents organize the boys' siderable discussion. In which be fa clubs. vored a bass drum, compromised on a Miss Irving is engaged in arrang banjo-mandolin. They play hymns and ing a program for the High School war songs usually—the hymns they learn In the Congregational church and to be given on Armistice Day. The school children are very busy Sunday School of Northampton. They avoid difficult and unfamiliar musi selling tickets for the Lyceum course because the object of the orchestra Is to be given this winter by the Ellis- entirely recreational and not educa on-White company. There are to tional. That. Is a part of Mrs. Cool be five performances in as many tdge’s educational policy—that chll months, the first of which will be on dren should work when they work and play when they play and keep the two Thursday of this week. Virta Jones, second grade pupil, separate. That was why she sent her boys to the public schools of North Is absent from school owing to a se- ■ ampton when they were five years old verely sprained ankle. • Every morning when she Is In North Mr. Pound spent Monday after- • ampton. Mrs. Coolidge takes her Bos noon visiting the primary room. J ton bag and goes to market. If the The primary pupils are greatly In- ■ neighbor next door la going Mrs. Cool Idge goes with her in the car. Other terested In making and decorating • wise abe walks. She has no-domestic their room with Hallowe’en decora-1 a _ is policy. She buys, she says, "what the tions. family need and can afford." LIBERTY BAKERY W. O. Sutherland, Prop. YOUR HOME INSTITUTION Hermiston, Oregon Eat More “Home-Made” Bread Henry Ford say. ((The war is over and war priçes must cease. " wuKe We believe Mr. Ford’s reasoning is sound and have followed his lead and reduced the price of all our tires and tubes. This is what we are going to save you. FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS every Tire and Tube we have in stock will be sold for 15 per cent UNDER THE PRESENT REGULAR LIST PRICE. This will mean a saving to you of $2.75 to $9.50 on every tire purchased, depending on the size of the tire. We carry the largest and most complete line of tires and tubes in Hermiston. We are the agents for the following: GOODRICH RACINE THERMOID UNITED STATES FIRESTONE HERM1S TON AUTO CO M F Bl